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Key information about the event: Haunted Vessels - 07/12



  • MagpieMagpie ✭✭✭
    I'm grateful for the player base and peoples' willingness to put their time and into looking at this problem.
  • Hungry Dog DDMHungry Dog DDM ✭✭✭✭
    To Rex's point above -
    Most of the Admirals of the major fleets submitted tickets over the weekend - imploring DB to really really look at some specific scores. DB acknowledged and said no funny business was going on.

    The players, however, disagreed. There was an exhaustive community effort to record the scores of the top of the leaderboard for all of phase 2. That data has been complied and let me tell you - it is *daming* and points towards heavy macro usage. Like the play patterns are *not* single human. Like 49 recorded 1hr sessions with 49 complete engagements - meaning VP was earned each hour of the event and near maximum VP allowance possible.

    Can people forgo sleep for a day or two? Sure. Can they nap for 30 mins here and there across an exhaustive weekend? Don't doubt it. Can they earn 108,900 VP in that one hour while they sleep for 30 mins of it? No.

    Bottom line, people either
    A) Used Macros
    2) Shared accounts

    We aren't pointing fingers or naming names, we just created a complete data accounting of player scores to prove something was amiss because this happened last skirmish.

    Also players, in third party chats & fleet chats have admitted to using macros. Players have won events, recently, with macros. Players have won events, recently, with sharing an account across a weekend. You the reader think it isn't happening, but I absolutely promise you it is.

    We have offered this data up to DB, but I don't think it will be accepted or acted upon, because it's just a group of players - admirals and names of all the major fleets mind you - crying and accusing people of cheating. Which we aren't doing. Not specific people. We are just saying it's happening and needs to be prevented in the future.

    I cannot stress this enough.

    2. If @shan or @DealWithItJazzRiker isn't paying attention and making it clear how serious even the implication of this is to DB, they need to.
    3. I suddenly have no desire to ever try for rank ever again. And I gather this would become the same with many other players quickly as this becomes even more substantiated by mounting data.
    Drunken Dahar Masters is recruiting active players.
    PM for details.

    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    1) If macro/bot usage or shared accounts aren’t already against the TOS, they need to be immediately and the offenders need to be nailed to the wall.

    2) This was a pretty good event for our fleet. Only a few of us regularly place in the top 10,000 (most are new, F2P, or are very casual) and I am usually alone in the top 3000 unless it’s a Galaxy event where I threshold-and-out. This time around, we had six in the top 6700, three in the top 2000, and one guy end at 620 (and not me). It’s definitely something to build on and not something I see in any other event type.
  • I love this type of event as a change of pace (would get boring if it was all the time--I concur that it feels better as part of a hybrid event), and offers a different reward for play structure than other events. That's said as someone who felt like he grinded all weekend and ended up at 1090 because I was too tired to wake up and keep going Monday morning.
    Really dismayed about the use of macros/bots...where is the fun and challenge in that?
    I found the ship battles really easy once I sorted out the timing, I know some were complaining about the first battle of the second phase, but one time big damage crew, together with strategic use of cloak and hull repair, seemed to be the trick.
    Our fleet, which is relatively casual, didn't score particularly high, but I can never tell with our lot. Sometimes we kill it, and other times we're on vacation, which, well, good for us :)
  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was top 15 for this event and that's without playing for a 20+ hour chunk. I ran the numbers and figured that at a 'pushing hard' pace (2-4 hours of sleep per night) for 4 days, I'd have probably been around rank 5. The scores of some of the players above that mark were orders of magnitude higher, if memory serves. Account sharing seems like a best case scenario (is that TOS-allowed?). This also seems like the most easy to macro event type yet.

    Frankly, if DB doesn't act I can only hope that as many people as possible 'take advantage' and force their hand. I won't be one of them, but I also want my efforts to matter equally.
  • The real problem with this isn't the event rank so much - it's irritating, especially if you put a lot of time in the event, but skirmish events are one-offs.

    The real problem is the rewards. Credits, chronitons and honor. Because there's a competitive component to the game and because skirmish awards tend to be pretty liberal, a player using a macro has a substantial edge which persists after the event. This week's galaxy segment, for example, could well be tilted by macro use in last week's event.
  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    My gaming began long long ago with Travian. This is a war game that is 24/7. It was illegal to share accounts yet it was common practice to have 4 or 5 players playing 1 account. I would have no doubt that this still occurs in games unless it's heavily policed. Travian did this by zapping multiple IP for the same account and banning then you have to try to get your account unbanned by accepting some sort of punishment. I wouldn't like to see that here because a ban is too serious for the investment some have made here. Instead they could approach it in reverse and say if you can't explain this there will be some punishment - loss of stuff gained from the multi or macro etc...
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    The issue with trying to weed out multiple IP addresses for an account is multiple devices within the same household - at any given point, I could be playing on one of two different iPhones, an iPad or on Steam. That wasn't a thing years ago, obviously, but today it makes it near impossible to police.

    Also, thanks to everyone for keeping a very calm and civil discourse while we openly talk about something, as well as a big thanks to Shan for pushing the issue in the right direction.

    I was nowhere near high enough in the ranking to be significantly impacted by this, but I'm glad you all are raising it. Just looking at those crazy scores discourages me from making the once-in-a-year effort (for a monthly dilithium card player like me) to reach top 5.

    I also want to echo the danger in hitting multiple IP addresses. I play on two different devices using wifi in different locations as well as cellular connections. I imagine I'm not that unique. So need to be careful there.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    The real problem with this isn't the event rank so much - it's irritating, especially if you put a lot of time in the event, but skirmish events are one-offs.

    The real problem is the rewards. Credits, chronitons and honor. Because there's a competitive component to the game and because skirmish awards tend to be pretty liberal, a player using a macro has a substantial edge which persists after the event. This week's galaxy segment, for example, could well be tilted by macro use in last week's event.

    Yes. Because the event is so rewarding, you benefit your normal, non-event play by maximizing your intelligence.

    1. The highest level difficulty needs to actually be difficult. People cannot macro what is unexpected or variable very easily.
    2. The "feedback loop" of chrons -> Intel -> chrons needs to be reduced. Every chrons invested in the event returned ~0.62 additional chrons. The event winner ran a total of about 1500 missions (or one every 4 minutes for 4 days straight). Due to the chron return they "only" had to put in around 50-60k chrons to generate sufficient Intel to last the whole time. This became more an issue of being able automate faster mission completions, not gathering Intel.
    3. A similar approach can be taken on just about any event type, but the simplicity of skirmish battles made it especially vulnerable.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    Perhaps taking all of the available ships and making them available at each levels difficulty randomly could be a thing. So at the start of a skirmish I randomly pull whatever ships I'll face and what order they'll be in out of a pool of all ships.
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    Righto. I put hours of work into this event and some not-players are farming honor and credits and preventing genuine players from ranking well?
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    I can't say I'm surprised by this idea of some nefarious folks using macros to automate their gameplay, but— and brace yourself, here comes what will no doubt be a very unpopular opinion: as I mentioned to my fleet, I can't say I'm terribly up in arms about it, either. If I were the type of person who would consider going for the tippy-top ranks in a Skirmish event, then I'd probably be at least a little upset. But I have to believe that the number of players who would knowingly endanger the future of their account (one which they'd likely invested a lot of time and money into), by using a macro, and thus risking being removed permanently from the game, would be negligible. It may be enough that someone who would have placed in the 900s might not make top 1000, and that part of it stinks. So I'm not saying it's a non-issue, I'm just saying I can't see that it would have a tangible effect on well over 90% of the people who'd play a Skirmish event.

    For me, Skirmishes have probably become my favorite event type — and this potential cheat that some top-ranking players were allegedly using has done little to sully that preference for me. I spent about 15,000 chrons for this one (and really, that's a conservative estimate, since I lost track during the weekend), and yet was only down a net of about 6k chrons. So I gained all those resources from all those space battles, plus the free Honor, plus the free credits. The fact that I ended up in the top 125 was a nice bit of icing on the cake, but it certainly wasn't what I was going for (since none of the ranks above top 1000 really matter until you get to the very top, as has been noted in numerous threads here before, and which I won't go into now).

    And although I spent a lot of time doing the Skirmishes (probably much more than any other event), they weren't as much of a grind for me because unlike Galaxies and Expeditions, they don't require you to be staring at your screen the entire time. Many of my fleet-mates watched movies and TV shows while playing, and didn't have any lag time in their actual game play while doing it. Me, I played two different accounts at once for about half the weekend, and due to the built-in periods of waiting (for ships to appear and disappear), there was no time wasted. I even chatted on LINE and surfed the web a bit, without missing a beat. Well, okay — maybe one beat. ;)

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    Skirmishes are the only event where I stand a chance at the top 15. But, after seeing the scores of the first, and seeing the data of the second, it has quickly become clear that, once again, aiming for top spot is probably a waste of time. Luckily skirmishes are relatively easy and otherwise rewarding, but still. I'm more upset on behalf of my fleet admiral, who could have made the top 10 without anyone cheating, and a couple of team mates who are just outside the 1000 zone. I am going to encourage them all to ticket because they all deserve more than they got.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    Because, at the end of the day, someone who gets there by cheating this way is unlikely to play properly, and therefore will leave the game or not bother. Their interest is primarily in rigging the system, therefore they can't be considered proper players.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • Capt AjammCapt Ajamm ✭✭✭
    guest_7456 wrote: »
    Capt Ajamm wrote: »
    Why is new 2* geordie innovator not in daystrom collection? It can't be cuz he's 2* cuz 1* torres counts

    shows up in mine, between daystrom and cochrane among the unowneds

    He's there now & saved me needing to use a gold citation to max the collection.

    ~ seeking out new life
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm more upset on behalf of my fleet admiral, who could have made the top 10 without anyone cheating

    I definitely appreciate the sentiment, but I'm still proud of what I achieved making it to rank 17.

    This whole discussion gives me pause for thought about whether I'd put that much effort into an event again though, if it's not everyone competing on a level playing field.

    I play to play, and skirmishes give good rewards. But surely, there's no pint aiming for the top ranks if it's suspected that the only way to get there is by running bots or getting other people to play when you're asleep or whatever. Just flag what's going to get what's possible, and only play on top of that what you feel like. It ruins the entire basis of competing for top if you know you don't stand a chance of getting there.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    Does anyone have any data on the scores of the top players? Screenshots and the like? Also for the first skirmish event Catching Fire?
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    I'm more upset on behalf of my fleet admiral, who could have made the top 10 without anyone cheating

    I definitely appreciate the sentiment, but I'm still proud of what I achieved making it to rank 17.

    This whole discussion gives me pause for thought about whether I'd put that much effort into an event again though, if it's not everyone competing on a level playing field.

    I play to play, and skirmishes give good rewards. But surely, there's no pint aiming for the top ranks if it's suspected that the only way to get there is by running bots or getting other people to play when you're asleep or whatever. Just flag what's going to get what's possible, and only play on top of that what you feel like. It ruins the entire basis of competing for top if you know you don't stand a chance of getting there.

    I've gotten top 10 once, and though the achievements would be nice for top 5 and number 1, I don't think I'll ever bother with that. My reason? It's not because of the money I spent getting there (though that wasn't insubstantial). It's rather my firmly held notion that getting the top spots in an event — whether people are cheating/bending the rules or not — is really just sort of pointless on its own, when it comes down to it.

    It's nearly all about bragging rights, about saying that you did it, about crossing that achievement off your list. As has been mentioned numerous times before on this forum, a majority of people who go for the top ranks already have the 5* event crew immortalized (not to mention the SR's), so the best they can get out of it (aside from the other rewards, which really aren't that spectacular) is a duplicate (or sometimes triplicate) copy of that legendary. (I do quite like the suggestions that have been made in the past, that the crew given away would be for the following week, but I don't know how they'd possibly do that, since those crew wouldn't have even been released yet.)

    If a new event has new crew that I really want, I'll buy packs, and I'll do the DYC thing, and maybe keep buying packs until I get to 4/5 on the legendary, then either just go for top 1000, or not even bother, and cite up or buy more event packs to try to get them FF. Often, I feel that even with events that I'm excited about, going all-in has less and less appeal, and that's pretty much down to the ranked rewards being all kinds of inconsequential, all things considered.

    Therefore, if the event itself — and not the final ranks — isn't interesting enough (or profitable enough) to keep my interest on its own (q.v., Expeditions ;)), I'm likely to just take a pass on anything past the main threshold rewards, if I even go that far. For me, Skirmishes utterly fulfill the condition of keeping my interest, and that right there is my principal motivation to not only play them, but spend a good chunk of my weekend's free time doing so. As for my final rank, my feelings are best summed up in one word: "Meh."

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    Data1001 wrote: »
    I'm more upset on behalf of my fleet admiral, who could have made the top 10 without anyone cheating

    I definitely appreciate the sentiment, but I'm still proud of what I achieved making it to rank 17.

    This whole discussion gives me pause for thought about whether I'd put that much effort into an event again though, if it's not everyone competing on a level playing field.

    I play to play, and skirmishes give good rewards. But surely, there's no pint aiming for the top ranks if it's suspected that the only way to get there is by running bots or getting other people to play when you're asleep or whatever. Just flag what's going to get what's possible, and only play on top of that what you feel like. It ruins the entire basis of competing for top if you know you don't stand a chance of getting there.

    I've gotten top 10 once, and though the achievements would be nice for top 5 and number 1, I don't think I'll ever bother with that. My reason? It's not because of the money I spent getting there (though that wasn't insubstantial). It's rather my firmly held notion that getting the top spots in an event — whether people are cheating/bending the rules or not — is really just sort of pointless on its own, when it comes down to it.

    It's nearly all about bragging rights, about saying that you did it, about crossing that achievement off your list. As has been mentioned numerous times before on this forum, a majority of people who go for the top ranks already have the 5* event crew immortalized (not to mention the SR's), so the best they can get out of it (aside from the other rewards, which really aren't that spectacular) is a duplicate (or sometimes triplicate) copy of that legendary. (I do quite like the suggestions that have been made in the past, that the crew given away would be for the following week, but I don't know how they'd possibly do that, since those crew wouldn't have even been released yet.)

    If a new event has new crew that I really want, I'll buy packs, and I'll do the DYC thing, and maybe keep buying packs until I get to 4/5 on the legendary, then either just go for top 1000, or not even bother, and cite up or buy more event packs to try to get them FF. Often, I feel that even with events that I'm excited about, going all-in has less and less appeal, and that's pretty much down to the ranked rewards being all kinds of inconsequential, all things considered.

    Therefore, if the event itself — and not the final ranks — isn't interesting enough (or profitable enough) to keep my interest on its own (q.v., Expeditions ;)), I'm likely to just take a pass on anything past the main threshold rewards, if I even go that far. For me, Skirmishes utterly fulfill the condition of keeping my interest, and that right there is my principal motivation to not only play them, but spend a good chunk of my weekend's free time doing so. As for my final rank, my feelings are best summed up in one word: "Meh."

    You get enough folks doing it and everyone in the top 1000 will go scripted just to make the rank vs the other folks making top 1000. That then gatelocks the 5*.
    And if it's not checked you will see more and more do it each event. That's just how these things happen.

    Not my first rodeo in that respect.
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    I'm more upset on behalf of my fleet admiral, who could have made the top 10 without anyone cheating

    I definitely appreciate the sentiment, but I'm still proud of what I achieved making it to rank 17.

    This whole discussion gives me pause for thought about whether I'd put that much effort into an event again though, if it's not everyone competing on a level playing field.

    I play to play, and skirmishes give good rewards. But surely, there's no pint aiming for the top ranks if it's suspected that the only way to get there is by running bots or getting other people to play when you're asleep or whatever. Just flag what's going to get what's possible, and only play on top of that what you feel like. It ruins the entire basis of competing for top if you know you don't stand a chance of getting there.

    I've gotten top 10 once, and though the achievements would be nice for top 5 and number 1, I don't think I'll ever bother with that. My reason? It's not because of the money I spent getting there (though that wasn't insubstantial). It's rather my firmly held notion that getting the top spots in an event — whether people are cheating/bending the rules or not — is really just sort of pointless on its own, when it comes down to it.

    It's nearly all about bragging rights, about saying that you did it, about crossing that achievement off your list. As has been mentioned numerous times before on this forum, a majority of people who go for the top ranks already have the 5* event crew immortalized (not to mention the SR's), so the best they can get out of it (aside from the other rewards, which really aren't that spectacular) is a duplicate (or sometimes triplicate) copy of that legendary. (I do quite like the suggestions that have been made in the past, that the crew given away would be for the following week, but I don't know how they'd possibly do that, since those crew wouldn't have even been released yet.)

    If a new event has new crew that I really want, I'll buy packs, and I'll do the DYC thing, and maybe keep buying packs until I get to 4/5 on the legendary, then either just go for top 1000, or not even bother, and cite up or buy more event packs to try to get them FF. Often, I feel that even with events that I'm excited about, going all-in has less and less appeal, and that's pretty much down to the ranked rewards being all kinds of inconsequential, all things considered.

    Therefore, if the event itself — and not the final ranks — isn't interesting enough (or profitable enough) to keep my interest on its own (q.v., Expeditions ;)), I'm likely to just take a pass on anything past the main threshold rewards, if I even go that far. For me, Skirmishes utterly fulfill the condition of keeping my interest, and that right there is my principal motivation to not only play them, but spend a good chunk of my weekend's free time doing so. As for my final rank, my feelings are best summed up in one word: "Meh."

    A game is a game, and there are rules. If people are allowed to break the rules, then where do we stand? We all break the rules? What is the point of rules, or even the game, then?
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • Anyone know what happened to the macro instructions posted earlier? They seem to have disappeared??
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    Does anyone have any data on the scores of the top players? Screenshots and the like? Also for the first skirmish event Catching Fire?

  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    This thread has been moderated and 1 post has been removed.
  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    This situation happened in Mafia Wars, eventually weekly events turned into nothing more than a "macro paradise" it was so blatantly obvious.....I quit playing after 4 yrs, soon after, the game went bye-bye. Hope that doesn't happen here..........
    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
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