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Key information about event: Advance Directive (Mega-Event #3) - 08/16



  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    I actually really wanted this Phlox, until last night. I currently have over 6k chrons but I decided not to push myself into top 1k (I was rank 1100 when I decided).

    I went gung-ho on the previous skirmishes, but I had a hard time committing to this one. I think it partially had to do with the Ru'afo fiasco and the explanation provided to us players.
  • Flemming wrote: »
    Flemming wrote: »
    RennJaxo wrote: »
    Why on Earth is Dukat in the ranked rewards? I figured for sure it'd be Surgeon Phlox.

    This is a stretch, but *maybe* Dukat is bonus crew for the next event.
    It could happen.

    Holy Crap, what genius thought that a misplaced Dukat variant would be an Event crew the next week.
    (someone give that 3 year old a raise!)

    ((Seriously, I would a preferred Thot Gor)).

    I airlocked Thot Gor after the final crew for this mega event was announced. I'm primarily a monthly card only player, so the voyage only crew filling up slots for crew who don't make me stronger (none of them are viably useful to me except maybe the Clown) are a total waste.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I actually really wanted this Phlox, until last night. I currently have over 6k chrons but I decided not to push myself into top 1k (I was rank 1100 when I decided).

    I went gung-ho on the previous skirmishes, but I had a hard time committing to this one. I think it partially had to do with the Ru'afo fiasco and the explanation provided to us players.

    On Thursday I was all ready to roll up a bunch of chrons, holoemitters, and honor over the weekend but the various fiascos have caused me to do little more than clear all the daily missions and finish equipping Yelgrun since reaching the last threshold. Although Yargate didn’t affect me and Ru’afo’s long initialize time caused me to use other bonus crew anyway, DB’s commitment to poor decision-making, miscommunication, and zero quality control really took the wind out of my sails.
  • Flemming wrote: »
    Flemming wrote: »
    RennJaxo wrote: »
    Why on Earth is Dukat in the ranked rewards? I figured for sure it'd be Surgeon Phlox.

    This is a stretch, but *maybe* Dukat is bonus crew for the next event.
    It could happen.

    Holy Crap, what genius thought that a misplaced Dukat variant would be an Event crew the next week.
    (someone give that 3 year old a raise!)

    ((Seriously, I would a preferred Thot Gor)).

    I airlocked Thot Gor after the final crew for this mega event was announced. I'm primarily a monthly card only player, so the voyage only crew filling up slots for crew who don't make me stronger (none of them are viably useful to me except maybe the Clown) are a total waste.

    Jannar can be surprisingly useful, yeah you'll probably have to spend merits or wait for some more apology citations, but at least they are still a 'safe' investment of merits into a 4* character.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    So did y'all enjoy bot a palooza?
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