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New picard campaign



  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    Hilariously, I just opened my current gauntlet....


    All 6 are Picard.

    It's @Travis S McClain !!!

    As for Mirror Picard...not likley to open my wallet for him but hopefully some people will. An eyebrow raising choice for those of us who were around for Mirror Mega or even aware of one of DBs biggest compensation screw-ups. But for those who don't have him but wanted him, congratulations!
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think the thread shows the heavy skew of the forums to longtime players if anything. The idea that "everyone" or even "most" players have Mirror Picard is just wrong and neglects how many new players there are since his event. Maybe everyone who routinely places in the top 1000 has him, but there are thousands of others who don't. I know a bunch of people in my fleet who will be opening their wallets for the first time for this campaign because they are so excited about Mirror Picard. I suspect much is true among the "newer" players. "Newer" being a relative term anyway, since I've been playing just over a year but don't have him myself. Mirror Picard is a good call DB.

    I too, think they could have done better on the super rare than Admiral since we just had an event featuring him, but then that level of stuff are all freebies anyway, so really, who can complain?
    To get Mirror Picard or any mega event recurring legendary all that is needed is 25k which most players should be able to do in any event. It is true that newer players who were not around then do not have him but why should it be a choice between new and old players or big and small players? DB should choose someone that very few have not one that many have. Pick another that benefits everyone.
    Let’s fly!
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hilariously, I just opened my current gauntlet....


    All 6 are Picard.

    It's @Travis S McClain !!!

    It's me !!!
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    I run a free2play account on Facebook. Well, I spent money in there a couple of times. In any case, guess who the ONLY immortalized legendary in that 2 year old account is?

    Mirror Jean Luc Gunshow MotherTerran Picard.

    I bet that's true for a LOT of the F2P players who have been around a while.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I run a free2play account on Facebook. Well, I spent money in there a couple of times. In any case, guess who the ONLY immortalized legendary in that 2 year old account is?

    Mirror Jean Luc Gunshow MotherTerran Picard.

    I bet that's true for a LOT of the F2P players who have been around a while.

    Simple as this, if we cannot choose which legendary we get then we need a legendary that almost everyone needs or wants. Mirror Picard does not fit.
    Let’s fly!
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Is a guaranteed 5* citation worth $10? What about if it ALSO comes with lots of Honor, dilithium, chronitons, premium portal pulls, and 5* replicator rations?

    If you have $10 you are willing to spend on the game, where else would you spend it if NOT here, even if you already have Gunshow Pico immortalized?!

    I am with you.
    This is like the Tuesday $9.99 offer with your choice of who you want to fuse up.
  • ProontProont ✭✭✭✭✭
    I only have a 2/5 Mirror Picard so this is a good opportunity for me to get the last 3 stars. Admiral Picard I have frozen. Not really looking forward to more Mirror Picards in the Gauntlet.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    I tapped this thread title 5 times and now do not have any notifications. If only I could do the same with the Galaxy Map. 🖖🏻
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    Chiming in to let you know that I do appreciate all the feedback provided in this thread and so does the team.

    I want to reiterate something though: the crew featured in campaigns will not always appeal to everyone. There will be hits, there will be misses. That being said we will iterate on our crew selection process.


    I appreciate your comment and the idea that our feedback is being taken into consideration. With that said, you asserted "the crew featured will not always appeal to everyone.". My attempt to logically respond to this is...If a crew is one of, if not THE MOST widely owned FE 5* crew in game, and DB has ownership statistics, why would they knowingly and DELIBERATELY pick a card that will appeal to the smallest population possible?

    please stop saying that. His mega happened 20 months ago. ANY player starting after that very likely does not have him FF. they also need to consider newer players and balance, and he is certainly a crowd pleaser generally popular card.

    But DB could have made someone everyone wanted. They chose someone half the people have immortalized already. I think DB should definitely find a way for others who do not have him to get him but it should not come at the cost of those that already do.
    Let’s fly!
  • I do understand feeling disappointed, but I don't get the "It's a slap in the face!" reaction. As @[7TW] UnkieB noted, is this appreciably any different from if it had been any other 5/5 you already had? The only thing different is knowing that the entire player base active at the time had the same chance to get him when you did, so are we just being angry on behalf of others being disappointed?

    Having said that, I am personally rather disappointed by both selections and I concur with @[TFA] CaptainObvious that if the argument in favor of selecting Mirror Jean-Luc Picard was to benefit new players, they could have just as easily benefited from any of the other, less-circulated 5* Picards. If the idea was to just tap into general love for Picard, I honestly think this was Smitten Jean-Luc Picard's time to shine. He's existed as a meme for the last 17 years, after all, and that may well be how an entire generation was first exposed to him. I imagine they'd get a bigger kick out of getting WTF Picard than they would Gun Show Picard. (I may or may not have a 1/5 of him that I hope to immortalize.)
    THIS! Watching Sir Patrick Stewart perform Shakespeare is my favorite moment in all of TNG!
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    If this is just piling on #PicardGate2.0, can I trade my 4 duplicate copies for 200k honor?!?

    A seriously terrible decision.

    Mirror Picard is a slap in the face for players that were around for that mega and had to deal with #PicardGate.

    Admiral Picard was featured crew in an event just 4 weeks ago.

    I understand that newer players likely don't have Mirror Picard (FF or at all), but there are so many other 5* Picard options that would have had broader appeal to newer and older players, without rehashing #PicardGate.

    The 4* Picard option also would have been much better if it was Irumodic Syndrome Picard, since I think it's safe to assume that way more players - newer and older - need more copies of him than Admiral Picard.

    Kudos for a Picard-themed campaign, but a disrespectful failure on the specific crew selection.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Navarch wrote: »
    Shan wrote: »
    Chiming in to let you know that I do appreciate all the feedback provided in this thread and so does the team.

    I want to reiterate something though: the crew featured in campaigns will not always appeal to everyone. There will be hits, there will be misses. That being said we will iterate on our crew selection process.


    I appreciate your comment and the idea that our feedback is being taken into consideration. With that said, you asserted "the crew featured will not always appeal to everyone.". My attempt to logically respond to this is...If a crew is one of, if not THE MOST widely owned FE 5* crew in game, and DB has ownership statistics, why would they knowingly and DELIBERATELY pick a card that will appeal to the smallest population possible?

    please stop saying that. His mega happened 20 months ago. ANY player starting after that very likely does not have him FF. they also need to consider newer players and balance, and he is certainly a crowd pleaser generally popular card.

    But DB could have made someone everyone wanted. They chose someone half the people have immortalized already. I think DB should definitely find a way for others who do not have him to get him but it should not come at the cost of those that already do.

    Actually, they couldn’t. Every player is at different stages of the game and have different crew requirements. The Mirror Picard choice is interesting (I’d rather see DB offer 1/5 crew from multiple megaevents), but at least he’s useful. I plan to have 2 of him, since it should payoff during the Picard mega.

    Admiral Picard is the headscratcher to me. He’s pretty much useless.
    Yeah it would have been hard to find two other Picards besides Admiral Picard and Mirror Jean-Luc Picard.

    Let’s fly!
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    Navarch wrote: »
    Shan wrote: »
    Chiming in to let you know that I do appreciate all the feedback provided in this thread and so does the team.

    I want to reiterate something though: the crew featured in campaigns will not always appeal to everyone. There will be hits, there will be misses. That being said we will iterate on our crew selection process.


    I appreciate your comment and the idea that our feedback is being taken into consideration. With that said, you asserted "the crew featured will not always appeal to everyone.". My attempt to logically respond to this is...If a crew is one of, if not THE MOST widely owned FE 5* crew in game, and DB has ownership statistics, why would they knowingly and DELIBERATELY pick a card that will appeal to the smallest population possible?

    please stop saying that. His mega happened 20 months ago. ANY player starting after that very likely does not have him FF. they also need to consider newer players and balance, and he is certainly a crowd pleaser generally popular card.

    But DB could have made someone everyone wanted. They chose someone half the people have immortalized already. I think DB should definitely find a way for others who do not have him to get him but it should not come at the cost of those that already do.

    Actually, they couldn’t. Every player is at different stages of the game and have different crew requirements. The Mirror Picard choice is interesting (I’d rather see DB offer 1/5 crew from multiple megaevents), but at least he’s useful. I plan to have 2 of him, since it should payoff during the Picard mega.

    Admiral Picard is the headscratcher to me. He’s pretty much useless.

    Actually they could, Cause like I have suggested previously, they could create a new crew addition, instead of using repeats, since this is a cash cow for them, make them work for it a bit ;p and then it would definitely not be a card anyone has ;p
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    DB can pick whatever crew they like as rewards for campaigns.

    I can always choose not to buy the premium track. I probably won’t on this occasion.

    Thanks for saving me £9.99 :)
  • I’m fine with the gold being Gun Show Picard, though definitely disappointed when they had so many other options that aren’t nearly as ubiquitous, but again, I’m fine with that. I won’t buy the campaign this time because I’ve already got him immortalized but the real stinger and ultimately what decided it for me was Admiral Picard. I think a good number of the purple Picards are pretty much everywhere already and the Admiral, who by the way isn’t even a real Picard technically, is one of those purples.

    As was suggested by others, Irrumodic Syndrome Picard would have been a much better super rare choice. After all, I’ve never even seen one copy of IS Picard yet I’ve airlocked literally dozens upon dozens of Admirals. Alas, it isn’t to be so I’ll skip this time around and hope next month is better.
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
  • Selene 7Selene 7 ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    At a guess, long-time players are overrepresented here on the forums. I wonder how long most players even stick with the game? Ah, how I'd love to have DBs data to dig in to!

    For myself, I'm going to pass on this campaign. I'll probably get a monthly card instead, which I've been skipping lately in favor of the campaigns.
  • Madman1Madman1 ✭✭✭
    Well I'm one of the new people who only have MJLP 1/5 so I'll be buying the campaign. He was going to be my next honour project anyway.

    However, it does throw my current strategy into chaos as I assumed the mega characters were going to be highly unlikely as campaign crew same as the gauntlet only crew. It does make more sense to me to go for crew that are rarer and therefore appeal to a broader group of people. In the end I don't mind opting out on the odd campaign where I actually have the crew.
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    Having calmed down a bit I'll probably still buy into this but keep him at 4/5 for now however space is again been a bit of an issue but that's mainly because I am planning for the next rerun and trying to save a few merits here and there.

    If a certain rerun does come up soon after the mega I'll be quite glad to have a second Mirror Picard, he's also still my second best voyager overall, so having a second copy isn't so bad.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    Webberoni wrote: »
    If this is just piling on #PicardGate2.0, can I trade my 4 duplicate copies for 200k honor?!?

    A seriously terrible decision.

    Mirror Picard is a slap in the face for players that were around for that mega and had to deal with #PicardGate.

    Admiral Picard was featured crew in an event just 4 weeks ago.

    I understand that newer players likely don't have Mirror Picard (FF or at all), but there are so many other 5* Picard options that would have had broader appeal to newer and older players, without rehashing #PicardGate.

    The 4* Picard option also would have been much better if it was Irumodic Syndrome Picard, since I think it's safe to assume that way more players - newer and older - need more copies of him than Admiral Picard.

    Kudos for a Picard-themed campaign, but a disrespectful failure on the specific crew selection.
    Good points, Admiral Picard recently featured in an event - I have him FF and a dupe copy so I can probably safely airlock any more copies (unless they make a picard easter egg like slug-way).

    Im not going to sharpen my pitchfork as its quite easy for me to not buy the campaign,. Its just a bewildering choice given that most longer term players wont need him. New players might want him for the Gauntlet but Captain Spock is a much cooler card.

    DB: Do Better
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I run a free2play account on Facebook. Well, I spent money in there a couple of times. In any case, guess who the ONLY immortalized legendary in that 2 year old account is?

    Mirror Jean Luc Gunshow MotherTerran Picard.

    I bet that's true for a LOT of the F2P players who have been around a while.

    DB wasn't going to get money from F2P players anyway - whether they've played 2 years or not.

    I think you deserve a second "Awesome" for that epic GOTCHA! I am sorry I am unable to do so, so instead please accept an additional unit of respect :)

    I gotcha Bylo!
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I run a free2play account on Facebook. Well, I spent money in there a couple of times. In any case, guess who the ONLY immortalized legendary in that 2 year old account is?

    Mirror Jean Luc Gunshow MotherTerran Picard.

    I bet that's true for a LOT of the F2P players who have been around a while.

    DB wasn't going to get money from F2P players anyway - whether they've played 2 years or not.

    I think you deserve a second "Awesome" for that epic GOTCHA! I am sorry I am unable to do so, so instead please accept an additional unit of respect :)

    Thanks. There's a lot of great points here. That just wasn't one of them. This is clearly a deeply passionate topic for many players. But allowing that emotion to be the sole driver of forum posts is simply not logical. 🖖
    Farewell 🖖
  • I will still get the premium, despite Mirror Picard being the first 5* I immortalised. The additional stuff is still worth the price IMO.

    However, I am a bit disappointed that such a common 5* is on the track in only the third campaign DB have done. A year or two down the line sure, but now..?
    Colored Tribbles Fleet recruiting now - lvl 30 and above are welcome!
  • Zombie Squirrel Zombie Squirrel ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    2 out of my 4 toons don t have em or not 5/5, so this is a great chance for newer players to catch up. And honestly he isn t too bad for voyages plus main crew with a lot of re run bonus event value. :)

    Even on my main, i will buy the campaign, since hes worth a dupe and even if not, the legendary citation alone is worth the 10 bucks, plus the other stuff along the premium tier.

    Some players seem to forget, that this game still gets new players every day, its not all about us veteran players. ;)

    Admiral Picard kinda...well...but he‘s free SO WHAT?
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
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