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  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Kaitee wrote: »
    Got thinking last night on my standard go-to 'what if?', characters we didn't get to see in the Mirror Universe (or at least I didn't get to see, because I didn't read whatever novel or comic or whatever they showed up in), and thought of a couple that I think would be fun (if not necessarily vital for the game, so I'm not holding my breath).

    Mirror Ross - not from Friends, the Admiral, except there's no Starfleet so he's no Admiral. For some reason my brain went straight to whatsisname from Gladiator, Proximo? The gladiator trainer guy. So being slaves to the KCA there are planets where Terrans are put into arenas, and Ross is an old gladiator who was just to hardcore to get killed, and eventually he's the grizzled old dude who mentors the youngsters, kind of like that Hirogen from 'Tsunkatse'. For extra points maybe they still use the little three link chain icon from Gladiator Kirk and Spock, like back in Mirror TOS the Empire found Planet Rome and were like, gladiators, cool, and conquered/adopted the idea wholesale, then when the KCA took over they thought it was cool too, and basically Planet Rome's gladiator arenas have just been going this whole time through multiple empires taking them over.

    Mirror Wesley - young Lex Luthor/Doctor Doom, basically, he's this brilliant scientist but he's so embittered by the scorn of every other species towards Terrans that he's gone off the deep end and is just intent on using his genius to make the entire rest of the galaxy bow down before him. He probably 'works for' the remnant of the Empire, but in the back of his mind he's planning for the day when he'll overthrow them as well.

    Mirror Dukat - okay I admit this one isn't really a punchy character so he'd be no good for the game, but imagine Dukat-as-Anjohl, but it's not all a lie. He's still Cardassian, but when he got assigned to Bajor he genuinely came to adore the Bajorans, and resigned from the military and settled down as a farmer, everyone loves him, he's like Mr Rogers, the best guy imaginable, and completely content with his life on his little farm without a care in the world. And he's married to Mirror Winn, and they're a really nice happy couple.

    And finally, Mirror Captain Proton - grounded, realistic, the show is basically The Expanse without the alien stuff, just hard science (pre-warp) solar system space travel and interplanetary politics.

    Everything you ever say should be made so.......

    Dukat and Wesley are perfect. But I would picture Mirror Proton as a conqueror instead of anything benign.
    Farewell 🖖
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Kaitee wrote: »
    Got thinking last night on my standard go-to 'what if?', characters we didn't get to see in the Mirror Universe (or at least I didn't get to see, because I didn't read whatever novel or comic or whatever they showed up in), and thought of a couple that I think would be fun (if not necessarily vital for the game, so I'm not holding my breath).

    Mirror Ross - not from Friends, the Admiral, except there's no Starfleet so he's no Admiral. For some reason my brain went straight to whatsisname from Gladiator, Proximo? The gladiator trainer guy. So being slaves to the KCA there are planets where Terrans are put into arenas, and Ross is an old gladiator who was just to hardcore to get killed, and eventually he's the grizzled old dude who mentors the youngsters, kind of like that Hirogen from 'Tsunkatse'. For extra points maybe they still use the little three link chain icon from Gladiator Kirk and Spock, like back in Mirror TOS the Empire found Planet Rome and were like, gladiators, cool, and conquered/adopted the idea wholesale, then when the KCA took over they thought it was cool too, and basically Planet Rome's gladiator arenas have just been going this whole time through multiple empires taking them over.

    Mirror Wesley - young Lex Luthor/Doctor Doom, basically, he's this brilliant scientist but he's so embittered by the scorn of every other species towards Terrans that he's gone off the deep end and is just intent on using his genius to make the entire rest of the galaxy bow down before him. He probably 'works for' the remnant of the Empire, but in the back of his mind he's planning for the day when he'll overthrow them as well.

    Mirror Dukat - okay I admit this one isn't really a punchy character so he'd be no good for the game, but imagine Dukat-as-Anjohl, but it's not all a lie. He's still Cardassian, but when he got assigned to Bajor he genuinely came to adore the Bajorans, and resigned from the military and settled down as a farmer, everyone loves him, he's like Mr Rogers, the best guy imaginable, and completely content with his life on his little farm without a care in the world. And he's married to Mirror Winn, and they're a really nice happy couple.

    And finally, Mirror Captain Proton - grounded, realistic, the show is basically The Expanse without the alien stuff, just hard science (pre-warp) solar system space travel and interplanetary politics.

    Everything you ever say should be made so.......

    Dukat and Wesley are perfect. But I would picture Mirror Proton as a conqueror instead of anything benign.

    Yeah. He should be like doing stuff like stopping Terrans from getting their freedom and stuff. Like, he is an interplanetary mercenary that the KCA hires to enforce their domain. {I am surprised that Kaitee did not go into detail on him. And her concept of how his Mirror self would be. Others are very detailed, and well-thought out. I'm sure he would be, too. If she were writing "Star Trek: Reflections". Or whatever she would call her series.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • New crew many of our fleet would like to see
  • Kirk from the Voyage Home!
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Adam BSR wrote: »
    New crew many of our fleet would like to see

    I was with you until Burnham. That's 1* material there. Literally common. Otherwise, great list - especially sneezing Kira! :D
    Farewell 🖖
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Adam BSR wrote: »
    New crew many of our fleet would like to see

    I was with you until Burnham. That's 1* material there. Literally common. Otherwise, great list - especially sneezing Kira! :D

    Ha! Yes. Burnham crying was VERY common in the second season
  • KaiteeKaitee ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am surprised that Kaitee did not go into detail on him. And her concept of how his Mirror self would be. Others are very detailed, and well-thought out.

    James "Proton" Holden was kind of an afterthought - although for the record, I was imagining that being the show that existed in the Mirror 1930s, so it doesn't relate to the KCA and all that. I know we've got Proton as a standalone hologram running around the real Alpha Quadrant in the game or whatever, but I still think of him in terms of Voyager as a 'historical' program. (If you want more detail though, Harry's annoyed that he always has to play Alex Kamal and just fly the ship, Seven turns up as Bobbie Draper and just punches whatever's in her way really hard, and Avasarala originally looked different but Tom reprogrammed her to look like his grandmother because she's the cool one in his family tree. But for old times' sake the b&w Roci does have sparks streaming out of its exhaust on screen.)

    I kind of got on a run of Mirror Universe Holoprograms though. Mirror Picard's detective program is Sin City. Mirror Bashir's 'secret agent' is Austin Powers. Mirror Fair Haven is Craggy Island from Father Ted.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Kaitee wrote: »
    Mirror Bashir's 'secret agent' is Austin Powers.

    This would be awesome! Does that make Mirror Regent Worf Dr. Evil?

    Edit: Can Mirror Braxton be Rufus from Bill and Ted?
    Farewell 🖖
  • KaiteeKaitee ✭✭✭✭✭
    Can Mirror Braxton be Rufus from Bill and Ted?

    The twist is that he's also De Nomolos, because that's just how Braxton is.
  • Still looking for Soldier of Fortune Barclay:
    Security / Engineering / Command
    Human, Innovator, Resourceful, Veteran, Pilot, Saboteur, Marksman, Communicator, Jury Rigger
  • RennJaxoRennJaxo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd love a Legendary Dr. Julian Bashir to go along with the Legendary Dax and Siskos, preferably in the grey DS9 uniform - which I don't think we have a version of Bashir in yet. MED/SCI with CMD or DIP, I suppose.
  • PompeyMagnusPompeyMagnus ✭✭✭✭
    Kai Winn
    Tahna Los
    General Krim
    Colonel Day Kannu (might make a decent 3*)
    Jaro Essa
    First Minister Shakaar Edon
    Colonel Lenaris Holem
    Kubus Oak
    Undercover "Pimp" Miles O'Brien (from the episode with Disguised Kira)
    Racquetball O'Brien
    Bashir from the episode "The Siege"
    Pilot or Injured Kira from "The Siege"
    Vedek Jadzia Dax
    Replicant Miles O'Brien (no combadge, Bajoran phaser in hand)
    Bartender Rom (and more versions of Rom)
  • Chakotay from Nemesis/ Voy(4x04)
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Still looking for Soldier of Fortune Barclay:
    Security / Engineering / Command
    Human, Innovator, Resourceful, Veteran, Pilot, Saboteur, Marksman, Communicator, Jury Rigger

    Good call. I'm a fan of DB originals like this. I'll just add...
    Collections: DB Originals and Holodeck Enthusiasts (Spit and Bailing Wire, Veteran, and Innovator collections go with the traits.)
    Farewell 🖖
  • PompeyMagnusPompeyMagnus ✭✭✭✭
  • Sylvia !!
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • if someone of the following in the game,am sry,but still like it when a char appears i have never seen bevore in this game...

    -Sirna Kolrami
    -Admiral Ross
    -Mrs. Q (Voyager 3X11 "The Q and the Grey")
    -young Q (TNG 6x06 "True Q")
    -Admiral West (Star Trek VI played by Rene Auberjonois)
    -Captain Ransom (Voyager "Equinox")

    -The Big Goodbye - Data in his Dixon Hill persona

    -something like "phoenix riker" from Star Trek VIII

    and of course, there are still many many option for the main-chars,and for me,they are allways welcome:)
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    if someone of the following in the game,am sry,but still like it when a char appears i have never seen bevore in this game...

    -Sirna Kolrami
    -Admiral Ross
    -Mrs. Q (Voyager 3X11 "The Q and the Grey")
    -young Q (TNG 6x06 "True Q")
    -Admiral West (Star Trek VI played by Rene Auberjonois)
    -Captain Ransom (Voyager "Equinox")

    -The Big Goodbye - Data in his Dixon Hill persona

    -something like "phoenix riker" from Star Trek VIII

    and of course, there are still many many option for the main-chars,and for me,they are allways welcome:)

    I love these ideas, except Admiral Ross who is in the game. The Sheliak would be ineresting. I'd really like to see Mr. Homn added, though I guess that means we would need Lwaxana to make an appearance, too? And everyone's chatting about getting a few more Qs in the game.

    Also, FYI, I'm pretty sure it was Colonel West in ST VI, not Admiral.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    if someone of the following in the game,am sry,but still like it when a char appears i have never seen bevore in this game...

    -Sirna Kolrami
    -Admiral Ross
    -Mrs. Q (Voyager 3X11 "The Q and the Grey")
    -young Q (TNG 6x06 "True Q")
    -Admiral West (Star Trek VI played by Rene Auberjonois)
    -Captain Ransom (Voyager "Equinox")

    -The Big Goodbye - Data in his Dixon Hill persona

    -something like "phoenix riker" from Star Trek VIII

    and of course, there are still many many option for the main-chars,and for me,they are allways welcome:)

    I love these ideas, except Admiral Ross who is in the game. The Sheliak would be ineresting. I'd really like to see Mr. Homn added, though I guess that means we would need Lwaxana to make an appearance, too? And everyone's chatting about getting a few more Qs in the game.

    Also, FYI, I'm pretty sure it was Colonel West in ST VI, not Admiral.

    We seriously need more Q, and there are a few not yet in the game.

    How many Lwaxana do you think we need? There are already 3 in the game. Okay, maybe one more, perhaps a serious Lwaxana from "Dark Page", or Desperate Bride Lwaxana from "Resolution".
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    if someone of the following in the game,am sry,but still like it when a char appears i have never seen bevore in this game...

    -Sirna Kolrami
    -Admiral Ross
    -Mrs. Q (Voyager 3X11 "The Q and the Grey")
    -young Q (TNG 6x06 "True Q")
    -Admiral West (Star Trek VI played by Rene Auberjonois)
    -Captain Ransom (Voyager "Equinox")

    -The Big Goodbye - Data in his Dixon Hill persona

    -something like "phoenix riker" from Star Trek VIII

    and of course, there are still many many option for the main-chars,and for me,they are allways welcome:)

    I love these ideas, except Admiral Ross who is in the game. The Sheliak would be ineresting. I'd really like to see Mr. Homn added, though I guess that means we would need Lwaxana to make an appearance, too? And everyone's chatting about getting a few more Qs in the game.

    Also, FYI, I'm pretty sure it was Colonel West in ST VI, not Admiral.

    We seriously need more Q, and there are a few not yet in the game.

    How many Lwaxana do you think we need? There are already 3 in the game. Okay, maybe one more, perhaps a serious Lwaxana from "Dark Page", or Desperate Bride Lwaxana from "Resolution".

    I was thinking an existing Lwaxana could be one of the featured event crew with a new super-rare Mr. Homn, actually.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    if someone of the following in the game,am sry,but still like it when a char appears i have never seen bevore in this game...

    -Sirna Kolrami
    -Admiral Ross
    -Mrs. Q (Voyager 3X11 "The Q and the Grey")
    -young Q (TNG 6x06 "True Q")
    -Admiral West (Star Trek VI played by Rene Auberjonois)
    -Captain Ransom (Voyager "Equinox")

    -The Big Goodbye - Data in his Dixon Hill persona

    -something like "phoenix riker" from Star Trek VIII

    and of course, there are still many many option for the main-chars,and for me,they are allways welcome:)

    I love these ideas, except Admiral Ross who is in the game. The Sheliak would be ineresting. I'd really like to see Mr. Homn added, though I guess that means we would need Lwaxana to make an appearance, too? And everyone's chatting about getting a few more Qs in the game.

    Also, FYI, I'm pretty sure it was Colonel West in ST VI, not Admiral.

    We seriously need more Q, and there are a few not yet in the game.

    How many Lwaxana do you think we need? There are already 3 in the game. Okay, maybe one more, perhaps a serious Lwaxana from "Dark Page", or Desperate Bride Lwaxana from "Resolution".

    Going to take a minute to re-state the request to change the Q trait to Continuum or Q Continuum for better search results.

    I am hoping to see Female Q and Q Jr in the upcoming mega event. Mr. Homn is my next favorite from that list.

    How much Lwaxana (Majel Barrett) do we need?
    All of them!
    Farewell 🖖
  • if someone of the following in the game,am sry,but still like it when a char appears i have never seen bevore in this game...

    -Sirna Kolrami
    -Admiral Ross
    -Mrs. Q (Voyager 3X11 "The Q and the Grey")
    -young Q (TNG 6x06 "True Q")
    -Admiral West (Star Trek VI played by Rene Auberjonois)
    -Captain Ransom (Voyager "Equinox")

    -The Big Goodbye - Data in his Dixon Hill persona

    -something like "phoenix riker" from Star Trek VIII

    and of course, there are still many many option for the main-chars,and for me,they are allways welcome:)

    I love these ideas, except Admiral Ross who is in the game. The Sheliak would be ineresting. I'd really like to see Mr. Homn added, though I guess that means we would need Lwaxana to make an appearance, too? And everyone's chatting about getting a few more Qs in the game.

    Also, FYI, I'm pretty sure it was Colonel West in ST VI, not Admiral.

    First,thanks for the "spoiler" with Ross;D

    and you are right,it was COLONEL West, i went from admiral Cartwright to West and something went wrong in my brain...
    anyway,yeah,why not a new lwaxana next to Mr.Homn,and let em fuse (is this a correct word?Oo) to something like... i dont know^^

    also i would like to see some more chars you can fuse, way more achievements to trigger your "collecting mania" (my english is really bad,but i hope u know what i mean),and some like so badly rare 7*"chars" u can only use in voyages as like "little helpers/buddys"-one can help to collect more chrons,antoher-gomtuu for example-can help to even get a small chance for a 5*...
    and so on...
    so many ideas,so many chars left open... lwaxana&odo together also missing;)
  • It would be great to see Delta Flyer Kim added to the game. Kim really needs a strong card and Paris and Torres are already in the game.
    I second this! It would be great to see more Kims in the game all together, prison Kim and prison Paris haven't been added yet.
  • PompeyMagnusPompeyMagnus ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    How much Lwaxana (Majel Barrett) do we need?
    All of them!

    I have always disliked Lwaxana episodes. I always found them cringeworthy and have gotten into the habit of skipping them whenever I re-watch TNG or DS9

    I recently watched the DS9 episode "Rejoined", lots of decent crew to mine from that episode.
    Formal Dress versions of Jadzia Dax, Worf, Kira, and Bashir, Trill scientists Bejal Otner and Hanor Pren, Lenara Khan.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    How much Lwaxana (Majel Barrett) do we need?
    All of them!

    I have always disliked Lwaxana episodes. I always found them cringeworthy and have gotten into the habit of skipping them whenever I re-watch TNG or DS9

    I recently watched the DS9 episode "Rejoined", lots of decent crew to mine from that episode.
    Formal Dress versions of Jadzia Dax, Worf, Kira, and Bashir, Trill scientists Bejal Otner and Hanor Pren, Lenara Khan.

    I agree with the Lwaxana thing. We get it already. She would #$*! Anything that walks. It’s played out man!!
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    How much Lwaxana (Majel Barrett) do we need?
    All of them!

    I have always disliked Lwaxana episodes. I always found them cringeworthy and have gotten into the habit of skipping them whenever I re-watch TNG or DS9

    I recently watched the DS9 episode "Rejoined", lots of decent crew to mine from that episode.
    Formal Dress versions of Jadzia Dax, Worf, Kira, and Bashir, Trill scientists Bejal Otner and Hanor Pren, Lenara Khan.

    I agree with the Lwaxana thing. We get it already. She would #$*! Anything that walks. It’s played out man!!

    That’s what made her appearances in Dark Page, The Forsaken, and The Muse that much more special - we get to see beyond the indomitable libido and flamboyant gregariousness, and find out that she has fears and problems and pain just like anyone else.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    How much Lwaxana (Majel Barrett) do we need?
    All of them!

    I have always disliked Lwaxana episodes. I always found them cringeworthy and have gotten into the habit of skipping them whenever I re-watch TNG or DS9

    I recently watched the DS9 episode "Rejoined", lots of decent crew to mine from that episode.
    Formal Dress versions of Jadzia Dax, Worf, Kira, and Bashir, Trill scientists Bejal Otner and Hanor Pren, Lenara Khan.

    I agree with the Lwaxana thing. We get it already. She would #$*! Anything that walks. It’s played out man!!

    That’s what made her appearances in Dark Page, The Forsaken, and The Muse that much more special - we get to see beyond the indomitable libido and flamboyant gregariousness, and find out that she has fears and problems and pain just like anyone else.

    That she tried to heal through promiscuousness. I suppose we all have known someone like that

  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    How much Lwaxana (Majel Barrett) do we need?
    All of them!

    I have always disliked Lwaxana episodes. I always found them cringeworthy and have gotten into the habit of skipping them whenever I re-watch TNG or DS9

    I recently watched the DS9 episode "Rejoined", lots of decent crew to mine from that episode.
    Formal Dress versions of Jadzia Dax, Worf, Kira, and Bashir, Trill scientists Bejal Otner and Hanor Pren, Lenara Khan.

    I agree with the Lwaxana thing. We get it already. She would #$*! Anything that walks. It’s played out man!!

    That’s what made her appearances in Dark Page, The Forsaken, and The Muse that much more special - we get to see beyond the indomitable libido and flamboyant gregariousness, and find out that she has fears and problems and pain just like anyone else.

    That she tried to heal through promiscuousness. I suppose we all have known someone like that

    Indeed. Vices are a popular, if rarely healthy, way of dealing with trauma, insecurity, and the like. I am now racking my brain to try and remember anyone else in Trek who did the same and am only coming up with Barclay and his holodeck addiction issues...it’s something I wouldn’t mind seeing more of, to be honest.
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