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Campaigns Beta - Feedback/Issues thread



  • Better if you made last reward purple and gold hon citation - would mean you need not refresh and from player perspective always attractive
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    jackson992 wrote: »
    When does the next one start
    RaraRacing wrote: »
    jackson992 wrote: »
    When does the next one start

    My question too ... will the next one start in 12 hrs when the current one finishes?

    If so ... I won't claim my daily rewards yet ...

    They said it could be monthly so they might put it on hold for a few days to evaluate all the data and go live April 1st when the new month rolls over.
  • Completed Campaign and excited to see this come into game as by a way of earning good rewards at the end of 7 days I hope different 4 & 5 star crew will be rotated weekly
  • JefeJefe ✭✭✭
    Hello Shan:

    Your team may have been able to avoid some of the negative comments by having better crafting the initial message sent out:

    In order to properly monitoring this new feature, the start of the Campaign beta will not be in sync with the daily reset (occurring daily at 05:00 UTC). Some of you will likely have completed you daily missions before the actual start time. We have added an extra day to the Campaign to address this “out of sync” start. The addition of this extra day should allow all players the ability to collect all awards by completing their daily missions.
    For this test we are granting all players the Premium Rewards Track which will allow you to unlock the additional rewards. Once Campaigns go live they will be scheduled to coincide with the daily reset and daily missions reset - and the Premium Rewards Track will need to be purchased to unlock the additional rewards.

    Please try out the Campaigns beta – we are genuinely looking forward to your feedback on the duration of Campaigns, awards earned and pricing of the Premium rewards Track.


    I am willing to Pre-Read these messages and provide feedback if desired.

  • OK, just to get my two cents into the feedback. Overall, I like the concept and plan. I agree the price point will be important. $10 is likely to keep me out of the majority unless it is a specific 5 star I really want. Also, most of the daily rewards have little value. I do like the monthly card idea. Also, the citations instead of charters is a great idea - maybe mix one in every third of fourth time. Finally, I do appreciate DB for looking at new ways to improve and don't begrudge trying to find new revenue streams, but be recommend a lower price with lots of players paying rather than a higher price with a very few. Thanks.
  • My feedback with regards to the campaigns is quite positive, with doing no extra work still get extra bonuses, is always good. I finished with room to spare so that is also positive.

    I can imagine that DB wants to go with the purples and golds as a last step. Maybe it is an option to this and switch the week after to citations. Doing is will give everyone the chance to also get some of their crew to full tier
  • Please don’t make this a month long thing. It would certainly take away the concept of rewarding daily players.
  • Having completed the campaign, overall I enjoyed the additional achievement goals and the tiered approach to having both a free and paid line of goals will give both the F2P as well as people who will spend something to choose to participate in.

    I think this will be especially valuable to lower level captains who need additional rewards.
    Admiral of the Inner Planets Alliance fleets
  • RoxtonRoxton ✭✭✭
    Week long campaign seems just right to me.
    Would be nice if last rewards were citations.
    Not liking the final win screen. But that aside my previous post says it all.
    Star Truckerz
    It's only my opinion but....

  • While it would be nice, citations might be too much to get "for free" or without making the premium tier far more expensive than it would be with just a particular gold, at least based on the Weekly Offers (2000 honor in the Honorable Pursuits has to have the value of a few dollars; it's been a while, but isn't the SR citation offer 5/$25, meaning that, even at a discount, the gold would be around $15, and probably closer to $25 on its own like in the Double the Crew?).

    Maybe include (more?) honor rewards in the tiers.
  • I don’t get why people are complaining about doing dailies for a month, I do my dailies every day all the time regardless of campaigns. Why are dailies too much for some people?

    I agree, this is not a high bar to clear. However, to me, my enthusiasm for a longer Campaign would depend on what you're getting across that entire month. If you are only getting a single 5* card, a month is a long time to wait for something new if it does not interest you and the rest of the rewards aren't worth buying. If it was a shorter time period, that would be more chances for DB to offer me something I'd want and want to buy.
  • I don’t get why people are complaining about doing dailies for a month, I do my dailies every day all the time regardless of campaigns. Why are dailies too much for some people?

    I agree, this is not a high bar to clear. However, to me, my enthusiasm for a longer Campaign would depend on what you're getting across that entire month. If you are only getting a single 5* card, a month is a long time to wait for something new if it does not interest you and the rest of the rewards aren't worth buying. If it was a shorter time period, that would be more chances for DB to offer me something I'd want and want to buy.

    Agreed, a month for a 5* is too long, I think a week is much better suited
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • I was told it would start at normal reset so you should be safe
    Jack Mitchell
  • I'm confused, I was able to receive all the rewards but didnt spend any money on the campaign?
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm confused, I was able to receive all the rewards but didnt spend any money on the campaign?

    For the beta and only the beta, DB allowed all players to receive the premium track items at no charge. Rather than charge money, they obtained value through analysis of player activity before and during the beta period.
  • I don’t get why people are complaining about doing dailies for a month, I do my dailies every day all the time regardless of campaigns. Why are dailies too much for some people?

    Some of those dailies are a real chore.

    I have 255 crew slots that are full with fully leveled crew. Most of the time, I have no one to level because they are all at 100 with all equipment, so there’s no way to hit those 3 leveling dailies without doing a bunch of juggling and freezing and throwing away crew every day.

    The effort to do that is entirely too much for a handful of credits and merits. Plus, I have 25 million credits. I don’t really need any more.

    The exception is when I get an event crew, of course. Then I have someone new to play with for a couple of days.

    But for the campaign beta period, I actually completed my dailies every day, so there’s that...
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don’t get why people are complaining about doing dailies for a month, I do my dailies every day all the time regardless of campaigns. Why are dailies too much for some people?

    Some of those dailies are a real chore.

    I have 255 crew slots that are full with fully leveled crew. Most of the time, I have no one to level because they are all at 100 with all equipment, so there’s no way to hit those 3 leveling dailies without doing a bunch of juggling and freezing and throwing away crew every day.

    The effort to do that is entirely too much for a handful of credits and merits. Plus, I have 25 million credits. I don’t really need any more.

    The exception is when I get an event crew, of course. Then I have someone new to play with for a couple of days.

    But for the campaign beta period, I actually completed my dailies every day, so there’s that...

    I stopped frantically power-leveling crew when the list of level 1s on my ship started to get real small. With some exceptions (mostly Faction and Galaxy event crew), I choose one such crew to level as slowly as possible while still meeting daily requirements. Fully fused 2*/3*/4* crew get priority, then it falls to whomever might be most useful for some reason. If I run out of these, I’ll keep a 1* or 2* crew that drops from basic rewards pulls and level them instead.

    Which leads me to my next point: 25 million credits on hand is more than most people need. I imagine top-25 competitors in Galaxy events go through credits quickly, but for the rest of us that’s just sitting there doing nothing for you. When I hit 20 million and realized leveling crew and threshold-and-out-ing in Galaxy events would never knock that down, I decided to keep a reserve of 5 million on hand (to power-level someone in an emergency with plenty left over for other contingencies) and spend the rest on basic portal 10-pulls. You get a trickle of honor, some basic and common components, and occasional drops of ship schematics (usually 2* but some of other rarities)...plus a very rare surprise 4* or 5* behold.

    Out of curiosity, how many of your slots are filled with 1/3* and 1/4* crew? You could alleviate some of the freeze/thaw/re-freeze juggling process by being a little ruthless with airlocking unnecessary crew. Losing the effort spent equipping them may sting but probably less than having to constantly shuffle people around to stay under the limit.
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    I had the Troi Tuesday right after the daily reset. Thank you DB! Total money spent, $0.

    However, I understand they want to make the second row a pay row. We'll see, depending on who the 5* is, whether I buy.
  • I only have 10 4* crew who aren’t immortal. I have frozen all the 3 star and under crew.

    Also, I’m not saying it’s difficult to do the dailies. I’m saying why bother for the measly credits and merits, neither of which I need.
  • Hi, would like to add my feedback here as well....

    1. Overall, I like campaigns. As an outlet for supplying (rewarding?) players with more free stuff just for doing the dailies, it is a great idea.
    2. By encouraging more players to do the dailies, we all benefit. Players get free stuff and play the game longer. This translates to more ad-views, which, of course, helps DB's bottom line. And, while I don't know how to value this, as more people are online playing STT, the "value" of the game goes up to their investors.
    3. I like the concept of the premium track. It rewards players who wants to spend money on the game with a different level of enjoyment. Both F2P and P2W factions are satisfied.
    4. There has been much discussion on the pricing of the premium track. Of course, that is up to DB to decide. (note to DB: Cheaper than a monthly card is better!)

    Now, let's think outside the box. What if DB took advantage of the premium track to offer unique things to players that they want to have. I'm thinking, not only of 5* citations, but also brand new 4* and 5* characters. Like a Cheesecake Seven, or a cool new Spock? The premium track could offer a great opportunity to showcase new characters so that I don't have to gamble on a portal pack pull to get a Usurper Lorca.

    Thanks for listening!
  • I don’t get why people are complaining about doing dailies for a month, I do my dailies every day all the time regardless of campaigns. Why are dailies too much for

    Maybe I was misunderstood. I do my dailies, daily. But if folks had a month to complete what I do in a week, it would be like VIP points after level 14.
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    I only have 10 4* crew who aren’t immortal. I have frozen all the 3 star and under crew.

    Also, I’m not saying it’s difficult to do the dailies. I’m saying why bother for the measly credits and merits, neither of which I need.

    I have a small amount of 4* crew that are not immortal either. I just leave less important 4/5*'s unleveled. If I need them, power leveling them is trivial.

    Credits, merits and dailies all give honour though. That's enough reason for me to do them for the trivial amount of time it takes to complete my dailies.

    The occasional bonus like merits giving me TheRunningJake or credits giving me Bond Bashir is just gravy.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    I feel that there’s some views here about duration that we all need to think about.

    I’d pay £3.99 for a premium track if it was a month long, for a single, 1/5*, legendary that I needed.

    I would not pay £3.99 for a premium track that is 1 week long for the same legendary.

    The duration is just as crucial as the cost and leeway on accolades collected.

    The beta was overly generous because of the start times and because it was a test. I’d be miffed (or just use 200 dil) if over a month I lost out on the legendary because I missed a day or two of rewards. But I’d only blame myself if missing 2 days over 7 days cost me that reward.
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    I feel that there’s some views here about duration that we all need to think about.

    I’d pay £3.99 for a premium track if it was a month long, for a single, 1/5*, legendary that I needed.

    I would not pay £3.99 for a premium track that is 1 week long for the same legendary.

    The duration is just as crucial as the cost and leeway on accolades collected.

    The beta was overly generous because of the start times and because it was a test. I’d be miffed (or just use 200 dil) if over a month I lost out on the legendary because I missed a day or two of rewards. But I’d only blame myself if missing 2 days over 7 days cost me that reward.

    That's really cheap for a guaranteed legendary. Even at a weekly rate. Enough people jump on the $10 USD offers for legendaries that I'm pretty sure a TON of us would be willing to pay about $5 USD for the weekly one. Especially if we get a premium 10-pull, some DIL, and some other stuff as icing on the cake.
  • I feel that there’s some views here about duration that we all need to think about.

    I’d pay £3.99 for a premium track if it was a month long, for a single, 1/5*, legendary that I needed.

    I would not pay £3.99 for a premium track that is 1 week long for the same legendary.

    The duration is just as crucial as the cost and leeway on accolades collected.

    The beta was overly generous because of the start times and because it was a test. I’d be miffed (or just use 200 dil) if over a month I lost out on the legendary because I missed a day or two of rewards. But I’d only blame myself if missing 2 days over 7 days cost me that reward.

    That's really cheap for a guaranteed legendary. Even at a weekly rate. Enough people jump on the $10 USD offers for legendaries that I'm pretty sure a TON of us would be willing to pay about $5 USD for the weekly one. Especially if we get a premium 10-pull, some DIL, and some other stuff as icing on the cake.

    That sounds to me like a lot of $5 purchases DB could regularly look forward to.
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2019
    I feel that there’s some views here about duration that we all need to think about.

    I’d pay £3.99 for a premium track if it was a month long, for a single, 1/5*, legendary that I needed.

    I would not pay £3.99 for a premium track that is 1 week long for the same legendary.

    The duration is just as crucial as the cost and leeway on accolades collected.

    The beta was overly generous because of the start times and because it was a test. I’d be miffed (or just use 200 dil) if over a month I lost out on the legendary because I missed a day or two of rewards. But I’d only blame myself if missing 2 days over 7 days cost me that reward.

    That's really cheap for a guaranteed legendary. Even at a weekly rate. Enough people jump on the $10 USD offers for legendaries that I'm pretty sure a TON of us would be willing to pay about $5 USD for the weekly one. Especially if we get a premium 10-pull, some DIL, and some other stuff as icing on the cake.

    I just wanted to encourage some thought on spend over time, rather than just impulse purchases.

    £3.99 would be no problem for me, once a month, provided I want the legendary. Per week that’s asking a bit much, and would price me out most of the time.

    There’s been a lot of talk on $ per legendary, but not $ per legendary/time.

    [edit] and is 3.99 really a lot for a lengendary? They sell them in game for $9.99 with no effort required, so putting in 28 days solid daily goal targets + $3.99 seems reasonable?
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