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Campaigns Beta - Feedback/Issues thread



  • I just claimed troy and worf on tier 20, and it didn't cost anything extra. What's everyone talking about?

    We like to grumble here, especially on slow days. Person A will find something to grumble about. Usually that is followed by Person B complaining about Person A's complaint. Person C usually then chimes in on the side of either A or B and then personal insults begin flying around until Shan tells everyone to be civil and begins editing comments. This all ends when DB messes up on something and everyone joins forces to bash the game or some new feature or crew is added to begin the cycle over again.

    Enjoy the ride, but don't get sucked in. Generally the people here are nice and will give good advice.

    So, ignore the rabble rousers and wait patiently for a couple nuggets of good advise. Thanks for the good advice
  • Finn SCFinn SC ✭✭
    edited March 2019
    OK, now that I have finished the campaign I want to provide some feedback.

    Overall the campaign was a fun addition to the game, maybe you can tinker around with the duration / amount of reward tiers. As long as we can reach the highest reward tier for the campaign by gameplay alone it is going to be a welcome additional aspect.

    The fact that there is items as reward is great, especially when the items are determind by a variation of the dabo item allocation. However, it points to the sorely needed improvements for inventory management, including a way to either mark items for the replicator or label items in the replicator window, so we can actually use items as replicator fuel. Especially when we reach the inventory limit.

    I can see paying for the premium track if the price is in the monthly card - 2x monthly card range, depending on what the rewards are and how many campaigns there will be in a month.

    The crew rewards could possibly be tweaked, Say you have three options: free gets you the regular reward track, but I'd suggest thinking about having tow options for the current premium track. the first would give you the common reward track with a choice of super rare crew or super rare citation, and the "gold-pressed latinum" premium track would additionally allow a choice of either the legendary campaign crew or a legendary citation. That certainly would add value that could be reflected in the price of the 'campaign ticket.'

    Overall the campaign feature was fun, especially the comparatively leisurely pace (even discounting the additional day to reach the top tier rewards) prevented it from becoming more of a chore than a fun element of the game.

    Thanks for the trial version. I liked the campaign quite a bit. (And please consider tweaking inventory management, or increase the inventory cap!)
  • I have the beta and I have almost got to the end to claim Worf and Troi. I have enjoyed gaining the extra bonuses and it has given me a bit more incentive to play daily. I usually try and stockpile chronitons for events so this has eaten into my stores a little bit.
  • Feedback:it was fun and the opportunity for all players to participate in the beta was appreciated. I’m very pleased to add another star to Durango Troi. If you get a different 5 star every week and know who it is before you buy I will certainly go for it occasionally provided the cost is reasonable.

    My only criticism was the completely random equipment rewards. I got several specific items for crew I don’t have or have immortalised already. If it’s not possible to tailor items to individual needs then please make the equipment generic to avoid overloading the inventory.
  • It's too easy. There is nothing to aim for, as I completed it with a few days to spare with no resources used to do so.
  • Finn SCFinn SC ✭✭
    edited March 2019
    It's too easy. There is nothing to aim for, as I completed it with a few days to spare with no resources used to do so.

    It is just fine in my book. The stated goal was not to deplete resources but to provide another incentive to regularly play. The fact that they started without announcing it in advance meant that lots of non-US players already had finished their daily tasks before the campaign started. To compensate for that fact the duration was a bit longer, at least that is how I read the explanations given here.

    The fact that there is some wiggle room prevents it from becoming a chore, at least that is how I feel. Having a part of the game that is not inimical to a more casual approach is a very big plus at least for me (and most people I talked with).

    If you want to use up resources you can get rid of any superfluous dilithium clogging your account and exchange it for accolades ;)
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just claimed troy and worf on tier 20, and it didn't cost anything extra. What's everyone talking about?

    Troi was only free because this a is a test/beta. DB are going to charge for the premium rewards, they’ve said so.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    CB4_V'ger wrote: »
    Really not a fan of bashing of F2P players as freeloaders. Thought we'd settled this nonsense already.

    What about the bashing of the players who are spending money keeping this game afloat?

    I don't see anyone bashing players for spending money. Only bashing players for attacking other players.
  • RoxtonRoxton ✭✭✭
    I liked the campaign overall it was nice to have a bonus for regular play.
    It might be an idea to make it renewable by that I mean if you complete within the time limit you can start it again.
    That way those that want to pay can roll through it several times by buying accolades.
    Star Truckerz
    It's only my opinion but....

  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    I just claimed troy and worf on tier 20, and it didn't cost anything extra. What's everyone talking about?

    We like to grumble here, especially on slow days. Person A will find something to grumble about. Usually that is followed by Person B complaining about Person A's complaint. Person C usually then chimes in on the side of either A or B and then personal insults begin flying around until Shan tells everyone to be civil and begins editing comments. This all ends when DB messes up on something and everyone joins forces to bash the game or some new feature or crew is added to begin the cycle over again.

    Enjoy the ride, but don't get sucked in. Generally the people here are nice and will give good advice.

    Kind of like the city states of Ancient Greece. Always bickering until someone interrupted them. DB make sure not to interrupt our bickering....... 🤗
  •  Bri Bri ✭✭✭✭
    Soo, my questions:
    How long is each campaign period?

    How often will a campaign start? Weekly, monthly?

    What’s the price to fully be involved each time?

    By the way, I think it’s a great addition to the game. Adding stars to 5* crew is what it’s all about
  • [S14]Bri wrote: »
    Soo, my questions:
    How long is each campaign period?

    How often will a campaign start? Weekly, monthly?

    What’s the price to fully be involved each time?

    By the way, I think it’s a great addition to the game. Adding stars to 5* crew is what it’s all about

    These are the million dollar questions we are all waiting on, that I think unfortunately will probably not be answered until the full rollout.
  • [10F] gobolts07 [10F] gobolts07 ✭✭✭✭✭
    [S14]Bri wrote: »
    Soo, my questions:
    How long is each campaign period?

    How often will a campaign start? Weekly, monthly?

    What’s the price to fully be involved each time?

    By the way, I think it’s a great addition to the game. Adding stars to 5* crew is what it’s all about

    1. We don’t know.
    2. We don’t know.
    3. We don’t know.

    Anything else I can assist with? 😉
  • I liked it. A reward for doing stuff I am already doing. Whether I will participate on the premier track will entirely depend on the price (like many other posters have pointed out). I like the suggestions of either a legendary citation or a Begold at the end (though I realize some will be disappointed if their Begold choices are bad).
  • DraftedMcCoyDraftedMcCoy ✭✭✭✭
    This was great. No complaints.

    Make it affordable to everyone can enjoy. I will probably engage on this in a paid sense depending on how badly I need the legendaries.
  • DeanWins wrote: »
    End of the Day, Db is a business it is not a charity, they are in business to make money, in order to do that they have to have options for pay to play.
    Also realize, I dont think Db was asking for feedback on their business model, just the new feature;)

    Of course they are in it to be profitable, and in business, getting customer feedback (and sometimes ignoring it completely) is normal. Solicited or otherwise. You'll get all kinds of feedback when you ask even a simple question like "Do you like the shade of green our logo is? (YES/NO)" :)
    Captain Bubble Bobble
  • edited March 2019
    I will be honest, you are losing a huge chunk of your non whale players by locking this to cash. Sil is difficult enough to obtain outside of cash purchases so the only reason I can see to cash lock this is pure greed.

    The lack of prior communications, non intuitive nature of the interface and the inbuild pay to progress are all turn offs.

    What's up? Your weekly Pay to win "events" not bringing in enough $$$ you gotta maximise the flow?

    Of course this is a business and they will try to get $. As much as di is valued, and a mo di card is $4.00 i cant see paying more for this feature. If they were to change the crew to citations or tickets that u could use to choose your own crew from the vault (excluding voyage and gauntlet crew) then it might be more exciting to players who are not interested at all. Bottom line is... if the price is reasonable like the di more ppl will buy it. If its to high..less ppl. More purchasing is more revenue in the end.
    There have been objections to a full month to get through one. It is a month to get through “daily rewards” as well a di card lasts one month. This should coincide with each players monthly schedule or it just makes it more confusing. There should be an otion for a combo di/campsign card with a discount for purchasing both.
    It is already confusing enough with the new interface that is overwhelming visually, fluorescent highlight on boxes with a black background and white writting that is so small. Everything is sooooo small. The acolade logo looks like a football on smaller devices. The color scheme and size of print needs to be changed for the entire daily board new interface.
  • I finished last night, like many others.

    Some feedback:

    *Tech-wise, everything seems to have gone smoothly. Only "bug," as was mentioned earlier, is that once you're done it says your on Tier 19 at 200/200. Need to have some kind of "complete" message overlay that.

    *The rewards were good, but don't think it'll scale well to a longer time-frame. Having to go 2-4 weeks for a single 4/5* wouldn't be worth the effort in most cases. As it was, Worf was useless to me because he's already had him immortalized. If it's going to be longer, multiple crew should be included, perhaps at the halfway mark. Whether to have it be multiple of the same crew (which would be useless to some) or different crew at each "interval" (which may eat up more crew slots) would be a judgment call.

    *If the actual challenge is going to be longer, another idea would be to swap out/add to the crew with some other more generic boost, either citations (unlikely, I know) or maybe guaranteed beholds?

    *For longer events, I guess the plan is to either (1) make each tier require more Accolades, (2) reduce the Accolades from daily missions, or (3) add more tiers. Please do 3, even it it means somewhat reducing the quantity in each reward.

    *Drop the trainers, please. They're just wasted for anyone except ultra-new players.

    *Since VIP14 can earn more Accolades, maybe throw in a bonus tier for them, which would require a perfect score for the entire interval? That's where the behold or citation could reside, as well. Whether that tier would be acquirable through dilithium or not would be a management (and coding) choice. [Note: I am not, nor will I ever be, VIP14, so this would not benefit me personally. It just seems that if you're going to offer bonus points, they should be worth something more than merely finishing quicker]
  • eXo | das411eXo | das411 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Finished this yesterday and I agree with almost all of the above - yay thanks for a way to get more "free" stuff, will have to wait to see what the real-world price ends up being for that "free" stuff :)

    If it's something like the $10 offers for a 1/5, i would absolutely pay that for extra stars on somebody like Durango, but would absolutely skip if it's a 1/5 i don't have like Shinzon...and replacing the trainer and ration rewards with more honor would certainly be welcome too!
  • Veterinary PhloxVeterinary Phlox ✭✭✭✭✭
    I really like this new system. While I generally complete my dailies anyway, the campaign certainly made the process more engaging. The general rewards were nice, and I particularly liked clearing multiple tiers a day.

    I also like that 100% completion isn't necessary to get the crew. But I do wish there were additional tiers afterward for those who are clearing all of their dailies. The rewards don't need to be anything special, just a little bonus for those keeping up with everything.

    In terms of duration, weekly felt really good. 10-15 days would work, but much longer than that and I think it would feel like a slog.

    In terms of pricing, I figure this is similar to the $10 gold crew specials, but with some price adjustment based on the campaign length, since this also affects the general rewards. I'd likely find the price more appealing if it were closer to $4-5, and at that rate I'd probably consider multiple campaigns a month (providing the character is of interest).
    Six degrees in Inter-species Veterinary Medicine. Treating all manner of critters, from Tribbles to Humans.

  • guest_questguest_quest ✭✭
    edited March 2019
    Can't complain about extra stuff for doing what I normally do, but I don't know who this is targeting/how many people who don't already do all dailies every day will do stuff during campaigns, especially depending on frequency (my guess would be maybe once a month, or maybe even just once during the non-Mega months).

    Glad it can be accomplished "for free" by doing all dailies every day; assuming the time syncs better, looks like there's a little wiggle room/grace period. Also like that all tiers require the same number of accolades and that there is the option to buy tiers with dilithium to catch up/save time.

    Good variety of rewards, and doesn't just save the "best" until the last tier or two.

    The big issue will be the price point for unlocking the premium rewards tier. It's hard to even suggest what the price "should" be without knowing the types of players you are targeting: is someone who's not doing dailies every day (e.g. maybe only hitting thresholds for events and ignoring the game the other days) going to play for a 1/4 or already immortalized SR if the premium tier is too pricey? There will be complaints of P2W regardless of the price; to reduce the rerun threshold 400k issues, I'd say set the price high and possibly lower it rather than set it too low and then try to increase it.

    Not sure if feasible, but I would like to have the option to purchase the premium tier with real money or dilithium. That way, I could save up dilithium from my monthly card to go towards the purchase or be able to spend real money in case the Batter Up pack left me dilithium-less.

    Looking forward to Campaigns returning and other new features down the line.
  • Pretty good! Completed this morning and no issues.

    Will I participate when it goes live? If it's free yes. If I have to spend more real cash on it, forget it. If DB want to make it a reward for playing regularly, make the thing last for a month then give away one 5* for free but only if you hit 100% over the whole month.
  • Campaign went great. If the premium tier is super cheap then I'll buy in. Otherwise it's a no from me
  • I personally can't see paying more than a monthly dill cost on this my self and it would just be if I wanted the gold for said month ...
  • Madman1Madman1 ✭✭✭
    I found the new campaigns to be a welcome new feature. The features all worked as designed and getting stuff for doing nothing extra was rewarding. The beta testing was also a good way to introduce the feature and getting feedback.

    My participation in the premium level would be dependant on price and legendary offered. If it includes multiple copies it would be worth more but I'm guessing 1/5 and $10 or more so I'm unlikely to participate. I guess it depends on whether this is to lure a few who want the offered legendary or a more broad base like the monthly card. If its the latter then I would recommend either a certificate (unlikely) or a behold that includes all the pool like elusive treasures and to keep the price down to the same as the monthly card (maybe the lower rate only combined with the monthly card). This is a scenario where I would participate monthly.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    Changed my mind.
  • When does the next one start
    Jack Mitchell
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    jackson992 wrote: »
    When does the next one start

    My question too ... will the next one start in 12 hrs when the current one finishes?

    If so ... I won't claim my daily rewards yet ...
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