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Continuum Missions & Quipment Discussion Thread

This thread is for discussing the new features in 10.0.0. Continuum Missions and Quipment.

Enjoy! LLAP!


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    AldudeAldude ✭✭✭✭✭
    I posted this in another thread, but I shall ask it here.

    After watching the walkthrough vid, I noticed that there are options to unlock up to 5 chroniton containers for dilithium.
    However, it was also mentioned that the missions would work on a weekly reset.

    Can you please clarify whether if the 4th/5th containers are unlocked with dilithium, then they are permanently unlocked or will this also reset back to 3 at the start of the weekly cycle?
    Fleet Admiral of NCC UK Midlands."Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." - J.T. Kirk, 2266
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    Completed the fourth node of the first mission and it crashed - server error. The only option it gives me is to cancel and lose all the progress made. Did so and now it says cannot enter Continuum Missions - teething troubles I guess. Never mind, will wait until it is more stable. Looks good though.
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    *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    Many people reporting missions resetting, losing all progress.
    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
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    After the missions not opening when they went live, I rebooted and now I've managed to do three missions without a hitch.

    All good so far.
    "Dance with me. For science."
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    AldudeAldude ✭✭✭✭✭
    Many people reporting missions resetting, losing all progress.

    After a restart... This has just happened to me
    Fleet Admiral of NCC UK Midlands."Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." - J.T. Kirk, 2266
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    I expected to have to do a bunch of homework and tactical planning to build up a few crew for a killer Voyage. (Trying to hit the 14 hour without extension)

    I think though, I am going to do a couple weeks of just general playing around with it to get familiar enough to start planning.

    Oh, and all you Expedition haters? You realize that is what this upgrade is, just expeditions on steroids!
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
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    Got server error at end of first mission, lost everything, waste of resources for a temporary boost
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    cmdrworfcmdrworf ✭✭✭✭✭
    Anytime I get the "tap to continue" after text the game freezes for a significant amount of time.
    Sir, I protest! I am NOT a merry man!
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    WRG Ben wrote: »
    This thread is for discussing the new features in 10.0.0. Continuum Missions and Quipment.

    Enjoy! LLAP!

    Can we have an answer to spending 3500 dilithium for tubes 4 & 5 is this going to be a weekly cost?
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    DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    cmdrworf wrote: »
    Anytime I get the "tap to continue" after text the game freezes for a significant amount of time.

    Me, as well.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
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    Constant freezing. Got kicked out and now lost progress. Not a fabulous start.
    Also frustrated that crew on voyages can’t be used, oh well.
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    This Sisko1This Sisko1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2023
    Not everyone seems to have this issue but a lot are unable to access the missions that the Continuum is drawing from0bcf4nizr2vy.jpg

    You also can't grab the items from the crew build section

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    Yet Another Continuum Missions Bug Report

    Here are two screenshots from my gameplay



    From the first screenshot you can see that Spock and I-Chaya have a CMD base of 1615. The crit threshold of the node is 1667. With all bonuses etc. that should work out fine.

    Now the second screenshot... The actual CMD base applied to the node is only 1492. The bonuses are all applied correctly, so I didn't take screenshots for those (apart from the fact that I can't take screenshots at the necessary speed for that).

    I've already entertained the idea that this change in base value is by design, and re-watched the update video. However, in that video, base is base, without any reduction in value. So I conclude that that's a bug - to which I've lost two charges (one that I should have won, and the second one due to confusion about the previous failure.)
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    AldudeAldude ✭✭✭✭✭
    Stolen Honour mission shows no nodes now
    Fleet Admiral of NCC UK Midlands."Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." - J.T. Kirk, 2266
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    Alright folks, for the account access blocking, please refer to our player support, we have constructed a playbook for unblocking folks while Joe and I are unavailable. They may not be as quick, so please be patient.

    The team is working on resolving the higher priority issues and we are hoping to deploy a fix soon.

    As of right now, the features are remaining live. We are looking at compensation options and aim to have something later this week once we understand the deeper impacts.

    We appreciate your patience while we resolve these issues.
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    WRG Ben wrote: »
    This thread is for discussing the new features in 10.0.0. Continuum Missions and Quipment.

    Enjoy! LLAP!

    Can we have an answer to spending 3500 dilithium for tubes 4 & 5 is this going to be a weekly cost?

    I sure hope it's not, because I just bought both tubes. It hadn't even occurred to that that might be a weekly cost.
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    The obsession with yellow / gold needs to be reconsidered.
    You’ve dramatically changed the art for FF/FE crew for the worse.

    Please consider using some other way - perhaps a little icon / image to indicate eligible crew.

    And for the love of your artists, thier creations, our eyes and our love of crew - stop with this whole “let’s add more yellow / gold”

    Totally agree, please go back to the usual crew view before my eyeballs implode - the new effect is beyond annoying.
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    Fun and games clear mission 1 and mission 3 opens, cannot go back to mission 2 and mission 3 won't start
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    WRG Ben wrote: »
    This thread is for discussing the new features in 10.0.0. Continuum Missions and Quipment.

    Enjoy! LLAP!

    Can we have an answer to spending 3500 dilithium for tubes 4 & 5 is this going to be a weekly cost?

    I sure hope it's not, because I just bought both tubes. It hadn't even occurred to that that might be a weekly cost.

    Bought them both too, hoping it's similar to running 4 shuttles so a one time cost
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    Fun and games clear mission 1 and mission 3 opens, cannot go back to mission 2 and mission 3 won't start

    Same issue here
    Member of Rise of the Phoenix.
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    I'd just like to add my 2 cents on the color. I agree, I would like there to be a toggle for the filter on the art work to turn the feature off and on, I'm not a huge fan of the change.

    As far as the feature itself, I learned some things watching others play with it that weren't clear to me in the text itself which was helpful. The main other issue that I see people posting here which I agree with is that it would be nice if the voyage crew would still be able to do the missions. It's been so long since I've done actual galaxy missions without warp that I didn't remember that was how they worked, but as in theory we will want to be boosting our best crew even further with these buffs it would be nice if possible to get some overlap. Overall, it seems like an interesting new feature and I'm looking forward to learning more combos and ways to take advantage of it.

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    After completing enough missions for a couple of my crew to reach "Level 1" I now have some questions.

    First, do I need to unlock the crew Quipment slots every week?

    Second, when I open the Manifest menu, there is now an "!" on Crew, but I can't make it go away (tried actively viewing all 4 of my crew who became Level 1). Do I need to actually give one/all of them a piece of Quipment to remove the "!"?

    Third, adding my voice to wanting an answer (sooner, not later, please) to whether or not the extra tubes are a 1-time purchase.
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    DAEDAE ✭✭✭✭
    To everyone asking….i found this in my notes. I hope this is accurate. It came from my starfleet communicationsk7g0jca9qss2.jpeg
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    DAEDAE ✭✭✭✭
    I would also add my voice to the “please tone it down” requests.
    Again we are being blinded with searing bright swirling lights in our face. The previous lighting issues had been mildly tamed but not entirely cured. Now we have more again, and some of the previous lighting issues that were toned down have returned.
    Im unsure why the lighting effects of anything except traveling, galaxy map, and ship battles and rewards (for example) need to be so intense or have motion. Crew quarters, daily missions log, application of crew to usage slots, and campaigns get no additional value from moving bright boxes and intense lighting.

    Possibly desktop platforms and devices don't visualize these things the way mobile devices do. To my knowledge IOS users have and still do complain much more about this issue.
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    AldudeAldude ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is the galaxy map now...
    Fleet Admiral of NCC UK Midlands."Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." - J.T. Kirk, 2266
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    Fun and games clear mission 1 and mission 3 opens, cannot go back to mission 2 and mission 3 won't start

    Same issue here

    Cleared all 3 levels now and replayed normal but 3rd mission still locked and 2nd mission unable to open
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    dext74dext74 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Fully cleared the first mission earlier today on normal, just logged in and progress has reset?
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    dext74dext74 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Got 2 stars on 1st normal mission, went to mission 2 and the nodes aren't displaying
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