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Crew Retrieval Introduction Discussion



  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    I hope to use this function to get a crew with a high SEC proficiency.

    I am fully aware that immediately after I get this marvelous new crew member, I will get my last copy of Red Angel and stop doing the Gauntlet until a new Gauntlet crew is added.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • barrydancerbarrydancer ✭✭✭✭✭
    Calhoun wrote: »
    So let me get this straight. WRG can implement two new currencies and a complex system in order to provide yet another way to acquire crew in the game ... But somehow fixing that annoying bug in gauntlet where your 5% opponent crits 6 times while your 45% gauntleteer crits 0 times, and you end up losing. Makes perfect sense to me.

    That’s...not a bug.

    If you want an example of an irritating bug which has persisted for far too long, how about rare items which still show up as warpable long after they’ve been claimed?

    Or having to click "Understood" every time you equip something. Wasn't that supposed to have been done away with years ago?
  • W.W. CarlisleW.W. Carlisle ✭✭✭✭✭

    If we’re dreaming I’d like an early spring, SNW to come out, Q, Janeway, Worf and Guinan among others to appear on season 2 of Picard, and season 3 of The Mandalorain to come out sooner! :smiley::smiley:

    Well, I think Guinan is supposed to be in Picard season 2. Sir Pat offered her a spot when he was on her talk show. Kate Mulgrew, however, is doing the voice work for Nickelodeon's Star Trek Prodigy cartoon.
    As for an early spring, have you ever experienced a spring in Indiana? We had flowers blooming in Feb., 70F days, and then snow in MAY a couple years ago. I am a spring baby and was in a tornado before I was a month old. My 12yr old sister was babysitting while Mom and Granny made the nine mile trip to town for Easter basket filler. Took the chimney off our house and the roof off a 16x60' concrete block chicken house. Spring is the season of mud and downed limbs. I was in an F1 just last April. I was actually playing the game, talking to Mom in the living room, when it went over. I saw the one that shredded the Kmart in Anderson in '03. I was in college in Muncie and was heading back to my dorm from class and watched in coming from the west before it broke up. No, no, no...I want a bit more of lazy winter to recipe ahead of spring repairs and summer projects.
    Now, for the new feature... The "Personnel Office" might be a better name. "Pole stars" are like requirements and you have to take who they send you that fits that and it takes a lot to get someone specific. It doesn't look like new players will be drawn to it right off, since most crew are welcome, but middle pack and some older players might enjoy it a lot. I will probably use it with some regularity. I may not drop money on it often or, maybe, at all, but I won't ignore it. I try to build in focused ways and this could be a useful TOOL. Let's see how it goes.
    W.W. CarlislePlayed since January 20, 2019Captain Level- 99 (May 9, 2022)VIP 14Crew Quarters: 485/485Most recent/Lowest- Anbo-jyutsu Kyle Riker (1/5* Lvl 30) 5/29/23Immortalized x-866 5* x184, 4* x 490, 3* x91, 2* x62, and 1* x27Most recent Immortal - Tearful Janeway 4* 5/25/23Current non-event project- Improving my Science base skill. Retrieval Project- Mestral 1/5*
  • Bound2FateBound2Fate ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    More crew...no additional crew slots. :|

    Ben did mention there will be a crew slot sale later this month.

    I don't know if I will use this new feature all that much. I overall like it, but I will wait and see. I was hoping, like many others, for a new game mode to use crew--perhaps some type of colony to exile frozen crew who can produce supplies and other goodies, or some kind of ship collection that provides arena/skirmish bonuses.
    Admiral of Historians of Starfleet Join! Looking for daily players.
  • @Shan What will happen if you open a constellation and you already have all the polestars associated?
  • KPan [ISA]KPan [ISA] ✭✭✭✭
    @Shan What will happen if you open a constellation and you already have all the polestars associated?

    Then I assume you would get a second polestar of one of those traits.
    For example, I want multiple "pilot" polestars to get Braxton AND Riker.
  • ChaosChildChaosChild ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Shan What will happen if you open a constellation and you already have all the polestars associated?

    Polestars are consumed when you use them, so duplicates would be very useful.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dragyn wrote: »
    Calhoun wrote: »
    So let me get this straight. WRG can implement two new currencies and a complex system in order to provide yet another way to acquire crew in the game ... But somehow fixing that annoying bug in gauntlet where your 5% opponent crits 6 times while your 45% gauntleteer crits 0 times, and you end up losing. Makes perfect sense to me.

    That’s...not a bug.

    If you want an example of an irritating bug which has persisted for far too long, how about rare items which still show up as warpable long after they’ve been claimed?

    Not really something to complain about but the fact you can make 2 * items with 3 no star items / 2 ** items with 3 * item etc has always annoyed me and led me to have very little faith in the games math abilities.

    Welcome to the club. Quark rigged the Dabo, by the way.

    And true to being accurate to Trek lore, DB seemed to have done the same.
    Let’s fly!
  • Watching timelines talk and saw that 1/1 torres oop up for the cost of credits worth 14.4k dilitium....

    That would make me rage quit.
    Even afully frozen would at least give some honor.

    Saving credits (or god forbid that amount of dil) for months and than that happens...
    Maybe there should be polestars to EXCLUDE certain rarities.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Watching timelines talk and saw that 1/1 torres oop up for the cost of credits worth 14.4k dilitium....

    That would make me rage quit.
    Even afully frozen would at least give some honor.

    Saving credits (or god forbid that amount of dil) for months and than that happens...
    Maybe there should be polestars to EXCLUDE certain rarities.

    Oh, yeah. Great new feature gives out 1* crew? Pretty sure no one asked for that.......

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Watching timelines talk and saw that 1/1 torres oop up for the cost of credits worth 14.4k dilitium....

    That would make me rage quit.
    Even afully frozen would at least give some honor.

    Saving credits (or god forbid that amount of dil) for months and than that happens...
    Maybe there should be polestars to EXCLUDE certain rarities.

    I'm sure they said that there are polestars for rarity as well , but they are only available in events .
  • ChaosChild wrote: »
    @Shan What will happen if you open a constellation and you already have all the polestars associated?

    Polestars are consumed when you use them, so duplicates would be very useful.

    Consumed item would make more sense. At least it's something to pare down those unfused golds or find that elusive card
  • Apophis 2068Apophis 2068 ✭✭
    edited February 2021
    ALeeRocks wrote: »
    From what I could tell, quantum recharge rates will only allow for a very specifically-targeted Legendary crew retrieval once every 3 weeks or so, but if players gamble with larger pools of crew (especially of varying rarities), I would think this feature could be used more frequently...

    Also, would not retrieving Legendary crew more than once every few weeks create game-balance issues?

    Well said.

    This feature seems to be a method to increase your chances of getting a particular card you want.
    The more specific your target, the higher the cost.
    The better cards will take longer to hit. Makes sense.

    Ultimately, it improves your chances of pulling the crew you want from 100's to 1, to 10's to 1. Even down to the exact crew with the right polestars.
  • OttoOtto ✭✭✭
    As I see it, It's a chance for immortalizing crew for which is only one copy left to finish. And also, mostly due to the Quantum recharge rate, but also to high credit costs, I will be able to use it once or twice a month. Nice.
  • ArnieArnie ✭✭✭✭
    I guess they don't want to create something that just allows the biggest players to ensure they can pick-up specific characters but allow players to try for crew who fill a roster gap.

    As someone who is currently trying to complete the final episodes, being able to search for a Jury Rigger Engineer to complete a couple of nodes would be welcome. Of course, I'm sure I'd end-up getting Engineering as a minor skill so they're no use. Or trying to pick-up a final star to freeze some of my 3/4.
  • ALeeRocks wrote: »
    ChaosChild wrote: »
    Watching the podcast, the quantum recharge rate means that this wonderful new feature is basically dead on arrival. Being able to use it once every 3 weeks or so, it's not going to change anything.

    This was a lot of development time wasted on a feature that'll have zero impact on the game for 99% of the player base.

    From what I could tell, quantum recharge rates will only allow for a very specifically-targeted Legendary crew retrieval once every 3 weeks or so, but if players gamble with larger pools of crew (especially of varying rarities), I would think this feature could be used more frequently...

    Also, would not retrieving Legendary crew more than once every few weeks create game-balance issues?

  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Webberoni wrote: »
    So there is RNG for actually having a successful scan to acquire a constellation, then RNG for getting a polestar from that constellation that helps target the crew I want, then more RNG for getting the specific crew I want from my filtered pool.

    Then, even after getting lucky with scans and constellations, I could theoretically filter it down to a pool of just 4 crew (as an example) and spend ~4.8 million credits & 900 quantum, only for RNG to give me one of the 3 crew that I wasn't targeting.

    Seems like crazy RNG involved, along with ~5 million credits, without having any sort of guarantee of getting the crew you want unless that crew has an extremely rare set of skills/traits that can be filtered sufficiently using your 3 precise polestars.

    I see lots of hoarding in my future, until I can safely spend the 5 million credits & 900 quantum on a pool of 1. I better pray that the crew I want are unique enough, even if the RNG gods smile on my scans and constellations!


    Looks like it will take eternally to get all the stuff for a halfway narrowed attempt. I do not feel like I will get a specific crew much faster with this than with the portal pulls from events and campaigns.

    Without the proper rarity polestars this is entirely worthless. I am curious at which rank we will get legendary ones. My guess is top 50 or 100 or so, so out of reach for most.
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • RaraRacing wrote: »
    Will refrain from a feedback comment for the time being, need to see how it all pans out first ...

    But I will say one thing ... as great as it is to be able to get cards ... I think WRG really missed the boat here by using scans instead of the actual crew we own to venture out exploring for Polestars & Constellations etc.

    1. I want to get use out of the 100s of crew I own, not just be able to get that last star on a 5* to freeze 'em. (see my Legacy legendaries posts in the Ready Room).

    I expect to be able to get on crew I want a quarter ... so, at the moment, this is not the kind of improved game-play element I was hoping for. Ah well.

    EDIT: oh ... and as I see it ... this new system will only increase the amount of hoarding I recently vowed I would start doing ...

    Yeah, I was hopeful that the new feature would allow us to 'play' with the hundreds of cards we have, not allow us to 'collect' more of the useless cards we don't have.


    Back into semi-retirement for me.
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