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What Happens When DB Runs Out Of Characters



  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Do we have Scotty's girlfriend from the new movies?
  • ezysylgid0or.jpg
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  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Can we also hope to one day have 100 different Satos?

    Well as long as we get Whiny *hugs* Sato along with I don't like Space Travel Sato, and I really dont wanna be here Sato.....


    I want Decon Sato along with Decon T’Pol... and a Decon Porthos too !!! Meh to Decon Archer.

    You ever see those commercials they used to do for Enterprise with "Wherever you will go" (the Calling) and lots of stomachs with decon gel?

    Actually... no. Between post grad, traveling and then working overseas, I missed DS9, VOY, and ENT and pretty much most of American pop culture for 20 years... but I binge watched all the boxed DVD sets later.

    I checked that song out (because you brought it up) and as much as I’m not a fan of vocals on any ST theme song (I’m glad DIS is back to old school orchestra and paying homage to TOS)... I personally think that would have been even worse for the intro than the one they ended up using.

    Probably would have been worse, but with the decon gel scenes as promo, frankly it was one of the things that turned me off on ENT off the bat as it was basically being advertised as soft porn.

    The Calling goes well with the soft porn angle.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Even if we confined DB to cannon crew (which, they aren't), we'd have the following to draw from:
    - 79 TOS episodes
    - 22 TAS episodes
    - 178 TNG episodes
    - 176 DS9 episodes
    - 172 VOY episodes
    - 98 ENT episodes
    - 15+ DIS episodes
    That's a total of 740 episodes, most of which had one or more unique guest stars, and excludes all movies and variants of main crew.
    Give me two days, and I could give you a list of two years worth of new crew.

    And 9 Prime Universe Movies. Look how much we've gotten from TMP alone so far and there is more that can be gotten.
  • No way, there are so many characters they haven't even scratched the surface. How about those three Orion slave girls from the enterprise episode haven't seen any one of them yet. There are literally thousands of characters we haven't seen yet
    “You must understand that there is more than one path to the top of the mountain”
    ― Musashi, Japan's Greatest Swordsman and Samurai
  • I agree that there are a lot of possibilities for characters. Unfortunately most of them are garbage.

    The iconic cards have already been released IMHO. So whatever bs is left gets pushed to the top with power creep.

    I could write a long list of characters for them to release as well. Doesn’t mean they are quality.

    If there was a list of the most and least popular characters I would be willing to guess that the top of the list is close to exhausted. I should have worded it better. Clearly it will take a very long time run out of junk.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Still lots of characters DB hasnt used in events like, i dont know, Captain Archer!?!
    Let’s fly!
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Ace Boogie wrote: »
    I agree that there are a lot of possibilities for characters. Unfortunately most of them are garbage.

    The iconic cards have already been released IMHO. So whatever *hugs* is left gets pushed to the top with power creep.

    I could write a long list of characters for them to release as well. Doesn’t mean they are quality.

    If there was a list of the most and least popular characters I would be willing to guess that the top of the list is close to exhausted. I should have worded it better. Clearly it will take a very long time run out of junk.

    All the Iconics are here? Number One the first female officer in Trek? Pale Moonlight of Sisko is junk? Wheelchair Pike -- the one most folks equate with the character?

    Wow, you must hate most of the eps too.
  • Still lots of characters DB hasnt used in events like, i dont know, Captain Archer!?!

    I love archer and will not start holding my breath after 2 years for that to happen.
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Ace Boogie wrote: »
    I agree that there are a lot of possibilities for characters. Unfortunately most of them are garbage.

    The iconic cards have already been released IMHO. So whatever *hugs* is left gets pushed to the top with power creep.

    I could write a long list of characters for them to release as well. Doesn’t mean they are quality.

    If there was a list of the most and least popular characters I would be willing to guess that the top of the list is close to exhausted. I should have worded it better. Clearly it will take a very long time run out of junk.

    All the Iconics are here? Number One the first female officer in Trek? Pale Moonlight of Sisko is junk? Wheelchair Pike -- the one most folks equate with the character?

    Wow, you must hate most of the eps too.

    Wow, chill out! Take a xanex.

    Every sentence on that forum has to worded like a legal brief.

    If you honestly believe the best is yet to come then you are welcome to that opinion.

    I feel like the MAJORITY of iconic variants have been released. That’s my opinion. DB didn’t have some master plan to release the best loved after 2 years. They put some of the most recognizable cards in the uncommon and common level at the start.

    So go ahead and list all the quality left. You listed 3. List 100 and that gets us how far at their current rate?

  • Ace Boogie wrote: »
    So go ahead and list all the quality left. You listed 3. List 100 and that gets us how far at their current rate?

    About the middle of next week.
  • RennJaxoRennJaxo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Ace Boogie wrote: »
    Still lots of characters DB hasnt used in events like, i dont know, Captain Archer!?!

    I love archer and will not start holding my breath after 2 years for that to happen.
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Ace Boogie wrote: »
    I agree that there are a lot of possibilities for characters. Unfortunately most of them are garbage.

    The iconic cards have already been released IMHO. So whatever *hugs* is left gets pushed to the top with power creep.

    I could write a long list of characters for them to release as well. Doesn’t mean they are quality.

    If there was a list of the most and least popular characters I would be willing to guess that the top of the list is close to exhausted. I should have worded it better. Clearly it will take a very long time run out of junk.

    All the Iconics are here? Number One the first female officer in Trek? Pale Moonlight of Sisko is junk? Wheelchair Pike -- the one most folks equate with the character?

    Wow, you must hate most of the eps too.

    Wow, chill out! Take a xanex.

    Every sentence on that forum has to worded like a legal brief.

    If you honestly believe the best is yet to come then you are welcome to that opinion.

    I feel like the MAJORITY of iconic variants have been released. That’s my opinion. DB didn’t have some master plan to release the best loved after 2 years. They put some of the most recognizable cards in the uncommon and common level at the start.

    So go ahead and list all the quality left. You listed 3. List 100 and that gets us how far at their current rate?

    Ishka? Admiral Ross? Patriot Sisko? Chancellor Gorkon? Dr. Julian Bashir? Inner Light Picard? Afterlife Q? Magnificent Quark? Pah Wraith Jake Sisko?

    They have barely scratched the surface on legendary characters, let alone characters in general, my dear boy. And these were just off the top of my head.
  • RennJaxoRennJaxo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    Also, Gul Darheel/Marritza and First Minister Shakarr. And Gary Mitchell, and Kai Winn, and Captain Spock, and Admiral McCoy, and...
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    So hang on, we get 2 new crew per week so we're looking at about 100 if there are no re-runs. Well, there are 6 series with about 40 odd main cast members. Some of them haven't really been featured in events yet. Hopefully we won't get more than 1 Janeway. Most Discovery crew have only one variant. Some haven't featured yet.

    10 main cast for DS9. 176 episodes.
    10 for Voyager. 172 episodes.
    9 for TOS. 79 episodes
    7 for Enterprise. 98 episodes
    6 main cast for Discovery (so far) 15 episodes
    Animated series

    That leaves about 60 lesser characters to pick from. Now how many episodes are there in total? 400? Plus movies and comics and the animated series etc etc.

    I think we have a while to go yet
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  • Ace Boogie wrote: »
    I would propose releasing only one new card per event and slowing down the non event card offers.

    Curious, I was just thinking that DB should exponentially increase the number of crew in the game: at least 2 different threshold 5* crew for events, new voyage only crew (3-4 new every month), new 3*s and 4*s for monthlies. One smart thing in the past was to increase the number of event crew from 2 to 3 and I think it's time for the next step. Opening packs that contain already immortalized crew is not exciting and that's the only thing I was getting lately. Events became boring, voyages have been nerfed, the game is full or errors, customer support is awful, I just don't see reasons to continue playing unless DB comes up with a strong crew expansion.

    Expand or die!
  • I've noticed that there has been no characters from the last 2 star trek movies, I assume they don’t have the rights to them ?
  • Iknamur_Iknamur_ ✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    As for characters, here is a quick list from the first 10 DS9 episodes:

    - baseball player Sisko (from the Emisarry, not Niners Sisko)
    - beach Sisko
    - gul evek
    - prophet Picard
    - prophet Jeniffer Sisko
    - prophet Jake Sisko
    - prophet Opaka
    - Tahna Los (the Kohn-Ma)
    - DS9 Lursa
    - DS9 B'Etor
    - Ibudan
    - school teacher Keiko
    - Tosk
    - Tosk hunter
    - smuggler Vash
    - old Vash
    - boxing Sisko
    - boxing Q
    - bajoran waiter Q
    - Kolos (Quark's wealthy customer)
    - Ferengi waiter Broik
    - investigator Tandro
    - Curzon's old girlfriend Enina Tandro
    - 100 yo judge from "Dax" episode
    - Ty Kajada (Koblian Security)
    - Vantika
    - Lt. George Primmin, Starfleet Security
    - Falow, master surchid of the Wadi
    - chula player Quark

    Should I go on? Yes, I know that Investigator Tandro, Ibudan or Ty Kajada wouldn't be appealing event crew, but they can be added as free monthly cards or exclusive voyage crew.
  • Cpt. CavemanCpt. Caveman ✭✭✭✭
    We will never run out. We have infinite supply of Archers.606ghvjfl2u7.jpg
  • Cpt. CavemanCpt. Caveman ✭✭✭✭
  • While I do wish they would slow the rate at which they release new characters, they are definitely not at risk of running out of even canon characters.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2018
    I'd like to see Bajoran Dukat, Dukat's daughter, Acting Captain Wesley Crusher, Fully Functional Data, Klingon Sisko, Changeling Martok, Transporter Chief O'Brien, Amanda Grayson, T'Pau, Surak, Weyoun clone six, Commander Toreth, off the top of my head.

    Also every single Medic in the entire universe needs much more love. At least 2 per month for the next year to bring parity to the balance of the game. And a few extra engineers wouldn't go amiss.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • dext74dext74 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've noticed that there has been no characters from the last 2 star trek movies, I assume they don’t have the rights to them ?

    Do you mean Into Darkness/Beyond as last 2 or Nemesis/Insurrection as last 2? If the former, then you're right- they don't have the rights to the new film series. If the latter, I can think of Ba'ku Worf, Shinzon, and the Viceroy off the top of my head.
  • dext74dext74 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've noticed that there has been no characters from the last 2 star trek movies, I assume they don’t have the rights to them ?

    Do you mean Into Darkness/Beyond as last 2 or Nemesis/Insurrection as last 2? If the former, then you're right- they don't have the rights to the new film series. If the latter, I can think of Ba'ku Worf, Shinzon, and the Viceroy off the top of my head.
  • Cpt. CavemanCpt. Caveman ✭✭✭✭

    Several good alternate characters from these episodes.

    *hoping for Fire and Brimstone Doctor and Bovine Maggie O'Halloran*
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ace Boogie wrote: »
    Still lots of characters DB hasnt used in events like, i dont know, Captain Archer!?!

    I love archer and will not start holding my breath after 2 years for that to happen.
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Ace Boogie wrote: »
    I agree that there are a lot of possibilities for characters. Unfortunately most of them are garbage.

    The iconic cards have already been released IMHO. So whatever *hugs* is left gets pushed to the top with power creep.

    I could write a long list of characters for them to release as well. Doesn’t mean they are quality.

    If there was a list of the most and least popular characters I would be willing to guess that the top of the list is close to exhausted. I should have worded it better. Clearly it will take a very long time run out of junk.

    All the Iconics are here? Number One the first female officer in Trek? Pale Moonlight of Sisko is junk? Wheelchair Pike -- the one most folks equate with the character?

    Wow, you must hate most of the eps too.

    Wow, chill out! Take a xanex.

    Every sentence on that forum has to worded like a legal brief.

    If you honestly believe the best is yet to come then you are welcome to that opinion.

    I feel like the MAJORITY of iconic variants have been released. That’s my opinion. DB didn’t have some master plan to release the best loved after 2 years. They put some of the most recognizable cards in the uncommon and common level at the start.

    So go ahead and list all the quality left. You listed 3. List 100 and that gets us how far at their current rate?

    All you had to do is go to the stickied thread of most wanted crew and ships.
    There's already a ton there, but folks here have supplied a lot as well.
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    19th Century Polaski (Sherlock)
    19th Century Picard (same episode)
    Virus Aged Polaski
    Encounter at far point McCoy
    Entire Tng cast from Times Arrow, plus Guinan & Clemons

    Baseball Bashir, O'Brien, Ezri, ect
    (All unreleased ds Niners, and do a non Canon Morn ! Lol)

    Commander Remmick
    Admiral Hanson
    Admiral Quinn
    Captain Walker Keel
    Captain Trila Scott
    Captain Ben Maxwell
    Captain Random (yeah, evil.. shocker with that name)
    Ishara Yar
    Commander Valerie Archer
    (And the Admiral played by Tucker Smallwood)
    By infernos light Worf
    By infernos light Garak

  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    I agree that we've seen many, and very likely more than half, of the Obvious Icons already introduced. I also agree that there are sufficient ones remaining that we're a ways off yet from scraping the bottom of the barrel.

    It's worth pointing out that all along, we've had a lot of players bemoan the introduction of this crew member or that variant on the basis that someone else "should have been made first". Had DB indulged the impatience and the hierarchy demanded by those players, maybe we'd already have Gorkon and Shelby and Captain Spock, but we also wouldn't have those still to look forward to getting.
  • ClanofClanof ✭✭✭
    They do seem to be pacing themselves well. If they were releasing two new interesting characters that people would actually want every week then they'd be done. But they put out a lot of characters no one cares about so they're still saving themselves room to come out with good characters later. (Remember Barak? Kortar? yea we have them and still not Shelby, they've got some time left in their pockets).
  • I think what will be a much more confusing problem is when we have 50 Janeways, and the event limits variants to only seasons 1-2 Janeways so we don't have too many. I'm horribly bad at figuring out which seasons an episode was in...
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