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Campaigns Beta - Feedback/Issues thread



  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    Was anyone else somewhat suprised to get just one copy of Worf and Troi since the photo provided showed a Fully fused version?

    Nope. They could probably handle it differently (by coloring one star and leaving the others transparent), but it is DB´s way of saying/showing Worf is a 4* card while Troi is a 5* card...

  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    Was anyone else somewhat suprised to get just one copy of Worf and Troi since the photo provided showed a Fully fused version?

    Nope. They could probably handle it differently (by coloring one star and leaving the others transparent), but it is DB´s way of saying/showing Worf is a 4* card while Troi is a 5* card...

    They do need to fix this. As it stands, if the premium track is directly purchasable, then if it doesn’t give 5/5* at the end it has been miss-sold.

    This was, and still is, an issue in faction stores with legendaries. Those aren’t purchasable with cash, only in game currency, so they can kinda [debatably] get away with it.
  • Feedback: I think this is a nice feature. I am not a whale, but I have been VIP14 (at 210 immortalized (30 gold) to give a better indicator of my status) for awhile now and here are my thoughts regarding the premium line:

    I have a glut of 1 and 2 star golds. With a very few exceptions, I am not really interested in adding to this problem and I won't pay when getting the premium line will do that. More stars for golds I already have, and purple/gold equipment for those would be desirable (ie worth buying the premium line).

    You have allocated programmers to the creation of this new feature, and as others have mentioned in this topic, it would be very desirable to allocate programmers to fixing a few issues:

    1) When using the replicator, allow us to click an item we might use for fuel to bring up the window with the item's name, etc., just like it does when you click it in the inventory screen.

    2) Make the Dailies a little less of a chore where possible. Get rid of the delay timers for arena/cadet missions. Remove the transit load when changing faction centers/locations (new players have not unlocked the warps for cadets). Other things have been mentioned.

    Over all I like it. But this is an opportunity to do well or not so well =)

  • I'm having a great time so far!! As it stands, Ill be able to unlock the final tier tomorrow, all from regular progression. This aspect of gameplay will greatly increase the entertainment value of the game if it remains.
  • Shy KhanShy Khan ✭✭✭✭✭
    Just finished with 2 days left to spare. Missed collecting my Daily Missions reward on one day, and also had completed most of my missions before the Campaign started, so I'm glad there was wiggle room programed into the Beta-test for Accolades needed.

    Campaigns are nice as value added rather than a daily chore. Should a captain miss a few Daily Missions, it's good that it can be compensated for. All in all, it's a nice feature.

    Are there any plans to add a story element?
    Come join the Steeler Nation Fleet!
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    First of all - the feature worked great and I like it. Gold star.

    As it stands... the 4* crew on the free tier is fine, no matter who it is. Just like the daily log in rewards, the crew is either useful to you, or it's honor.

    On the premium tier... while I was happy to add a star to my Durango Troi, others already had her immortalized and are understandably less enthused. Once cash is involved, the identity of the 5* card will greatly influence the perceived ROI of the premium tier. I'll echo others in this thread that have suggested this reward should be converted to a more universally-valued currency. But...

    Folks, it's not going to be a 5* citation, much as we'd all like that. The beta version offers one specific crew, with a redemption value of 550 honor if you don't want it (and let's not re-hash that discussion here). DB isn't going to replace that with an item valued at 50K honor. Just won't happen. So let's split the difference - perhaps 5000 or 7500 honor. Granted this will impact the potential price point for the tier, but honor is honor, and this is less likely to cause players to flip between subscribing and unsubscribing on a monthly (weekly?, bi-weekly?) basis. If the reward is always useful, then players will more consistently stick with it. If campaigns end up being a month-long event, then the honor can escalate (e.g., 2000 at tier 20, 3000 at tier 40, 4000 at tier 60, 5000 at tier 80) so that the grand total is something substantial.

    I remain uncertain about whether or not I'll be buying into the premium tier, but that's a budget issue more than a game feature issue.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    I got all the loot for doing something I did already.

    I am now filled with soul-crushing ennui that I won't have any extra stuff tonight.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    I got my Durango today and am very happy to have it.

    I really like the one week timeframe. The idea of being forced to do all the activities for an entire month is daunting. So my main feedback is thanks for the beta - and don't make the final so long please. Also keep it under 10 bucks.
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
  • The overall feature is fine--gives more of a goal to the daily grind. I can't see myself paying cash for the premium track, however, if the big payoff is deciding between a single copy of a gold that I do not have the crew slots to really support or 550 honor. It's a nice idea, but will likely not move the needle for my situation.
  • Overall feedback:
    • Nice idea to get people to log in daily and do things. The Free vs Premium will depend entirely on cost structure. I would recommend a monthly approach like the Dilithium card for the premium track with a modest pricetag.
    • Add ship schematics in a meaningful quantity. Preferably those not available in Dabo.
    • Let us preview the campaign before it starts, especially if there's no window for error and you have to play every day and complete all achievements to get the end prize. Less important if there's some margin of error and missing a day or two of dailies wouldn't remove the chance of getting to the end of the campaign track. The latter is a more preferable approach.
    • Consider running a campaign with citations instead of Characters. Instead of a "Wild West" theme, it would be a "You Choose" theme.
    • Instead of "hat boxes" with items, create "replicator" boxes with enough credits/ratios to create an item of 0-5* quality. The player gets to pick the item without having to worry about inventory space.
    Captain Bubble Bobble
  • AmphistaffAmphistaff ✭✭✭✭✭
    ChaoticDNA wrote: »
    Overall feedback:
    • Nice idea to get people to log in daily and do things. The Free vs Premium will depend entirely on cost structure. I would recommend a monthly approach like the Dilithium card for the premium track with a modest pricetag.
    • Add ship schematics in a meaningful quantity. Preferably those not available in Dabo.
    • Let us preview the campaign before it starts, especially if there's no window for error and you have to play every day and complete all achievements to get the end prize. Less important if there's some margin of error and missing a day or two of dailies wouldn't remove the chance of getting to the end of the campaign track. The latter is a more preferable approach.
    • Consider running a campaign with citations instead of Characters. Instead of a "Wild West" theme, it would be a "You Choose" theme.
    • Instead of "hat boxes" with items, create "replicator" boxes with enough credits/ratios to create an item of 0-5* quality. The player gets to pick the item without having to worry about inventory space.

    Some very interesting ideas in here.

    1) Ship schematics - this would be a really nice way to include schematics that aren't currently in the portal. You say Dabo but there are exactly 4 ships that you can get in Dabo, ferengi, cube, HMS Bounty, and Prakesh. No other ship regardless of its status in the regular portal shows up in Dabo
    2) Campaign themes - this would be a fun way for players to tailor their rewards to their wants and/or needs. Give us a behold type option where we can choose from a few themes each with different rewards.
  • i have enjoyed the campaign feature, and would like to see it become a regular thing
  • So this campaign beta. I like the concept of it and appreciate the crew. As someone who has kind of a lot of crew already immortalized I don't mind getting the honor bonus from the tier rewards. We'll see how the VIP campaign plays out though, but most likely I would be contributing to that one as well. Ultimately I very much appreciate the other rewards aside from the crew.
    =| :-)
  • Like this so far, finished with plenty of time left. Might suggest rather than a specific character as a reward, making a special kind of behold that offers 1 character you do not own and 2 that you need another star for at random so there's not the chance of just ending up with someone to airlock at the end of the week, and putting some choice into it, after having paid money to unlock the premium tier. This would probably make it more likely people would pay weekly, rather than just see they're not interested in the featured crew and not doing each week...
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    End of the Day, Db is a business it is not a charity, they are in business to make money, in order to do that they have to have options for pay to play. If you don't like the way the business is run, you are not required to, there are many games out there.

    The games give out many incentives for free players, based on effort, and Even thou I am not a member, I think VIP fleet has more than proven you do not need to pay money in the game to be successful.

    That being said, there is a huge difference between Pay to play and and Pay to win. I think Db does Okay in this area somewhat, by including random-ability in most things, even portal pulls.

    To me the only true Pay to win aspect of this game is hands down, Faction events, even with tokens and boosts, its pretty impossible to win one without cash.

    That Being said, I think the campaigns or whatever they end up calling them, are a success, in the fact that they offer incentive to both pay to play and f2p players.

    Also realize, I dont think Db was asking for feedback on their business model, just the new feature;)
  • What I think I like the most about it, is that it helped to get more players in my Fleet to do the daily missions.
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Also realize, I dont think Db was asking for feedback on their business model, just the new feature;)

    They didn’t exclude feedback on business model either?

    The debates around the pricing have been interesting, both here in the forums and in the community in general. Nobody I’ve spoken with is expecting a free ride. There are some very mixed views on what may entice players to open closed wallets again, or widen already open ones, and to what degree, but nobody has once said “no, I will not give any money to DB for this [premium track] option”.

    So I suggest we all speak freely and tell DB what we, the customers, want!

    Cough cough 3.99 a month max cough cough. o:)
  • Zann Calcore (ISA)Zann Calcore (ISA) ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    I rather liked this test. It was a nice variety grab bag of useful stuff. Some things were more useful than others, certainly, such as dilithium and gold crew, but it was all good stuff. The only thing I think it could do without is trainers. We get those from tons of other sources and don’t need more shoved towards us. Other than the crew, even though they were both redundant for me, my favorite rewards were the item crates. They generally provided me with some useful pieces of equipment. I really liked this and hope that it will continue.

    By the way, I didn’t spend any dilithium on these and managed to earn level 20. It took effort to get that many points but it wasn’t impossible or unpleasant. The rewards may not be super great but again they are useful and the crew reward part IS a huge prize.
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
  • I like this new feature. I’d pay between 7 to 10 dollars.
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Also realize, I dont think Db was asking for feedback on their business model, just the new feature;)

    They didn’t exclude feedback on business model either?

    The debates around the pricing have been interesting, both here in the forums and in the community in general. Nobody I’ve spoken with is expecting a free ride. There are some very mixed views on what may entice players to open closed wallets again, or widen already open ones, and to what degree, but nobody has once said “no, I will not give any money to DB for this [premium track] option”.

    So I suggest we all speak freely and tell DB what we, the customers, want!

    Cough cough 3.99 a month max cough cough. o:)

    oh yah by all means talk about it;) I am all about free speech, whether it will change or impact their decision or not on price is another matter.

    I would have to disagree with you on the fact that people have not expected not to spend money, there have been suggestions, on using dil and even credits as currency for the premium option. Id have to say the dil option is understandable to me at least, since it is a premium currency, except for the fact that it is also part of the reward which could be a conflict. However I feel credits are way to common to be used, and would be like basically giving it away.
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    DeanWins wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    Also realize, I dont think Db was asking for feedback on their business model, just the new feature;)

    They didn’t exclude feedback on business model either?

    The debates around the pricing have been interesting, both here in the forums and in the community in general. Nobody I’ve spoken with is expecting a free ride. There are some very mixed views on what may entice players to open closed wallets again, or widen already open ones, and to what degree, but nobody has once said “no, I will not give any money to DB for this [premium track] option”.

    So I suggest we all speak freely and tell DB what we, the customers, want!

    Cough cough 3.99 a month max cough cough. o:)

    oh yah by all means talk about it;) I am all about free speech, whether it will change or impact their decision or not on price is another matter.

    I would have to disagree with you on the fact that people have not expected not to spend money, there have been suggestions, on using dil and even credits as currency for the premium option. Id have to say the dil option is understandable to me at least, since it is a premium currency, except for the fact that it is also part of the reward which could be a conflict. However I feel credits are way to common to be used, and would be like basically giving it away.

    Oh dear.. This is a conversation I’ve seen too many times and I’m sorry to be the one to break it to you, but...

    DB were quite clear that the premium track (ie the 2nd ‘shelf’ reward each day, ultimately giving a 5/5 gold), was free only in the beta. When it’s released finally, DB have explicitly stated it’ll be via a cash purchase only. Not dil, merits or credits.

    My response to you before was based on that understanding.

    [or maybe I misunderstood your post?]
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I rather liked this test. It was a nice variety grab bag of useful stuff. Some things were more useful than others, certainly, such as dilithium and gold crew, but it was all good stuff. The only thing I think it could do without is trainers. We get those from tons of other sources and don’t need more shoved towards us. Other than the crew, even though they were both redundant for me, my favorite rewards were the item crates. They generally provided me with some useful pieces of equipment. I really liked this and hope that it will continue.

    By the way, I didn’t spend any dilithium on these and managed to earn level 20. It took effort to get that many points but it wasn’t impossible or unpleasant. The rewards may not be super great but again they are useful and the crew reward part IS a huge prize.

    I’ll grant that trainers can be tough to come by for new players. As long as trainers aren’t added to the premium track, I can overlook trainers in Campaigns. It would be nice to not have them drop from additional Gauntlet reward boxes as well, since how many newer players are going to place highly anyway?
  • DeanWins wrote: »
    CB4_V'ger wrote: »
    DeanWins wrote: »
    I have a quick question, and maybe I misunderstood something, which is entirely possible?

    Are we suppose to get pts or accolades for the chroton boost that happens 3 times a day? cause if we are I am not getting them

    I made a mistake, the 75 points comes from collecting the Daily reward, I thought it was for the chroniton rewards. Regards V'ger

    thanks for the clarification, thought I was going crazy for a bit there;)

    NP :-)
  • So some questions

    1. So if its going to be a month how many daily tasks will you need to complete to unlock all the rewards all of them or will there be some wiggle room i.e 20/30 will get all rewards

    2. Can you unlock all the rewards for the top tier and then buy access to the 2nd tier to unlock the legandary or do you need to buy access at the beginning ?

    3. Will there be more tiers if its going to be a month long ?

    My guess is instead of needing 200 points to hit the next level we will need 800 points so making it x4 longer from 7 days to 28 days.
  • I will be honest, you are losing a huge chunk of your non whale players by locking this to cash. Sil is difficult enough to obtain outside of cash purchases so the only reason I can see to cash lock this is pure greed.

    The lack of prior communications, non intuitive nature of the interface and the inbuild pay to progress are all turn offs.

    What's up? Your weekly Pay to win "events" not bringing in enough $$$ you gotta maximise the flow?

    No matter what DB does they will cop it in the neck from someone.

    The free to play players still get an additional free 4* character at the end of each Campaign.
  • Really not a fan of bashing of F2P players as freeloaders. Thought we'd settled this nonsense already.

    What about the bashing of the players who are spending money keeping this game afloat?
  • I just claimed troy and worf on tier 20, and it didn't cost anything extra. What's everyone talking about?
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