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Key information about the event: Turning Point - 06/07 - Edit: 06/04



  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Siblin wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    cmdrworf wrote: »
    Ezri count ?

    Yes she should as she is a variant of dax.

    Was Mirror Ezri a Dax? I don't think she was so that one might not count.

    In the show she was always Ezri Tigan, not Dax.

    I’m always confused mirror Bashir is listed in the game as an Augment despite (I think) it never being mentioned he was. I would have thought it unlikely Terran slaves could nip off and get Augmented

    The episode where his augmentation was mentioned made it clear that Bashir was suffering from very major disabilities IIRC, while Mirror Bashir did not seem to be suffering from anything that would have justified the genetic enhancement.

    Or maybe his dad only dropped him on his head in the Prime Universe. :D
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Shan wrote: »
    The original post will be updated to confirm the following:
    - Mirror Ezri Tigan and Zhian'tara Odo will count as "Dax" to remain consistent with what has been done in previous events
    - Roga Danar will provide some bonus for the remainder of the Mega-Event, while work continues on a reassessment of the "Augment" trait.

    Well, on the plus side, Roga now isn't completely useless. On the down side, I didn't bother to FF him since we were told up until after the event ended that he would be.
  • edited June 2018
    Let me just toss one little grenade into the whole augment argument. Shouldn't the squishy, shapeshiftery Suliban be augments? They certainly fit the genetically manipulated into a physically superior member of their race part of it.

    Makes sense to me. Fits the basic definition that's been applied in the past, and seems like a pretty reasonable addition since it would only effect one card in the game (Silik).

    Add the "Augment" trait to him and Roga both. After all, being directly affiliated with Khan's group has never been a requirement. Bashir isn't, and his cards make up fully half the Augments in the game.
  • Not all in fact most Suliban weren't genetically augmented, Silik tho was genetically augmented.
  • t<G>e  Roonist<G>e Roonis ✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Siblin wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    cmdrworf wrote: »
    Ezri count ?

    Yes she should as she is a variant of dax.

    Was Mirror Ezri a Dax? I don't think she was so that one might not count.

    In the show she was always Ezri Tigan, not Dax.

    I’m always confused mirror Bashir is listed in the game as an Augment despite (I think) it never being mentioned he was. I would have thought it unlikely Terran slaves could nip off and get Augmented

    The episode where his augmentation was mentioned made it clear that Bashir was suffering from very major disabilities IIRC, while Mirror Bashir did not seem to be suffering from anything that would have justified the genetic enhancement.

    I think that is a plot-hole you were not supposed to notice. Just like how the Rebels built the ISS Defiant exactly like the USS Defiant without detailed schematics which I am sure is a breach of the prime directive to give out by Starfleet officers. Typically Starfleet captains blow up their own ship rather than let it fall into the hands of non-Starfleet....they don't just give away schematics on classified schematics. So either Sisko breached the prime directive big time or there is another plot-hole.

    Smiley out right says he stole the defiant plans the previous season when he kidnapped Sisko. He downloaded everything he could with Miles clearances.
  • Shy Khan wrote: »
    I imagine in the police state of the time, there was plenty of closed circuit surveillance happening that they could have caught Sisko's image on. Even now in 2018, San Francisco/Oakland has been installing a rather extensive network of police cameras throughout the Bay Area for years. Just more of Star Trek predicting the future/present.

    Yeah, I've always assumed exactly that: immediately after the riot there would have been a lot of chaos: lots of dead, probably quite a few missing IDs. A body gets identified as "Bell," but he's just one more among the dead, and the government at that point is probably trying to sweep the whole mess under the rug as soon as possible, (which doesn't work, of course). It wouldn't be too hard for the discrepancy between the body in the morgue and the face on the security footage to be missed in the chaos. It would only be much later that Bell's real historical importance would be widely realized, and by then, who's going to question the death certificate?
  • Hunter247 wrote: »
    Siblin wrote: »
    I’m always confused mirror Bashir is listed in the game as an Augment despite (I think) it never being mentioned he was. I would have thought it unlikely Terran slaves could nip off and get Augmented

    The episode where his augmentation was mentioned made it clear that Bashir was suffering from very major disabilities IIRC, while Mirror Bashir did not seem to be suffering from anything that would have justified the genetic enhancement.

    Option 1: Mirror Bashir didn't have the same disabilities as "Jules," and never needed any genetic enhancements. He looks the same through usual Mirror Universe Weirdness.

    Option 2: Julian's parents fibbed -- trying to justify their choice to change their son -- and his childhood disabilities were never that severe. Mirror Bashir never got the enhancements, which just means he's a regular person instead of a genius.

    Option 3: Mirror Bashir had the same disabilities, and got the same enhancements (or at least the physical ones). We have no idea how hard that is in the Mirror Universe. Maybe it's not so regulated there. Or, assuming his family were Terran slaves, maybe the KCA had it done themselves, 'fixing' his disabilities so he'd be a stronger worker.

    Since it's handy for the Mirror Bashir card to have the Augment trait, I'm pretty happy that DB seems to have gone with Option 3.
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Shan wrote: »
    The original post will be updated to confirm the following:
    - Mirror Ezri Tigan and Zhian'tara Odo will count as "Dax" to remain consistent with what has been done in previous events
    - Roga Danar will provide some bonus for the remainder of the Mega-Event, while work continues on a reassessment of the "Augment" trait.

    I shoved the wrong "Augment" into the airlock. (Though, I should not be crying, it was a choice between duplicates)
    [In my fishing attempt for 5* Siskos, I ended up collecting enough to Fuse both Danar and Khan twice.]
    (Still never got all the Siskos I wanted)
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • Hunter247 wrote: »
    Siblin wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    cmdrworf wrote: »
    Ezri count ?

    Yes she should as she is a variant of dax.

    Was Mirror Ezri a Dax? I don't think she was so that one might not count.

    In the show she was always Ezri Tigan, not Dax.

    I’m always confused mirror Bashir is listed in the game as an Augment despite (I think) it never being mentioned he was. I would have thought it unlikely Terran slaves could nip off and get Augmented

    The episode where his augmentation was mentioned made it clear that Bashir was suffering from very major disabilities IIRC, while Mirror Bashir did not seem to be suffering from anything that would have justified the genetic enhancement.

    I think that is a plot-hole you were not supposed to notice. Just like how the Rebels built the ISS Defiant exactly like the USS Defiant without detailed schematics which I am sure is a breach of the prime directive to give out by Starfleet officers. Typically Starfleet captains blow up their own ship rather than let it fall into the hands of non-Starfleet....they don't just give away schematics on classified schematics. So either Sisko breached the prime directive big time or there is another plot-hole.

    Smiley specifically says he stole the plans to Defiant as well as other weapons when he crossed over the previous time. As Cheif Engineering *wink, the computer would not lock him out plus if it did how many times did we see randoms bypass security. (Trek security being a joke is pretty consistent).
  • Captain LostCaptain Lost ✭✭✭✭
    A much bigger problem in my opinion is that the Terran rebels were able to build the ISS Defiant at Mirror Terok Nor at all. DS9/Terok Nor is NOT a shipyard. In For the Uniform, O'Brien mentions how much longer it will take to repair the Defiant at DS9 compared to a Spacedock; they just don't have the same resources or facilities. And that is Starfleet, not the rag tag band of Terran rebels.

    Deep Space Nine is my favorite Star Trek series, but honestly, after the first few outings, the Mirror Universe episodes are best ignored. It's a serious case of diminishing returns.
  • Hunter247 wrote: »
    Siblin wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    cmdrworf wrote: »
    Ezri count ?

    Yes she should as she is a variant of dax.

    Was Mirror Ezri a Dax? I don't think she was so that one might not count.

    In the show she was always Ezri Tigan, not Dax.

    I’m always confused mirror Bashir is listed in the game as an Augment despite (I think) it never being mentioned he was. I would have thought it unlikely Terran slaves could nip off and get Augmented

    The episode where his augmentation was mentioned made it clear that Bashir was suffering from very major disabilities IIRC, while Mirror Bashir did not seem to be suffering from anything that would have justified the genetic enhancement.

    He was not suffering from major disabilities. He was just a below average student, “falling behind” is the term his mother used. So he was not as smart as his father wanted him to be. His father wanted him to fulfill all the dreams he himself could not and in his current state he had no chance of doing that. Bashir was angry and said if they had left him alone maybe he would have caught up, maybe not.

    Point being Mirror Bashir could have also had below avearge intelligence. He was basically a foot soldier with a bad temper.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shy Khan wrote: »
    I imagine in the police state of the time, there was plenty of closed circuit surveillance happening that they could have caught Sisko's image on. Even now in 2018, San Francisco/Oakland has been installing a rather extensive network of police cameras throughout the Bay Area for years. Just more of Star Trek predicting the future/present.

    Yeah, I've always assumed exactly that: immediately after the riot there would have been a lot of chaos: lots of dead, probably quite a few missing IDs. A body gets identified as "Bell," but he's just one more among the dead, and the government at that point is probably trying to sweep the whole mess under the rug as soon as possible, (which doesn't work, of course). It wouldn't be too hard for the discrepancy between the body in the morgue and the face on the security footage to be missed in the chaos. It would only be much later that Bell's real historical importance would be widely realized, and by then, who's going to question the death certificate?

    Except it's a head-on shot, and he's looking straight into the camera, like you do for an ID photo. Thus, going by that pic alone, he obviously knew his photo was being taken, and if Sisko knew that, he would of course have been a lot more concerned with his impact on history (and a visit from the Dept. of Temporal Investigations, which nobody wants). There are just too many loose threads to try to tie together. The only explanation that really makes any sense at all is the one that someone gave earlier in this thread: the writers wanted a "zinger" for the end of the episode, and were either too lazy to realize it wasn't a feasible conclusion, just didn't care, or didn't think nerds like us would pick apart every little thing. B)

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    He was probably photographed when he entered the camp. Nobody knew who was he before he assumed the identity of Gabriel Bell.
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Shan wrote: »
    The original post will be updated to confirm the following:

    - Roga Danar will provide some bonus for the remainder of the Mega-Event, while work continues on a reassessment of the "Augment" trait.

    It is annoying that we hear that after the last event has finished because if I had known before I would have pushed harder to get him FF.

    I didn't see the point in pushing for a crew who would serve no further function in the mega event
  • Capt AjammCapt Ajamm ✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Shan wrote: »
    Event Name: Turning Point

    - Roga Danar will provide some bonus for the remainder of the Mega-Event, while work continues on a reassessment of the "Augment" trait.

    Awesome, thanks Shan for going to bat for us on this one.
    ~ seeking out new life
  • WoOZWoOZ ✭✭
    Yet another question, why don't variants of Arik Soong count, as small bonus crew, Dr Soong for instance.
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yet another question, why don't variants of Arik Soong count, as small bonus crew, Dr Soong for instance.

    Because they aren’t the same person? Arik is Dr. Noonien Soong’s great grandfather or something like that.
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yet another question, why don't variants of Arik Soong count, as small bonus crew, Dr Soong for instance.

    Probably because they are two different characters. Dr. Soong was a descendant of Arik Soong.
    Just like Jake is a descendant on Benjamin Sisko and Jake doesn't give a bonus for Benjamin Sisko events.
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • Yet another question, why don't variants of Arik Soong count, as small bonus crew, Dr Soong for instance.

    Unfortunately they are not the same person. Relatives, yes.
  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Shy Khan wrote: »
    I imagine in the police state of the time, there was plenty of closed circuit surveillance happening that they could have caught Sisko's image on. Even now in 2018, San Francisco/Oakland has been installing a rather extensive network of police cameras throughout the Bay Area for years. Just more of Star Trek predicting the future/present.

    Yeah, I've always assumed exactly that: immediately after the riot there would have been a lot of chaos: lots of dead, probably quite a few missing IDs. A body gets identified as "Bell," but he's just one more among the dead, and the government at that point is probably trying to sweep the whole mess under the rug as soon as possible, (which doesn't work, of course). It wouldn't be too hard for the discrepancy between the body in the morgue and the face on the security footage to be missed in the chaos. It would only be much later that Bell's real historical importance would be widely realized, and by then, who's going to question the death certificate?

    Except it's a head-on shot, and he's looking straight into the camera, like you do for an ID photo. Thus, going by that pic alone, he obviously knew his photo was being taken, and if Sisko knew that, he would of course have been a lot more concerned with his impact on history (and a visit from the Dept. of Temporal Investigations, which nobody wants). There are just too many loose threads to try to tie together. The only explanation that really makes any sense at all is the one that someone gave earlier in this thread: the writers wanted a "zinger" for the end of the episode, and were either too lazy to realize it wasn't a feasible conclusion, just didn't care, or didn't think nerds like us would pick apart every little thing. B)

    Or... having read the history, he knew that a photo would be taken/required, thus to alter as little as possible, he made sure to smile for the camera at the right time?
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Elynduil wrote: »
    Or... having read the history, he knew that a photo would be taken/required, thus to alter as little as possible, he made sure to smile for the camera at the right time?


    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Shy KhanShy Khan ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Shy Khan wrote: »
    I imagine in the police state of the time, there was plenty of closed circuit surveillance happening that they could have caught Sisko's image on. Even now in 2018, San Francisco/Oakland has been installing a rather extensive network of police cameras throughout the Bay Area for years. Just more of Star Trek predicting the future/present.

    Yeah, I've always assumed exactly that: immediately after the riot there would have been a lot of chaos: lots of dead, probably quite a few missing IDs. A body gets identified as "Bell," but he's just one more among the dead, and the government at that point is probably trying to sweep the whole mess under the rug as soon as possible, (which doesn't work, of course). It wouldn't be too hard for the discrepancy between the body in the morgue and the face on the security footage to be missed in the chaos. It would only be much later that Bell's real historical importance would be widely realized, and by then, who's going to question the death certificate?

    Except it's a head-on shot, and he's looking straight into the camera, like you do for an ID photo. Thus, going by that pic alone, he obviously knew his photo was being taken, and if Sisko knew that, he would of course have been a lot more concerned with his impact on history (and a visit from the Dept. of Temporal Investigations, which nobody wants). There are just too many loose threads to try to tie together. The only explanation that really makes any sense at all is the one that someone gave earlier in this thread: the writers wanted a "zinger" for the end of the episode, and were either too lazy to realize it wasn't a feasible conclusion, just didn't care, or didn't think nerds like us would pick apart every little thing. B)

    It strikes me as more of an enlarged paparazzi shot than a posed pic. Sisko is just naturally photogenic.
    Come join the Steeler Nation Fleet!
  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yeah, paparazzis have infiltrated the camp and took a photo!

    Good one!
  • Will Klingon Bride Jadzia have the dax bonus ?
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Will Klingon Bride Jadzia have the dax bonus ?

    Of course she will
  • Option 3: Mirror Bashir had the same disabilities, and got the same enhancements (or at least the physical ones). We have no idea how hard that is in the Mirror Universe. Maybe it's not so regulated there. Or, assuming his family were Terran slaves, maybe the KCA had it done themselves, 'fixing' his disabilities so he'd be a stronger worker.

    Could be in the MU his parents collaborated with the KCA, so they had access to things the rebels didn't, such as geneering.

    Young Mirror Bashir then rebelled against his parents by rebelling against the KCA, and was caught, enslaved and watched as his parents were executed for his crimes.

    One way of explaining his charming personality in the MU.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    furyd wrote: »
    Option 3: Mirror Bashir had the same disabilities, and got the same enhancements (or at least the physical ones). We have no idea how hard that is in the Mirror Universe. Maybe it's not so regulated there. Or, assuming his family were Terran slaves, maybe the KCA had it done themselves, 'fixing' his disabilities so he'd be a stronger worker.

    Could be in the MU his parents collaborated with the KCA, so they had access to things the rebels didn't, such as geneering.

    Young Mirror Bashir then rebelled against his parents by rebelling against the KCA, and was caught, enslaved and watched as his parents were executed for his crimes.

    One way of explaining his charming personality in the MU.

    Maybe he was an experiment much like the Mirror Enterprise D, attempting to make a Super Soldier who would be the first to fight off the KCA. His Mirror middle name could be Noonien.

    (tongue firmly in cheek)
  • Yateball wrote: »
    Will Klingon Bride Jadzia have the dax bonus ?

    Of course she will

    Brilliant, only asked as she hadn't been mentioned by anyone on this thread yet
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yateball wrote: »
    Will Klingon Bride Jadzia have the dax bonus ?

    Of course she will

    Brilliant, only asked as she hadn't been mentioned by anyone on this thread yet

    Actually I believe her and Princess Jadzia were discussed in page 3, lol

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