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Key information about the event: An Even Field - 08/09 (Mega-Event#2)



  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yar looks ok at first glance but then further inspection shows her full body, whereupon she ends up looking horrible. I think a lot of it has to do with that stupid pose they gave her for some reason. She’s suppose to be standing there, revealing herself, simple, straight with arms at her sides, not trying to twist her torso into some kind of weird mating dance.

    Finally, why is Ross a Cultural Figure? He’s just an admiral, albeit an important one during the Dominion War and all but still just another Starfleet admiral, not the Emissary or anything.

    Agreed, Cultural Figure is silly
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    2s initialize on a 375% burst?

    Yeah, this may change arena dynamics. Also will shorten skirmish lengths.
    I think it could shorten skirmish lengths, but don’t see her as viable in the arena, that -2 evasion can kill

    I may try out with admiral Janeway (1 sec evasion) and Klingon Janeway (4 sec accuracy). The goal being to get a kill by 6 seconds when most cloaks start.
  • I’m all for awesome ship abilities but Vampire Yar, yes, that’s now her nickname, just has a super ridiculous one. 375% damage in 2 seconds?! Cloaks and ship evasion won’t matter because she’ll activate too quickly. Clearly someone at DB was shot in the head when making Vampire Yar in general.
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    I’m all for awesome ship abilities but Vampire Yar, yes, that’s now her nickname, just has a super ridiculous one. 375% damage in 2 seconds?! Cloaks and ship evasion won’t matter because she’ll activate too quickly. Clearly someone at DB was shot in the head when making Vampire Yar in general.

    Maybe I'm the only one that thinks without a strong Attack boost and a -2 evasion, she will open you up for more damage then she is worth? Either that or you will have to wait for the support crew with Crit dmg , evasion and accuracy to come on line to use her, in which case you might as well use a stronger crew. Not saying she can't be effective, but it takes a hell of a build to work around the negative (especially with an 8s suration on the evasion hit).

    I think she will be great in Skirmishes, where you just don't care about the evasion, but I don't think she is OP in the arena, especially with minimal passive abilities
  • [NDQ] Joker41NAM[NDQ] Joker41NAM ✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Finally, why is Ross a Cultural Figure? He’s just an admiral, albeit an important one during the Dominion War and all but still just another Starfleet admiral, not the Emissary or anything.

    I guess it depends on when he's supposed to be from. If it's the very end of the series, then he would count; he was the primary Starfleet signatory of the surrender. (Would you consider General MacArthur to be a cultural figure? A lot of people would.)

    Also, maybe it's just that I haven't gone back and watched the show for a while, but does anyone else think Ross's neck grew a couple inches?
  • Captain SushiCaptain Sushi ✭✭✭✭
    I’m all for awesome ship abilities but Vampire Yar, yes, that’s now her nickname, just has a super ridiculous one. 375% damage in 2 seconds?! Cloaks and ship evasion won’t matter because she’ll activate too quickly. Clearly someone at DB was shot in the head when making Vampire Yar in general.

    Maybe I'm the only one that thinks without a strong Attack boost and a -2 evasion, she will open you up for more damage then she is worth? Either that or you will have to wait for the support crew with Crit dmg , evasion and accuracy to come on line to use her, in which case you might as well use a stronger crew. Not saying she can't be effective, but it takes a hell of a build to work around the negative (especially with an 8s suration on the evasion hit).

    I think she will be great in Skirmishes, where you just don't care about the evasion, but I don't think she is OP in the arena, especially with minimal passive abilities

    Mirror Spock has a 1 sec Attack boost
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    I’m all for awesome ship abilities but Vampire Yar, yes, that’s now her nickname, just has a super ridiculous one. 375% damage in 2 seconds?! Cloaks and ship evasion won’t matter because she’ll activate too quickly. Clearly someone at DB was shot in the head when making Vampire Yar in general.

    Maybe I'm the only one that thinks without a strong Attack boost and a -2 evasion, she will open you up for more damage then she is worth? Either that or you will have to wait for the support crew with Crit dmg , evasion and accuracy to come on line to use her, in which case you might as well use a stronger crew. Not saying she can't be effective, but it takes a hell of a build to work around the negative (especially with an 8s suration on the evasion hit).

    I think she will be great in Skirmishes, where you just don't care about the evasion, but I don't think she is OP in the arena, especially with minimal passive abilities

    Mirror Spock has a 1 sec Attack boost

    I don't believe his does a burst, this 2 sec with a 375% burst is the big OP problem (IMO)
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yateball wrote: »
    Yar looks ok at first glance but then further inspection shows her full body, whereupon she ends up looking horrible. I think a lot of it has to do with that stupid pose they gave her for some reason. She’s suppose to be standing there, revealing herself, simple, straight with arms at her sides, not trying to twist her torso into some kind of weird mating dance.

    Finally, why is Ross a Cultural Figure? He’s just an admiral, albeit an important one during the Dominion War and all but still just another Starfleet admiral, not the Emissary or anything.

    Agreed, Cultural Figure is silly

    This is even more ridiculous when you remember that Emperor Georgiou was not given the cultural figure trait.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    2 weeks into the "Dominion" mega-event and we have, lets count them, one......ummm, well thats it, one, one dominion card "ah ah ah"......... well ok then :/;)
    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
  • Captain SushiCaptain Sushi ✭✭✭✭
    Yateball wrote: »
    I’m all for awesome ship abilities but Vampire Yar, yes, that’s now her nickname, just has a super ridiculous one. 375% damage in 2 seconds?! Cloaks and ship evasion won’t matter because she’ll activate too quickly. Clearly someone at DB was shot in the head when making Vampire Yar in general.

    Maybe I'm the only one that thinks without a strong Attack boost and a -2 evasion, she will open you up for more damage then she is worth? Either that or you will have to wait for the support crew with Crit dmg , evasion and accuracy to come on line to use her, in which case you might as well use a stronger crew. Not saying she can't be effective, but it takes a hell of a build to work around the negative (especially with an 8s suration on the evasion hit).

    I think she will be great in Skirmishes, where you just don't care about the evasion, but I don't think she is OP in the arena, especially with minimal passive abilities

    Mirror Spock has a 1 sec Attack boost

    I don't believe his does a burst, this 2 sec with a 375% burst is the big OP problem (IMO)

    What I meant to say was his is an Accuracy boost. Which pairs well with Tasha' s 2 sec burst, I would think.
  • 2 weeks into the "Dominion" mega-event and we have, lets count them, one......ummm, well thats it, one, one dominion card "ah ah ah"......... well ok then :/;)

    ...And that one card has very uninspiring stats, will be mass frozen right after the event. At least diseased founder has a LITTLE different stats from the vast majority of dominion crew who have CMD/DIP/SEC, with her CMD/DIP/MED.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    2 weeks into the "Dominion" mega-event and we have, lets count them, one......ummm, well thats it, one, one dominion card "ah ah ah"......... well ok then :/;)

    Well, yea, if you ignore the other two crew that are tied to the Dominion story line.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    2 weeks into the "Dominion" mega-event and we have, lets count them, one......ummm, well thats it, one, one dominion card "ah ah ah"......... well ok then :/;)

    This is a Dominion themed event, not a Dominion crew trait event.

    The inclusion of Seska and the Kazon, Mirror Garak and vampire Yar are a little out of left field, but I'm curious to how they're going to weave the plot line together over the next three weeks.

    With the event being all about the breakup of the Dominion, it makes sense that various other factions would get involved to either pick a side, assist with making the Dominion whole again, or take advantage of the Dominion in its weakened state.

    Having said that, the inclusion of the Diseased Founder and Admiral Ross are both on point, and the involvement of the Son'a (Ru'afo) was at least hinted at in canon, if not specifically shown on screen.
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    Can anyone tell me what Ross needs for his final items? Does he need admiral pips between level 90 and 100?
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Yateball wrote: »
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    2s initialize on a 375% burst?

    Yeah, this may change arena dynamics. Also will shorten skirmish lengths.
    I think it could shorten skirmish lengths, but don’t see her as viable in the arena, that -2 evasion can kill

    Her along with Killy's quick initialize is going to be insane... even with cloaks you just wait it out and pop both of them and it's over

    I do not think a cloak initializes soon enough to stop T'Mir and Polywater.
    Add captain Scott or Mirror Spock and maybe someone with early evasion. Might be best with Borg Cube.
  • not sure if an one mentioned this but now Yar needs her "Fully Functional" Data 5*
    this could even make for a 6* mega combo, just some closed doors. LOL
    DB needs to fire the Ferrengi and higher more Engineers, Rom doesn't count.
    [FSC] Peace Keepers
    Gryphon [****] Adm
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    Yateball wrote: »
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    2s initialize on a 375% burst?

    Yeah, this may change arena dynamics. Also will shorten skirmish lengths.
    I think it could shorten skirmish lengths, but don’t see her as viable in the arena, that -2 evasion can kill

    Her along with Killy's quick initialize is going to be insane... even with cloaks you just wait it out and pop both of them and it's over

    I do not think a cloak initializes soon enough to stop T'Mir and Polywater.
    Add captain Scott or Mirror Spock and maybe someone with early evasion. Might be best with Borg Cube.


    Gave this a try and while it works nicely, I got beat twice with it up on defense, so I have reverted back to my old lineup. Not sure if it’s really worse or just getting picked by lots of people on offense since it’s a cube.

  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    Can anyone tell me what Ross needs for his final items? Does he need admiral pips between level 90 and 100?

    From the Wiki (https://stt.wiki/wiki/Admiral_Ross):


    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    Flemming wrote: »
    My minor concern there are no Dominion in this week's portion of the Mega Event, just peripheral tangential characters of the Dominion.

    I was promised Flying Cars!

    For having dropped in the Flying Cars bit, you've just become my new favorite forum member, @Flemming! I recently quoted that in a Twitter conversation. Still amuses me.
    Rape Gang Escapee Yar from "Hide and Q"?

    Where No One Has Gone Before.


    Welp. Flubbed that one.

    I still don't see any flying cars. Why? WHY? WHY?!
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Post not needed, already was answered.
  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just told that she looks like a Vampire because of that weird skin tone on the art and now that's her nickname Vampire Yar lmao. :D
  • Without more DB originals, they don't have a -lot- of Canon options to make Yars from..

    But Travis's point is.. both funny and on point.

    Yar was only a crew for about 1/9 of the series. She only has so much depth
  • KaiteeKaitee ✭✭✭✭✭
    not sure if an one mentioned this but now Yar needs her "Fully Functional" Data 5*

    Until I actually get around to levelling her (got crazy lucky and pulled her out of a pack) I'm going to assume this is one of her level 100 items.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    Yateball wrote: »
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    2s initialize on a 375% burst?

    Yeah, this may change arena dynamics. Also will shorten skirmish lengths.
    I think it could shorten skirmish lengths, but don’t see her as viable in the arena, that -2 evasion can kill

    Her along with Killy's quick initialize is going to be insane... even with cloaks you just wait it out and pop both of them and it's over

    I do not think a cloak initializes soon enough to stop T'Mir and Polywater.
    Add captain Scott or Mirror Spock and maybe someone with early evasion. Might be best with Borg Cube.


    Gave this a try and while it works nicely, I got beat twice with it up on defense, so I have reverted back to my old lineup. Not sure if it’s really worse or just getting picked by lots of people on offense since it’s a cube.

    It doesn’t help that the cube is already poor at evasion (which is why I love going after them with my Bounty, Crell Moset, Captain Scott, 1701 Jadzia, and Mirror Mayweather - cubes are unable to evade fire for a full 10 seconds at +9 attack and +8 accuracy plus the ludicrous equipment bonuses Jadzia and Scotty provide). I wonder how this lineup would work on a ship with a higher natural evasion rating.
  • South of SuluSouth of Sulu ✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Alright, this event re-ignited a question I had long ago, when watching that "Naked Now" episode for the first time. Granted, it was very early TNG, and the tone of the first season was radically different from all the following, but...

    Why, oh why, would Noonien Soong design an android to have genitalia? Not just genitalia, mind you, but fully functional genitalia, that can either be in a state of rest or erection. The poor android didn't even have emotions, but hey, let's give him a working d!ck. I mean, the only "logical" explanation here is that Soong was designing the first of many "servant" androids that would cater to all of the desires of their human masters. Am I crazy?

    Soong intended Data to pursue humanity, not be its automated servant. I think the romance that Data had with Jenna D'Sora was a lot more in line with Soong's intentions than what Bruce Maddox wanted to do with him. In that context, it makes sense to make Data capable of exploring sexuality, not to cater to human masters but to experience that facet of life and relationships.

    Alright, once again, he didn't give him emotions. But he gave him a fully functional penis.

    Well he did give him/them emotions. You have to go back and understand the timeline. He was cranking out the bodies relatively quickly but the positronic brain was going more slowly. He was creating one prototype body after another. Lore and Data were the final two. Lore went nuts and did bad things which led Soong to bring Data online without emotions. Data was a copy of Lore, so he simply emlinated the emotional subroutines and brought Data online.

    Now did you expect him to say, let’s emlinate his genitalia because he has no emotions? Soong even said that he expected to perfect the emotion chip very quickly but it took him many years.

    Soong: “ok Data here is your emotion chip and you’ll need this too. Just reach into that jar and grab it. Yup, just snap it on”

    Also there was zero reason to think that just because he did not have emotions he would not want to experience sex. He had no emotions but he had friends. Sex without emotion happens often. Friendship without emotion is nearly impossible. So Data having sex is more realistic than Data having friends. But then again the character made a habit of “exceeding the limits of his programming”.

  • South of SuluSouth of Sulu ✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Yar is just amateur hour. Her hands and feet look like Play-Doh.

    Some of the freelancers are good, others are not. We just roll the dice and hope that if it’s one of our favorite characters we get one of the good artist.

    Ross is ok. Glad we finally got him and they gave the gig to an artist that is of legal drinking age.

    He’s not a cultural figure....he is a veteran. Please add veteran trait and remove cultural figure.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    Yateball wrote: »
    Paladin 27 wrote: »
    2s initialize on a 375% burst?

    Yeah, this may change arena dynamics. Also will shorten skirmish lengths.
    I think it could shorten skirmish lengths, but don’t see her as viable in the arena, that -2 evasion can kill

    Her along with Killy's quick initialize is going to be insane... even with cloaks you just wait it out and pop both of them and it's over

    I do not think a cloak initializes soon enough to stop T'Mir and Polywater.
    Add captain Scott or Mirror Spock and maybe someone with early evasion. Might be best with Borg Cube.


    Gave this a try and while it works nicely, I got beat twice with it up on defense, so I have reverted back to my old lineup. Not sure if it’s really worse or just getting picked by lots of people on offense since it’s a cube.

    It doesn’t help that the cube is already poor at evasion (which is why I love going after them with my Bounty, Crell Moset, Captain Scott, 1701 Jadzia, and Mirror Mayweather - cubes are unable to evade fire for a full 10 seconds at +9 attack and +8 accuracy plus the ludicrous equipment bonuses Jadzia and Scotty provide). I wonder how this lineup would work on a ship with a higher natural evasion rating.

    Might be worth a try with Bounty. But not sure if evasion is the way to go or maybe early attack with Locutus. So a Bounty with Locutus, Mirror Spock, T'Mir, and Polywater. The question is can Polywater give the killing blow?
    Or maybe that lineup on a Cube. Trying to destroy opponent when Polywater is activated.
  • Nero84Nero84 ✭✭✭
    Yar looks ok at first glance but then further inspection shows her full body, whereupon she ends up looking horrible. I think a lot of it has to do with that stupid pose they gave her for some reason. She’s suppose to be standing there, revealing herself, simple, straight with arms at her sides, not trying to twist her torso into some kind of weird mating dance.

    Finally, why is Ross a Cultural Figure? He’s just an admiral, albeit an important one during the Dominion War and all but still just another Starfleet admiral, not the Emissary or anything.

    I agree with the Cultural Figure comment. In fact I think way to many crew members have "Cultural Figure"
  • Can I just confirm, apart from Ru’afo, none of the characters from this event are at all useful for the rest of the “Dominion Mega Event” as none of them have a the Dominion trait, it’s like Roga Denar all over again 😂😂
  • Finally, why is Ross a Cultural Figure? He’s just an admiral, albeit an important one during the Dominion War and all but still just another Starfleet admiral, not the Emissary or anything.

    I guess it depends on when he's supposed to be from. If it's the very end of the series, then he would count; he was the primary Starfleet signatory of the surrender. (Would you consider General MacArthur to be a cultural figure? A lot of people would.)

    Also, maybe it's just that I haven't gone back and watched the show for a while, but does anyone else think Ross's neck grew a couple inches?

    That was my thought as well. I think Cultural Figure is defensible if you're imagining what the overall viewpoint of him back on Earth would be at the end of the Dominion War. MacArthur is a fair comparison in some ways, as is someone like Eisenhower (whose role in the West at the head of three allies during the North African campaign closely resembles Ross's role with the Klingons and Romulans, where he was the glue that held the trio together).

    I'm talking myself past defensible and right into 'good job' territory.
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