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New picard campaign



  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    I run a free2play account on Facebook. Well, I spent money in there a couple of times. In any case, guess who the ONLY immortalized legendary in that 2 year old account is?

    Mirror Jean Luc Gunshow MotherTerran Picard.

    I bet that's true for a LOT of the F2P players who have been around a while.

    DB wasn't going to get money from F2P players anyway - whether they've played 2 years or not.

    The point of campaigns I believe from DB's point of view are to try to get F2P and casual small spenders to start spending money or to spend more money. It is to tempt them into paying $10 a month to get a 5/5 legendary or a 4/5 legendary and a citation along with the other stuff. To get people who do not usually spend or do not spend much to start plunking down $10 a month. Picking two crew that many people already have works against that plan. I am a casual small spender. I had been buying the campaigns. DB was getting $10 extra from me each month. They will not be getting that $10 this month from me. They would have gotten $10 from me if it was another Picard legendary. Simple as that.

    I agree that it was a bad move. But pointing at F2P was the wrong way to make the point. I (with you) hope that revenue falls this month so they never do a mega legendary in campaign ever again.

    But you know who should be outraged? F2P players. Admiral Picard was in an event recently and doesn't have great stats. The premium track can be boycotted. F2P are stuck with a lousy campaign.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    I had a chuckle to myself earlier...if I had just kept that sixth Mirror Picard rather than asking for a refund, I could have two immortal Mirror Picards a month from now. That wouldn’t be the worst thing I can think of for voyages and might have been worth $10 all on its own.

    It’s hard to plan ahead, though, and that’s why I believe that having strong 5* crew offered in Campaigns won’t have an effect on pack sales. DB knows (or should know) what they’re doing weeks or months in advance but we don’t and shouldn’t expect any such foreknowledge...to look at an event and say “I’m not going to try for a top rank because I bet that card will be in a campaign in a few months” would be incredibly foolish.

    Do I think a top-10 or top-20 voyager will ever be in a campaign? Probably not. But I wouldn’t entirely rule it out either if they want to have a temporary boost in sales...
    ByloBand wrote: »
    If I may, if this is going to turn into a full-blown "thing", I'd like to propose that this be referred to as Picardturnstile, just to make it clear to people when discussing it later so they won't be confused with any other scandals involving Picard-related fence openings.

    PicardGate 2: Electric Boogaloo
    PicardGate 2: Picard Harder
    PicardGate 2: The Wrath of Whales

    I am sure I could come up with others.

    "PicardGate 2: Electric Boogaloo" has my vote. I genuinely giggled at that, @Dirk Gunderson.

    Though here's an unpopular opinion: I thought #PicardGate was overblown. Yes, I agree that players expressing their disappointment on the forum was key to getting DB to make that exchange. No, I don't agree that the hyperbole in those threads was necessary to accomplish that. No, I did not win a Mirror Inquisitor Troi during the affected event. Yes, I cited Mirror Jean-Luc Picard during the first week and therefore had no use for a 6th star on him after the Mega ended.

    The fit so many forum members threw over the changed schedule that prompted the compensatory Picard was also overblown. I argued at the time that those players who didn't get to play much because they were busy seeing loved ones for Christmas that weekend but were incensed about the changed schedule keeping them from devoting more time to this game had some skewed priorities worth reconsidering. I stand by that.

    The format breakdown for that Mega was:

    Week 1 Galaxy
    Week 2 Faction
    Week 3 Faction/Expedition (this was the week that caused the controversy)
    Week 4 Faction/Galaxy

    With all those shuttles to run, having an extra star on him gave me (and anyone else) a distinct advantage over those who didn't cite him. I do sympathize with those who paid $25 real dollars to double their star rather than those of us who cashed in Honor, but they also enjoyed that advantage throughout the Mega-an advantage they felt was worth the $25 in the first place. It was clumsily handled, yes, but ultimately just another Christmas gift I didn't want and exchanged.
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am on the fence with this one. I am leaning toward sitting out like @Banjo1012 , as the top rewards are genuinely "meh", but the extras that come with it, such as several 10x portal pulls (lots of honor that way) and the cites pushes it towards "maybe" worth it.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    I run a free2play account on Facebook. Well, I spent money in there a couple of times. In any case, guess who the ONLY immortalized legendary in that 2 year old account is?

    Mirror Jean Luc Gunshow MotherTerran Picard.

    I bet that's true for a LOT of the F2P players who have been around a while.

    DB wasn't going to get money from F2P players anyway - whether they've played 2 years or not.

    The point of campaigns I believe from DB's point of view are to try to get F2P and casual small spenders to start spending money or to spend more money. It is to tempt them into paying $10 a month to get a 5/5 legendary or a 4/5 legendary and a citation along with the other stuff. To get people who do not usually spend or do not spend much to start plunking down $10 a month. Picking two crew that many people already have works against that plan. I am a casual small spender. I had been buying the campaigns. DB was getting $10 extra from me each month. They will not be getting that $10 this month from me. They would have gotten $10 from me if it was another Picard legendary. Simple as that.

    I agree that it was a bad move. But pointing at F2P was the wrong way to make the point. I (with you) hope that revenue falls this month so they never do a mega legendary in campaign ever again.

    But you know who should be outraged? F2P players. Admiral Picard was in an event recently and doesn't have great stats. The premium track can be boycotted. F2P are stuck with a lousy campaign.

    I think most of the people making that point were saying that Mirror Picard was so common even F2P have him 5/5 to illustrate how saturated the market was with Mirror Picard not to suggest that all the F2P would not now buy the campaign. For example, "Man, when Frisbees came out everyone had them. Even people that didn't buy them had five on their roof."
    Let’s fly!
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am on the fence with this one. I am leaning toward sitting out like @Banjo1012 , as the top rewards are genuinely "meh", but the extras that come with it, such as several 10x portal pulls (lots of honor that way) and the cites pushes it towards "maybe" worth it.

    I agree that the rewards are worth it, but being relaxed and not feeling like finishing dailies every single day for at least three weeks is why I’ll sit out. That day to day dedication burns me out

  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Seems some ppl just have become too greedy.

    First campaign leg was Leland, which was already available in regular time portal as well. 2nd campaign we got lucky with Captain Spock who isn t, yet.

    Now we get another main cast and really useful card(voyages) for most players, even a dupe still might be helpful for many rosters.
    Its not like DB put Shinzon as 5*. ;)

    If you don t wanna do the premium tier because you think 99% of all players already have Mirror Picard 5/5(which just isn t true), fine.

    Its okay to be dissapointed about Admiral Picard as well, but the free campaign still offers a lot of great loot and a free 4* citation at the end of campaign, for just doing what many players did anyway even before campaigns, to finish all dailies for the 200 extra honor.

    Really can t understand all the negativity in here. DB did a great thing by adding campaigns and even if they put crap crew as rewards, they don t destroy campaigns by doing so, or hurt anyone, as long as they other great stuff stays unchanged.

    I largely agree, but now I'm wondering why Shinzon doesn't count as a Picard variant. If the argument is that he isn't really Jean-Luc Picard, neither is Mirror Jean-Luc Picard, as he's is an entirely different person from an entirely different universe. In fact, Shinzon and Mirror Jean-Luc Picard are more alike than unlike; both are genetically identical to "real" Picard (which is more than can be said of hologram Admiral Picard) and both are entirely different people from him, having been shaped by entirely different circumstances.

    (Note; I am not calling for Admiral and/or Mirror to stop counting as Picards and I am only quasi-serious about this anyway.)
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Seems some ppl just have become too greedy.

    First campaign leg was Leland, which was already available in regular time portal as well. 2nd campaign we got lucky with Captain Spock who isn t, yet.

    Its not really greed. If I was at DB I would look at the stats and choose an appropriate crew that's least represented among all players. I can not believe that Mirror Picard is least represented amongst all 5* Picards.

    For the 4* it would be harder so just don't pick something that was relatively available in a recent event (Admiral Picard) or other reward (Robin Hood).
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • SvenLundgrenSvenLundgren ✭✭✭✭
    If I didn't have both Immortalized I would be more interested. But since Picard is one of the few 5* immortalized I have I will just stick to the basic campaign this time.
    Starfleet Commission: August 12, 2017
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Seems some ppl just have become too greedy.

    First campaign leg was Leland, which was already available in regular time portal as well. 2nd campaign we got lucky with Captain Spock who isn t, yet.

    Now we get another main cast and really useful card(voyages) for most players, even a dupe still might be helpful for many rosters.
    Its not like DB put Shinzon as 5*. ;)

    If you don t wanna do the premium tier because you think 99% of all players already have Mirror Picard 5/5(which just isn t true), fine.

    Its okay to be dissapointed about Admiral Picard as well, but the free campaign still offers a lot of great loot and a free 4* citation at the end of campaign, for just doing what many players did anyway even before campaigns, to finish all dailies for the 200 extra honor.

    Really can t understand all the negativity in here. DB did a great thing by adding campaigns and even if they put crap crew as rewards, they don t destroy campaigns by doing so, or hurt anyone, as long as they other great stuff stays unchanged.
    Not greed, I just want the same value as the other two. I didn't have Leland, I didn't have Captain Spock, I do have Mirror Picard.
    Let’s fly!
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Like it was said before... it is a test on what we pay for. Just like yesterday's 25 x 10 packs + 4000 dil for 50 $ vs. 15 x 10 packs + 3000 dil + 1000 chrons (or something like that) for 25 $ the week before. They are constantly testing our willingness to pay.

    I have none of the two Picards so I will pay. But I encourage everyone who has this shiny guy FFFE already to boycot their test to set a sign.
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    Seems some ppl just have become too greedy.

    First campaign leg was Leland, which was already available in regular time portal as well. 2nd campaign we got lucky with Captain Spock who isn t, yet.

    Now we get another main cast and really useful card(voyages) for most players, even a dupe still might be helpful for many rosters.
    Its not like DB put Shinzon as 5*. ;)

    If you don t wanna do the premium tier because you think 99% of all players already have Mirror Picard 5/5(which just isn t true), fine.

    Its okay to be dissapointed about Admiral Picard as well, but the free campaign still offers a lot of great loot and a free 4* citation at the end of campaign, for just doing what many players did anyway even before campaigns, to finish all dailies for the 200 extra honor.

    Really can t understand all the negativity in here. DB did a great thing by adding campaigns and even if they put crap crew as rewards, they don t destroy campaigns by doing so, or hurt anyone, as long as they other great stuff stays unchanged.
    Not greed, I just want the same value as the other two. I didn't have Leland, I didn't have Captain Spock, I do have Mirror Picard.

    Unfortunately, they cannot cater the Campaigns to match exactly who has what. Probably be several times that the 5* is owned by some of the players. Maybe more than some, as this case.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Seems some ppl just have become too greedy.

    First campaign leg was Leland, which was already available in regular time portal as well. 2nd campaign we got lucky with Captain Spock who isn t, yet.

    Now we get another main cast and really useful card(voyages) for most players, even a dupe still might be helpful for many rosters.
    Its not like DB put Shinzon as 5*. ;)

    If you don t wanna do the premium tier because you think 99% of all players already have Mirror Picard 5/5(which just isn t true), fine.

    Its okay to be dissapointed about Admiral Picard as well, but the free campaign still offers a lot of great loot and a free 4* citation at the end of campaign, for just doing what many players did anyway even before campaigns, to finish all dailies for the 200 extra honor.

    Really can t understand all the negativity in here. DB did a great thing by adding campaigns and even if they put crap crew as rewards, they don t destroy campaigns by doing so, or hurt anyone, as long as they other great stuff stays unchanged.
    Not greed, I just want the same value as the other two. I didn't have Leland, I didn't have Captain Spock, I do have Mirror Picard.

    Unfortunately, they cannot cater the Campaigns to match exactly who has what. You expect them to do a Campaign for each individual player, so they always get someone they do not have as the offered Crew?
    No, I expect them to go by percentages. More people have Mirror Jean Luc Picard immortalized than just about any legendary. I expect them to choose a legendary few people have immortalized. If DB had chosen one of the legendaries I do have immortalized but few others do like Reverend Phlox or Spider Barclay I would not complain. I might be personally disappointed but I would realize DB has to play the percentages. Or even if DB had chosen another mega recurring legendary that was not the common Com-Sec combo like Borg Queen. DB instead chose a legendary that was Com-Sec and one they knew many people had immortalized. Thus I complain.

    Fair points.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Seems some ppl just have become too greedy.

    First campaign leg was Leland, which was already available in regular time portal as well. 2nd campaign we got lucky with Captain Spock who isn t, yet.

    Now we get another main cast and really useful card(voyages) for most players, even a dupe still might be helpful for many rosters.
    Its not like DB put Shinzon as 5*. ;)

    If you don t wanna do the premium tier because you think 99% of all players already have Mirror Picard 5/5(which just isn t true), fine.

    Its okay to be dissapointed about Admiral Picard as well, but the free campaign still offers a lot of great loot and a free 4* citation at the end of campaign, for just doing what many players did anyway even before campaigns, to finish all dailies for the 200 extra honor.

    Really can t understand all the negativity in here. DB did a great thing by adding campaigns and even if they put crap crew as rewards, they don t destroy campaigns by doing so, or hurt anyone, as long as they other great stuff stays unchanged.
    Not greed, I just want the same value as the other two. I didn't have Leland, I didn't have Captain Spock, I do have Mirror Picard.

    Unfortunately, they cannot cater the Campaigns to match exactly who has what. You expect them to do a Campaign for each individual player, so they always get someone they do not have as the offered Crew?
    No, I expect them to go by percentages. More people have Mirror Jean Luc Picard immortalized than just about any legendary. I expect them to choose a legendary few people have immortalized. If DB had chosen one of the legendaries I do have immortalized but few others do like Reverend Phlox or Spider Barclay I would not complain. I might be personally disappointed but I would realize DB has to play the percentages. Or even if DB had chosen another mega recurring legendary that was not the common Com-Sec combo like Borg Queen. DB instead chose a legendary that was Com-Sec and one they knew many people had immortalized. Thus I complain.

    Fair points.

    And you as well. Every player is different and has different opinions and needs in the game. Forum works best when we hear from everyone. As I have been heard a lot I will leave this discussion to allow others to voice their opinions one way or the other. I wish everyone good luck in the event.
    Let’s fly!
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    Possible idea for a future campaign. DB picks who/what the theme is and then you get beholds at the crew tiers from a pool only relevant to that theme. So for this one the 5* would draw from a limited pool of only Picard's meaning you could get possible choices of...

    Mirror JLP
    Mambo Picard
    Romulan Picard
    Musky Picard
    C.O.P. Picard
    E-E Picard
    Smitten Picard
    Augment Picard

    ...and for the 4*, a pool of...

    Irumodic Picard
    Admiral Picard
    Tommy Gun Dix
    Dixon Hill

    Or would that be too much RNG for folks? (I suppose DB could pick the 3 crew in the behold and have them the same every time too)
  • Navarch Navarch ✭✭✭✭✭
    Possible idea for a future campaign. DB picks who/what the theme is and then you get beholds at the crew tiers from a pool only relevant to that theme. So for this one the 5* would draw from a limited pool of only Picard's meaning you could get possible choices of...

    Mirror JLP
    Mambo Picard
    Romulan Picard
    Musky Picard
    C.O.P. Picard
    E-E Picard
    Smitten Picard
    Augment Picard

    ...and for the 4*, a pool of...

    Irumodic Picard
    Admiral Picard
    Tommy Gun Dix
    Dixon Hill

    Or would that be too much RNG for folks? (I suppose DB could pick the 3 crew in the behold and have them the same every time too)

    I really like this option.
  • Hilariously, I just opened my current gauntlet....


    All 6 are Picard.

    It's @Travis S McClain !!!

    It's me !!!

    It IS you!

    Admiral of the Inner Planets Alliance fleets
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Think I’m worse, although I have Galen and Locutus4pxpe0maba4r.png
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    All the good Picards, well most, were pack only. I’m not doing that waste my dilithium game
  • DB why? Oh why, do you hate me so?


    Of all the 5 star Picards you could have picked, why did it just have to be Mirror Picard?

    How do you not have the 2* or any of the 4*? It really looks like you hate Picard more than DB hates you.

    How many 4 star Picards do I need wise one?
    ÷Dr. Claire Finn - Admiral of the Battleship Yamato & Founder of both the Battleship Yamato & ISS Yamato
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    DB why? Oh why, do you hate me so?


    Of all the 5 star Picards you could have picked, why did it just have to be Mirror Picard?

    How do you not have the 2* or any of the 4*? It really looks like you hate Picard more than DB hates you.

    You are officially on fire in this thread!
  • Here's mine.


    I mean come on dudes.

    Mega Event crew should NEVER be the 5 star campaign reward (common sense).
  • edited June 2019

    My crew is fairly jacked and those are almost my only immortalized Picards too @[10F] Prime Lorca
    “You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain”
    ― Musashi, Japan's Greatest Swordsman and Samurai
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    DB why? Oh why, do you hate me so?


    Of all the 5 star Picards you could have picked, why did it just have to be Mirror Picard?

    How do you not have the 2* or any of the 4*? It really looks like you hate Picard more than DB hates you.

    You are officially on fire in this thread!

    Thanks. It feels like I'm in the zone. :D
    Farewell 🖖
This discussion has been closed.