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New picard campaign



  • DB is testing how NOT to generate sales
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Literally any Picard would've been a better choice, on both fronts

    I think for the 4*, Detective Dix would have been even less appealing. He's featured in three different events already, and in the Time Portal for a couple of years, so he's pretty well circulated. My sneaking suspicion is that the week after the current mega ends will be a replay of "The Big Sting", which was one of his three events.

    Wonder if we'll get a Captain Picard Day pack, since that was referenced in the announcement. If so, it's worth noting that of Picard's seven personae, one is a Voyage exclusive (Ensign), one will be in the Campaign (Admiral), and one is in the Daily Mission rewards (Robin Hood). That just leaves Detective Dixon Hill (maybe in a replay soon), Galen, Irumodic Syndrome Picard, and Tommy Gun Dixon.
  • NS111111NS111111 ✭✭✭
    There are so many better Picards for a campaign. Fact is a majority of players will have this one.

    It also is a worrying break from the last two. Leland, Georgiou, Captain Spock and Fugitive Spock were all relatively newish cards. These two cards are ancient.

    Already stoked for Seven of Nine and Drone 7 next month and Mirror Sisko and 1701 Sisko the month after that...
  • What a joke. Any mega crew pick is a TERRIBLE choice for a campaign reward. Add in Picard-gate, and it makes this all even dumber. Mirror Picard is THE WORST POSSIBLE crew choice for this, not counting Leland and Captain Spock. I would be willing to bet real money that mirror Picard is the single highest owned fully fused 5* in the game. Does anyone disagree with that claim? Please, PLEASE dispute it.

    Without seeing DB's analytics, there's no way to validate a claim one way or another. It's just baseless speculation.

    Tell me wise one, in YOUR OPINION which crew card is likely to be highest owned fully fused 5* in game?
  • Mirror CartmanMirror Cartman ✭✭✭✭✭
    I won't say what I really think because I don't want Shan to moderate my comment.

    After the debacle with Mirror Picard during his mega (the free one when the event ended), this was a very poor choice. Along with a large percentage of players having him 4/5 or 5/5 this makes it an even worse choice.

    Yes, I see he is a good card, but there are better, DB would have been more diplomatic to offer a card that only a minority had, one that had not been used in a mega.

    I will probably be withholding my money this campaign out of a point of principle.
  • Very interesting choice DB...i may actually pass on this one, but $10 for a 5* citation and the 5 10x premium packs still does sort of seem like a good deal....how many people here would be more likely to buy if it was, say, Meme Picard and Wine Picard instead?

    GIMME! Plus, if the idea for this campaign was inspired by the teaser for the new show, as the Campaign announcement claims, it's worth noting almost all of the footage was of Picard's vineyard. And he'll be as old now as he was at the time of "All Good Things..."'s future, so he's really the most perfect 4* Picard to feature.

    The only argument I would make regarding ISP being a better choice is they likely retconned his condition for the new show. Nobody wants to see a dementia riddled old Picard spinoff. Unless there is info out there already on this. I could be wrong. But I do agree, admiral Picard is a bad choice considering how he has been a multiple repeat event character.
  • MEH ! i still think Mega crew should stay in their own mega ...
  • Torias327Torias327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I’m going to reinforce the push/idea of swapping ISP with Admiral. I got my teeth kicked in on the resources I spent on Fugitive Spock assuming he’d be a year to the portal, ISP would make that feel a lot better. Mirror is whatever, good for players without him, more honor for me personally. I still get a citation at the end which is more than worth the Premium track cost.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Very interesting choice DB...i may actually pass on this one, but $10 for a 5* citation and the 5 10x premium packs still does sort of seem like a good deal....how many people here would be more likely to buy if it was, say, Meme Picard and Wine Picard instead?

    GIMME! Plus, if the idea for this campaign was inspired by the teaser for the new show, as the Campaign announcement claims, it's worth noting almost all of the footage was of Picard's vineyard. And he'll be as old now as he was at the time of "All Good Things..."'s future, so he's really the most perfect 4* Picard to feature.

    The only argument I would make regarding ISP being a better choice is they likely retconned his condition for the new show. Nobody wants to see a dementia riddled old Picard spinoff. Unless there is info out there already on this. I could be wrong. But I do agree, admiral Picard is a bad choice considering how he has been a multiple repeat event character.

    Oh, I wasn't suggesting that this is what Picard will actually be like in the series. Just that he has some key things in common with New Old Picard: They're both 25 years older than he was when TNG ended and have been tending the Picard family vineyard when we first meet them. I'll be greatly surprised if he has Irumodic Syndrome in the show, or if it is acknowledged, it'll be something they've been able to cure in this timeline.
  • Very interesting choice DB...i may actually pass on this one, but $10 for a 5* citation and the 5 10x premium packs still does sort of seem like a good deal....how many people here would be more likely to buy if it was, say, Meme Picard and Wine Picard instead?

    GIMME! Plus, if the idea for this campaign was inspired by the teaser for the new show, as the Campaign announcement claims, it's worth noting almost all of the footage was of Picard's vineyard. And he'll be as old now as he was at the time of "All Good Things..."'s future, so he's really the most perfect 4* Picard to feature.

    The only argument I would make regarding ISP being a better choice is they likely retconned his condition for the new show. Nobody wants to see a dementia riddled old Picard spinoff. Unless there is info out there already on this. I could be wrong. But I do agree, admiral Picard is a bad choice considering how he has been a multiple repeat event character.

    Oh, I wasn't suggesting that this is what Picard will actually be like in the series. Just that he has some key things in common with New Old Picard: They're both 25 years older than he was when TNG ended and have been tending the Picard family vineyard when we first meet them. I'll be greatly surprised if he has Irumodic Syndrome in the show, or if it is acknowledged, it'll be something they've been able to cure in this timeline.

    I hear ya bud. 😀. Many similarities beyond the main description of the card. I wouldn't complain if they picked ISP. Heck they could have even done something fun like "curing" the card or something like that as part of the campaign. Or give you the ability to fuse him into a 5* variant that is cured. 4/4 ISP + 1/4 IS cure research
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    Chiming in to let you know that I do appreciate all the feedback provided in this thread and so does the team.

    I want to reiterate something though: the crew featured in campaigns will not always appeal to everyone. There will be hits, there will be misses. That being said we will iterate on our crew selection process.


    I appreciate your comment and the idea that our feedback is being taken into consideration. With that said, you asserted "the crew featured will not always appeal to everyone.". My attempt to logically respond to this is...If a crew is one of, if not THE MOST widely owned FE 5* crew in game, and DB has ownership statistics, why would they knowingly and DELIBERATELY pick a card that will appeal to the smallest population possible?

    We get it, you already have the card.

    A lot of people have the card. It was a Mega Recurring, and they gave out a fifth copy for a mistake they made, instead of the 5* that people did not get because of the mistake. IIRC.

    It was a whole thing.

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Shan wrote: »
    Chiming in to let you know that I do appreciate all the feedback provided in this thread and so does the team.

    I want to reiterate something though: the crew featured in campaigns will not always appeal to everyone. There will be hits, there will be misses. That being said we will iterate on our crew selection process.


    I appreciate your comment and the idea that our feedback is being taken into consideration. With that said, you asserted "the crew featured will not always appeal to everyone.". My attempt to logically respond to this is...If a crew is one of, if not THE MOST widely owned FE 5* crew in game, and DB has ownership statistics, why would they knowingly and DELIBERATELY pick a card that will appeal to the smallest population possible?

    We get it, you already have the card.

    A lot of people have the card. It was a Mega Recurring, and they gave out a fifth copy for a mistake they made, instead of the 5* that people did not get because of the mistake. IIRC.

    It was a whole thing.


    Ogre and I agree.... We MUST be right. 🤣🤣🤣
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Quite a few people don't have him, as has been said. Those who do, just decide if you want to spend $9.99 this month, for the other stuff in the Paid Track.

    Personal choice.

    Would be interesting to see comparisons after the Picard Campaign is over of the three months.

    How many paid for Section 31
    How many paid for Pock
    How many paid for Picard

    Simplest way to see if there was variation. Even if there were, however, would not necessarily mean anything concrete. Lots of reasons more or less choose to do it.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • SoupKitchen RikerSoupKitchen Riker ✭✭✭✭✭
    This campaign is a miss for me; not a fan of either choice.
    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
  • edited June 2019
    Yes this was a really bad call on DB part. I get that some may need a few stars on these 2, but really, campaign should be about the dedication in its on right. I.E. It should have very rare or unreleased toons to build. Mirror picard is weak with that science, I rip it up hard with my crew when I go up against it in gauntlet. You all know when I play a round I end up first or second there. Its too funny really people relying on that one. Plenty of other rare picards are smarter choice for campaign.

    Oh another thought, as far as a second one of him, gauntlet only sees one copy. DB really if you want to give out another free 5 star common, it should have been Killy.
  • Riley600Riley600 ✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    Chiming in to let you know that I do appreciate all the feedback provided in this thread and so does the team.

    I want to reiterate something though: the crew featured in campaigns will not always appeal to everyone. There will be hits, there will be misses. That being said we will iterate on our crew selection process.

    Thanks, Shan. It's a bit disappointing for me since I've been playing since Day 1 so have a FF/FE Mirror Picard. While I appreciate many players have come on board since the Smoke & Mirrors mega-event and don't have a Mirror JLP, old-timers like me already have him maxed out. Part of the draw for the campaigns (for me at least) has been the opportunity to grab crew that I previously couldn't snag as a reward through another event, etc. The other campaign rewards probably make it worthwhile still...but it's a bit disappointing for me that you're offering a campaign crew that was part of a previous event reward.

    I look forward to July's campaign.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    For those who wondered why I think this will make worse walls in gauntlet: there really are many people who do not have him and now they all will. Also, there will be many, myself included, who will send two of him into the gauntlet.

    That said, I will warn those who don't have him that he is my most fickle gauntlet crew and thereby not as valuable as others.

    Also worth noting: for new players, Gun Show Picard is ridiculously irritating to level. He needs a million Augment Faction items. It took me almost a month to level him when I was new. He came out only a couple months after I started when I was still VIP0.
  • Torias327Torias327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I can certainly imagine Admiral Picard may have been a choice influenced by the use of “Admiral” in the trailer, and I could also see it being chosen because those of us that got burnt on Spock through a hissy fit last month upon learning the tens of thousands of honor we used to fuse a Tuesday only card was essentially wasted a month or so later. So rather than give a rare or newer 4* they took feedback and went with a 2 event heavily owner 4* instead, but one that clearly and unarguably fits the campaign theme.

    At any rate, it’s the citations I’m playing for this month, and some unexpected honor. As Shan said, not every offer or event needs to appeal to all of us. I’m satisfied to know the feedback was received myself, that’s the most I can do as a player is give constructive feedback. I’m not boycotting or abstaining from the premium track when that 5* cite is sitting at the end, and I highly doubt anyone will actually give it and the 10x pulls or honor up either. As far as I’m concerned theres a Copy of Da Vinci in every campaign until September :)
  • Going to have to think long and hard about this one. Offering up a 5* card that was given away essentially for free, plus one of the more *meh* 4* Picards is kind of slap in the face to the more veteran players. Irrumodic Syndrome Picard I think would’ve been a much better choice for the 4* at the very least.

    That being said, I do understand the need for balance when catering to both veteran players and newbies. This campaign, in my opinion, doesn’t really cater to veterans at all.
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