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Free Butter for Some & Not All?



  • No butter for me aswell, stale bread again tonight lol
  •  Bri Bri ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Sooooo to send a ticket or not. I’m thinking about getting one in before the deluge.
  • Paladin 27 wrote: »
    Why not then just give everyone one free 5* citation for this mess up if they cannot tell who received them?

    Global compensation really does nothing. The players who got an extra Kirk still have an extra Kirk.

    Or two. Or three, with said citation idea.

    P.S., still waiting for my Kirk.

  • HaBlackHaBlack ✭✭✭✭✭
    No Kirk so far.
    PlayingSince: 2016-09-16Can we get some more characters from TAS?We finally have Caitians in the game!Character wishlist:
    • Lieutenant M'Ress - got her
    • Amanda Rogers - got her
    • Admiral S'rrel from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - not in the game yet
    • Agmar - not in the game yet
    • M'yra - not in the game yet
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I’d be happy to take two more stars to finish mine...one would be okay and I can get by with none - he’s farther down on my citation list.
  • Only one member of my fleet has received ButterBoy.
    Admiral of the Inner Planets Alliance fleets
  • Why not then just give everyone one free 5* citation for this mess up if they cannot tell who received them?

    A 5* cite does nothing for ppl who have no survivalist kirk to cite.
    Those who did not receive one or two copies, ( reports of 1/5 and 2/5 have been made) can be identified if a ticket is sent. They will check your acct to verify you did not get the ingame mail. That is how they can tell. If u dont send a ticket you are SOL up creeks without paddles.
    HOWEVER they have said nothing on the matter as of this time. So sending tickets prematurely without DB confirming fair compensation by ticket process is likely to be a waste of time.
  • SoupKitchen RikerSoupKitchen Riker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    Why not then just give everyone one free 5* citation for this mess up if they cannot tell who received them?

    A 5* cite does nothing for ppl who have no survivalist kirk to cite.
    Those who did not receive one or two copies, ( reports of 1/5 and 2/5 have been made) can be identified if a ticket is sent. They will check your acct to verify you did not get the ingame mail. That is how they can tell. If u dont send a ticket you are SOL up creeks without paddles.
    HOWEVER they have said nothing on the matter as of this time. So sending tickets prematurely without DB confirming fair compensation by ticket process is likely to be a waste of time.

    In an electronic game with servers, they must have a way to see where items are sent. Whether CS has access to that technology is the question.

    I see sending a ticket one of two ways. One, a validation of a concern on the part of a consumer, or as Mirrorverse Jc points out, (2) a potential waste of time that clogs up the system as others hopefully investigate the identified blunder (which assumes CS takes part in that process).

    And, if the mistake is a specific character, then a 5* citation is not warranted. Whether I have Amish Kirk or not, that is the alleged mistake.

    At any rate, we will hear something at some point...maybe? lol
    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    I do have to say out of all the DB mess ups, and there have been a few;) I think I am least upset by this one? Maybe I underestimate the impact. But I don't really see db having done anything horrible besides making a mistake, which was unintentional.

    Of course, how Db handles it now, that is what matters. I do think like some of my fellows that a global compensation is rather pointless as it basically negates itself. If there is anyway for them to determine who got what and balance that, it would be the most fair way to go, and thats coming from someone who got the kirk.
  • Daily players from my fleet got one. Not everyone though. I guess we should wait for an official response before getting the pitchforks out. I’d love a second Kirk though
  • I mean, it's free stuff, sure. But randomly sending freebies to some for whatever reason isn't going to buy DB any friends. Unless they start doing this randomly on a regular basis
  • KatlaKatla ✭✭✭
    DB was keen to give money back on Annorax. They value the card more than the money.
    We're not getting Kirk.
  • MirrorMartiganMirrorMartigan ✭✭✭✭
    edited July 2019
    The issue for me is once again certain people are getting something without earning it (as was the case with Pentafore Data). You play an event tou reach a certain rank you get the reward. Simple. However some people who did not reach said rank and even ranked at the very bottom got said Data, who was to be event crew for the following event. So the players who rightly earned him have an advantage and justly so. However the bottom of the barrel ranked players have recieved him due to error and now those that were caught in the middle have NOTHING. It's an unfair advantage given to a select few that were not able achieve the rank to earn that Data.

    Fast forward to this weekend. People are mysteriously getting a Kirk that was previously offered in a Tuesday exclusive pack (if memory is working correctly I'm sure someone will point out I'd I am mistaken and I thank them for the correction as to how Kirk became available). IF it was to entice people to return to the game that haven't played in X amount of months then I wouldn't have a problem. The problem here lies in the fact that people who have been playing regularly have recieved him duty whatever the circumstances are and others who play just as regularly are left out in the cold once again, just like with Pentafore Data.
  • It escapes me why everyone is that upset about what someone else gets. I am just sincerely happy for them. My pleasure playing the game is derived solely from the way I play this game, and what someone else gets or doesn't get doesn't affect that. I haven't got that Kirk yet, but I will someday somehow simply by playing. Would you all be so upset if you hadn't read about this?
    I don't see any reason for DB to compensate the community at large.

    /me ducks to avoid the flames.

    I hear you !

    I had the same thoughts about that, why are people some damned upset because other people getting a present? In our fleet our maybe strongest player got him and the only thing I did was to make a joke about that in the fleet chat and then to congratulate him. Should I be angry? Why?

    Nobody wins an event because of a free Kirk he is getting, nobody beats me in the gauntlet because of this free Kirk, be glad for them that they were lucky, next time its maybe you or me.

    And as Emperor Borg Drone already said, the annoying part are the people complaining about it long and loud in the forum, and then they want to have more free stuff. Is that what makes you happy? A free card? A datafile that disappears when this game gets closed? Come on, go out and get a life!
  • So, did anyone ever find out exactly why some people got Survivalist Kirk and some, such as myself, did not? This seems like such an odd thing to happen.
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    So, did anyone ever find out exactly why some people got Survivalist Kirk and some, such as myself, did not? This seems like such an odd thing to happen.

    A screw up by DB. But it happened so late on Friday that DB hasn't addressed it or decided what to do.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    So, did anyone ever find out exactly why some people got Survivalist Kirk and some, such as myself, did not? This seems like such an odd thing to happen.

    A screw up by DB. But it happened so late on Friday that DB hasn't addressed it or decided what to do.

    That’s never stopped people from breaking out the torches & pitchforks early, though, now has it? >:)
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's all RNG, even meta-stuff like this
  • How will DB fix this (if at all). Will DB get any more money from me? Maybe not.....
  • DB certainly have a strange business model. I wonder why I give them my money when I'm constantly treated like a second class customer with examples like this.
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