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Campaigns Beta - Feedback/Issues thread



  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    I have a quick question, and maybe I misunderstood something, which is entirely possible?

    Are we suppose to get pts or accolades for the chroton boost that happens 3 times a day? cause if we are I am not getting them
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I need something to do in game on Tuesdays. Let me cram all my campaigning on Tuesdays and I’ll totally buy in
  • The Campaigns have made the game more enjoyable for me. I'm focusing more on Arena battles because I used to ignore them and found them a chore. Not anymore!! I look forward to other improvements in gameplay and will continue to enjoy this one.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    Renarr wrote: »

    This Campaigns Beta is lasting 8 days in total, but the full feature will likely be longer, perhaps a month long.

    Wa-hoah. That changes everything.

    This also would explain why they have to rush it out, if they want it to be ready for April 1.

    Hah, so this is what Lizard Janeway was intended for. Nice catch.

    It would also be nice if they'd try a full length beta then so we can see what's really intended. Multiple 1/5s, just a single for the month? Second to 4th weeks giving 50, 100, 200 chrons, dil amounts creeping up.

    I think the answer I got to this point is we can't really base anything off of this example except display format. We'll just have to see what actually does happen.
    I also think DB can't get a real sense of how it will effect play and purchases since they're providing limited information and not a real picture of the feature.
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    And btw, i prefer the extra 600 merits, 10x premium pull, premium boost pull and the shuttles boosts(tokens, 2x reward) of the premium tier, over 1000 chrons, but thats just me.

    Nah, not only you, me 2.

  • Mirror CartmanMirror Cartman ✭✭✭✭✭
    For those asking, you can earn 550 accolades each day from completing all daily missions. Then, you can potentially earn more from daily login rewards (75 each day, doubled for high enough VIP players on some days for a potential of 150).

    By completing all daily missions and redeeming your daily login bonus which includes accolades over the course of seven days, you can earn more than 4000 accolades which is what's needed to unlock tier 20.

    There's also the 8th day in this Campaign beta test AND you can earn more accolades by logging in each day so there's some wiggle room for getting to tier 20 without doing everything every single day.

    There is, of course, also the option to spend dilithium to complete tiers if you get to the end and are close but don't have any more earnable accolades.

    With all of that said - we're also evaluating how people play while participating in Campaigns, so there may be changes to the feature after the Beta is complete.

    So each accolade when launched will last 7 days? Is this correct SunshineRiker?

    This Campaigns Beta is lasting 8 days in total, but the full feature will likely be longer, perhaps a month long.

    A month long is good, but you need to build in a buffer for a few days off. This is essential for players who buy the premium pass.

    I don't want to lose out on the final reward because I am tired from work, jetting off on holiday, or have forgotten to water the cat.
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    Minor glitch - Daily Rewards Preview has a reward next to it that you cannot earn. Could cause confusion.
    Whilst its interesting, I'm not sure it adds to the game play. It's kind of meta that the daily rewards give rise to an extra set of rewards. If you were doing the daily rewards anyway, then you get more rewards. I guess it might mean some people work to complete the full set of rewards. I'd prefer it if there was something to do.
    Is the bottom row worth the cost? No clue.

    Do you mean this?

    It is to indicate that on top of the reward in the Daily Rewards Preview, you will also get accolades.
  • Torias327Torias327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I personally find the idea of a month way too long. 14 days would be the max I would find enjoyable enough to keep my attention on the end reward unless the rewards are significant. I guess I’m more a half marathon player than a full 26 miles type.

    I love the feature, it’s a great favor to F2P players, which my fleet is full of. Casual folks seem to really enjoy little extras. I understand Silver’s concern on useless equipment a la Dabo drops being increased, and hopefully that can be spurred to a solution via the Beta feedback finally. Voyage tokens and Cadet tickets would be an interesting inclusion that might get my attention perked up, if they could mailed and claimed on the days desired and not the way event tokens currently have little choice connected to claiming them. Honor is always welcome, throw in an actual substantive amount of honor (200/50,000 is NOT helpful, but that’s age old arguement by now) and I’d pay for the campaign. Overall, though, very positive thoughts from me. The end choices of Tier 2 rewards will dictate my spending, but I like the Tier 1 system as a boost to casual players. The hardcore folks won’t find as much value in this likely, but there are thousands of players that will I think.
  • JMJM ✭✭
    nothing particularly wrong, only the premiums don’t seem very premium and I wish they would spend resources fixing gauntlet and arena rather than a new baseline thing that doesn’t add so much value.
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    Confusion about the 4/5 crew in a month worth of Campaigns. If the campaigns complete and reset every week, to which we would get a 1/5 for premium rewards each week, that would make sense. However, if the campaign runs the full length of the month for only 1x 1/5 crew for premium reward, that would be completely different.

    @Shan @SunshineRiker please confirm how this will work when you get the info? (NO rush, I assume you guys are still working it out.)
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • The campaign feature is very good. Thank you for the new feature in the game. it will definitely motivate me to make purchases.
  • CB4_V'ger wrote: »
    CB4_V'ger wrote: »
    borg2004 wrote: »
    how many accolades can one get from doing the dailies?500?

    800 if you collect the 3x 20 chronitons bonuses as they are worth 75 each making 225, Completing all the daily missions gives you 575 making 800 in total. So 5 days to get a free 5* Troi

    From Shams post earlier looks like different VIP levels get different Campaign points too. So DB need to say the maximum campaign points available daily for each VIP level.

    625 seems to be the daily max, at VIP14. I miss read the 75 Campaign points that were for the Daily rewards #oops thought they were for the Chroniton rewards. So that's 150 less than I thought.

    You need 6 full days at 625 = 3750, + 250 o hit level 20 rewards. So you can afford to miss 375 points over the 7 days. So roughly 50 points a day.
  • AviTrek wrote: »
    For those asking, you can earn 550 accolades each day from completing all daily missions. Then, you can potentially earn more from daily login rewards (75 each day, doubled for high enough VIP players on some days for a potential of 150).

    By completing all daily missions and redeeming your daily login bonus which includes accolades over the course of seven days, you can earn more than 4000 accolades which is what's needed to unlock tier 20.

    There's also the 8th day in this Campaign beta test AND you can earn more accolades by logging in each day so there's some wiggle room for getting to tier 20 without doing everything every single day.

    There is, of course, also the option to spend dilithium to complete tiers if you get to the end and are close but don't have any more earnable accolades.

    With all of that said - we're also evaluating how people play while participating in Campaigns, so there may be changes to the feature after the Beta is complete.

    So each accolade when launched will last 7 days? Is this correct SunshineRiker?

    This Campaigns Beta is lasting 8 days in total, but the full feature will likely be longer, perhaps a month long.

    If the full feature will last longer, will the rewards be extended to match the extra effort?

    Doubt it they will just stretch the 200 points to 800 to jump to the next level so leve 20 = 16k points rather than 4k now.
  • DeanWins wrote: »
    I have a quick question, and maybe I misunderstood something, which is entirely possible?

    Are we suppose to get pts or accolades for the chroton boost that happens 3 times a day? cause if we are I am not getting them

    I made a mistake, the 75 points comes from collecting the Daily reward, I thought it was for the chroniton rewards. Regards V'ger
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    CB4_V'ger wrote: »
    CB4_V'ger wrote: »
    CB4_V'ger wrote: »
    borg2004 wrote: »
    how many accolades can one get from doing the dailies?500?

    800 if you collect the 3x 20 chronitons bonuses as they are worth 75 each making 225, Completing all the daily missions gives you 575 making 800 in total. So 5 days to get a free 5* Troi

    From Shams post earlier looks like different VIP levels get different Campaign points too. So DB need to say the maximum campaign points available daily for each VIP level.

    625 seems to be the daily max, at VIP14. I miss read the 75 Campaign points that were for the Daily rewards #oops thought they were for the Chroniton rewards. So that's 150 less than I thought.

    You need 6 full days at 625 = 3750, + 250 o hit level 20 rewards. So you can afford to miss 375 points over the 7 days. So roughly 50 points a day.

    625 on days where players only get 1 daily log in reward. 700 on days where the rewards are doubled, which is dependant on VIP level.

    Where did you get 3750 from?

    My apologies, I see you were working back from the point of view of how many days needed to hit final target in the beta.
    Yes, at worst you need 6 days of hitting all daily goals, not factoring in double login rewards.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Bakerbeanz wrote: »
    The Campaigns have made the game more enjoyable for me. I'm focusing more on Arena battles because I used to ignore them and found them a chore. Not anymore!! I look forward to other improvements in gameplay and will continue to enjoy this one.

    Arena battles are something I do on Griffin flights whilst playing WoW. I usually use up all 10 tickets since it counts towards your space battle daily.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    Just woke up to about 3.5 pages of new posts to read :p

    It's funny that everyone has read what Sunshine Riker wrote as saying the feature will last a month, because I read it as "the beta will only last 8 days, but we are still a month away from rolling this out." I am probably wrong, but I just wanted to share that.

    I am very grateful @Commander Sinclair to have an ally, and I welcome the addition of a qualifying word such as Starfleet in front of Operations. My only concern is that some people identify their crew and fleets as other factions, so perhaps "Crew Operations"? Having slept on it I am more convinced than ever that Campaigns is the wrong word, and that Operations is a much better fit for this new feature.
  • What I would like to see is points beyond the everyday things. I do a lot of “extra” playing: shuttles, space battles, etc. where is the reward for that.
  • As has already been mentioned, include Starbase donations to be part of Campaigns goals.
    [DCC] bebe
    Privileged to be Admiral of the Great Fleet
    Dilithium Causes Cancer, maxed Starbase level 134
    Featuring photonic flee free holodecks and
    All you can drink Neelix's Even Better Than Coffee Substitute!
  • Frank?Frank? ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just whale musings here -
    I am all for a $25ish a month price point in the current configuration, with a tweak:
    Obviously you aren't going to catch a lot of people at that price, but those you catch will be consistent buyers. Otherwise, the free track drives player engagement across the board, which is the purpose, which is awesome.
    So, under the assumption that the premium tier will end in a gold every month - don't let it be an 'old' gold. Don't let it be something that was already in the loot tables. I don't want to pay $25 for 550 honor at the end. Make it new/exclusive crew or very recent crew. Run a report and see what cards are the rarest across the playerbase in relation to ownership and then make that the dangled carrot. A great example here is Astrosciences Sulu - he was offered once and in a pack that was 11000 DIL a pull - $110 for a TRY at getting a single copy. Other than the new 5* fusion cards, I can very safely say that he is the rarest card in the game and likely fewer than 20 of the 70k(ish) daily players own him.

    Just a though, trying to give feedback on what will entice players who will regularly spend a premium price for the feature. Hint, it's not 550 honor.
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Just woke up to about 3.5 pages of new posts to read :p

    It's funny that everyone has read what Sunshine Riker wrote as saying the feature will last a month, because I read it as "the beta will only last 8 days, but we are still a month away from rolling this out." I am probably wrong, but I just wanted to share that.

    I am very grateful @Commander Sinclair to have an ally, and I welcome the addition of a qualifying word such as Starfleet in front of Operations. My only concern is that some people identify their crew and fleets as other factions, so perhaps "Crew Operations"? Having slept on it I am more convinced than ever that Campaigns is the wrong word, and that Operations is a much better fit for this new feature.

    Just trying this out: "Bridge Operations"
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    CB4_V'ger wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    I have a quick question, and maybe I misunderstood something, which is entirely possible?

    Are we suppose to get pts or accolades for the chroton boost that happens 3 times a day? cause if we are I am not getting them

    I made a mistake, the 75 points comes from collecting the Daily reward, I thought it was for the chroniton rewards. Regards V'ger

    thanks for the clarification, thought I was going crazy for a bit there;)
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Just woke up to about 3.5 pages of new posts to read :p

    It's funny that everyone has read what Sunshine Riker wrote as saying the feature will last a month, because I read it as "the beta will only last 8 days, but we are still a month away from rolling this out." I am probably wrong, but I just wanted to share that.

    I don’t know, this looks like the duration is at least strongly being considered as a month instead of 7 days (emphasis mine):
    This Campaigns Beta is lasting 8 days in total, but the full feature will likely be longer, perhaps a month long.

  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Just woke up to about 3.5 pages of new posts to read :p

    It's funny that everyone has read what Sunshine Riker wrote as saying the feature will last a month, because I read it as "the beta will only last 8 days, but we are still a month away from rolling this out." I am probably wrong, but I just wanted to share that.

    I don’t know, this looks like the duration is at least strongly being considered as a month instead of 7 days (emphasis mine):
    This Campaigns Beta is lasting 8 days in total, but the full feature will likely be longer, perhaps a month long.
    I did say I was probably wrong :p
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Just woke up to about 3.5 pages of new posts to read :p

    It's funny that everyone has read what Sunshine Riker wrote as saying the feature will last a month, because I read it as "the beta will only last 8 days, but we are still a month away from rolling this out." I am probably wrong, but I just wanted to share that.

    I am very grateful @Commander Sinclair to have an ally, and I welcome the addition of a qualifying word such as Starfleet in front of Operations. My only concern is that some people identify their crew and fleets as other factions, so perhaps "Crew Operations"? Having slept on it I am more convinced than ever that Campaigns is the wrong word, and that Operations is a much better fit for this new feature.

    Just trying this out: "Bridge Operations"
    Bridge Operations. That feels close, I like that it adds a flair formality for being military. How does Mission Operations feel? Like you, just trying out ideas, but given that these piggyback on the Daily Missions, I like the flow, plus it retains the flair of your suggestion.
  • So some questions

    1. So if its going to be a month how many daily tasks will you need to complete to unlock all the rewards all of them or will there be some wiggle room i.e 20/30 will get all rewards

    2. Can you unlock all the rewards for the top tier and then buy access to the 2nd tier to unlock the legandary or do you need to buy access at the beginning ?

    3. Will there be more tiers if its going to be a month long ?
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    So some questions

    1. So if its going to be a month how many daily tasks will you need to complete to unlock all the rewards all of them or will there be some wiggle room i.e 20/30 will get all rewards

    2. Can you unlock all the rewards for the top tier and then buy access to the 2nd tier to unlock the legandary or do you need to buy access at the beginning ?

    3. Will there be more tiers if its going to be a month long ?

    The beta is tuned for people to complete in a week. Presumably the accolades earned will be reduced once it goes live to reflect the longer duration.

    As to your second question, that has been asked and answered several times.
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