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Key information about the event: Haunted Vessels - 07/12



  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    T'Sahrajai wrote: »
    Shan wrote: »
    So as most of you know, Community Rewards are for Galaxy events only.
    The rules will be amended to remove that part, as it is not relevant for a Skirmish event.

    Then what is the purpose of having two phases in a skirmish event?

    I'm wondering this myself. What change in game play, if any, takes place in phase 2? Is it better to save intel for the second phase, or burn thru as much as possible in the first?

    The play is the same, just the ships seem to be a bit tougher in phase 2.
  • After some more battle...
    Floating skill descriptions are still frozen on the screen:
    Thats the point when I restart the game:

    I've been having that happen the whole event.
  • Wildstar19Wildstar19 ✭✭✭✭
    T'Sahrajai wrote: »
    Shan wrote: »
    So as most of you know, Community Rewards are for Galaxy events only.
    The rules will be amended to remove that part, as it is not relevant for a Skirmish event.

    Then what is the purpose of having two phases in a skirmish event?

    I'm wondering this myself. What change in game play, if any, takes place in phase 2? Is it better to save intel for the second phase, or burn thru as much as possible in the first?

    From what I've seen, the only change is the ship order in Epic. The b*ll busting Reliant ship is 1st now.
    Hurry up before those things eat Guy!
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    K'Tong is way better in phase 2 than Borg Cube or Bounty. I just noticed that the only 5* ship that let Breen Dukat use his magic 2000% shields is the Prakesh. Going to try that one now.

    Bridge crew for battles for me in phase 2: T'Kuvmah, Killy, Breen Dukat, and Jadzia Bridezilla, may have to change them for Prakesh though.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yep, Prakesh too killer for words. I don't think Dukats bonus shield ability is working at all, but with the Prakesh, I kill the ships too quickly to find out! LOL
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Irial wrote: »
    Then what is the purpose of having two phases in a skirmish event?

    - because the Intel cost per Skirmish resets back to 1, 20, etc., before climbing back up to 1200, this makes it easier for newer/weaker players to participate more, giving them more of a chance to complete progressing through the Threshold Rewards (obviously experienced/stronger players can easily clear these in phase 1)

    I think if they wanted the newer players to participate, instead of the reset, db should consider maxing out the normal missions to 800 intel and elite to 1000 intel instead of 1200 like it is now. You get less point but you also use less intel keeping the newer players in the game longer. At the same time you’re still paying a premium on the intel so players spending 1200 per skirmish don’t feel ripped off.
  • edited July 2018
    5 days of skirmishes is a real grind. It is better than the first skirmish since it isn't mixed in with other event types, but it is still repeating the exact same battles with the exact same outcomes hundreds of times. I wish they would make these 2-day events. Or better yet, when they split them up into 2 parts, give us 1/2 the rewards for each half so we have something to look forward to besides occasional RNG chron rewards after hitting threshold.

  • Secret JourneySecret Journey ✭✭✭✭
    It is a dreadful grind. The rewards don’t really match the work put in. I thresholded a long time ago and am still destroying opponents in under 12 seconds every match. My last 5 “bonus rewards” were 60 intel... 5 in a bloody row.
    DB = Climbing up an endless wall...
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    The problem is just that skirmishes are boring. DB needs to do something to give them more variety.
    Let’s fly!
  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    it looks like it will require around 800,000 points for top 1000. This is approaching 7 hours - which is twice what it takes me in galaxy. At the same time it requires 1/4 as many chronitons... I'd rather spend the chronitons. would have to be something very very special to get me to commit on this again.

    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
  • Shy KhanShy Khan ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think an opportunity was missed to bring Lissan into this story - What with the ship interfacing.
    Come join the Steeler Nation Fleet!
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yep, Prakesh too killer for words. I don't think Dukats bonus shield ability is working at all, but with the Prakesh, I kill the ships too quickly to find out! LOL

    I've been Running with T'Kong in phase two with the same results, sometimes that last epic is almost automatic. (The first mission is actually the hardest)

    Just to change pace, I might switch to Prakesh.
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    T'Sahrajai wrote: »
    Shan wrote: »
    So as most of you know, Community Rewards are for Galaxy events only.
    The rules will be amended to remove that part, as it is not relevant for a Skirmish event.

    Then what is the purpose of having two phases in a skirmish event?

    I'm wondering this myself. What change in game play, if any, takes place in phase 2? Is it better to save intel for the second phase, or burn thru as much as possible in the first?

    Maybe it's just so that we can enjoy the temporarily lowered Intel costs at the beginning of the second phase? ;)

    Edit: Just noticed someone else mentioned this already. That Data, always late to the party!

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭
    T'Sahrajai wrote: »
    Shan wrote: »
    So as most of you know, Community Rewards are for Galaxy events only.
    The rules will be amended to remove that part, as it is not relevant for a Skirmish event.

    Then what is the purpose of having two phases in a skirmish event?

    I'm wondering this myself. What change in game play, if any, takes place in phase 2? Is it better to save intel for the second phase, or burn thru as much as possible in the first?

    I think the entire purpose of having two phases is so that if applicable, a specific event type can be made into a hybrid event with minimum effort on the programmers part.
    I also think the change over provides a little variety for the players. Approx 5 minutes but still appreciated 😄

    As for saving Intel, I dont think it adds any advantage . Skirmish require time more than anything else so it's best to start as early as you can and battle whenever you're able to.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • K'Tong is way better in phase 2 than Borg Cube or Bounty. I just noticed that the only 5* ship that let Breen Dukat use his magic 2000% shields is the Prakesh. Going to try that one now.

    I'm confused then, Dukat's ability is only available under Cloak and the Prakesh doesn't have Cloak.

  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    K'Tong is way better in phase 2 than Borg Cube or Bounty. I just noticed that the only 5* ship that let Breen Dukat use his magic 2000% shields is the Prakesh. Going to try that one now.

    I'm confused then, Dukat's ability is only available under Cloak and the Prakesh doesn't have Cloak.

    How would you activate an ability under cloak, without de-cloaking?
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    K'Tong is way better in phase 2 than Borg Cube or Bounty. I just noticed that the only 5* ship that let Breen Dukat use his magic 2000% shields is the Prakesh. Going to try that one now.

    I'm confused then, Dukat's ability is only available under Cloak and the Prakesh doesn't have Cloak.

    How would you activate an ability under cloak, without de-cloaking?

    You wouldn't.

    Activate cloak, then before the cloak runs out pop Dukat to activate his ability. Doing so will then drop cloak, same as all abilities with a cloak trigger.
  • Prakesh is a terrible ship. Bad damage, bad abilities. The boarding at 16 sec is useless as most battle ends around 10-12 sec. It should have position and immediate damage to compensate the lack of cloaking.
  • Secret JourneySecret Journey ✭✭✭✭
    ISS Enterprise with KCA Worf and Pointing Sisko both immortal works great. I don’t even get to Weyoun or Dukat half the time...
    DB = Climbing up an endless wall...
  • [FSC] Adm: Gryphon[FSC] Adm: Gryphon ✭✭✭
    edited July 2018
    so what is the point in breaking this event into 2 phases.?
    other than dropping skirmish cost for the first few runs,
    there are no other threshold gains in phase 2
    couldnt there be a second phase threshold list, like
    phase 1 list scores, and then phase 2 list scores. with a final running total.???
    or perhaps in contrast to your week long event,
    give peeps a short term event, 3 days. this would be great for that.
    top 1st place, could more be set up as a race,
    from the time a peep signs on to active event their timer starts,
    and lowest time to final thresh hold is 1st and so on.
    granted i wouldnt have a chance in hell,
    but it would certainly give us a bit of a break from having to slog though an entire week end.
    DB needs to fire the Ferrengi and higher more Engineers, Rom doesn't count.
    [FSC] Peace Keepers
    Gryphon [****] Adm
  • considering how, the Skirmish has 3 different levels of play ability, this could also be divided into 3 different tiers each with different threshold list set up.
    that would give lower players a chance of improving their crews and culling out the top max from just owning the entire event.
    possible lower tier theshold might contain;
    extra 5 crew slots;
    citations (2*, 3*, or 4* depending on level);
    4* behold;
    schematics packs;
    these would go a long way in helping those new low level players.
    DB needs to fire the Ferrengi and higher more Engineers, Rom doesn't count.
    [FSC] Peace Keepers
    Gryphon [****] Adm
  • We need intel drops to be reduced by 75%. We just get too much intel from running missions, which means too many more additional hours of spamming event battles for to stay even with everybody else.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    We need intel drops to be reduced by 75%. We just get too much intel from running missions, which means too many more additional hours of spamming event battles for to stay even with everybody else.

    Fwiw, Intel drops produce far less Intel than chrons drops.
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    We need intel drops to be reduced by 75%. We just get too much intel from running missions, which means too many more additional hours of spamming event battles for to stay even with everybody else.

    That's the whole point of the event though. It's a grind.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    We need intel drops to be reduced by 75%. We just get too much intel from running missions, which means too many more additional hours of spamming event battles for to stay even with everybody else.

    That's the whole point of the event though. It's a grind.

    Personal opinion: Skirmish is a Galaxy event with an Expedition structure. Using ship battles is a work-around for DB, to encourage players to stock up on Holoemitters for starbase construction, instead of fixing that bottleneck. 🖖🏻
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • We need intel drops to be reduced by 75%. We just get too much intel from running missions, which means too many more additional hours of spamming event battles for to stay even with everybody else.

    That's the whole point of the event though. It's a grind.
    We need intel drops to be reduced by 75%. We just get too much intel from running missions, which means too many more additional hours of spamming event battles for to stay even with everybody else.

    That's the whole point of the event though. It's a grind.

    I mean I want less intel to be earned everywhere so we don’t have to do 10 hours of grinding this weekend to use them all. I’m fine with the puddly 30 intel rewards during the event drops since those are the equivalent no-gift reward of winning trainers in gauntlet.

    If I only had to grind for 2-3 hours and be on an even keel with all the other players, I wouldn’t feel like each pass through the event was just a drop in a very large bucket. I was in the top 100 for most of the first three days, but here in the last 24 hours I’m sitting on 30k intel that I have to either force myself to burn through, or all my effort on the event will be wasted with nothing to show.
  • Emmett KEmmett K ✭✭✭
    They can monetize chronos better then pure Intel. I doubt they will change it.
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    V. wrote: »
    it looks like it will require around 800,000 points for top 1000. This is approaching 7 hours - which is twice what it takes me in galaxy. At the same time it requires 1/4 as many chronitons... I'd rather spend the chronitons. would have to be something very very special to get me to commit on this again.

    Main difference with galaxy, is you get to keep the equipment you earn from spending those, chrons, that is a huge difference, and makes skirmishes for me at least, far more worth my time. That is not even including the honor, credits, etc you win from each individual battle.
  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    There are upsides to the skirmish. I ended up +10,000 honor for this one. I will say that last time it was +20,000 for much less time.

    But here is my one word review of skirmish event: Horrible.

    It's like a torture that makes me want to cry realizing I have to go again 4 more times to climb back up to where I was an hour ago. At this point I feel like a Japanese businessman in the 80's about to totally freak out and go screaming naked into a river. The only way I would consider doing it again would be for a 3rd or 4th star.
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
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