Key information about the event: The Prime Directive (re-run) - 03/29 - Edited 1:44 PM

Event Name: The Prime Directive (re-run)
Event Type: Galaxy Event
Event Crew: Grand Nagus Zek 5* (Existing), Anij 4* (New), Agent Harris 4* (Existing), and Mirror Tucker 4* (Existing)
Event Dates: Thursday 03/29 until Monday 04/02
Factions: Section 31, Terran Empire, Ferengi Alliance
Bonus crew:
• high bonus: event crew
• small bonus: variants of Tucker, and Section 31 crew.
Please note that while we have been able to provide the bonus information early recently, it will not always be the case. The announced schedule of key info on Friday and bonus crew on Tuesday remains.
Event Notes and stats.
Event Type: Galaxy Event
Event Crew: Grand Nagus Zek 5* (Existing), Anij 4* (New), Agent Harris 4* (Existing), and Mirror Tucker 4* (Existing)
Event Dates: Thursday 03/29 until Monday 04/02
Factions: Section 31, Terran Empire, Ferengi Alliance
Bonus crew:
• high bonus: event crew
• small bonus: variants of Tucker, and Section 31 crew.
Please note that while we have been able to provide the bonus information early recently, it will not always be the case. The announced schedule of key info on Friday and bonus crew on Tuesday remains.
Event Notes and stats.
I guess this will give me a reason to finish off Tucker and Harris, which is not a bad thing at all.
Come on, after that there are so many characters, now you repeat some over and over.
Be more professional!
And I can get Zek! Yay!
Cardassian wishlist:
Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
Natima Lang
Empok Nor Garak
Tekeny Ghemor
Ulani Belor
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
Threshold and out.
They threaten that her long life will finally meet a messy end, unless the Federation can cough up 10 gold-pressed latinum trombones and 1 million bottles of Tucker's favourite massage oil to begin his own health and wellness product empire. Gotta start somewhere.
Having nowhere else to turn... Picard enlists the aid of the most wealthy person on his subspace contact list, Grand Nagus Zek. Zek is not keen to part with his latinum, but the Ba'ku people have always been good business associates in the spice trade. Perhaps he can strike an agreement to get a better bargain on their produce next time he's in the sector.
But someone else is already on the hunt for the devious duo, complicating matters and putting Anij in further jeopardy: as Section 31 has learned of Anij's ability to slow down time, they have sent Agent Harris to apprehend them.
Who will get to them first? And will they have the kindness to drop Riker into my community 10-pull while they're at it? I must craft all the things to find out...
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
Riker drops in voyages now
Indeed. I hope he drops soon, and then my life will be complete.
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
Though I kinda hoped it'd be a Hybrid with the first half being the Galaxy "The Prime Directive" then the second half being the Faction "Unlikely Heroes", with 1500 in-game chronitons just for old times' sake.
2* Commander Tucker
3* Rescuer Tucker
4* EV Suit Tucker
5* North Star Tucker
During the original run of this event, there were no additional bonus crew. Also, EV Suit & North Star Tuckers didn't exist. It was an awfully small pool of crew in them days, kiddies.
The first time through, there were two copies of Rescuer Tucker in the thresholds and a third copy in the rank rewards. It would certainly be nice to return to a 2/2 Threshold and 3/3 Rank schema.
The trend has been for New Crew to be in the Thresholds and the Existing Crew to be in the Rank Rewards; five of the six events in 2018 with a New/Existing blend have followed this schema, including the last four. That would suggest the likelihood that Anij will be in the thresholds, with either Agent Harris or Mirror Tucker being in the rank rewards.
Mirror Tucker, you may recall, was a Rank Reward in "Smoke & Mirrors 2: Imperial Decree" (12/14/17).
Of course, Tucker could be in the Thresholds, Harris in Rank, and Anij only in packs. Guessing along with DB is difficult, y'all.
Proud member of Patterns of Force
Captain Level 99
Played since January 2017
TP: Do better!!!
Oohh a story and a picture!
I had him drop in a basic portal yesterday :P
You'll get him soon enough I'm sure.
Cardassian wishlist:
Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
Natima Lang
Empok Nor Garak
Tekeny Ghemor
Ulani Belor
Airlocked him right away
have existing crew - both existing 4*s immortalised - check
Galaxy - chance at a FF crew through thresholds (Anij hopefully) - check (all other crew sweet Honor towards a citation for the coming mega-event 5* - check)
f2p - community reward 10x portal pull - check
--> thresholds and out and keeping my fingers crossed for a decent community pull! Sweet.
I've wanted her to appear for so long!
I hope she is threshold. And please for the love of god do 2 things DB...
1. Let her have 3 skills, I'm so tired of 2 skill wonders.
2. Let her primary skill break 700.
Possible third
3. If possible, let her skills be some combination of DIP, CMD, SCI or MED or maybe even ENG.
I mean she was the speaker/leader of the Ba'ku essentially. She was quite diplomatic of course. And she had a unique gift that could be considered scientific or medical, she also explicitly said while she and her people lived free of technology, they were actually very gifted engineers. But I swear to god if she has the SEC skill whatsoever, we need to have a serious talk: the Ba'ku are known pacifists.
Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
Most of the story is here:
Basically, they botched the first time it ran and Galaxy events were suspended for a couple months. It was a glorious time.
For the record, it's North Star Tucker, not Lone Star Tucker, this is a space colony that looks like Texas, not Texas itself
As for variants, I am hoping Section 31 and Ferengi at the very least. Although for Galaxy events, it isn't always that important.
That would add...
Event Crew (4): Anij, Grand Nagus Zek, Mirror Tucker, Agent Harris
Tucker Variants (4): Commander Tucker, Rescuer Tucker, EV Suit Tucker, North Star Tucker
Section 31 Traited (3): Luther Sloan, Section 31 Reed, Agent Janeway
Ferengi Traited (15): Grand Nagus Rom, Niners Rom, Technician Rom, Acting Nagus Brunt, Grand Proxy Neelix, Pel, Captain Nog, Teenager Nog, Cadet Nog, Bartender Quark, Convergence Day Quark, Martian Quark, Klingon Quark, Tourist Quark, Dr. Reyga
TOTAL: 26 - 1*s = 2, 2*s = 4, 3*s = 3, 4*s = 10, 5*s = 7
Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
Factions: Section 31, Terran Empire, Ferengi Alliance
Bonus crew:
• high bonus: event crew
• small bonus: variants of Tucker, and Section 31 crew.
Please note that while we have been able to provide the bonus information early recently, it will not always be the case. The announced schedule of key info on Friday and bonus crew on Tuesday remains.
Gather 'round, young'uns, I'mma tell y'all a story. It began on the twenty fifth day in the month of August in the Year of Our Lord two thousand and sixteen, when "The Prime Directive" went live at noon Eastern Standard Time, the same as every event before and since. Except this time, there was a flaw in the slaw. Every time any of us crafted an item, the game crashed and had to restart. Didn't make no difference whether 'twas one item or another, or who was doin' the craftin'. Nope, it just set that game into a tizzy. Within the hour, the event was "paused". All our progress was preserved (what little there was, anyway).
The team scrambled throughout that evening to write an entirely new Faction Event on the fly, which they dubbed "Unlikely Heroes"--surely a nod to their own valiant work to rescue the weekend. The Faction Event format in those days only featured one 4* crew; three copies in the Thresholds and up to four in the Rank Rewards. It was decided to make Agent Harris the event's 4*, though Tucker variants qualified for the event bonus.
For our troubles, we were all sent an in-game message with an unprecedented 1000 "we're sorry" chronitons, thereafter referred to as "sorrytons". "Unlikely Heroes" unfolded as intended, and we were assured that "The Prime Directive" would be "unpaused" as soon as the bug that interrupted it had been squashed. Sounded find to all of us, except it kept not happening.
See, it needed to be fixed with the 1.4 build.
Then it needed to be fixed with the 1.5.1 build. By now, we're into the month of October. It was decided by now to give us all a break--DB staff included--and run no event the weekend of 20 October 2016. We got a free weekend...and 1000 "sorrytons".
The new build would be approved by Apple and "The Prime Directive" would "unpause" the following weekend (27 October). Except that didn't happen, either.
Nope, instead, there were still problems, which is how we got "Ghost in the Machine" and another 1000 "sorrytons". "The Prime Directive" was pushed back to 4 November, except it didn't happen then, either. We got "Dictators, Unite!"...and another 1000 "sorrytons".
It wasn't until 17 November 2016 that "The Prime Directive" finally "unpaused", with any and all progress made in that scant hour it was originally live preserved as promised. By then, we'd gone through at least three delays, two server builds, one eventless weekend, and 3000 "sorrytons".
And that's the legend of the Cursed Event.