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Crew Retrieval Introduction Discussion



  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    ChaosChild wrote: »
    Since polestars drop out of constellations and each one of them is based on a specific card, 1* polestars should be quite rare, given that there aren't many 1* in the game.
    But I guess it will still be a huge disappointment for whoever pulls one of those :sweat_smile:

    Not quite. Rarity polestars only drop from rarity constellations, never from crew constellations. So if you get a constellation based on a 1* crew you won't have any chance of getting a Common polestar.

    But if you get a rarity constellation you're just as likely to get a Common as the Legendary that you actually need. In fact, the odds of getting a Legendary polestar from a rarity constellation would seem to be 20%.

    One tweak they could make is to add associated rarity and skill polestars as options from each crew constellation, along with the associated traits.

    Using Mambo Picard as an example, his constellation would currently give you a chance at these polestars: federation, Starfleet, human, casual, romantic, musician (each has a 1/6 chance of dropping).

    Why not add rarity & skill polestars as possible options, maybe even with a slightly decreased drop-rate from the trait polestars listed above: legendary 5* crew, CMD, DIP, SCI?

    Given that the revised constellation would have 10 potential polestars, maybe the traits would each have a 3/22 drop-rate, while the rarity & skill polestars would each have a 1/22 drop-rate? Heck, they could even go 4/28 (6 traits) and 1/28 (rarity & 3 skills).
  • CalhounCalhoun ✭✭✭✭✭
    ChaosChild wrote: »
    Since polestars drop out of constellations and each one of them is based on a specific card, 1* polestars should be quite rare, given that there aren't many 1* in the game.
    But I guess it will still be a huge disappointment for whoever pulls one of those :sweat_smile:

    Not quite. Rarity polestars only drop from rarity constellations, never from crew constellations. So if you get a constellation based on a 1* crew you won't have any chance of getting a Common polestar.

    But if you get a rarity constellation you're just as likely to get a Common as the Legendary that you actually need. In fact, the odds of getting a Legendary polestar from a rarity constellation would seem to be 20%.

    Oh, I must have missed that. I was assuming that they’d be a possible drop from character constellations. That’s awful - there will be very little use for lower rarities.
  • Cpt_insano_2k1Cpt_insano_2k1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Do you guys remember the star trek episode that used quantum and interstellar medium to combine polestars? Because i don’t.

    Dude! I loved that episode of Star Trek: Orville where Darth Vader polstarred the ever-lovin' Interstellar Medium out of Commander Adama!

    Was that the same episode where DADDA found out his real name was DATA (day-tuh)?
  • Webberoni wrote: »
    ChaosChild wrote: »
    Since polestars drop out of constellations and each one of them is based on a specific card, 1* polestars should be quite rare, given that there aren't many 1* in the game.
    But I guess it will still be a huge disappointment for whoever pulls one of those :sweat_smile:

    Not quite. Rarity polestars only drop from rarity constellations, never from crew constellations. So if you get a constellation based on a 1* crew you won't have any chance of getting a Common polestar.

    But if you get a rarity constellation you're just as likely to get a Common as the Legendary that you actually need. In fact, the odds of getting a Legendary polestar from a rarity constellation would seem to be 20%.

    One tweak they could make is to add associated rarity and skill polestars as options from each crew constellation, along with the associated traits.

    Using Mambo Picard as an example, his constellation would currently give you a chance at these polestars: federation, Starfleet, human, casual, romantic, musician (each has a 1/6 chance of dropping)

    Why not at additional polestars as possible options, maybe even with a slightly decreased drop-rate from the trait polestars listed above: legendary 5* crew, CMD, DIP, SCI?

    Given that the revised constellation would have 10 potential polestars, maybe the traits would each have a 3/22 drop-rate, while the rarity & skill polestars would have a 1/22 drop-rate? Heck, they could even go 4/28 (6 traits) and 1/28 (rarity & 3 skills).

    Another tweak they could make is to name the currency/components after things that are relevant to the series.

    Do you guys remember the star trek episode that used quantum and interstellar medium to combine polestars? Because i don’t.

    I’ll bet you 10 Quatloos they didn’t do their research! :tongue:
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • I’ll bet you 10 Quatloos they didn’t do their research! :tongue:

    Soval: Do you know the story of Nirak? He was a soldier who lived a long time ago. He was standing watch over the gates of the city of Gol and he saw a cloud on the horizon moving toward him. He thought it was a sandstorm, so he told no one. It was an army. They destroyed the city, but they let Nirak live. His name now means "fool" in our language, just as WRG will in English!
    01000010 01101001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01110011 01101000 01101001 01101110 01111001 00100000 01101101 01100101 01110100 01100001 01101100 00100000 01100001 01110011 01110011 00100001
  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    Did Ben say how many different polestars there are?

    One for each Trait currently in the game, one for each skill and one for each rarity.

    I am not sure if I would laugh or throw something if I got a grey common polestar.

    I have a feeling we are all going to find out. Over and over and over.......

    Its the gauntlet version of 3* trainers.....
    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've just converted number of people fully donating to the star base into points to see how it compares to the chronitons :
    20 fleet members = 700 points
    30 fleet members = 1050 points
    40 fleet members = 1400 points
    Considering there must be a lot of fleets out there that struggle to make the present 1100 point target for chronitons , even including partial donations , I'd say they've set a really challenging target for ISM .

    That is an interesting comparison. I suppose we give it a couple weeks and we can see just how common getting max is. But your comparison to donations makes me downgrade my optimism.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    Gonna have to see how it goes and what adjustments TP does to it in or against our favor. I did think the astrometrics part looked cool and some of the graphics and it will be something new. I just hope the odds won’t be as low as I suspect they will be.
    Let’s fly!
  • Cpt_insano_2k1Cpt_insano_2k1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Gonna have to see how it goes and what adjustments TP does to it in or against our favor. I did think the astrometrics part looked cool and some of the graphics and it will be something new. I just hope the odds won’t be as low as I suspect they will be.

    We can look at the track record and “guess-timate” if it will be player friendly:

    New portal packs that feature a 3* crew, replicator rations, and a trivial amount of honor.

    Monetization of a glitch that freezes voyage progress/retrieval. (And, the glitch has been present for years)

    Dabo sale that drains peoples credits, immediately prior to an announcement that a new game feature will require a load of credits.

    Honor sale build up, let down, then a re-build up with the caveat that the offerings may be citation focussed with no “begolds”, since “crew retrieval” will be in play and we dont want competition between two different behold options.

    Adiragate. They straight up sent a game email “oh yeah, wrong art sorry for your inconvenience” and had the nerve to act surprised when the forums lit on fire.

    Adiragate 2.0....albeit brief, still showed a lack of attention to the rollout and gave people an unfair chance at acquiring luau paris when the offer was expired.

    Game version 8.0.0. Here we are, smack dab in the middle of a skirmish and if you want to check your score or look at the leaderboards, prepare to be annoyed by the “x”’s that dont close the menu. Feel free to use the player provided work around though. Thank goodness all these dedicated fans are here to keep the game going.

    And many other options that would take several beers worth of effort to care to think about.

    And with that, consider the big book, the little book, the voyage calculator, the behold advice bot, the dilemma bot, dahj bot, heck consider ANY bot you find in discord and think about this; they were all created by players. Not devs. Players.

    Wrg even had the nerve to capitalize on a player created stream to advertise and promote themselves.

    Where is their humility? Where is their thanks? Where is their appreciation?

    Oh, found it!!!! Its in that constellation over there. Crack that puppy open with a months worth of quantum, and you just got yourself a SHINZON.

    I can’t believe the amount of time you spend complaining, surely there are more positive things you can concentrate on. If I was as dissatisfied with WRG and the game as you obviously are l would be moving on to something else.

    Thats a fair point there, willo. And its a fair assessment.

    So lets just take your recommendation that everyone who is dissatisfied with wrg/tp move on to something else, and lets see what THAT does for your economy?

    Love the attitude buddy.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I believe it is going live Monday and we will know more then. Fingers crossed.
    Let’s fly!
  • ChaosChild wrote: »
    Since polestars drop out of constellations and each one of them is based on a specific card, 1* polestars should be quite rare, given that there aren't many 1* in the game.
    But I guess it will still be a huge disappointment for whoever pulls one of those :sweat_smile:

    Not quite. Rarity polestars only drop from rarity constellations, never from crew constellations. So if you get a constellation based on a 1* crew you won't have any chance of getting a Common polestar.

    But if you get a rarity constellation you're just as likely to get a Common as the Legendary that you actually need. In fact, the odds of getting a Legendary polestar from a rarity constellation would seem to be 20%.

    I missed that too. That's disappointing :(

  • I've just converted number of people fully donating to the star base into points to see how it compares to the chronitons :
    20 fleet members = 700 points
    30 fleet members = 1050 points
    40 fleet members = 1400 points
    Considering there must be a lot of fleets out there that struggle to make the present 1100 point target for chronitons , even including partial donations , I'd say they've set a really challenging target for ISM .

    Isn't the new ISM achievement based on daily missions only? Starbase donations could be an issue for newer players, when only the rare components are needed, but they don't count towards daily missions.
    I'm more concerned with the 7 faction missions required to complete dailies. Everyone who is VIP0 or only logs in once a day is probably skipping those.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I like that there are gonna be achievements to earn stuff for the new feature. I really like we are gonna get a crew slot sale this month and an honor sale next month. At least give the feature a try.
    Let’s fly!
  • OU Capt. JamesOU Capt. James ✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    I like that there are gonna be achievements to earn stuff for the new feature. I really like we are gonna get a crew slot sale this month and an honor sale next month. At least give the feature a try.

    But is it guaranteed that it will be the same honour sale rules as before?

    When you go through the comments, you do have to laugh, imagine explaining it to someone who has never played.....yes we will get used to it but its an overly complicated system, if you wanted to limit its use a simple refresh rate could be used.
    Event button, crew button and this new add on, follows a theme of over complication by having to many steps. At every stage the devs should be thinking how can we streamline the process.
  • This entire mess sounds overly complicated, and I would bet will never work right and have to be continually messed with to make it work right. I think we already have enough things to spend our extra cash on. OH well I going to have to see this work, but not being able to get the crew you really want and the extra frustration this is going to add to the game, I am not impressed.
  • So far I like the description of the new feature and while it's hard to evaluate how relevant it will be for crew acquisition, I think I will enjoy saving up polestars and targeting specific crew.

    But the more I think about it the more I feel like there's one big issue with it. Rarity polestars should be a lot easier to acquire than all the others and instead it looks like it will be very difficult to come across them. That will inevitably lead to scenarios where people save up polestars for specific trait combinations for months, finally doing a very costy pull with a choice between three legendaries and one uncommon crew... and get the uncommon crew. And that will lead to a lot of disappointment.
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