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New picard campaign



  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    As it turns out, I only have one SR Picard. (Not counting Galen, Robin Hood, and Dixon Hill.) I also have Musketeer Picard, MJLP, and Romulan Picard in the top row.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    After almost three and a half years, it’s not hard to build up your collection, other than 5*s of course:

    Edit: spoilered for length.
  • edited June 2019
    DB why? Oh why, do you hate me so?


    Of all the 5 star Picards you could have picked, why did it just have to be Mirror Picard?

    How do you not have the 2* or any of the 4*? It really looks like you hate Picard more than DB hates you.

    How many 4 star Picards do I need wise one?

    Admiral Picard was in a recent event. One seems reasonable. Since you've been playing long enough to have MJLP immo'd, you've probably airlocked no small number of them. I stand by my assessment that you don't like Picard. :)

    My assessment is that you are misinformed. Who has all the immortalized Picards - most players have one to three immortalized Picards - two of which are being offered again by DB who seems not to care.
    “You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain”
    ― Musashi, Japan's Greatest Swordsman and Samurai
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    DB why? Oh why, do you hate me so?


    Of all the 5 star Picards you could have picked, why did it just have to be Mirror Picard?

    How do you not have the 2* or any of the 4*? It really looks like you hate Picard more than DB hates you.

    How many 4 star Picards do I need wise one?

    Admiral Picard was in a recent event. One seems reasonable. Since you've been playing long enough to have MJLP immo'd, you've probably airlocked no small number of them. I stand by my assessment that you don't like Picard. :)

    My assessment is that you are misinformed. Who has all the immortalized Picards - most players have one to three immortalized Picards - two of which are being offered again by DB who seems not to care.

    How am I misinformed? Admiral Picard was event crew a few weeks ago.

    And the 2* Picard wasn't there. They pop up in Voyages and basic pulls with some regularity.

    Maybe we're talking about different things?
    Farewell 🖖
  • edited June 2019
    DB why? Oh why, do you hate me so?


    Of all the 5 star Picards you could have picked, why did it just have to be Mirror Picard?

    How do you not have the 2* or any of the 4*? It really looks like you hate Picard more than DB hates you.

    How many 4 star Picards do I need wise one?

    Admiral Picard was in a recent event. One seems reasonable. Since you've been playing long enough to have MJLP immo'd, you've probably airlocked no small number of them. I stand by my assessment that you don't like Picard. :)

    My assessment is that you are misinformed. Who has all the immortalized Picards - most players have one to three immortalized Picards - two of which are being offered again by DB who seems not to care.

    How am I misinformed? Admiral Picard was event crew a few weeks ago.

    And the 2* Picard wasn't there. They pop up in Voyages and basic pulls with some regularity.

    Maybe we're talking about different things?

    Okay, the Admiral Picard card is junk. Some players have limited slots and don't want to waste Chronitons on sub-par crew. Savy?
    “You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain”
    ― Musashi, Japan's Greatest Swordsman and Samurai
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    DB why? Oh why, do you hate me so?


    Of all the 5 star Picards you could have picked, why did it just have to be Mirror Picard?

    How do you not have the 2* or any of the 4*? It really looks like you hate Picard more than DB hates you.

    How many 4 star Picards do I need wise one?

    Admiral Picard was in a recent event. One seems reasonable. Since you've been playing long enough to have MJLP immo'd, you've probably airlocked no small number of them. I stand by my assessment that you don't like Picard. :)

    My assessment is that you are misinformed. Who has all the immortalized Picards - most players have one to three immortalized Picards - two of which are being offered again by DB who seems not to care.

    How am I misinformed? Admiral Picard was event crew a few weeks ago.

    And the 2* Picard wasn't there. They pop up in Voyages and basic pulls with some regularity.

    Maybe we're talking about different things?

    Okay, the Admiral Picard card is junk. Some players have limited slots and Chronitons - Savy?

    Slots I get. Which is why you freeze them and move on. Chronitons I don't get because it was a shuttle event. And there was a Skirmish event two weeks before that. I'm still getting by from the stuff I farmed in the last Skirmish a couple weeks ago. That and a couple replications a day.

    There's another Skirmish coming up. If you want, I can offer a few tips on farming to stretch your chronitons a little further.
    Farewell 🖖
  • edited June 2019
    @Synthetic Commander Don't get Krunked. The DB company line on this one is "deal with it" so enjoy your Mirror & Admiral Picards
  • I think choosing mirror Picard as the legendary might be a mistake and i also have admiral picard as well might give the premium campaign a miss this time.

    Your missing that you get 5x premium packs, 5* replicators, 5* Citation, 1000's merits, dilithium, chronitons, etc... all for £8.99. And a 2nd 4/5* Mirror picard for Faction events or voyages etc....
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    05-05-2016 4* Tommy Gun Dixon - pack only

    He's also the reward for completing Episode 9 Strange Bedfellows - if you choose Fed. over Borg.

    EDIT: My 2 cents ... poor choices for both 4* and 5* Picard.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ljofa wrote: »
    Another player disappointed by the two choices of Picard variants for the next campaign. Admiral Picard has been an event character at least twice (and in a rerun), and Mirror Picard of course was in a mega event.

    The problem as I see it, is that many will opt for mirror Picard anyway because of his stats and every Gauntlet where he gets a bonus will be over-packed with that character as people play two or three copies and it gets really boring, really quickly.

    Enterprise E Picard would have been a better premium choice for the campaign. And for the vanilla track, Ensign Picard would have had my vote. 731 different Star Trek characters and DB chooses two that most players are more likely to have? That’s a bad sales pitch.

    In the case of Admiral Picard, it's free, so there's no sale there. Just 800 honor to many of us. Hopefully DB realizes by the sheer number of posts in this thread that MJLP was indeed a bad sales pitch. But the numbers will tell the story. And I really wish I could see those numbers at the end.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    ByloBand wrote: »
    DB why? Oh why, do you hate me so?


    Of all the 5 star Picards you could have picked, why did it just have to be Mirror Picard?

    How do you not have the 2* or any of the 4*? It really looks like you hate Picard more than DB hates you.

    You are officially on fire in this thread!

    Thanks. It feels like I'm in the zone. :D

    The bromance is real ♥
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • CB4_V'ger wrote: »
    I think choosing mirror Picard as the legendary might be a mistake and i also have admiral picard as well might give the premium campaign a miss this time.

    Your missing that you get 5x premium packs, 5* replicators, 5* Citation, 1000's merits, dilithium, chronitons, etc... all for £8.99. And a 2nd 4/5* Mirror picard for Faction events or voyages etc....

    Everything, except a second 4/5 Mirror Picard... I for one, am not hopping on the duplicate crew treadmill.

    ÷Dr. Claire Finn - Admiral of the Battleship Yamato & Founder of both the Battleship Yamato & ISS Yamato
  • The simplest fact:
    If DB had chosen any other 5* Picard, they would have more sales.

    Regardless of new vs old players, Mirror Picard is the ONLY 5* Picard that would make a subset of players question whether to buy it.

    Why would DB NOT want to make sales?
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    FWIW, I'm using the shuttle boosts, 2x reward boosts, requisition shuttles, and dilithium I received from the last two premium tier campaigns reward tracks to comfortably hold position around 1,000th place in this event. I've still not even leveled up the 5* Leland from the first premium campaign, I already had Captain Spock leveled months prior or I might not have bothered with him either, and I've used the two 5* citations plus a lot of the Honor received to immortalize the Warship EMA as of this morning, so for me the value of the premium track speaks for itself without any consideration to the 5* crew, which to me feels like nothing more than a bonus.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    [GoT] Gabe wrote: »
    Reading through all these posts, the issue at hand (the introduction a Mega Event character in the Campaign rewards) has apparently shifted to the idea that this is some sort of veteran vs non-veteran problem. Why is that?

    I wonder if those defending Mirror Picard would be saying the same things if DB had introduced T'Kuvma instead?

    As one of the aformentioned veterans, my issue isn't with the the card itself.

    Yeah Picardgate was a huge mess and this is a reminder of that unfortunate situation. However, Mirror Picard is in fact still a great card and I don't begrudge people being given the opportunity to get multiple stars for him. especially those who missed the Mega way back when.

    I am also fully aware that there will certainly be plenty of campaigns where I already have both cards FF. Will I be complaining about this? Of course not. It's a natural consequence of playing this game since launch. It is what it is.

    In my opinion, the real issue here, the bigger picture that people are not seeing, is the precedence the introduction of a Mega character sets for future campaigns.

    Do you really want to see more Mega characters in the months to come?

    The idea that non-veterans missed past Mega Events is valid but where do you draw the line? If a wave of 10 000 new players join the game this month should DB introduce Thrax in about 2 months considering how many people missed out on him?

    What about weak 2 skilled crew, like Dr. Soong or Kai Opaka, that have been readily avaialbe in the portal for years? Would you be happy to see them in future campaigns?

    How about the worst 5* card in the game, 1 skill wonder Captain Scott? Or the 2nd worst in One Zero Zero One? I'm sure folks who spent God knows how much money to FF the latter would be thrilled to see him being given away for $10.

    But why stop here?

    So many people have mentioned in this thread that the "goodies" in the campaigns alone are well worth the $10 so, based on this, why should DB keep offering the 5* at all? People are going to buy it no matter what, right?

    My greatest concern about all of this is that at some point this year DB is going to come to the conclusion that the awards are simply too good for $10 so they'll nerf them like they did with Voyages. The other option of course would be to increase the price.

    I believe I can safely say that neither of those options will please the player base. Veterans and non-veterans alike.

    +1 to all of this except Captain Scott - his ship ability and passive bonuses more than make up for his uselessness in the gauntlet and on shuttle missions.
  • edited June 2019
    Well I’m still happy about this. I love those comics and seriously want that card
  • PlasmaPlasma ✭✭
    I have both Picard's immortalized so I'm unhappy about that. However the citations, and shuttle rental tokens and all the extra stuff is more or less worth it.
  • edited June 2019
  • I don't have time to go back through all the comments, but this gets to the nub of the question:
    The simplest fact:
    If DB had chosen any other 5* Picard, they would have more sales.

    Regardless of new vs old players, Mirror Picard is the ONLY 5* Picard that would make a subset of players question whether to buy it.

    Why would DB NOT want to make sales?

    This is certainly not a fact and I would guess it is likely false which is why DB chose Mirror Picard. You're right DB wants sales. The way to maximize sales it not based on what percent already have a character or not. It is based on how desirable the character is. If 5% of people have ISP or Mambo Picard and 35% have Mirror Picard (that's almost certainly an overestimate based on how the game has grown since the mega) that doesn't mean they should offer ISP or Mambo just to please some people who already have Mirror Picard. The question is how desirable the card is to the players that don't have either card already. Point blank, Old Geezer with canon is the coolest Picard variant in the game to the people who are casual players that they want to unlock money from, with the possible exception of Locutus. All the other variants pale in comparison to those 2 and if they offered a Gauntlet crew on the campaign, I can only imagine how intense the howling would be on these forums.

    I think they made the right decision if they are going to do a Picard variant campaign, although we will never know; only their sales department will. I would wager they will make more money offering Mirror P than any other Picard variant except possibly Locutus.
  • More than 35% have Mirror Picard @Chemtrekker
    “You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain”
    ― Musashi, Japan's Greatest Swordsman and Samurai
  • I have both the Picards for this campaign FFFE, but will spend the 10 dollars for the extras, they come in handy, as does all the honor.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2019
    As is typical on this board, You all can defend DB and be as contrary as you like. Go ahead and offer up random examples of people that don't have MJLP FF. Bottom line, mirror Picard is without a doubt the most widely held FF Picard variant in the game. Don't bring the tried arguments back to me... Gun to your head, you know my statement is 99.9% most likely true. DB knows it, and they DELIBERATELY picked that card. Now that should be enough to call BS. Add in the Picard gate fiasco, and it is even more trolling BS.

    What is wrong with making money? Seriously, this might keep the lights on in Framingham MA a bit longer, which I would appreciate.

    Frak, guess that book will have to wait. $10 for 2200 Honor, plus the other stuff, is worth it to me.

    EDIT: or maybe not. I am undecided. An honest answer to AND-gate would help. 🖖🏻
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
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