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Campaigns Beta - Feedback/Issues thread



  • 5000 Quatloos5000 Quatloos ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    Interesting - I'm down to 7 crew left in training, and got 4* Hyperian Beetle Snuff from my equipment crate. Since one of the crew in training is Grand Nagus Zek at level 90, that looks a good indicator that the equipment drops might be "stuff you need". Indubitably.
    Accepted. Mark them, Galt.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Since one of the crew in training is Grand Nagus Zek at level 90, that looks a good indicator that the equipment drops might be "stuff you need". Indubitably.

    *Snuff you need

    Ha!! Nailed that joke!
  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    The "month long" thing will probably extend to the points required to obtain rewards as well. Don't assume they won't scale the rewards to fit with the month long duration. They will likely provide other sources of obtaining accolades as well.

    Keep in mind, this is a "Beta", so the duration and scaling are reflective of the beta "period". If the real campaigns/seasons are a month log, expect needing many more accolades/points to obtain a purple, or gold at the premium unlocked tier
    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
    Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
  • [DC] Principia[DC] Principia ✭✭✭✭
    One general suggestion, based on confusion I've seen in conversations elsewhere: do not use Tier to describe 2 completely different things in the same section of the game. It's like labeling the X and Y axes on a chart identically.

    Suggestion: since you're running a Campaign regardless of whether you're doing it for free or at a cost, Standard Band and Premium Band since you're running two different bands of rewards that are achieved at the various Tiers.
  • Commander SinclairCommander Sinclair ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Just woke up to about 3.5 pages of new posts to read :p

    It's funny that everyone has read what Sunshine Riker wrote as saying the feature will last a month, because I read it as "the beta will only last 8 days, but we are still a month away from rolling this out." I am probably wrong, but I just wanted to share that.

    I don’t know, this looks like the duration is at least strongly being considered as a month instead of 7 days (emphasis mine):
    This Campaigns Beta is lasting 8 days in total, but the full feature will likely be longer, perhaps a month long.
    I did say I was probably wrong :p
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Just woke up to about 3.5 pages of new posts to read :p

    It's funny that everyone has read what Sunshine Riker wrote as saying the feature will last a month, because I read it as "the beta will only last 8 days, but we are still a month away from rolling this out." I am probably wrong, but I just wanted to share that.

    I am very grateful @Commander Sinclair to have an ally, and I welcome the addition of a qualifying word such as Starfleet in front of Operations. My only concern is that some people identify their crew and fleets as other factions, so perhaps "Crew Operations"? Having slept on it I am more convinced than ever that Campaigns is the wrong word, and that Operations is a much better fit for this new feature.

    Just trying this out: "Bridge Operations"
    Bridge Operations. That feels close, I like that it adds a flair formality for being military. How does Mission Operations feel? Like you, just trying out ideas, but given that these piggyback on the Daily Missions, I like the flow, plus it retains the flair of your suggestion.

    DING DING DING! We have a winner! I really like Mission Operations. It encompasses the meaning of the objectives. Campaign sounds too much like 'Expedition' – like it should be a separate part of the game.

    Please bring this to the table to change the name...

    Make it so! @Shan @SunshineRiker
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    [TFC] dee wrote: »
    I would be really nice if the Premium Rewards Track was part of the perks that VIP 14 players received. I saw a post a long time ago that there was going to be more perks for VIP 14 players in the future. Wouldn't this be a good reward for VIP 14? Or add it to a goal for VIP 15, 16, 17?

    I'm not sure DB would go for free, but I definitely think there should be more perks for being vip 14+ in regards to these campaigns, maybe offer the premium track at a discount if not free, that would inspire everyone who isn't vip to spend more anyways, so win win.
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    I collected Tier 7 but didn't get the shuttle boosts, not sure about the replicator ration.
    Belay that, I miscounted.
  • I will be honest, you are losing a huge chunk of your non whale players by locking this to cash. Sil is difficult enough to obtain outside of cash purchases so the only reason I can see to cash lock this is pure greed.

    The lack of prior communications, non intuitive nature of the interface and the inbuild pay to progress are all turn offs.

    What's up? Your weekly Pay to win "events" not bringing in enough $$$ you gotta maximise the flow?

  • I disagree for unlocking the tiers only with dil. They should be unlockable with credits too. Players that are intermediary spenders have many million of credits so this would be useful for them.
  • HaBlackHaBlack ✭✭✭✭✭
    I disagree for unlocking the tiers only with dil. They should be unlockable with credits too. Players that are intermediary spenders have many million of credits so this would be useful for them.

    For the game to be sustainable there must be additional ways for real money inflow.

    Premium Tiers is just one way for that. If you can unlock or get everything with resources available ingame then very soon the game will stop being sustainable.

    I am for that premium could be unlocked with cash or with dilithium as that is resource that can obtained with great difficulty ingame without purchase, but I personaly am against credits or merits.

    Only question is what kind of cash will it be and will it be affordable to low or medium spenders or only for high spenders.
    PlayingSince: 2016-09-16Can we get some more characters from TAS?We finally have Caitians in the game!Character wishlist:
    • Lieutenant M'Ress - got her
    • Amanda Rogers - got her
    • Admiral S'rrel from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - not in the game yet
    • Agmar - not in the game yet
    • M'yra - not in the game yet
  • KayJay47KayJay47 ✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    I'd like to suggest a small change: Currently, the wording is (for example) "165/200 Accolades needed to reach Tier 10". I continually read this as "you still need 165 more", when in fact it means "you already have 165 out of 200". Rather than having to do the math every time, I'd much prefer if the text actually showed what's missing, so that I may schedule my daily tasks accordingly.
  • edited March 2019
    @Hablack - Focusing on a specific segment of players will lead to game death faster than anything. Most MMOs experienced that.

    Also, credits are completely unbalanced today.
    New players and players that need heavy crew progress are out of them because of replication also needing credits, while players that have all available crew upgraded have a surplus of credits since they practically can't use them for anything except very rarely buying items from faction stores.

    Credits need to have more use in the game and replication should have higher mats requirements and no credit requirements to better support progressing players.

    There should be 4* crew purchasable for (large amounts of) credits in faction shops and there should be a lot more unlockables via credits.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Just woke up to about 3.5 pages of new posts to read :p

    It's funny that everyone has read what Sunshine Riker wrote as saying the feature will last a month, because I read it as "the beta will only last 8 days, but we are still a month away from rolling this out." I am probably wrong, but I just wanted to share that.

    I don’t know, this looks like the duration is at least strongly being considered as a month instead of 7 days (emphasis mine):
    This Campaigns Beta is lasting 8 days in total, but the full feature will likely be longer, perhaps a month long.
    I did say I was probably wrong :p
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Just woke up to about 3.5 pages of new posts to read :p

    It's funny that everyone has read what Sunshine Riker wrote as saying the feature will last a month, because I read it as "the beta will only last 8 days, but we are still a month away from rolling this out." I am probably wrong, but I just wanted to share that.

    I am very grateful @Commander Sinclair to have an ally, and I welcome the addition of a qualifying word such as Starfleet in front of Operations. My only concern is that some people identify their crew and fleets as other factions, so perhaps "Crew Operations"? Having slept on it I am more convinced than ever that Campaigns is the wrong word, and that Operations is a much better fit for this new feature.

    Just trying this out: "Bridge Operations"
    Bridge Operations. That feels close, I like that it adds a flair formality for being military. How does Mission Operations feel? Like you, just trying out ideas, but given that these piggyback on the Daily Missions, I like the flow, plus it retains the flair of your suggestion.

    DING DING DING! We have a winner! I really like Mission Operations. It encompasses the meaning of the objectives. Campaign sounds too much like 'Expedition' – like it should be a separate part of the game.

    Please bring this to the table to change the name...

    Make it so! @Shan @SunshineRiker

    It was a pleasure working with you :)
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am in favor of both the tier vs band and mission operations wording changes above.

    I am not in favor of the "pure greed" wording. I prefer "overly motivated by profit". :smile:
    Farewell 🖖
  • Enoch[SoS]Enoch[SoS] ✭✭
    edited March 2019
    I spent dilithium to get a boost. The 250 did feel steep. 100 Probably would have been ok.

    I am also disappointed that I cannot spend dilithium to unlock premium rewards. Dilithium is a straight currency exchange but now you're saying my money is no good. Grr... Of course, I understand that you want to use dilithium as part of the bottom rewards - just don't. Put a citation in or something. But a straight money purchase is bad.

    EDIT: to further comment on this... I think Dilithium makes sense. You are getting a LEGENDARY!!! It would be cool if you could just purchase a token of some sort - Campaign Token. Can be purchased from the portal with either cash OR dilithium.
  • so the end picture shows a character with all stars completely fused is that what we get or do we just get one * of the character ? thanks! assuming its just one * but I can see other people complaining
  • edited March 2019
    Also I just wanted to say i love added bonus stuff like this that gives us even more for the grind we do anyways thanks! :) Would like to see even more bonus stuff added that goes beyond the basic daily completion though since I normally play beyond that anyways my self .02
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    so the end picture shows a character with all stars completely fused is that what we get or do we just get one * of the character ? thanks! assuming its just one * but I can see other people complaining

    This isn’t an entirely new complaint - there are other places where the number of stars shown is misleading, and wherever this happens it definitely has a high potential for confusion and complaints.
  • edited March 2019
    so the end picture shows a character with all stars completely fused is that what we get or do we just get one * of the character ? thanks! assuming its just one * but I can see other people complaining

    This isn’t an entirely new complaint - there are other places where the number of stars shown is misleading, and wherever this happens it definitely has a high potential for confusion and complaints.

    not so much of a complaint on my part but more of a question wanting a direct answer :) the greedy part of me wanting a ff 5* out of it for nothing but knowing that would be too good to be true :D lol & yes if I am part of the "average " player base then in this case I find it honestly slightly confusing on what we will get hence the question & something that should be rectified for when the beta is done
  • What's that about direct purchasing ?
    What do we have dil for ?
  • Shan wrote: »
    Looks like an interesting way to keep players engaged. I'm kinda confused by the description of how it works though.

    Also it says that to access the "premium rewards tier", you'll have to purchase it. That's disappointing. Does it mean with money or dilithium?

    If you look at the screenshots in our blog post I think it will help.
    There are 2 sets of rewards for each tiers, the second set can be unlocked by purchasing the Premium Rewards Track for real money.

    Well, it was too good to be true. This game rewarding players for actually playing the game instead to buy their way to the finish line? Preposterous, I say.

  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well, it was too good to be true. This game rewarding players for actually playing the game instead to buy their way to the finish line? Preposterous, I say.

    And you get exactly that with the first tier. And in this beta trial even Durango Troi. Still a great card. Concerning bases only slighty topped by the recent High Roller Sisko. Let´s not forget the 4/5 legendaries from the megas for just a little playtime. And the countless other cards and goodies DB gives out for free all the time.

    If one thing is preposterous it is the fact that non paying players like you expect to have anything and everything for free. I know you don´t care overly about that, but if DB would do that this game would be dead already...

  • Well, it was too good to be true. This game rewarding players for actually playing the game instead to buy their way to the finish line? Preposterous, I say.

    And you get exactly that with the first tier. And in this beta trial even Durango Troi. Still a great card. Concerning bases only slighty topped by the recent High Roller Sisko. Let´s not forget the 4/5 legendaries from the megas for just a little playtime. And the countless other cards and goodies DB gives out for free all the time.

    If one thing is preposterous it is the fact that non paying players like you expect to have anything and everything for free. I know you don´t care overly about that, but if DB would do that this game would be dead already...

    Spare me. Games like Warframe and League of Legends have literally 0 paywalls, their IPs were created from 0 and yet they make tons of money. Is all about business model and competence.

    DB give us nothing. Is always an exchange.
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    Campaigns are nice. Some suggestions:

    - How about a vault token that lets you un vault crew for free ... but you get a choice either spend Merits/Dil or use a token ... switch out for trainers.

    - The equipment crates do highlight the issue of the 1000 limit inventory ... this is not source #4 (Guantlet, events, Dabo wheel) that gives out specific crew equipment, but there's no way to efficiently remove these items if you've already fully equipped the crew they are for. Sure you can use it as replicator fuel ... if you can find it, but I have so far crew left to level that "wasting" credits and items for equipment that I can already build is a bit of a waste in my eyes.
  • I’m really diggin the campaigns. The extra rewards/bonuses are really nice for those of us just starting out.
  • I'm liking this new feature.
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