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Key information about event: Advance Directive (Mega-Event #3) - 08/16



  • S31 wrote: »
    Yelgrun stats are soooo bad. I hope that Weyoun 5, changeling Weyoun or Founder Odo will have power creep next week.

    We can only hope that his ship abilities make up for the rotten stats.

    If they do, you can expect a nerf within just a few days! 😂
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    S31 wrote: »
    Yelgrun stats are soooo bad. I hope that Weyoun 5, changeling Weyoun or Founder Odo will have power creep next week.

    We can only hope that his ship abilities make up for the rotten stats.

    Do you mean his passive ship abilities? Because here is his active:


    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    S31 wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Maybe it's just me, but the Burnham/Janeway "humor" is getting real stale. The last Janeway in an event was Mirror Janeway to close out the Mirror Mega in December. The last Burnham was in mid February.

    Since that Burnham event, we've had the following as event characters:
    3x Quark (Rossoff, Klingon, Martian)
    2x Jake Sisko (War Correspondent and Best Selling Author)
    2x Jadzia Dax (Bell Riots, Alternate Future)
    2x Garak (Obsidian Order, Mirror)
    2x Picard (Dixon Hill, Romulan Picard)
    2x Geordi (Alan-a-Dale, Interfaced)
    2x Dukat (Bajoran, Breen Disguise)
    2x Paris (Mutated, Combat Medic)
    2x Troi (Rakal, Mintankan)

    Maybe that joke can be retired?

    I have had to stop myself from starting a thread to beg the Burnham/Janeway jokes to be retired for almost two months now so I appreciate that you said this, @Peachtree Rex. Also, Jadzia has been in more events than any other character (10, to Janeway's 8 and Burnham's...3). Funny how no one whines about her.

    There is one legitimate complaint about Burnham, though, that I'll concede and that's that Graduation and Prospect both felt entirely too peripheral as variants to be as powerful as they were. They were more appropriate as 3*'s, honestly, which brings up the point that to date, there are zero 3* Disco crew.

    More events, yes, more megas, I'd have to check but I'd put money on it being closer to even or Janeway being ahead in that respect.

    However, it is interesting how Jadzia is more embraced by a larger segment of the community here. I wonder why (innocent look)

    I can't tell if that is a serious question, but I'll treat it as such. The other interpretation I read is that you assume she is only liked because of her looks.

    I like Dax, though she is not my favorite. I like the character. I like her self-confidence and how she doesn't need to prove anything to herself or anyone else. I feel Uhura, Chapel, and Crusher are the same way. They are good role models for my daughters in that respect. I most like Hoshi. (Not the mirror version.) She is not self confident, but highly intelligent and possibly the most courageous of ALL Star Trek characters. She constantly does more than can be expected despite her personal fears. She is also a good role model. I would love to see more of her, but as has been mentioned a lot, she was not given very many episodes to have much possible variety for STT cards.

    I don't care for Janeway. I don't hate her, but I find her voice grating and her character, while not bad, is just not so likable to me. I can't explain it. It is as if she constantly has to prove herself. I don't hate her by any means, but I don't love her, either. Burnham is a crew I've never seen. I would watch Discovery, but I won't pay for CBS app just for one show. My introduction to her is from a small clip of her fighting ruthlessly and from her event in the game as a Fun Sponge. I hope there is more to her and when I get a chance to watch, I may love her. As it is, I don't. I agree it is time to give them a break from the jokes on the forum. I also don't much like T'Pol. She grows on you, but I never liked her condescending attitude or her disdain for everything or her smugness. She was in enough episodes that I grew to understand her and feel for her at times, but she was either badly written or badly cast.

    My personal like it dislike for any crew has nothing to do with physical appearance. I ask myself if this person would be a good example to me or to my daughters.

    Wow and I thought I was known for assuming the worst... stealin my gig!

    You can assume it is for looks, but you could also assume a better written character with a more charismatic actress that is more committed to fandom than most other folks still around, from the most popular element of the franchise on this forum. DS9 has won hands down over every other series in every forum poll so far. TNG inches closer sometimes, but seriously, if the folks in the forum represent the most hardcore players in the game, DS9 is where it is at, and thus Dax/Sisko, etc.

    You could also assume it being that both Voyager and Discovery are waaaay down on the list as far as folks favorites. (though there are fans, Discovery and the Animated Series always contend for last in the "Whats your favorite series" on polls here, usually Enterprise and then Voyager vs TOS for the next spot up.)

    Unfortunately for some folks this is an inflammatory statement hence the 'innocent look', especially since I'm repeating myself from a few months back.

    That's why you'll see either little or no pushback on Dax, but not even close to the level of Janeway and Burnham. In addition, I don't believe there has been a non-canon Dax. In addition, Janeway was in 4 megas IN A ROW. In fact it was the first four. If the jokes hadn't started I'm betting we'd still be getting Janeways every other month. Had the same with Rikerapalooza in the 2017.

    And Burnham, frankly, there's some folks who love her and some folks who hate her.

    If it was looks alone, well, Burnham's damn hot by a lot of accounts, and frankly I think the Discovery cast might be the most overall physically attractive since TOS, which puts yet another layer of disbelief on it in my eyes.

    Lmao, Enterprise cast is the best looking.

    Males are super fit, and females are extremely beautiful. And that include guest stars.

    What we have on Discovery physically looking? A bland wooden lead with a weird haircut, an alien, an Albino, and fat curly red head with a tumor on her face.

    Ok, Landry, Lorca, Phillipa and Ash were good looking.

    Well if you compare Bakula to Saru you might be on to something, lol.
  • If they'd given him an insta-evade to counter Yar they'd have saved a lot of ticket time
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  • Or did one of the real Phloxes suddenly decide he wanted to become a Catholic priest?

    I'm Evangelical, so I might be wrong on this, but I think since he's called Reverend (rather than something like Father), he's probably gone to one of the older Protestant denominations (Anglican, Methodist, Lutheran, etc). I guess Archer's subconscious at DB isn't a fan of the papalcy. :)

    I don’t know anything about it one way or the other. He’s got the black suit with white collar so he looks Catholic to me but could be anything. After all, he was a dream, so, my points are still valid. WHAT IS HE?!?
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don’t know anything about it one way or the other. He’s got the black suit with white collar so he looks Catholic to me but could be anything. After all, he was a dream, so, my points are still valid. WHAT IS HE?!?

    I had the same thought, but then I realized this game also has a bunch of holograms running around without mobile holo-emitters, so...
  • Webberoni wrote: »
    I don’t know anything about it one way or the other. He’s got the black suit with white collar so he looks Catholic to me but could be anything. After all, he was a dream, so, my points are still valid. WHAT IS HE?!?

    I had the same thought, but then I realized this game also has a bunch of holograms running around without mobile holo-emitters, so...

    I always assume they’re on ships with holoemitters or have themselves acquired a mobile emitter or are stuck somewhere in a holodeck. Overall, they’re still more believable than a walking dream unless you factor in weird powers like Q or Trelane.

    Also, this has an impact on traits. If he’s real, he might should have the Counselor trait since most preachers are emotional support people, unless they’d like to create something new like Theologian. Also, Spiritual, if his faith is actually altered him into that profession. Finally, if it’s just Phlox in a priest outfit, then he’s Costumed.

    If he’s not real, he needs an appropriate trait telling us what he really is then. New traits? Illusion? Dream? Figment? Who knows?
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Lmao, Enterprise cast is the best looking.

    Males are super fit, and females are extremely beautiful. And that include guest stars.

    What we have on Discovery physically looking? A bland wooden lead with a weird haircut, an alien, an Albino, and fat curly red head with a tumor on her face.

    Ok, Landry, Lorca, Phillipa and Ash were good looking.

    Wait, who was the albino? Are you talking about my Detmer? Don't talk about my Detmer!
  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Lmao, Enterprise cast is the best looking.

    Males are super fit, and females are extremely beautiful. And that include guest stars.

    What we have on Discovery physically looking? A bland wooden lead with a weird haircut, an alien, an Albino, and fat curly red head with a tumor on her face.

    Ok, Landry, Lorca, Phillipa and Ash were good looking.

    Wait, who was the albino? Are you talking about my Detmer? Don't talk about my Detmer!







  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    I got lucky and my one event pack dropped both First Goran'Agar and Yelgrun! That immortalized the former (#274) and will allow me to immortalize the latter once I clear the thresholds. This, in turn, will 1) get me to 275 immortals and 750 dilithium and 2) keep me from having to care about the rank rewards whatsoever. That's convenient, as I have plans to go to the art museum Friday evening and may be getting together with my niece somewhere in the weekend.
  • Awesome luck Travis - hope you enjoy a relaxed weekend
    Come join our fleet! We're a great social group that helps each other. You play the way you want to, participate as much as you want and if you want to be competitive, you can be! Check out our fleet ad:

  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Awesome luck Travis - hope you enjoy a relaxed weekend

    Thanks! I may be taking my niece with me to the art museum. That should prove interesting. I've taken her once before, but that was on a dreary, lazy Saturday afternoon and the place was dead. This will be for this month's After Hours event: http://www.speedmuseum.org/event/after-hours-at-the-speed-11/ Among other things, the festivities will include something called "surrealist games", a drag show, a scholarly talk about drag culture, and a screening of a 1926 silent film with live musical accompaniment. My niece just turned 16. I'm eager to see all this for myself anyway, but even more eager to see her react to it all!
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    After all, he was a dream, so, my points are still valid. WHAT IS HE?!?

    Just like you, he is a figment of my deranged imagination.

    Intentionally Left Blank
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Got to wondering about who will be in the final week of this mega-event and man, I would love to see Ometi'Klan. I don't know if it's how he was written or if it was the commanding performance by Clarence Williams III or what, but I still find him one of the most interesting (non-recurring) guest characters of that whole series. He needs to be a SEC beast, though, if only because so far, the strongest SEC in the entire Dominion is Changeling Bashir. That's just humiliating.
  • RennJaxoRennJaxo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Got to wondering about who will be in the final week of this mega-event and man, I would love to see Ometi'Klan. I don't know if it's how he was written or if it was the commanding performance by Clarence Williams III or what, but I still find him one of the most interesting (non-recurring) guest characters of that whole series. He needs to be a SEC beast, though, if only because so far, the strongest SEC in the entire Dominion is Changeling Bashir. That's just humiliating.

    He’s a great choice. I’d also love to see the Jem’Hadar who refused to kill Worf in the Dominion prison as a security beast five star.

  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm hoping for Ometi'Klan, Changeling Martok, and some random old 4*.
  • Agreed. Although personally I think Tilly is bloody awful 😉
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  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    RennJaxo wrote: »
    Why on Earth is Dukat in the ranked rewards? I figured for sure it'd be Surgeon Phlox.

    This is a stretch, but *maybe* Dukat is bonus crew for the next event.
    It could happen.
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • Flemming wrote: »
    RennJaxo wrote: »
    Why on Earth is Dukat in the ranked rewards? I figured for sure it'd be Surgeon Phlox.

    This is a stretch, but *maybe* Dukat is bonus crew for the next event.
    It could happen.

    Ive had Garak and Cardassian Kira drop recently, and with Garak in the mega I was also wondering if the was a Cardassian event coming up; I was assuming after the mega, but who knows?
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  • S31 wrote: »
    Lmao, Enterprise cast is the best looking.

    Males are super fit, and females are extremely beautiful. And that include guest stars.

    What we have on Discovery physically looking? A bland wooden lead with a weird haircut, an alien, an Albino, and fat curly red head with a tumor on her face.

    Ok, Landry, Lorca, Phillipa and Ash were good looking.

    Wait, who was the albino? Are you talking about my Detmer? Don't talk about my Detmer!






    Mary Wiseman (Tilly), Anthony Rapp (Stamets), and the rest of the cast are great. I find it quite crass and disgusting that you appoint yourself as arbiter of who is attractive and who is not especially when you hold up as ideal women those in short clothes and green fictional sex slaves.

    I was sure he was trolling. Most times that kind of post is a wind-up. That's marginally preferable to them actually believing it, but it's still pretty distasteful.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    S31 wrote: »
    Lmao, Enterprise cast is the best looking.

    Males are super fit, and females are extremely beautiful. And that include guest stars.

    What we have on Discovery physically looking? A bland wooden lead with a weird haircut, an alien, an Albino, and fat curly red head with a tumor on her face.

    Ok, Landry, Lorca, Phillipa and Ash were good looking.

    Wait, who was the albino? Are you talking about my Detmer? Don't talk about my Detmer!






    Mary Wiseman (Tilly), Anthony Rapp (Stamets), and the rest of the cast are great. I find it quite crass and disgusting that you appoint yourself as arbiter of who is attractive and who is not especially when you hold up as ideal women those in short clothes and green fictional sex slaves.
    I strongly believe that you are just responding emotionally and not rationaly nor objectively.

    Anthony Rapp and Mary Wiseman are good actors but they less attractive than Linda Park and Anthony Montgomery.
    And that's actually not a bad thing because they were obviously casted because of their acting skills.

    I am not an arbiter but I am objective, emotionally detached about that topic and I have my two eyes.
    You don't have to believe me - open a reddit poll which series has the most attractive cast...

    Orion girls are just beautiful actress with a green paint they aren't actually SLAVES, you know? They would be beautiful in anything.

    Now you can be objective or not I don't really care.


  • ApaggApagg ✭✭✭
    Minor point on Yelgrun - why does he have musician trait? Weyoun says the Vorta have no creative talents, and wishes he "could carry a tune".
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Apagg wrote: »
    Minor point on Yelgrun - why does he have musician trait? Weyoun says the Vorta have no creative talents, and wishes he "could carry a tune".

    Read the thread. It may be because he was played by Iggy Pop.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    S31 wrote: »
    Lmao, Enterprise cast is the best looking.

    Males are super fit, and females are extremely beautiful. And that include guest stars.

    What we have on Discovery physically looking? A bland wooden lead with a weird haircut, an alien, an Albino, and fat curly red head with a tumor on her face.

    Ok, Landry, Lorca, Phillipa and Ash were good looking.

    Wait, who was the albino? Are you talking about my Detmer? Don't talk about my Detmer!






    Mary Wiseman (Tilly), Anthony Rapp (Stamets), and the rest of the cast are great. I find it quite crass and disgusting that you appoint yourself as arbiter of who is attractive and who is not especially when you hold up as ideal women those in short clothes and green fictional sex slaves.

    So those Orion girls were main cast huh? Apple meet orange.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Apagg wrote: »
    Minor point on Yelgrun - why does he have musician trait? Weyoun says the Vorta have no creative talents, and wishes he "could carry a tune".

    Dulmer: Is that a joke?
    Sisko: No.
    Lucsly: Good.
    Dulmer: We hate those, too.
  • ApaggApagg ✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Apagg wrote: »
    Minor point on Yelgrun - why does he have musician trait? Weyoun says the Vorta have no creative talents, and wishes he "could carry a tune".

    Read the thread. It may be because he was played by Iggy Pop.

    Ah, apologies
  • I am curious why Klingon Dukat got the nod over Surgeon Phlox, who has never appeared in an event's rank table. Dukat, meanwhile, appeared in the rewards for both runs of "Triple Threat".

    And I was hoping for Surgeon Phlox because he is one of the few rares I still have to level.

    Maybe it's in preparation for an oncoming Cardassian event.
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