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Key information about event: Advance Directive (Mega-Event #3) - 08/16



  • I'm thinking dip/sci/med or sci/dip/med from what I remember of the episode.

    After that run of 4* DIP/MED we had a few months ago, I sincerely hope that 5* Rev. Phlox has a tertiary skill. 🖖🏻

    As I remember he was sciencing a lot in that episode with his menagerie of alien fauna. I would hope he doesn't have dip/med or I'll be sorely disappointed. Phlox is one of my favourite characters and I'm keen to get him on my crew!
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • Wow this event is turning out into an even bigger turd then imagined.... 1st you get an efing Son'a as reccuring from one of the least popular Star trek movies.... Might as well have shot for the moon with this one and just re use Shinzon. The actual Dominion crew that you get is almost non existent and the Diseased Founder that led the whole war in DS9 is a friggin 4 star with stats so bad it never made it into any of the shuttles I sent out last week. I'm happy that this event is not what I voted on, also sorry for those who got there wish only to be trampled on, I whould have hated this even more if I whould have asked for "this".
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm thinking dip/sci/med or sci/dip/med from what I remember of the episode.

    After that run of 4* DIP/MED we had a few months ago, I sincerely hope that 5* Rev. Phlox has a tertiary skill. 🖖🏻

    As I remember he was sciencing a lot in that episode with his menagerie of alien fauna. I would hope he doesn't have dip/med or I'll be sorely disappointed. Phlox is one of my favourite characters and I'm keen to get him on my crew!

    I agree with all of it. Phlox was a really cool character and I too would be disappointed with MED/DIP. I have so many of them that my best Voyages are those two skills

  • I'm thinking dip/sci/med or sci/dip/med from what I remember of the episode.

    After that run of 4* DIP/MED we had a few months ago, I sincerely hope that 5* Rev. Phlox has a tertiary skill. 🖖🏻

    As I remember he was sciencing a lot in that episode with his menagerie of alien fauna. I would hope he doesn't have dip/med or I'll be sorely disappointed. Phlox is one of my favourite characters and I'm keen to get him on my crew!

    I wouldn't be too quick to conflate dream priest Phlox with actual scientist/doctor Phlox from the same episode when it comes to predicting skills
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    Wow this event is turning out into an even bigger turd then imagined.... 1st you get an efing Son'a as reccuring from one of the least popular Star trek movies.... Might as well have shot for the moon with this one and just re use Shinzon. The actual Dominion crew that you get is almost non existent and the Diseased Founder that led the whole war in DS9 is a friggin 4 star with stats so bad it never made it into any of the shuttles I sent out last week. I'm happy that this event is not what I voted on, also sorry for those who got there wish only to be trampled on, I whould have hated this even more if I whould have asked for "this".

    Man, I'm a bit jealous because I definitely needed that Diseased Changeling Founder on my shuttles. Must be nice to have your problems.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yelgrun might be the best looking new crew of this mega-event after Ahdar Ru'afo. I hope he has the sound clip, "I hate Ferengi."

    As regards the matter of First Goran'Agar's ship ability not being especially great, that's something I've noticed with the two previous Skirmishes. In the first one, for instance, I think just about every Sisko I have is mostly meh with especially long initialization times. By time they're ready to go, I could have already completed the battle using someone else. Ergo, I ended up not using any of my Siskos in that event. (Wrathful Khan, however, earned his keep!)

    I actually kind of appreciate that emphasis on Featured Crew who aren't all that strong in space battles. It prevents them from being too ridiculously overpowered. That, in turn, prompts me to take a peek at some of my other crew when I get going. Once I find the right crew, I totally zone out and just leave them in place without modifying the rest of the event, but that brief tinkering process interests me.
  • Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭
    robownage wrote: »
    Wow this event is turning out into an even bigger turd then imagined.... 1st you get an efing Son'a as reccuring from one of the least popular Star trek movies.... Might as well have shot for the moon with this one and just re use Shinzon. The actual Dominion crew that you get is almost non existent and the Diseased Founder that led the whole war in DS9 is a friggin 4 star with stats so bad it never made it into any of the shuttles I sent out last week. I'm happy that this event is not what I voted on, also sorry for those who got there wish only to be trampled on, I whould have hated this even more if I whould have asked for "this".

    Man, I'm a bit jealous because I definitely needed that Diseased Changeling Founder on my shuttles. Must be nice to have your problems.

    Hahahaha I also definitely needed her.

    I actually think there's rather enough Dominion crew being introduced to this event. I dont like the dominion, and im hoping to freeze a few of them. Plus, I wasn't around for the Klingon and Borg events but there are rather a lot of them from across several franchises. I think if they created every single new character for this current event we'd never see another dominion again because there wouldn't be any left. I don't mind mega events having mixed up characters in. The new skirmish features two dominion crew and I think lately they've been making an effort to include crew we've asked for (like Yulgrun)

    As for Ru'Afu, maybe he's turned over a new leaf because he was very helpful on my voyage yesterday, helping fix replicators and what not. I really needed the engineering and I'm very happy they've injected that into my game. And its not one of my least popular films, its got Data in it!
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    I voted for the Dominion in the player's choice survey for the last mega-event, so naturally I was thrilled when this one was announced. I've been entirely satisfied with the Dominion crew choices so far. Some of the non-Dominion crew have been head-scratchers, but I wouldn't consider any of them egregious. Mega-events should have a healthy inclusion of non-thematic crew, if only to give players who aren't into the primary theme still have someone to want and like throughout the month. I can't imagine Polywater Yar and Reverend Phlox necessarily scratch that itch for many people, but whoever is into them, I'm glad they've had their crack at 'em.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    robownage wrote: »
    Wow this event is turning out into an even bigger turd then imagined.... 1st you get an efing Son'a as reccuring from one of the least popular Star trek movies.... Might as well have shot for the moon with this one and just re use Shinzon. The actual Dominion crew that you get is almost non existent and the Diseased Founder that led the whole war in DS9 is a friggin 4 star with stats so bad it never made it into any of the shuttles I sent out last week. I'm happy that this event is not what I voted on, also sorry for those who got there wish only to be trampled on, I whould have hated this even more if I whould have asked for "this".

    Man, I'm a bit jealous because I definitely needed that Diseased Changeling Founder on my shuttles. Must be nice to have your problems.

    Hahahaha I also definitely needed her.

    I actually think there's rather enough Dominion crew being introduced to this event. I dont like the dominion, and im hoping to freeze a few of them. Plus, I wasn't around for the Klingon and Borg events but there are rather a lot of them from across several franchises. I think if they created every single new character for this current event we'd never see another dominion again because there wouldn't be any left. I don't mind mega events having mixed up characters in. The new skirmish features two dominion crew and I think lately they've been making an effort to include crew we've asked for (like Yulgrun)

    As for Ru'Afu, maybe he's turned over a new leaf because he was very helpful on my voyage yesterday, helping fix replicators and what not. I really needed the engineering and I'm very happy they've injected that into my game. And its not one of my least popular films, its got Data in it!

    What makes you think we'll see a repeat of anything other than Discovery for Megas in the forseeable future regardless of crew composition? WIth so many races and factions, there's other ground to be covered without doing repeats.

    And there have been so many Dominion folks listed in other posts, you could almost do a mega with just Vortas, there were other Breen, there were Cardassians, there were some of the other Gamma Quadrant races (one of which has representation as pack only pffft). I think you could easily put together enough Dominion characters for 2-3 megas, especially since existing crew seems to be present in each event without running too dry.

    I think DB needs to start being more clear on things. Seriously. Borg/Klingon were clearly stated and folks understood, lotsa characters from the faction and the story was around it. If they want to just do themes and be very clear that not many characters will be from that faction, state it up front.

    In the Klingon event, they actually not only told us the events, but also the characters for each event up front. It was glorious.

    Communicate more up front and get all the feedback/critique out of the way and then its a matter of playing the event. And folks have speculated that it is a Dominion War themed event, not a Dominion event, well, damnit, DB could actually SAY that.

    Now with that being said, I'm not that disappointed in the crew, and have enjoyed some of them. I just think the megas, with less cohesion in event crew, and with even lesser quality writing than some of the standalones live up less and less to the name.

  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    *BREAKING NEWS* Next Mega Announced for Oct 2018: DSC/TOS
    Recurring Mega 5* Mirror Ferengi Ba’ku Janeway
    Week 1:
    Floating in Shower Archer 5* (New), Mirror Burnham 4* (New), Lt. Valeris 4* (Existing)
    Week 2:
    Falling off cliff Cmdr. Kruge 5* (New), Pregnant Kira 4* (New), MIral Torres 4* (Existing)
    Week 3:
    Hallucinating Reed 5* (New), Horseback Riding Picard 4* (New), Hologram Barclay 4* (Existing)
    Week 4:
    Killed by Lance McCoy 5* (New), Soup Nazi Neelix 4* (New), Laas 4* (Existing), Red Shirt Security 2* (New)
    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Maybe it's just me, but the Burnham/Janeway "humor" is getting real stale. The last Janeway in an event was Mirror Janeway to close out the Mirror Mega in December. The last Burnham was in mid February.

    Since that Burnham event, we've had the following as event characters:
    3x Quark (Rossoff, Klingon, Martian)
    2x Jake Sisko (War Correspondent and Best Selling Author)
    2x Jadzia Dax (Bell Riots, Alternate Future)
    2x Garak (Obsidian Order, Mirror)
    2x Picard (Dixon Hill, Romulan Picard)
    2x Geordi (Alan-a-Dale, Interfaced)
    2x Dukat (Bajoran, Breen Disguise)
    2x Paris (Mutated, Combat Medic)
    2x Troi (Rakal, Mintankan)

    Maybe that joke can be retired?

    While Janeway specifically may be stale, I think about the Janeway references as a DB mega-event trope. It's a reference to adding a non-canon crew variant to close out a mega event when that crew should have nothing to do with the mega event. It's DB's version of "jumping the shark". The only time someone literally jumped the shark was in Happy Days, but people still talk about it for other series.

    I would put Augment O'Brien in the "pull a Janeway" category. If DB announces a non-canon Changeling version of any crew as the final 5* next week that would be "pulling a Janeway" even if it's not Janeway or Burnham specifically.
  • If they base this Phlox variant off the episode accurately he should be Sci/Med/Dip, with high stats in Sci and Med.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Maybe it's just me, but the Burnham/Janeway "humor" is getting real stale. The last Janeway in an event was Mirror Janeway to close out the Mirror Mega in December. The last Burnham was in mid February.

    Since that Burnham event, we've had the following as event characters:
    3x Quark (Rossoff, Klingon, Martian)
    2x Jake Sisko (War Correspondent and Best Selling Author)
    2x Jadzia Dax (Bell Riots, Alternate Future)
    2x Garak (Obsidian Order, Mirror)
    2x Picard (Dixon Hill, Romulan Picard)
    2x Geordi (Alan-a-Dale, Interfaced)
    2x Dukat (Bajoran, Breen Disguise)
    2x Paris (Mutated, Combat Medic)
    2x Troi (Rakal, Mintankan)

    Maybe that joke can be retired?

    I have had to stop myself from starting a thread to beg the Burnham/Janeway jokes to be retired for almost two months now so I appreciate that you said this, @Peachtree Rex. Also, Jadzia has been in more events than any other character (10, to Janeway's 8 and Burnham's...3). Funny how no one whines about her.

    There is one legitimate complaint about Burnham, though, that I'll concede and that's that Graduation and Prospect both felt entirely too peripheral as variants to be as powerful as they were. They were more appropriate as 3*'s, honestly, which brings up the point that to date, there are zero 3* Disco crew.

    More events, yes, more megas, I'd have to check but I'd put money on it being closer to even or Janeway being ahead in that respect.

    However, it is interesting how Jadzia is more embraced by a larger segment of the community here. I wonder why (innocent look)
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    So who are we picking for ship crew? I plan to set it and forget it. Anyone jumping out?
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Maybe it's just me, but the Burnham/Janeway "humor" is getting real stale. The last Janeway in an event was Mirror Janeway to close out the Mirror Mega in December. The last Burnham was in mid February.

    Since that Burnham event, we've had the following as event characters:
    3x Quark (Rossoff, Klingon, Martian)
    2x Jake Sisko (War Correspondent and Best Selling Author)
    2x Jadzia Dax (Bell Riots, Alternate Future)
    2x Garak (Obsidian Order, Mirror)
    2x Picard (Dixon Hill, Romulan Picard)
    2x Geordi (Alan-a-Dale, Interfaced)
    2x Dukat (Bajoran, Breen Disguise)
    2x Paris (Mutated, Combat Medic)
    2x Troi (Rakal, Mintankan)

    Maybe that joke can be retired?

    I have had to stop myself from starting a thread to beg the Burnham/Janeway jokes to be retired for almost two months now so I appreciate that you said this, @Peachtree Rex. Also, Jadzia has been in more events than any other character (10, to Janeway's 8 and Burnham's...3). Funny how no one whines about her.

    There is one legitimate complaint about Burnham, though, that I'll concede and that's that Graduation and Prospect both felt entirely too peripheral as variants to be as powerful as they were. They were more appropriate as 3*'s, honestly, which brings up the point that to date, there are zero 3* Disco crew.

    More events, yes, more megas, I'd have to check but I'd put money on it being closer to even or Janeway being ahead in that respect.

    However, it is interesting how Jadzia is more embraced by a larger segment of the community here. I wonder why (innocent look)

    I can't tell if that is a serious question, but I'll treat it as such. The other interpretation I read is that you assume she is only liked because of her looks.

    I like Dax, though she is not my favorite. I like the character. I like her self-confidence and how she doesn't need to prove anything to herself or anyone else. I feel Uhura, Chapel, and Crusher are the same way. They are good role models for my daughters in that respect. I most like Hoshi. (Not the mirror version.) She is not self confident, but highly intelligent and possibly the most courageous of ALL Star Trek characters. She constantly does more than can be expected despite her personal fears. She is also a good role model. I would love to see more of her, but as has been mentioned a lot, she was not given very many episodes to have much possible variety for STT cards.

    I don't care for Janeway. I don't hate her, but I find her voice grating and her character, while not bad, is just not so likable to me. I can't explain it. It is as if she constantly has to prove herself. I don't hate her by any means, but I don't love her, either. Burnham is a crew I've never seen. I would watch Discovery, but I won't pay for CBS app just for one show. My introduction to her is from a small clip of her fighting ruthlessly and from her event in the game as a Fun Sponge. I hope there is more to her and when I get a chance to watch, I may love her. As it is, I don't. I agree it is time to give them a break from the jokes on the forum. I also don't much like T'Pol. She grows on you, but I never liked her condescending attitude or her disdain for everything or her smugness. She was in enough episodes that I grew to understand her and feel for her at times, but she was either badly written or badly cast.

    My personal like it dislike for any crew has nothing to do with physical appearance. I ask myself if this person would be a good example to me or to my daughters.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Maybe it's just me, but the Burnham/Janeway "humor" is getting real stale. The last Janeway in an event was Mirror Janeway to close out the Mirror Mega in December. The last Burnham was in mid February.

    Since that Burnham event, we've had the following as event characters:
    3x Quark (Rossoff, Klingon, Martian)
    2x Jake Sisko (War Correspondent and Best Selling Author)
    2x Jadzia Dax (Bell Riots, Alternate Future)
    2x Garak (Obsidian Order, Mirror)
    2x Picard (Dixon Hill, Romulan Picard)
    2x Geordi (Alan-a-Dale, Interfaced)
    2x Dukat (Bajoran, Breen Disguise)
    2x Paris (Mutated, Combat Medic)
    2x Troi (Rakal, Mintankan)

    Maybe that joke can be retired?

    I have had to stop myself from starting a thread to beg the Burnham/Janeway jokes to be retired for almost two months now so I appreciate that you said this, @Peachtree Rex. Also, Jadzia has been in more events than any other character (10, to Janeway's 8 and Burnham's...3). Funny how no one whines about her.

    There is one legitimate complaint about Burnham, though, that I'll concede and that's that Graduation and Prospect both felt entirely too peripheral as variants to be as powerful as they were. They were more appropriate as 3*'s, honestly, which brings up the point that to date, there are zero 3* Disco crew.

    More events, yes, more megas, I'd have to check but I'd put money on it being closer to even or Janeway being ahead in that respect.

    However, it is interesting how Jadzia is more embraced by a larger segment of the community here. I wonder why (innocent look)

    I can't tell if that is a serious question, but I'll treat it as such. The other interpretation I read is that you assume she is only liked because of her looks.

    I like Dax, though she is not my favorite. I like the character. I like her self-confidence and how she doesn't need to prove anything to herself or anyone else. I feel Uhura, Chapel, and Crusher are the same way. They are good role models for my daughters in that respect. I most like Hoshi. (Not the mirror version.) She is not self confident, but highly intelligent and possibly the most courageous of ALL Star Trek characters. She constantly does more than can be expected despite her personal fears. She is also a good role model. I would love to see more of her, but as has been mentioned a lot, she was not given very many episodes to have much possible variety for STT cards.

    I don't care for Janeway. I don't hate her, but I find her voice grating and her character, while not bad, is just not so likable to me. I can't explain it. It is as if she constantly has to prove herself. I don't hate her by any means, but I don't love her, either. Burnham is a crew I've never seen. I would watch Discovery, but I won't pay for CBS app just for one show. My introduction to her is from a small clip of her fighting ruthlessly and from her event in the game as a Fun Sponge. I hope there is more to her and when I get a chance to watch, I may love her. As it is, I don't. I agree it is time to give them a break from the jokes on the forum. I also don't much like T'Pol. She grows on you, but I never liked her condescending attitude or her disdain for everything or her smugness. She was in enough episodes that I grew to understand her and feel for her at times, but she was either badly written or badly cast.

    My personal like it dislike for any crew has nothing to do with physical appearance. I ask myself if this person would be a good example to me or to my daughters.

    FYI, you can get a month free trial to CBS All Access and not pay a dime so long as you can get through it in a month.
  • Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    robownage wrote: »
    Wow this event is turning out into an even bigger turd then imagined.... 1st you get an efing Son'a as reccuring from one of the least popular Star trek movies.... Might as well have shot for the moon with this one and just re use Shinzon. The actual Dominion crew that you get is almost non existent and the Diseased Founder that led the whole war in DS9 is a friggin 4 star with stats so bad it never made it into any of the shuttles I sent out last week. I'm happy that this event is not what I voted on, also sorry for those who got there wish only to be trampled on, I whould have hated this even more if I whould have asked for "this".

    Man, I'm a bit jealous because I definitely needed that Diseased Changeling Founder on my shuttles. Must be nice to have your problems.

    Hahahaha I also definitely needed her.

    I actually think there's rather enough Dominion crew being introduced to this event. I dont like the dominion, and im hoping to freeze a few of them. Plus, I wasn't around for the Klingon and Borg events but there are rather a lot of them from across several franchises. I think if they created every single new character for this current event we'd never see another dominion (crew) again because there wouldn't be any left. I don't mind mega events having mixed up characters in. The new skirmish features two dominion crew and I think lately they've been making an effort to include crew we've asked for (like Yulgrun)

    As for Ru'Afu, maybe he's turned over a new leaf because he was very helpful on my voyage yesterday, helping fix replicators and what not. I really needed the engineering and I'm very happy they've injected that into my game. And its not one of my least popular films, its got Data in it!

    What makes you think we'll see a repeat of anything other than Discovery for Megas in the forseeable future regardless of crew composition? WIth so many races and factions, there's other ground to be covered without doing repeats

    I really should have clarified I meant more dominion crew, not necessarily another Dominion event. I don't actually know if it would make sense to rerun a mega, i like a single event rerun, not sure I'd be happy with an entire mega event though.
    I agree there are so many factions and races there are plenty of possibilities for new events. I think DB keep us in the dark on purpose, I think it increases activity on the forums,and keeps interest in the game. There's nothing like some speculation to get everybody talking 😊

    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    So who are we picking for ship crew? I plan to set it and forget it. Anyone jumping out?

    Borg Cube with a Diseased Founder for the bonus would be alright. That's what I'll be starting with.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    So who are we picking for ship crew? I plan to set it and forget it. Anyone jumping out?

    Borg Cube with a Diseased Founder for the bonus would be alright. That's what I'll be starting with.

    Not going to use an event crew for the full bonus?
  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    For Peachtree: Edit:

    Week 1: Coffee in that nebula Janeway 5*
    Week 2: I don't like threats Janeway 5*
    Week 3: Whispering Janeway 5*
    Week 4: Telepathic Pitcher Plant Janeway 5*
    Mega Recurring: Mirror Ba'ku Burnham

    That better :tongue:
    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Preacher Phlox will have CMD, DIP and MED in some order, according to silhouettes in cryo vault.

    Yelgrun will have CMD, DIP and SCI, per same.
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    robownage wrote: »
    Wow this event is turning out into an even bigger turd then imagined.... 1st you get an efing Son'a as reccuring from one of the least popular Star trek movies.... Might as well have shot for the moon with this one and just re use Shinzon. The actual Dominion crew that you get is almost non existent and the Diseased Founder that led the whole war in DS9 is a friggin 4 star with stats so bad it never made it into any of the shuttles I sent out last week. I'm happy that this event is not what I voted on, also sorry for those who got there wish only to be trampled on, I whould have hated this even more if I whould have asked for "this".

    Man, I'm a bit jealous because I definitely needed that Diseased Changeling Founder on my shuttles. Must be nice to have your problems.

    Hahahaha I also definitely needed her.

    I actually think there's rather enough Dominion crew being introduced to this event. I dont like the dominion, and im hoping to freeze a few of them. Plus, I wasn't around for the Klingon and Borg events but there are rather a lot of them from across several franchises. I think if they created every single new character for this current event we'd never see another dominion again because there wouldn't be any left. I don't mind mega events having mixed up characters in. The new skirmish features two dominion crew and I think lately they've been making an effort to include crew we've asked for (like Yulgrun)

    As for Ru'Afu, maybe he's turned over a new leaf because he was very helpful on my voyage yesterday, helping fix replicators and what not. I really needed the engineering and I'm very happy they've injected that into my game. And its not one of my least popular films, its got Data in it!

    What makes you think we'll see a repeat of anything other than Discovery for Megas in the forseeable future regardless of crew composition? WIth so many races and factions, there's other ground to be covered without doing repeats.

    And there have been so many Dominion folks listed in other posts, you could almost do a mega with just Vortas, there were other Breen, there were Cardassians, there were some of the other Gamma Quadrant races (one of which has representation as pack only pffft). I think you could easily put together enough Dominion characters for 2-3 megas, especially since existing crew seems to be present in each event without running too dry.

    I think DB needs to start being more clear on things. Seriously. Borg/Klingon were clearly stated and folks understood, lotsa characters from the faction and the story was around it. If they want to just do themes and be very clear that not many characters will be from that faction, state it up front.

    In the Klingon event, they actually not only told us the events, but also the characters for each event up front. It was glorious.

    Communicate more up front and get all the feedback/critique out of the way and then its a matter of playing the event. And folks have speculated that it is a Dominion War themed event, not a Dominion event, well, damnit, DB could actually SAY that.

    Now with that being said, I'm not that disappointed in the crew, and have enjoyed some of them. I just think the megas, with less cohesion in event crew, and with even lesser quality writing than some of the standalones live up less and less to the name.

    I understand the unhappiness with the ratio of Dominion or Dominion-related crew to randos, as I was one of the people asking for more Romulans a few months ago. On the other hand, I think it is worth avoiding having another Prospect vs. Graduation Burnham situation, where there is no real reason to have two variants that are basically the same thing, or having crew that are too obscure for many people to really care about them.
    AviTrek wrote: »
    The only time someone literally jumped the shark was in Happy Days, but people still talk about it for other series.

    Technically, it did happen one other time but was very subtle (in a season 3 episode of Arrested Development). :smile:
  • RennJaxoRennJaxo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have no idea why Yelgrun has SCI, but I'm also not complaining either.

    Also, as stated previously, his artwork looks terrific. Really captured his personality with that one. Well done.
  • RennJaxoRennJaxo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Maybe it's just me, but the Burnham/Janeway "humor" is getting real stale. The last Janeway in an event was Mirror Janeway to close out the Mirror Mega in December. The last Burnham was in mid February.

    Since that Burnham event, we've had the following as event characters:
    3x Quark (Rossoff, Klingon, Martian)
    2x Jake Sisko (War Correspondent and Best Selling Author)
    2x Jadzia Dax (Bell Riots, Alternate Future)
    2x Garak (Obsidian Order, Mirror)
    2x Picard (Dixon Hill, Romulan Picard)
    2x Geordi (Alan-a-Dale, Interfaced)
    2x Dukat (Bajoran, Breen Disguise)
    2x Paris (Mutated, Combat Medic)
    2x Troi (Rakal, Mintankan)

    Maybe that joke can be retired?

    It's not just you. It's low-hanging fruit at this point which is the worst kind of "comedy." Also, DB has always had a weird record of over exposing certain crew right from the beginning, so this isn't something new. I remember complaining about the deluge of Rikers once, for instance. Trip as well. Then it was Burnham and Janeway, and now it appears to be Jadzia.

    It just is what it is, and how it affects you I suppose depends on how much you like the crew that are being overdone. Your mileage may vary.

    (And for the record, we could have a Sisko Mega Event with a new Sisko every week and I wouldn't complain. Also, where's my Sisko Mega Event?)

    (Also, technically we've actually had THREE new Jadzias since the last Burnham event).
  • RennJaxo wrote: »
    I have no idea why Yelgrun has SCI, but I'm also not complaining either.

    Also, as stated previously, his artwork looks terrific. Really captured his personality with that one. Well done.

    He could be a single skill Dip and I wouldn't care - just glad to see him finally arrive and with decent art. Cherry on top would be a sound clip too!
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  • RennJaxoRennJaxo ✭✭✭✭✭
    RennJaxo wrote: »
    I have no idea why Yelgrun has SCI, but I'm also not complaining either.

    Also, as stated previously, his artwork looks terrific. Really captured his personality with that one. Well done.

    He could be a single skill Dip and I wouldn't care - just glad to see him finally arrive and with decent art. Cherry on top would be a sound clip too!

    Ditto. I'm actually pleased that he has SCI, as this potentially makes him more useful. REALLY don't wanna freeze this guy.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    RennJaxo wrote: »
    RennJaxo wrote: »
    I have no idea why Yelgrun has SCI, but I'm also not complaining either.

    Also, as stated previously, his artwork looks terrific. Really captured his personality with that one. Well done.

    He could be a single skill Dip and I wouldn't care - just glad to see him finally arrive and with decent art. Cherry on top would be a sound clip too!

    Ditto. I'm actually pleased that he has SCI, as this potentially makes him more useful. REALLY don't wanna freeze this guy.

    Although it’s a little late in the month for it, having a Dominion character with SCI is a huge help.
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    So Klingon Dukat being in the ranked rewards doesn't mean he provides a bonus, right?
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