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Key information about the event: A Quiet Coup - 06/14



  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yateball wrote: »
    Sarina looks to be useful in Voyages ENG/SCI/MED + Civilian pops up a lot.

    The skill combo is ok, but the totals won't be near high enough to make a lot of voyages

    Sarina has the 5th highest VOY score amongst 4*s. It's very realistic that she makes the right voyage even for someone with a few 5*s.
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yateball wrote: »
    Sarina looks to be useful in Voyages ENG/SCI/MED + Civilian pops up a lot.

    The skill combo is ok, but the totals won't be near high enough to make a lot of voyages

    Sarina has the 5th highest VOY score amongst 4*s. It's very realistic that she makes the right voyage even for someone with a few 5*s.

    Well there ya go! That actually surprises me HOWEVER I did read her stats earlier and thought I remembered seeing her ENG and MED stats both being in the 300's I see now that the ENG is much higher than that so it's a little easier to believe
  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    Webberoni wrote: »
    Glad to see Drone 7 as the ranked reward, meaning I can threshold-and-out yet again in a galaxy event, to leave with a ff Sarina. It's unfortunate that I'm choosing to forego Species 8472, but my assumption is that it will be a huge chron saving (and I can use the 4k+ chrons I've stockpiled to level up existing crew now).

    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    I'm pleasantly surprised to see Sarina as a threshold reward. So many players already have Drone Seven. I wonder If I'll be able to make the top 2,000 to get the other three that I need to immo her.

    Edit: We will probably get one Drone Seven from Community. May only need to finish top 3,000.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm pleasantly surprised to see Sarina as a threshold reward. So many players already have Drone Seven. I wonder If I'll be able to make the top 2,000 to get the other three that I need to immo her.

    Edit: We will probably get one Drone Seven from Community. May only need to finish top 3,000.

    Usually need top 1500 to get all four copies of ranked 4* reward, top 2000 to get three copies. So you were right the first time at need to rank top 2000.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭

    Boothby needs to be the 3* in this event. MAKE IT HAPPEN

    I am OUTRAGED. OUTRAGED! 2* Seven of Nine made perfect sense. This was Boothby's chance to be in the thresholds. SQUANDERED!

    /s (but only kind of...)
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Riley wrote: »
    Glad for Sarina's appearance, but I think the romantic trait is wrong. Bashir was the one who got all romantic on her; she was actually freaked out by his advances. Oh well, guess they had to give her something...

    Yea, I hate to say it but he totally took advantage of a very vulnerable, inexperienced woman.
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yeah, I was surprised at the choice of Smiley. Though now that I think on it... he's DS9, so that ups the theme-matching crew count. For what it's worth.
  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Riley wrote: »
    Glad for Sarina's appearance, but I think the romantic trait is wrong. Bashir was the one who got all romantic on her; she was actually freaked out by his advances. Oh well, guess they had to give her something...

    Yea, I hate to say it but he totally took advantage of a very vulnerable, inexperienced woman.

    He was often doing that. I remember Ensign Melora.
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    I gotta admit, I'm slightly intrigued by the narrative of Roga Danar seeking an alliance with 8472. It doesn't make a lick of sense, but whatever, I'll watch.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I gotta admit, I'm slightly intrigued by the narrative of Roga Danar seeking an alliance with 8472. It doesn't make a lick of sense, but whatever, I'll watch.

    Would make more sense if they were augments.
    Let’s fly!
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    I gotta admit, I'm slightly intrigued by the narrative of Roga Danar seeking an alliance with 8472. It doesn't make a lick of sense, but whatever, I'll watch.

    Would make more sense if they were augments.

    Good storytelling needs unexpected surprises. Like the Dominion teaming up with the Breen in the last season of DS9. How was the title again: "Strange bedfellows" Would also fit part 3 of this mega ;)

    And don´t worry Mr Apollo. One day you will fill your Augment collection anyway B)
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018

    And don´t worry Mr Apollo. One day you will fill your Augment collection anyway B)

    Shouldn't be too hard for veteran players after this Mega-Event is over. With Sarina this week, and when I FF Darth Bashir next week, I'll hit it. And Bashir will be my only 5* immortal augment.


  • I'm just gonna keep it short and Sweet. Whoever is doing the artwork deserves a Applause. @Shan
  • IrialIrial ✭✭✭✭
    Great event except for the drone seven. I would be tempted to buy packs except that drone seven has low stats, is difficult to lvl up, and I already have her ff/fe. She was vaulted right after borg mega event and only comes out for seven events. So no packs for me, will save for an event with three new people.

    This comment makes it sound to me like having an Existing 4* character as Event crew is somehow exceptional at this time, and that Events with "three new people" are the norm … I think the opposite is true, with the current trend being to have 2 New and 1 Existing character in most Events
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Irial wrote: »
    Great event except for the drone seven. I would be tempted to buy packs except that drone seven has low stats, is difficult to lvl up, and I already have her ff/fe. She was vaulted right after borg mega event and only comes out for seven events. So no packs for me, will save for an event with three new people.

    This comment makes it sound to me like having an Existing 4* character as Event crew is somehow exceptional at this time, and that Events with "three new people" are the norm … I think the opposite is true, with the current trend being to have 2 New and 1 Existing character in most Events

    I think the issue is not that there is existing crew in the event.
    Its THIS crew.
    1) Its Seven - out of theme
    2) It's Drone Seven that's been in several events AND was a login giveaway. So a ton of the userbase (though not all) has her FF.

    You didn't see quite so many folks having an issue with Arik Soong or Young Khan in this very mega.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Irial wrote: »
    Great event except for the drone seven. I would be tempted to buy packs except that drone seven has low stats, is difficult to lvl up, and I already have her ff/fe. She was vaulted right after borg mega event and only comes out for seven events. So no packs for me, will save for an event with three new people.

    This comment makes it sound to me like having an Existing 4* character as Event crew is somehow exceptional at this time, and that Events with "three new people" are the norm … I think the opposite is true, with the current trend being to have 2 New and 1 Existing character in most Events

    I think the issue is not that there is existing crew in the event.
    Its THIS crew.
    1) Its Seven - out of theme
    2) It's Drone Seven that's been in several events AND was a login giveaway. So a ton of the userbase (though not all) has her FF.

    You didn't see quite so many folks having an issue with Arik Soong or Young Khan in this very mega.

    So what makes this event different from the Borg Mega which had Arik Soong and Mirror Phlox?

    The whole "character unrelated to the mega even theme" thing has been around since the start of mega events.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Irial wrote: »
    Great event except for the drone seven. I would be tempted to buy packs except that drone seven has low stats, is difficult to lvl up, and I already have her ff/fe. She was vaulted right after borg mega event and only comes out for seven events. So no packs for me, will save for an event with three new people.

    This comment makes it sound to me like having an Existing 4* character as Event crew is somehow exceptional at this time, and that Events with "three new people" are the norm … I think the opposite is true, with the current trend being to have 2 New and 1 Existing character in most Events

    I think the issue is not that there is existing crew in the event.
    Its THIS crew.
    1) Its Seven - out of theme
    2) It's Drone Seven that's been in several events AND was a login giveaway. So a ton of the userbase (though not all) has her FF.

    You didn't see quite so many folks having an issue with Arik Soong or Young Khan in this very mega.

    So what makes this event different from the Borg Mega which had Arik Soong and Mirror Phlox?

    The whole "character unrelated to the mega even theme" thing has been around since the start of mega events.

    The sticking point for me is that someone could conceivably have multiple FF’d Drone Sevens by the end of this event solely through event participation and daily rewards. For a crew that honestly isn’t that great, it’s some serious dead horse beating on DB’s part.

    She’s the ranked reward instead of threshold, which really helps, and we’ll see how she fits into the narrative. If she’s a good fit, great! If it feels forced, I'm sure there will be many out there wondering why we didn’t get another, more suitable existing 4* that is also owned by fewer people.
  • Nero84Nero84 ✭✭✭

    A question if I may!

    With the advent of Skirmishes, could you also please post the Arena stats/abilities of new crew?

    This was brought up before the first Skirmish. Shan stated they are unable to do this at this time so it will be up to the community to provide the stats until they are able to resolve their issues.
  • IrialIrial ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Irial wrote: »
    Great event except for the drone seven. I would be tempted to buy packs except that drone seven has low stats, is difficult to lvl up, and I already have her ff/fe. She was vaulted right after borg mega event and only comes out for seven events. So no packs for me, will save for an event with three new people.

    This comment makes it sound to me like having an Existing 4* character as Event crew is somehow exceptional at this time, and that Events with "three new people" are the norm … I think the opposite is true, with the current trend being to have 2 New and 1 Existing character in most Events

    I think the issue is not that there is existing crew in the event.
    Its THIS crew.
    1) Its Seven - out of theme
    2) It's Drone Seven that's been in several events AND was a login giveaway. So a ton of the userbase (though not all) has her FF.

    You didn't see quite so many folks having an issue with Arik Soong or Young Khan in this very mega.

    I agree with you @Pallidyne that since Drone Seven of Nine was available from September through December of 2017 through Daily Rewards (the fact she has only been in 1 previous Event is not important), many not newer players will have her FF'd. (FYI, regarding Young Khan, he was available just after this in January 2018 during the rerun of the Galaxy Event Triple Threat 2.)
    I also agree with you that many players are feeling Drone Seven of Nine does not belong in this Mega Event due to its theme.

    Having said this, for this particular event I think the following is still true:
    - many of the players who already had Seven of Nine Immortalized, also have a large number of other Existing 4* characters also Immortalized, including ones that would have been more 'thematically pleasing' to them

    Speaking in more general terms, @(HGH)Apollo stated he would be saving for "an event with three new people". I think his issue with the current Event pack will continue arising for him and many other players (i.e., obviously not the newer ones) going forward, assuming DB continues with the trend of having of 2 New and 1 Existing character in Events. Basically, I think the longer version of this story is:

    - DB used to frequently create Events with 3 New characters (i.e., the Event 5* and two 4*'s)
    - many players complained about New characters being added to the game at this rate
    - many players communicated they would prefer having Events with 2 New characters and 1 Existing character
    - DB has relatively recently made a change where most Events now do have 2 New characters and 1 Existing character
    - now that Event packs include an Existing character, there are players who are complaining about the pack featuring someone they already have Immortalized

    I do not know whether you @Pallidyne , or our friend @(HGH)Apollo , were amongst those players who were advocating for Events to not have all New characters. But I will ask both of you whether you can at least agree with me on the following: any of those players who wanted Existing characters to be included as Event crew, should not complain now about an Event pack including a character they already have Immortalized.
  • Synthetic CommanderSynthetic Commander ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's easy to only think about your own situation, when obviously for the game to survive it needs to allow for new players. I started in December 2017 and was not playing enough in the month of December to get Drone Seven. I happened to get her 1/4 recently in a voyage, so this event is VERY handy for me, both because I had the opportunity to pre-level event crew (rare for me since I've only been a monthly card player for a few months, was FTP before that) AND because I am still rounding out my 4/4 crew and she'll probably be useful for me for a while.

    Also, I know from reading the forum a lot of players don't like non-canon crew, but I think the push against them may limit the longevity of the game. We're already starting to dig fairly deep into obscurity for new crew, or new variants of main crew, and if we don't embrace at least SOME mix of non-canon crew the obscurity will increase.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Also, I know from reading the forum a lot of players don't like non-canon crew, but I think the push against them may limit the longevity of the game. We're already starting to dig fairly deep into obscurity for new crew, or new variants of main crew, and if we don't embrace at least SOME mix of non-canon crew the obscurity will increase.

    Does it get more obscure than non-canon? Wouldn't a one-off Patterns of Force Spock be preferable to Mirror Protomorphosis Augment Gungslinger Spock?


    Not if you want to continue selling the product in Germany.
  • For CardassiaFor Cardassia ✭✭✭✭✭
    Also, I know from reading the forum a lot of players don't like non-canon crew, but I think the push against them may limit the longevity of the game. We're already starting to dig fairly deep into obscurity for new crew, or new variants of main crew, and if we don't embrace at least SOME mix of non-canon crew the obscurity will increase.

    Does it get more obscure than non-canon? Wouldn't a one-off Patterns of Force Spock be preferable to Mirror Protomorphosis Augment Gungslinger Spock?


    I'm okay with non-canon if they're "fun" and could even theoretically make sense. Augment Picard is just...weird. Mirror Picard? Well, given how the Mirror-verse works, there probably was a Mirror Picard, so okay. The other times I don't like non-canon crew is when I feel like they're at the expense of some other, more preferable (in my opinion) crew, like when Mirror Janeway showed up but there was still a host of canon Mirror Crew not yet covered.

    As for obscure crew...well I'm still waiting on Stripey-shirt "Haggle" Garak and Inspector Piglet, so I can never truly complain about obscure.
    “Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.” - Elim Garak

    Cardassian wishlist:
    Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
    Natima Lang
    Empok Nor Garak
    Tekeny Ghemor
    Ulani Belor
  • RikerWasNumber1RikerWasNumber1 ✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Also, I know from reading the forum a lot of players don't like non-canon crew, but I think the push against them may limit the longevity of the game. We're already starting to dig fairly deep into obscurity for new crew, or new variants of main crew, and if we don't embrace at least SOME mix of non-canon crew the obscurity will increase.

    Does it get more obscure than non-canon? Wouldn't a one-off Patterns of Force Spock be preferable to Mirror Protomorphosis Augment Gungslinger Spock?


    Not if you want to continue selling the product in Germany.

    I wouldn't mind SS Spock. That would actually be a card I would buy. It's far better than the non cannon garbage like Mirror Janeway or Augment Riker. Also there is a Nazi Hirogen already in the game so I don't think the country of Germany will care. They have too many real problems to deal with now.
  • For CardassiaFor Cardassia ✭✭✭✭✭
    Also, I know from reading the forum a lot of players don't like non-canon crew, but I think the push against them may limit the longevity of the game. We're already starting to dig fairly deep into obscurity for new crew, or new variants of main crew, and if we don't embrace at least SOME mix of non-canon crew the obscurity will increase.

    Does it get more obscure than non-canon? Wouldn't a one-off Patterns of Force Spock be preferable to Mirror Protomorphosis Augment Gungslinger Spock?


    Not if you want to continue selling the product in Germany.

    Germany does allow Nazi symbolism in art (movies, TV etc.) but videogames have always been an area of dispute (see: Wolfenstein). It's possible it could get the game banned in Germany, but someone would likely have to complain, and DB may just remove/modify the crew for German players (not sure if that's technically feasible in this platform).
    “Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.” - Elim Garak

    Cardassian wishlist:
    Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
    Natima Lang
    Empok Nor Garak
    Tekeny Ghemor
    Ulani Belor
  • Also, I know from reading the forum a lot of players don't like non-canon crew, but I think the push against them may limit the longevity of the game. We're already starting to dig fairly deep into obscurity for new crew, or new variants of main crew, and if we don't embrace at least SOME mix of non-canon crew the obscurity will increase.

    Does it get more obscure than non-canon? Wouldn't a one-off Patterns of Force Spock be preferable to Mirror Protomorphosis Augment Gungslinger Spock?


    Not if you want to continue selling the product in Germany.

    Germany does allow Nazi symbolism in art (movies, TV etc.) but videogames have always been an area of dispute (see: Wolfenstein). It's possible it could get the game banned in Germany, but someone would likely have to complain, and DB may just remove/modify the crew for German players (not sure if that's technically feasible in this platform).

    Because erasing history to preserve feelings is the best way to go. Ridiculous.
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    Also, I know from reading the forum a lot of players don't like non-canon crew, but I think the push against them may limit the longevity of the game. We're already starting to dig fairly deep into obscurity for new crew, or new variants of main crew, and if we don't embrace at least SOME mix of non-canon crew the obscurity will increase.

    Does it get more obscure than non-canon? Wouldn't a one-off Patterns of Force Spock be preferable to Mirror Protomorphosis Augment Gungslinger Spock?


    Not if you want to continue selling the product in Germany.

    Colonel Karr

    You don't use the swastika and you don't call him Nazi Spock and he's perfectly fine. Plus, that was just an example of canon vs. non-canon
  • Also, I know from reading the forum a lot of players don't like non-canon crew, but I think the push against them may limit the longevity of the game. We're already starting to dig fairly deep into obscurity for new crew, or new variants of main crew, and if we don't embrace at least SOME mix of non-canon crew the obscurity will increase.

    Does it get more obscure than non-canon? Wouldn't a one-off Patterns of Force Spock be preferable to Mirror Protomorphosis Augment Gungslinger Spock?


    Not if you want to continue selling the product in Germany.

    Colonel Karr

    You don't use the swastika and you don't call him Nazi Spock and he's perfectly fine. Plus, that was just an example of canon vs. non-canon

    Yes call it WW2 Spock.
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