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New picard campaign



  • ·§ë· For the Many·§ë· For the Many ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    lol DB
    *Debates whether still too salty over Gunshow Picardgate*
    *and whether still too salty over beforetimes fleetie who quit when DB didn't refund her DYC*

    Another crew would be grand (any crew really, Smitten Picard isn't the best but he'd be fun!) though a second Gunshow could make it onto voyages and shuttles, and the rest of the stuff in the campaign is interesting,

    After a month of rabbling until he was exchanged for honour. I think I'll skip it on principle. In homage to departed fleet mates. LLAP Deb 🖖
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    I'm not even going to attempt to argue that Irumodic Syndrome Picard would have made a much more intriguing choice for SR, considering he represents the "age" of Picard in the show, and he remains a "white whale" of sorts for most users. But... considering the SR is free, I don't blame them for going with an older model. Plus we just had a high base science in Captive Spock, another rare SR.

    But the choice for Mirror Picard, I find myself only getting more angry about it.

    Now, assuming I did buy the premium track... To keep and have two copies, or to airlock for honor?
  • EtienneEtienne ✭✭✭
    Yeah, I was very disappointed in their choice for the next campaign … almost the 2 worst guys they could pick for most of us... I wonder if Picard's new show will be just as disappointing.

    Ahhh happy memories of Picard-gate :)
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    If they are testing popularity based on sales, they will get a skewed result. I believe most will buy it regardless because of the other benefits, but they will do it being annoyed and may buy fewer of other things.

    Edited to correct grammar. There is a difference between less and fewer.
  • Hilariously, I just opened my current gauntlet....


    All 6 are Picard.
    Admiral of the Inner Planets Alliance fleets
  • I do agree that IS Picard would have been a better choice of SR, but I’m still looking forward to Mirror Picard for the legendary.

    Unless there’s a new admiral Picard card they’re adding in the game that’s related to the new Picard show (they do call him admiral in the teaser), but I highly doubt it.
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    [GoT] Gabe wrote: »
    AviTrek wrote: »
    Maybe they also want to do some A/B testing. They've seen how sales are on a new card that most people didn't have (Leland), they've seen how sales are on a popular card that most people probably had at 1/5(Spock), now they want to see how sales do on a card a lot more people have FF. If their sales numbers tank, then this will likely be the last time we get a previous mega. But if the numbers are still good, then they've proven you wrong.


    You hit the nail right on the head with your comment.

    This is not the first time DB has done this type of testing and it definitely won't be the last. It's all about the numbers folks. Comparing this to that to see which one is more beneficial .... to them.

    All the pitchforks and torches, backlash and complaining won't change a thing if the sales numbers from the June Campaign end up being similar to the previous two. And if that happens, you can most certainly expect more of these type of cards to appear in future campaigns.

    Why would DB continue to give players newer cards in campaigns and possibly hurt future pack sales when a large percentage of he player base will continue to pay for the campaign track no matter what gold card is attached to it?

    The answer is simple .... they won't.

    For the veterans who already have Mirror Picard FF and are considering purchasing June's campaign, keep in mind that those campaign "goodies" that have people so smitten may end up coming at a greater cost than $10; mark my words.

    Had to give you a thumbs up just cause you used Jensen as the gif if nothing else;) and I agree with you DB has only cared about the numbers they prove that time and again;)
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Here's another post to add to the complaint pile.

    Mirror Picard is probably fairly common amongst players since he's been around awhile and he was in a Mega.
    Admiral Picard was recently featured in an event and is a less than ideal choice because of that. Irumodic Picard would've been nice but I don't really expect to get much value from the standard track since I have immortalized most of the game's 4*'s.

    I'll pass on the premium campaign this time. Mirror Picard is a decent crew to have a duplicate but I'd rather not have any dupes if I can help it.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    What a joke. Any mega crew pick is a TERRIBLE choice for a campaign reward. Add in Picard-gate, and it makes this all even dumber. Mirror Picard is THE WORST POSSIBLE crew choice for this, not counting Leland and Captain Spock. I would be willing to bet real money that mirror Picard is the single highest owned fully fused 5* in the game. Does anyone disagree with that claim? Please, PLEASE dispute it.

    Without seeing DB's analytics, there's no way to validate a claim one way or another. It's just baseless speculation.

    Tell me wise one, in YOUR OPINION which crew card is likely to be highest owned fully fused 5* in game?

    If my choice for most owned immortalized 5* is either Gunshow Pico or the field, I'll take the field. Just in the year+ I've been playing I've seen quit a few "seasoned" players walk away from the game, and be replaced with many new faces. So according to their database perhaps a lot of accounts technically own Gunshow Pico, if the question is to be interpreted as which 5* has been immortalized by the most current players, I would hazard a guess that it is probably one of the more recent mega event crew, or Captain Spock. Not trying to pick a fight, just answering your question.


    Just to double down on my original point, for those not at all interested in even one copy of Gunshow Pico, in addition to the 5* citation and ALL the other valuable goodies the premium track has, substitute the 4 copies of the legend with 2,200 honor. How valuable is that? I do not have a quantifiable answer, but I strongly suspect that value to be > zero dollars. So while I understand the disappointment, it doesn't really make sense to me to argue that the premium track for this campaign is not worth the $10 asking price. It may be less valuable than the previous two campaign premium tracks, but still well, well worth the price of admission.

    Keep in mind I realize that for a lot of you, doing the dailies is a chore you would rather not do and you feel that these campaigns are forcing you to do something you do not enjoy, and I understand that that resentment is undoubtedly on some level built into this outrage of Gunshow Pico, as right now it doesn't feel palatable at all to endure another month of game play just for a 5* citation and other assorted items; if it helps you understand my position, I am one of those weirdos who does the dailies every day no matter what, and I will publicly acknowledge my bias in this area as it is absolutely helping me see the tremendous value in the premium track regardless of the rewards, I just think we should be honest about this on both sides.

    In closing, consider this possibility: the beta campaign and the first two actual campaigns have been immensely popular, and I have no doubt the player response and corresponding uptick in monthly revenue has been staggering, so is it possible that the selection of cards for this third campaign were on some level intentionally bleak to test out just how strong the campaign support would be in a worst case scenario? I am not saying that is what happened, but I do think it is possible that this may have influenced the decision to a degree.

    A group in my fleet discussed this. One player said, "this could easily be DB making an honest, out of touch mistake." So many possible reasons. And someone famously said something about the simplest explanation often being the correct one.

    But here's a fun little conspiracy theory... What if they are trying to get rid of some older players to create room at the top for fresh wallet warriors?
    Farewell 🖖
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    While I'm disappointed the 5* is the only Picard I, and I suspect many others, have immortalized already I'm no more disappointed had it been on of the other 5's I have immortal. It was bound to happen at some point and I know some had the same thing happen with the current campaign. Would definitely preferred a different Picard, but c'est la vie.

    The only thing to do now is decide on if I want to purchase the premium track (the rest of the rewards are worth $10) and if so whether duping Peccard is something I want to do (he's still top 15 for voyages and a Picard which means plenty of events) which is probably a yes.
  • Devaluing packs is devaluing your customer base, pure and simple. They are giving you less for the same price (and sometimes more, for the few times they "mistakenly" up charged something).

    Make no doubt about it, DB has no interest in keeping you as a customer. They are lulling you into buying the same thing you bought before, hoping that you don't notice that they devalued it.

    It's downright deceitful.

    Honestly, I thought it's been a while since we ranted and pitchforked, and thought maybe DB had actually turned the corner.

    But nope, they never changed. They never learned their lesson. They continue to slap customers in the face and still expect to get paid.
  • KaiteeKaitee ✭✭✭✭✭
    Odd choice. I may sit out the premium campaign this time round - yes there's still all the other rewards, but I dunno... those same rewards will still be there next month, and it's not like missing a month will set me behind schedule on how many citations I need or anything, I'm never going to 'catch up' with the game to where I've done everything to do, so what's it matter if I'm 413 months away from having enough citations for everyone instead of 412?

    Then again who else do you pick if you need a Picard? Ent-E Picard seems kind of stale (I mean he's fine, but he's been around a long time and are his stats even much good these days?) and just personally if I was promo'ing a Picard series I wouldn't necessarily go to one of the joke characters like Mambo or Smitten, or something obscure like Musketeer or Romu-Luc. Evil Picard is pretty striking, got to give him that.
  • <TGE> Darxide<TGE> Darxide ✭✭✭✭
    you guys already gave away a free 1/5 mirror picard and had him as a mega, now this? Probably hold back the $10 this month

    Absolutely. There are plenty of other legendary Picards they could have gone with instead of the one that the vast majority of the player base already has maxed. His skill set doesn't really warrant a second copy even if the numbers are high.
  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    What a joke. Any mega crew pick is a TERRIBLE choice for a campaign reward. Add in Picard-gate, and it makes this all even dumber. Mirror Picard is THE WORST POSSIBLE crew choice for this, not counting Leland and Captain Spock. I would be willing to bet real money that mirror Picard is the single highest owned fully fused 5* in the game. Does anyone disagree with that claim? Please, PLEASE dispute it.

    Without seeing DB's analytics, there's no way to validate a claim one way or another. It's just baseless speculation.

    To be fair, as the only gold that you could get 4/5 from minimal event participation and a 5th sent in the mail to everyone, It likely is the most owned 5* since even VIP0 folks who played then would have him.

  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Devaluing packs is devaluing your customer base, pure and simple. They are giving you less for the same price (and sometimes more, for the few times they "mistakenly" up charged something).

    Make no doubt about it, DB has no interest in keeping you as a customer. They are lulling you into buying the same thing you bought before, hoping that you don't notice that they devalued it.

    It's downright deceitful.

    Honestly, I thought it's been a while since we ranted and pitchforked, and thought maybe DB had actually turned the corner.

    But nope, they never changed. They never learned their lesson. They continue to slap customers in the face and still expect to get paid.

  • mejoyhmejoyh ✭✭✭✭
    It is alittle disappointing that its mirror picard. Hes my favourite character but there are so many choices of 5* for him its odd that they would pick the one version of him that most players would have already.

    By no means is he a bad card. I think hes probably one of the best Picard cards available and I would happily go for a 2nd one but I would like liked some variety. Similar for admiral picard, hes been in an event recently. Irumodic Syndrome picard would have gotten my vote over this.

    Irumodic Syndrome Picard and Mambo Picard would have been my votes :p
  • [DC] Picard Loves Reds[DC] Picard Loves Reds ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    I was around for PicardGate and yes I would prefer a different 5* Picard. That being said, I would normally spend the $10 on this campaign because I'm okay with a second copy of MJPL, and the rest of the rewards are worth it. My only hesitation is the fact that I am moving my family across the country this month, so I don't know how far behind I will fall. If I can get enough dailies in, I'll spend the dil and the $10, but if not, then I'll pass this time and pick up the next one.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yes campaign is being devalued. It started with a pack only legendary. Then it was an event legendary that few had or had more of than 1/5. Now it is a mega event recurring legendary to which almost everyone playing at that time got to 5/5. Is next month just two super rares? I am skipping this Picard campaign unless the Picard legendary is switched to something else. Or why doesn't DB just make up a new Picard legendary? They create two new legendaries every week. So one week just create a third and put him in the campaign.
    Let’s fly!
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