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Campaigns Beta - Feedback/Issues thread



  • Gouleo wrote: »
    I don’t get why people are complaining about doing dailies for a month, I do my dailies every day all the time regardless of campaigns. Why are dailies too much for some people?

    And I don't get why you are complaining about people who have to miss few days gaming in the month for their life, job, family, health, pleasure ...

    A month playing absolutely every days for a reward, when you already paid the entrance fee.
    This is really too restrictive imho.

    I’m not complaining, just asking a question, sorry if I offended anyone
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • No offense to DB, but my guess is that when this is implemented into the game, it won’t be anywhere near as easy for a non-paying player to acquire the levels, especially the higher ones.
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    My thoughts.

    1. There is no way for us to make a determination about cost and duration as they are correlational and not causational, but assuming the price point is between $10-15 (U.S.) a month seems much better to me than a week. At that point it would feel like a crew-wide sidequest for us to track while we do our normal stuff and weekend events.

    2. Given the feel of this new feature as a sweeping side-quest, I believe strongly that it fits the flavor far more appropriately called 'Mission Operations' and not 'Campaigns'. I love tbe idea of campaigns, but that is not what we are being asked to do, as this feature requires nothing from us but doing our normal activities. Calling it 'Mission Operations' acknowledges that the accolades are tied to our daily missions while enhancing the feel for players that we are actually doing these missions for a greater purpose, an operation.
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    Do we have an ETA on when these campaigns will be rolling out permanently?
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    Do we have an ETA on when these campaigns will be rolling out permanently?

    Shan said they are still evaluating so they don't have a release date yet.
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    No offense to DB, but my guess is that when this is implemented into the game, it won’t be anywhere near as easy for a non-paying player to acquire the levels, especially the higher ones.

    It should be very similar to what we saw here except for types of rewards and duration of campaign. You do your dailies, collect accolades and then collect rewards. The difficultly won't change. The only difference will be one tier will be free and the other will premium (cash). The beta gave everyone a free premium tier to try it out.
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    My thoughts.

    1. There is no way for us to make a determination about cost and duration as they are correlational and not causational, but assuming the price point is between $10-15 (U.S.) a month seems much better to me than a week. At that point it would feel like a crew-wide sidequest for us to track while we do our normal stuff and weekend events.

    2. Given the feel of this new feature as a sweeping side-quest, I believe strongly that it fits the flavor far more appropriately called 'Mission Operations' and not 'Campaigns'. I love tbe idea of campaigns, but that is not what we are being asked to do, as this feature requires nothing from us but doing our normal activities. Calling it 'Mission Operations' acknowledges that the accolades are tied to our daily missions while enhancing the feel for players that we are actually doing these missions for a greater purpose, an operation.

    I think an operation would better define a single occurrence or specified objective and a campaign a series of operations/objectives. You could call one of the unlocked rewards an operation (and the group operations as you suggest) but the series of unlocked rewards can definitely be called a campaign because we have a series of operations/objectives that lead to a final end point.
  • I was worried at first that there might be some kind of pay2win because it started so slowly, but in the end I finished it with 2 days or so to spare.

    A new feature that gives me rewards for what I was doing anyway - I'm all for it :-)
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was worried at first that there might be some kind of pay2win because it started so slowly, but in the end I finished it with 2 days or so to spare.

    A new feature that gives me rewards for what I was doing anyway - I'm all for it :-)

    The beta timeframe was rigged such that you could miss two or three days entirely and still get everything. I wonder if the final implementation will be as forgiving. The cost in dil gets awful high, to the point where missing more than three tiers for the basic rewards track is probably not worth it for any but the most desperate.
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yea I'm pretty sure all of our guesses (most specifically the Brit that suggested 3.99 GBP) are low-balling it here. This will likely cost enough to make the $10 USD Legendary weekly offer seem like a great deal.
  • I was worried at first that there might be some kind of pay2win because it started so slowly, but in the end I finished it with 2 days or so to spare.

    A new feature that gives me rewards for what I was doing anyway - I'm all for it :-)

    The beta timeframe was rigged such that you could miss two or three days entirely and still get everything. I wonder if the final implementation will be as forgiving. The cost in dil gets awful high, to the point where missing more than three tiers for the basic rewards track is probably not worth it for any but the most desperate.

    It's hard to say but IF campaigns are supposed to be like a second monthly card, i.e. 30 days, and they are relatively unforgiving if you miss dailies, so that it becomes another source of dilithium spending for DB, then players are providing significant consideration, in terms of time and engagement, which ultimately leads to more spending, by maximizes the campaign.

    In providing this consideration which is ultimately a benefit to DB, there should be a significant benefit. My thinking is that there should be a legendary each week, so that at the end, you end up with 4 copies, just like a mega event. This encourages double-ups. For people who already have the crew, perhaps the price could decrease the later you buy into the campaign, so if I only need two copies, perhaps I can buy in later, if I want to.

    As a price, the lowest legendary go are $10, and this is comparable. DB picks the crew, and you have to pay except on the $10 5* crew offers like Age of Sail Riker recently, you don't have to play everyday to get it, so the discount ought to be comparable to monthly card vs outright dilithium purchases.
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yea I'm pretty sure all of our guesses (most specifically the Brit that suggested 3.99 GBP) are low-balling it here. This will likely cost enough to make the $10 USD Legendary weekly offer seem like a great deal.

    Hey it wasn’t just me. I don’t think o:)

    And I’m not low-balling. If they want regular amounts of money each month that’s what I’d pay.
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yea I'm pretty sure all of our guesses (most specifically the Brit that suggested 3.99 GBP) are low-balling it here. This will likely cost enough to make the $10 USD Legendary weekly offer seem like a great deal.

    Hey it wasn’t just me. I don’t think o:)

    And I’m not low-balling. If they want regular amounts of money each month that’s what I’d pay.

    My friend, believe me, I'm about the same. But there are some people who consider $10 USD per day to be a bargain floor price to gamble away in this game.
  • It may not be a fixed price. If it were related to the tier you are on then DB could keep it $25 to unlock premium once you reach the final tier (when here is zero risk of you not getting the legendary), but if you gamble on completing your dailies consistently for the whole month then you can unlock it for $4 when you are at tier 1.
  • Well Shan, I thnk you finally got me to quit. I play this game to escape the real world where the 1% just get everything handed to them, and its made super hard for the rest of us, to get them to pay. Having a daily reminder of it is way too much.
  • Davey1983Davey1983 ✭✭✭
    Well Shan, I thnk you finally got me to quit. I play this game to escape the real world where the 1% just get everything handed to them, and its made super hard for the rest of us, to get them to pay. Having a daily reminder of it is way too much.

    This is hilarious. Unless you are serious, in which case it is just sad and pathetic.
  • Davey1983 wrote: »
    Well Shan, I thnk you finally got me to quit. I play this game to escape the real world where the 1% just get everything handed to them, and its made super hard for the rest of us, to get them to pay. Having a daily reminder of it is way too much.

    This is hilarious. Unless you are serious, in which case it is just sad and pathetic.

    You find the concept of standards hilarious? How pathetic.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Davey1983 wrote: »
    Well Shan, I thnk you finally got me to quit. I play this game to escape the real world where the 1% just get everything handed to them, and its made super hard for the rest of us, to get them to pay. Having a daily reminder of it is way too much.

    This is hilarious. Unless you are serious, in which case it is just sad and pathetic.

    You find the concept of standards hilarious? How pathetic.

    You complain that in the real world it's hard to get the 1% to pay, and then object to being reminded of an aspect in the game that is explicitly getting them to pay.
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    robownage wrote: »
    Well Shan, I thnk you finally got me to quit. I play this game to escape the real world where the 1% just get everything handed to them, and its made super hard for the rest of us, to get them to pay. Having a daily reminder of it is way too much.

    I understand looking for the escape from the real world, believe me. But I'd argue in this environment, it's the opposite of the real world - here, the 1% are the ones who keep this game going so that the rest can enjoy it.

    Do you have any information showing the 1% (of top spenders?) are the ones propping up the game? I mean, you could be right, but that’s a mighty assumption.
  • V.V. ✭✭✭✭
    robownage wrote: »
    Well Shan, I thnk you finally got me to quit. I play this game to escape the real world where the 1% just get everything handed to them, and its made super hard for the rest of us, to get them to pay. Having a daily reminder of it is way too much.

    I understand looking for the escape from the real world, believe me. But I'd argue in this environment, it's the opposite of the real world - here, the 1% are the ones who keep this game going so that the rest can enjoy it.

    Do you have any information showing the 1% (of top spenders?) are the ones propping up the game? I mean, you could be right, but that’s a mighty assumption.

    yeah, it's been the business model of all these games for years now. Instead of getting 1000 people to spend 10 dollars they want 1 person to spend 10,000. It's hard to believe but it's pretty well known.
    Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, is all ancient history. Then, before you can blink an eye, suddenly, it threatens to start all over again."
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    V. wrote: »
    robownage wrote: »
    Well Shan, I thnk you finally got me to quit. I play this game to escape the real world where the 1% just get everything handed to them, and its made super hard for the rest of us, to get them to pay. Having a daily reminder of it is way too much.

    I understand looking for the escape from the real world, believe me. But I'd argue in this environment, it's the opposite of the real world - here, the 1% are the ones who keep this game going so that the rest can enjoy it.

    Do you have any information showing the 1% (of top spenders?) are the ones propping up the game? I mean, you could be right, but that’s a mighty assumption.

    yeah, it's been the business model of all these games for years now. Instead of getting 1000 people to spend 10 dollars they want 1 person to spend 10,000. It's hard to believe but it's pretty well known.

    Or 1000 people spending 100?

    I know where you’re coming from and everyone states this as fact, well known, it’s the way freemium games work, etc.. I’m just curious to read any public information proving this for Timelines, or a good analysis in general on business models for freemium games.
  • thought it was great nice to get something without having to pay , be nice to see a weekly or monthly reoccurence
  • Yes I like the campaigns need more and a little shorter and thanks for listening to all of about the Enterprise E.
  • I have to say that I like the idea.
    All in all I’d say it’s a well rounded idea, I love the fact that you can get a 5*. Also it’s nice that you are not forced to have to complete all daily’s to collect the final campaign reward. I would say that it’s probably not a good idea to have the same crew as a reward 4 or 5 weeks in a row as that will put off everyone who has said crew Ff’d.
  • I have to say that I like the idea.
    All in all I’d say it’s a well rounded idea, I love the fact that you can get a 5*. Also it’s nice that you are not forced to have to complete all daily’s to collect the final campaign reward. I would say that it’s probably not a good idea to have the same crew as a reward 4 or 5 weeks in a row as that will put off everyone who has said crew Ff’d.

    Having a 4 star and a 5 star as the final reward has its problems. Two new crew to find room for every week? And if they keep on with the same crew until we all get them FF is that making it too easy?

    If you already have the crew FF 'd (I had Sheriff Worf already frozen) then its worth it for the Honour Points.
  • AviTrek wrote: »
    Davey1983 wrote: »
    Well Shan, I thnk you finally got me to quit. I play this game to escape the real world where the 1% just get everything handed to them, and its made super hard for the rest of us, to get them to pay. Having a daily reminder of it is way too much.

    This is hilarious. Unless you are serious, in which case it is just sad and pathetic.

    You find the concept of standards hilarious? How pathetic.

    You complain that in the real world it's hard to get the 1% to pay, and then object to being reminded of an aspect in the game that is explicitly getting them to pay.
    ....that was your takeaway? .......wow.
  • Noticeable that the feedback/survey didn't ask about possible price points (assuming I just didn't miss the question) nor about frequency/length of campaigns.

    I did suggest adding honor among the rewards, though I still think asking for a citation would increase the premium price too much given how much DB (over)values honor/citations.
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thank you for all the feedback, we are also doing a survey , please take a few minutes to complete it.

    The link to the survey is also available in-game, via the MOTD.

    Thank you!
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