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Key information about the event: A Quiet Coup - 06/14



  • Ice ManIce Man ✭✭✭
    As long as Species 8472 Invader means Valerie Archer or Florist Boothby, I'm down with it.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    Dralix wrote: »
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    One last observation, the TOS Klingons or the ENT Klingons that have what people expect when Augment is mention, so we can actually call them Augments.

    If augment implies an improvement, which to me it does, then I don't think post TOS Klingons would consider TOS era Klingons augmented. They're said to be afflicted by the augment virus. Virus gives it a negative connotation. The virus made them more like humans - not considered an improvement.

    True Klingons would never accept that human DNA is an improvement. But the definition of Augment does include that Klingons were augmented with human DNA.

    However, you do make me think of another interesting fact. We really seem to be dealing with people who were Augmented. Not with children of augments.

    Have to add I have not read the Star Trek books. So I have always felt in the TV series that eugenic augments embryos DNA was changed to create improvements.
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    Week one
    Pointing Sisko (DS9)
    Roga Danar (TNG, thought he’d be an Augment, but isn’t)
    Young Khan (Augment)

    Week two
    Riots Dax (DS9)
    Malik (Augment)
    Arik Soong (ENT)

    Week three
    8472 (VOY)
    Drone 7 (VOY)
    Sarina Douglas (DS9, presumably Augment)

    Week four
    New Janeway and Burnham. ;)

    Mega legendary Riots Bashir (DS9, Augment)

    So far, I think we have had enough DS9 and Augment presence. This week's characters must have a tie in next week. It may not be everyone's cup of tea but we will have to wait until the week after to find out if it's enough DS9 and Augment overall. Augment Janeway and Augment Burnham would still be augment.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    Dralix wrote: »
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    One last observation, the TOS Klingons or the ENT Klingons that have what people expect when Augment is mention, so we can actually call them Augments.

    If augment implies an improvement, which to me it does, then I don't think post TOS Klingons would consider TOS era Klingons augmented. They're said to be afflicted by the augment virus. Virus gives it a negative connotation. The virus made them more like humans - not considered an improvement.

    True Klingons would never accept that human DNA is an improvement. But the definition of Augment does include that Klingons were augmented with human DNA.

    However, you do make me think of another interesting fact. We really seem to be dealing with people who were Augmented. Not with children of augments.

    Have to add I have not read the Star Trek books. So I have always felt in the TV series that eugenic augments embryos DNA was changed to create improvements.

    I'm a bit fuzzy on your meaning, but if I follow correctly, you're observing that the augmentation was done to embryos rather than to already born children? If so, we only really have the ENT trilogy to look at when the augmentation process was done. There, Arik Soong worked on embryos. There is at least one known exception, and that's Julian Bashir. In "Doctor Bashir, I Presume?", where we learn he is augmented, it comes out that his parents had him augmented after he displayed physical and mental weaknesses in his early years.
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Week one
    Pointing Sisko (DS9)
    Roga Danar (TNG, thought he’d be an Augment, but isn’t)
    Young Khan (Augment)

    Week two
    Riots Dax (DS9)
    Malik (Augment)
    Arik Soong (ENT)

    Week three
    8472 (VOY)
    Drone 7 (VOY)
    Sarina Douglas (DS9, presumably Augment)

    Week four
    New Janeway and Burnham. ;)

    Mega legendary Riots Bashir (DS9, Augment)

    So far, I think we have had enough DS9 and Augment presence. This week's characters must have a tie in next week. It may not be everyone's cup of tea but we will have to wait until the week after to find out if it's enough DS9 and Augment overall. Augment Janeway and Augment Burnham would still be augment.

    Considering that at least half the station crew have not appeared I personally don't think we have had enough yet.

    You wouldn't expect a TOS mega without Spock or a TNG mega without Data etc
  • S14 Bri S14 Bri ✭✭✭
    Foolishly I was expecting more Dominion based cards to fulfill the DS9 portion of the event and the Augment misfits Bashir helped with some other augments like Malak this week.....Rogna Danar....7 of 9....Species 8472....these are not what I was hoping for. I am not even happy with the re-occurring Darth Bashir the art is horrible. So far this is more of a Bell Riots, some DS9, couple random 4* Augment card event. This Mega event is following a theme about as well as any 4 random events strung together in the name of a mega event.

    I was working my buttocks off leveling DS9 crew prior to the event.... seems I read from the wrong script. Still, DS9 is my favourite, so I don’t regret leveling those guys at all.

    This event has been the most underwhelming one yet. Though I do love pumping up my crew with the mega event 5* so it could be worse.

    Hopefully DB can muster something a little tighter to the themes of the event next time.... otherwise why vote or prepare for something that’s not gonna happen?
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Considering that at least half the station crew have not appeared I personally don't think we have had enough yet.

    You wouldn't expect a TOS mega without Spock or a TNG mega without Data etc

    Well, the first Discovery mega did not feature a new Burnham (not that we needed one, but still). Not everybody is going to make the cut every time, no matter how integral they are to the show in question.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Considering that at least half the station crew have not appeared I personally don't think we have had enough yet.

    You wouldn't expect a TOS mega without Spock or a TNG mega without Data etc

    Well, the first Discovery mega did not feature a new Burnham (not that we needed one, but still). Not everybody is going to make the cut every time, no matter how integral they are to the show in question.

    And then they overcompensated that with 10 versions of Michael Burnham. I would love if they would overcompensate O'Brien, Kira and Odo - whoever doesn't make it in the final event.

    Altough it's possible to make it - O'Brien as legendary, Kira and Augment Human Odo from a brief time when he was human.
  • 8wodrdik72sw.jpeg

    Poor thing looks starved....tosses a 3" bone in Rib eye.😚
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    You wouldn't expect a TOS mega without Spock or a TNG mega without Data etc

    No, but if it was TOS/Maquis or TNG/Hirogen it wouldn't surprise me.

  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    the definition of Augment does include that Klingons were augmented with human DNA.

    Except we don't know what DB is using as the definition of Augment. Or augment.
  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    Having had a little time to mull over everything, I think it's the inclusion of Drone Seven of Nine that taints this one.

    ↑ Underrated comment.
  • IrialIrial ✭✭✭✭
    Having had a little time to mull over everything, I think it's the inclusion of Drone Seven of Nine that taints this one.

    I agree with you that including Drone Seven of Nine is the source of the greatest amount of 'angst'. But what this means is people are getting upset about the Existing character choice, which has zero impact on what New character seasoned players can acquire from this Event. For example, if DB had chosen instead for the Existing character slot in this Event to be of the 4* Kira's already in the game (or pick your favorite other DS9 character with an existing 4* version), then for many long-term players it would likely again have been someone they already have Immortalized. That is, for many of the players on these forums, the ability to add new Augment of DS9 characters to their Crew was always going to be only about who the New character is, and the choice of Existing character was practically irrelevant.

    Now, on the other hand, if the 'tainting' effect of Drone Seven of Nine to a player has nothing to do with character acquisition, and players are instead worked up about the storyline, then I can understand that argument. But perhaps we should reserve judgment on this until we actually read the upcoming story. ;)
  • Looks like I was leveling all my Kiras and Odos for naught.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    Looks like I was leveling all my Kiras and Odos for naught.

    From the moment they announced that all augments would be bonus, but NOT all DS9 crew, leveling DS9 crew was a calculated gamble.

    My gamble paid off with Sisko, not so much with Kira. Actually, not so much with Sisko either, since the skirmish event only needed one featured crew for max VP.
  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    But it's also a case of "first impressions matter". And as @Irial points out, the existing character has no real effect on new crew acquisition, so if DB has learned anything from past debacles, they could have vastly improved the first impression of the event teaser by just picking an existing DS9 crew member - or even a related one, like Gul Dukat/Garak.

    I'm sure any competent writer could have still worked the same storyline around that "limitation", if it even is a limitation.

    But, yes, we'll be able to make more informed assessments once we've read the miniscule amount of dialogue they provide for these events.
  • Secret JourneySecret Journey ✭✭✭✭
    8472 needs to have 1600 (500-999) SEC or it’s a fake...
    DB = Climbing up an endless wall...
  • In an Augment Event Arik Soong makes sense. Especially now that Malik has been added. But Species 8472 and the Borg do not.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think the problem DB ran into was that they want an existing super rare crew for each event and there just were not many existing augments that people have, just young khan. So db added in arik soong who created augments. Then they were stuck.
    Let’s fly!
  • RikerWasNumber1RikerWasNumber1 ✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    We know the cards for 75% of the DS9-Augment event so far.

    So far in terms of new 4* and 5* cards we have

    2 new 4* Augments 1 DS9 and 1 Enterprise.
    0 Bajorians
    0 Cardassian
    0 Vorta
    0 JemHadar
    0 Changeling
    0 Obrian
    1 Sisko
    1 Bashir re-occuring
    1 Dax
    0 Kira
    0 Odo
    0 Quark

    1 Existing 4* Augment
    1 Existing 4* Enterprise card
    1 Existing 4* Voyager card
    1 New 5* Voyager card
    1 New 4* TNG card

    This event is very weak in both the DS9 and Augment categories.
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you include the new 3* TOS, I think we have everything covered except the movies!
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    We know the cards for 75% of the DS9-Augment event so far.

    So far in terms of new 4* and 5* cards we have

    2 new 4* Augments 1 DS9 and 1 Enterprise.
    0 Bajorians
    0 Cardassian
    0 Vorta
    0 JemHadar
    0 Changeling
    0 Obrian
    1 Sisko
    1 Bashir re-occuring
    1 Dax
    0 Kira
    0 Odo
    0 Quark

    1 Existing 4* Augment
    1 Existing 4* Enterprise card
    1 Existing 4* Voyager card
    1 New 5* Voyager card
    1 New 4* TNG card

    This event is very weak in both the DS9 and Augment categories.

    I mean, we can play that game pretty easily.

    Discovery/Andorian Mega Event:
    1 Burnham
    0 Georgiou
    0 Lorca
    0 Tilly
    0 Stamets
    1 Ash Tyler
    1 Saru
    4 Andorians
    0 Klingons

    2 TOS cards
    1 TAS card
    3 Enterprise cards
    0 TNG, DS9 or Voyager cards

    I'd actually argue this event is doing a better job of being well-rounded, which is what the game typically sets out to do. Would I love to see more DS9 characters? Sure - it's my favorite series. But I'm not upset with getting a little bit of variety, either. And that 8472 card has been so requested for so long, so I'm kind of excited to see it in the game.
  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I know how they could satisfy both the Species 8472 lovers and us who are pissed.

    Augmented human Valerie Archer.

    There, pretty easy. Just a little stretch from Canon.
    And I don't know how DB was stucked with existing characters they don't have to put an existing one in every event.

    And yeah Niners Kira would be a better choice than Drone Seven of Nine.
    She was a pack ecsclusive and most people don't have her.

    Seven of Nine drone was given as a monthly reward and she was in several events.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    S31 wrote: »
    I know how they could satisfy both the Species 8472 lovers and us who are pissed.

    Augmented human Valerie Archer.

    There, pretty easy. Just a little stretch from Canon.
    And I don't know how DB was stucked with existing characters they don't have to put an existing one in every event.

    And yeah Niners Kira would be a better choice than Drone Seven of Nine.
    She was a pack ecsclusive and most people don't have her.

    Seven of Nine drone was given as a monthly reward and she was in several events.

    Strangely, I have Niners Kira at 4/4 but not a single Drone Seven.
  • robownage wrote: »
    We know the cards for 75% of the DS9-Augment event so far.

    So far in terms of new 4* and 5* cards we have

    2 new 4* Augments 1 DS9 and 1 Enterprise.
    0 Bajorians
    0 Cardassian
    0 Vorta
    0 JemHadar
    0 Changeling
    0 Obrian
    1 Sisko
    1 Bashir re-occuring
    1 Dax
    0 Kira
    0 Odo
    0 Quark

    1 Existing 4* Augment
    1 Existing 4* Enterprise card
    1 Existing 4* Voyager card
    1 New 5* Voyager card
    1 New 4* TNG card

    This event is very weak in both the DS9 and Augment categories.

    I mean, we can play that game pretty easily.

    Discovery/Andorian Mega Event:
    1 Burnham
    0 Georgiou
    0 Lorca
    0 Tilly
    0 Stamets
    1 Ash Tyler
    1 Saru
    4 Andorians
    0 Klingons

    2 TOS cards
    1 TAS card
    3 Enterprise cards
    0 TNG, DS9 or Voyager cards

    I'd actually argue this event is doing a better job of being well-rounded, which is what the game typically sets out to do. Would I love to see more DS9 characters? Sure - it's my favorite series. But I'm not upset with getting a little bit of variety, either. And that 8472 card has been so requested for so long, so I'm kind of excited to see it in the game.

    I never said the other events were on point. Why are you defending this by saying 'other events also deviated a lot from the theme'. The lack of attention to the theme of the event is something that should be amended at least in future events. At the end of the day we pay for this game. So when DB promises us a themed event and then delivers half of it and the other half is random stuff we didn't ask for its not really excusable. This is like going out to eat and ordering a burger and fries and getting meatloaf and fries. Then when you complain the person you're with defends it by saying "yeah I mean, we can play that game pretty easily last time they brought us the wrong food too". Why is that an excuse?
  • S31 wrote: »
    I know how they could satisfy both the Species 8472 lovers and us who are pissed.

    Augmented human Valerie Archer.

    There, pretty easy. Just a little stretch from Canon.
    And I don't know how DB was stucked with existing characters they don't have to put an existing one in every event.

    And yeah Niners Kira would be a better choice than Drone Seven of Nine.
    She was a pack ecsclusive and most people don't have her.

    Seven of Nine drone was given as a monthly reward and she was in several events.

    “we” “us” “most” you keep using these words in place of “me” and “I”. That’s not how the language works. Niners Kira best chance of packs was a year and half ago. (Feb 2017). Which means she has been available in regular portal packs for 9 months.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    robownage wrote: »
    We know the cards for 75% of the DS9-Augment event so far.

    So far in terms of new 4* and 5* cards we have

    2 new 4* Augments 1 DS9 and 1 Enterprise.
    0 Bajorians
    0 Cardassian
    0 Vorta
    0 JemHadar
    0 Changeling
    0 Obrian
    1 Sisko
    1 Bashir re-occuring
    1 Dax
    0 Kira
    0 Odo
    0 Quark

    1 Existing 4* Augment
    1 Existing 4* Enterprise card
    1 Existing 4* Voyager card
    1 New 5* Voyager card
    1 New 4* TNG card

    This event is very weak in both the DS9 and Augment categories.

    I mean, we can play that game pretty easily.

    Discovery/Andorian Mega Event:
    1 Burnham
    0 Georgiou
    0 Lorca
    0 Tilly
    0 Stamets
    1 Ash Tyler
    1 Saru
    4 Andorians
    0 Klingons

    2 TOS cards
    1 TAS card
    3 Enterprise cards
    0 TNG, DS9 or Voyager cards

    I'd actually argue this event is doing a better job of being well-rounded, which is what the game typically sets out to do. Would I love to see more DS9 characters? Sure - it's my favorite series. But I'm not upset with getting a little bit of variety, either. And that 8472 card has been so requested for so long, so I'm kind of excited to see it in the game.

    I never said the other events were on point. Why are you defending this by saying 'other events also deviated a lot from the theme'. The lack of attention to the theme of the event is something that should be amended at least in future events. At the end of the day we pay for this game. So when DB promises us a themed event and then delivers half of it and the other half is random stuff we didn't ask for its not really excusable. This is like going out to eat and ordering a burger and fries and getting meatloaf and fries. Then when you complain the person you're with defends it by saying "yeah I mean, we can play that game pretty easily last time they brought us the wrong food too". Why is that an excuse?

    Blame it on those pesky anomalies. 🖖🏻
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • Dralix wrote: »
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    One last observation, the TOS Klingons or the ENT Klingons that have what people expect when Augment is mention, so we can actually call them Augments.

    If augment implies an improvement, which to me it does, then I don't think post TOS Klingons would consider TOS era Klingons augmented. They're said to be afflicted by the augment virus. Virus gives it a negative connotation. The virus made them more like humans - not considered an improvement.

    That’s not quite what happened. To understand what happened we have to dig into a truely aweful ENT arc. (IMHO the difference in Klingons did not need to be explained and if an explanation was necessary it certainly should have been left to better writers)

    The Klingons suffering from the virus were dying, They were augmented with the human DNA from the “Augments” (capital A) which mutated into a virus and killed them. That’s not how science works, but hey ENT writers. The virus was spreading so the Klingons surrounded the planet so no one else would get the virus. Those millions of Klingons world have died but Phlox came up with a cure. It’s the cure that made them look human NOT the Augment virus.

    Phlox cured the planets impacted by the virus (it had spread before the quarantine) but there were still dozens of Klingon planets that never got infected so essentially there were two sets of Klingons at the same time. Ridge and Ridgeless (those who needed Phlox’s cure because they were infected.
  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    S31 wrote: »
    I know how they could satisfy both the Species 8472 lovers and us who are pissed.

    Augmented human Valerie Archer.

    There, pretty easy. Just a little stretch from Canon.
    And I don't know how DB was stucked with existing characters they don't have to put an existing one in every event.

    And yeah Niners Kira would be a better choice than Drone Seven of Nine.
    She was a pack ecsclusive and most people don't have her.

    Seven of Nine drone was given as a monthly reward and she was in several events.

    “we” “us” “most” you keep using these words in place of “me” and “I”. That’s not how the language works. Niners Kira best chance of packs was a year and half ago. (Feb 2017). Which means she has been available in regular portal packs for 9 months.

    Well it's possible that I have created an in-game circle so I then think it's how most people feel and think.
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