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What Is On Your STT Bucket List?



  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sharon is one of the coolest characters ever

  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Well, cleared two this event, reached level 99 and immortal # 600...only thing left is #1 in an event and I have no desire to spend to do that. Our base is 17 months old and level 120, so I guess pushing it up to max is all that is left until DB raises the bar or releases new features.


    You don’t have to spend to win a galaxy

    Just curious, have you won a galaxy event?
    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
  • *Nomad* {PoF}*Nomad* {PoF} ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Well, cleared two this event, reached level 99 and immortal # 600...only thing left is #1 in an event and I have no desire to spend to do that. Our base is 17 months old and level 120, so I guess pushing it up to max is all that is left until DB raises the bar or releases new features.


    You don’t have to spend to win a galaxy

    Just curious, have you won a galaxy event?

    I have


    Fantastic!! :smiley:
    Founding ADM - PoF family of fleets (POF, POF2 & POF3) - Dear TP: Non sequitur. Your facts are uncoordinated.
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    OK, now it's to hit the big prize in Dabo. Two spins a day for over three years and it has yet to happen...
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    OK, now it's to hit the big prize in Dabo. Two spins a day for over three years and it has yet to happen...

    They should make it so that you hit it at least every year on your STT anniversary. I’ve hit it twice on the 5000 credit spin. Once was OO Garak, the other was Lissan

  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    OK, now it's to hit the big prize in Dabo. Two spins a day for over three years and it has yet to happen...

    They should make it so that you hit it at least every year on your STT anniversary. I’ve hit it twice on the 5000 credit spin. Once was OO Garak, the other was Lissan

    You lucky dog
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2019
    Updated goals . . .

    1. Get a copy of Commodore Matt Decker and make him my in-game avatar.

    2. Finish remaining skill-reward collections --
    a. Spit & Bailing Wire (Jury Rigger) - now at 22/25
    b. A New Challenger Approaches (Gauntlet Legendaries) - now at 2/4 (Guinan, Caretaker immortalized; Locutus and Armus both at 2/5)

    3. Immortalize a legendary version of all the captains -- (Sisko, Picard, Janeway, Burnham all done; still need Kirk and Archer)

    4. Immortalize a legendary of every top-two skill set: - 19/30 complete

    - CMD-DIP (Borg Queen)
    - CMD-SCI (First Officer Burnham; Timekeeper Tenavik; Captain Spock)
    - CMD-SEC (Mirror Picard)
    - DIP-CMD (Professor Sato; Zhian'tara Odo)
    - DIP-ENG (Bridge Officer Number One)
    - DIP-MED (Bartender Guinan)
    - ENG-CMD (Ru'afo; Assimilated LaForge)
    - ENG-SEC (Determined Janeway)
    - ENG-DIP (Etana Jol)
    - ENG-SCI (Caretaker)
    - SEC-CMD (High-Roller Sisko; Falcon O'Brien; Kortar)
    - SEC-DIP (Covert Operative Leland)
    - MED-CMD (Dr Pollard)
    - MED-SEC (Warship EMA)
    - MED-DIP (Prisoner Katrina Cornwell; Bell Riots Bashir)
    - MED-SCI (Q as God)
    - SCI-ENG (Leonardo da Vinci; Protomorphosis Barclay)
    - SCI-CMD (Assimilated Janeway)
    - SCI-DIP (Surak)

    - CMD-ENG (Plan is to cite up Braxton)
    - CMD-MED (No option available)
    - DIP-SEC (Plan is to cite up Quinn or Dahar Master Kang) - now at 2/5
    - DIP-SCI (Plan is to add stars to Evolved Janeway) - now at 2/5
    - ENG-MED (Hoping for the White Rabbit to come my way)
    - SEC-SCI (Plan is to cite up Gladiator Spock or Klingon Janeway)
    - SEC-MED (Plan is to cite up Tactical Officer Neelix)
    - SEC-ENG (Plan is to cite up Saboteur Garak or Ba'ul)
    - MED-ENG (Hoping for Imprinted Archer or a new crew with better stats to come my way)
    - SCI-MED (Plan is to cite up The Keeper or Amanda Rogers)
    - SCI-SEC (Plan is to cite up Away Team Saru or hope for Gary Seven to come my way)
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ok, check that one off the bucket list!
    Yes a 5* behold from a credit pull! Now just to win the Powerball...

    Two strokes of luck in one pull!
  • Get and imortlaise....DISCOVERY JANEWAY!!
  • Still waiting for 5* Shran...

    I was lucky enough to get him to drop last sunday....3 years after getting ushaan Archer. Stats are a bit meh now though with power creep. tough chouce though as it was him, ev suit Seven and assimilated Hawk. Went with shran to get the full battle pic of him and archer on my bridge images
  • My big goal is to get at least one 5/5 variant for every main cast member* of each series.
    Not much progress but getting there. A number of 4/5 and 3/5 are slowly getting there.
    (It doesn't help that I have a fear of adding the 5th star using a citation when they are in the portal pool.)

    Only a few complete so far...
    Captain Spock

    Mirror JLP / Locutus
    Commander Troi

    High Roller Sisko
    Honey Bare Jadzia

    Determined Janeway

    Professor Sato
  • My big goal is to get at least one 5/5 variant for every main cast member* of each series.
    Not much progress but getting there. A number of 4/5 and 3/5 are slowly getting there.
    (It doesn't help that I have a fear of adding the 5th star using a citation when they are in the portal pool.)

    Only a few complete so far...
    Captain Spock

    Mirror JLP / Locutus
    Commander Troi

    High Roller Sisko
    Honey Bare Jadzia

    Determined Janeway

    Professor Sato

    Interesting idea, @CMO Zoidberg! I don't have enough and don't get 5*'s often enough that I'll undertake it. I might make completing DS9 main cast a project, though. I've already got High Roller Sisko, Jazz Musician Odo, and Bell Riots Bashir. (This is the part where I point out yet again that there's no 5* Ezri and that her only variant after the game launched was added in October, 2016.)
  • Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Final game goal achieved


    I'm both happy, and sad for you!
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Final game goal achieved


    I'm both happy, and sad for you!

    And I totally understand why you say that

  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    My current project is completing all the Collections, I'd guess I'm beyond 90% and on the homestretch (seriously, I have a ton of respect for anybody with Spit and Bailing Wire at 25/25).

    After that, I will shift to my second goal, immortalizing all the Janeways. Hard to say how far away I am as I'm missing a couple 5* Janeways and cannot control when I get them, but having Evolved Janeway immortalized is big help as she is probably the most difficult.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    My current project is completing all the Collections, I'd guess I'm beyond 90% and on the homestretch (seriously, I have a ton of respect for anybody with Spit and Bailing Wire at 25/25).

    After that, I will shift to my second goal, immortalizing all the Janeways. Hard to say how far away I am as I'm missing a couple 5* Janeways and cannot control when I get them, but having Evolved Janeway immortalized is big help as she is probably the most difficult.

    Perhaps I am missing something because I didn’t see that episode but to me she looks like de-evolved Janeway
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    My current project is completing all the Collections, I'd guess I'm beyond 90% and on the homestretch (seriously, I have a ton of respect for anybody with Spit and Bailing Wire at 25/25).

    After that, I will shift to my second goal, immortalizing all the Janeways. Hard to say how far away I am as I'm missing a couple 5* Janeways and cannot control when I get them, but having Evolved Janeway immortalized is big help as she is probably the most difficult.

    Perhaps I am missing something because I didn’t see that episode but to me she looks like de-evolved Janeway

    She looks like that but in the episode they are evolving further not back. Stupid crap if you ask me...
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • Banjo1012 wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    My current project is completing all the Collections, I'd guess I'm beyond 90% and on the homestretch (seriously, I have a ton of respect for anybody with Spit and Bailing Wire at 25/25).

    After that, I will shift to my second goal, immortalizing all the Janeways. Hard to say how far away I am as I'm missing a couple 5* Janeways and cannot control when I get them, but having Evolved Janeway immortalized is big help as she is probably the most difficult.

    Perhaps I am missing something because I didn’t see that episode but to me she looks like de-evolved Janeway

    She looks like that but in the episode they are evolving further not back. Stupid crap if you ask me...

    And her and "evolved" Paris are only on screen for like 5 seconds.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Banjo1012 wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    My current project is completing all the Collections, I'd guess I'm beyond 90% and on the homestretch (seriously, I have a ton of respect for anybody with Spit and Bailing Wire at 25/25).

    After that, I will shift to my second goal, immortalizing all the Janeways. Hard to say how far away I am as I'm missing a couple 5* Janeways and cannot control when I get them, but having Evolved Janeway immortalized is big help as she is probably the most difficult.

    Perhaps I am missing something because I didn’t see that episode but to me she looks like de-evolved Janeway

    She looks like that but in the episode they are evolving further not back. Stupid crap if you ask me...

    And her and "evolved" Paris are only on screen for like 5 seconds.

    It was the single dumbest moment in the history of the franchise, so I can understand the confusion.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Guess I’m not missing anything then
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    My current project is completing all the Collections, I'd guess I'm beyond 90% and on the homestretch (seriously, I have a ton of respect for anybody with Spit and Bailing Wire at 25/25).

    Thanks to the new 4*s over the last handful of events, finishing this collection now only requires one immortal legendary crew, which for a lot of people can be Determined Janeway. Anyone starting after the Survivalist mega still has a tough road to completion but it’s getting better than it was.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    My current project is completing all the Collections, I'd guess I'm beyond 90% and on the homestretch (seriously, I have a ton of respect for anybody with Spit and Bailing Wire at 25/25).

    Thanks to the new 4*s over the last handful of events, finishing this collection now only requires one immortal legendary crew, which for a lot of people can be Determined Janeway. Anyone starting after the Survivalist mega still has a tough road to completion but it’s getting better than it was.

    I'm at 22/25 currently, with RAF Miles O'Brien and Determined Janeway among the 22. I have Smuggler Kasidy Yates (3/4), Mirror Tucker (3/4), and Dr. David Marcus (1/4) all level 100 FE and awaiting citations, and North Star Tucker (3/5) level 100 FE as my current project, and who should be immortalized in no more than 2 weeks from now, so Spit and Bailing Wire is going to happen soon.

    Then the tricky part will be citing up random 5* crew to hit all those other Collections, like Bride of Chaotica, although this current campaign will help me complete The Big Goodbye, and North Star Tucker will also get me The Wild West, so then it will just be one-ofs for things like Sherwood Forest and the like.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    My current project is completing all the Collections, I'd guess I'm beyond 90% and on the homestretch (seriously, I have a ton of respect for anybody with Spit and Bailing Wire at 25/25).

    Thanks to the new 4*s over the last handful of events, finishing this collection now only requires one immortal legendary crew, which for a lot of people can be Determined Janeway. Anyone starting after the Survivalist mega still has a tough road to completion but it’s getting better than it was.

    I'm at 22/25 currently, with RAF Miles O'Brien and Determined Janeway among the 22. I have Smuggler Kasidy Yates (3/4), Mirror Tucker (3/4), and Dr. David Marcus (1/4) all level 100 FE and awaiting citations, and North Star Tucker (3/5) level 100 FE as my current project, and who should be immortalized in no more than 2 weeks from now, so Spit and Bailing Wire is going to happen soon.

    Then the tricky part will be citing up random 5* crew to hit all those other Collections, like Bride of Chaotica, although this current campaign will help me complete The Big Goodbye, and North Star Tucker will also get me The Wild West, so then it will just be one-ofs for things like Sherwood Forest and the like.

    I was looking through my own vanity collections and have to agree completely about it being tricky. Even in the collections where I have everyone at least at one star (Wild West and Our Man Bashir) I just can’t fathom using that many citations to finish them, and waiting for beholds will be an exercise in patience.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    My current project is completing all the Collections, I'd guess I'm beyond 90% and on the homestretch (seriously, I have a ton of respect for anybody with Spit and Bailing Wire at 25/25).

    Thanks to the new 4*s over the last handful of events, finishing this collection now only requires one immortal legendary crew, which for a lot of people can be Determined Janeway. Anyone starting after the Survivalist mega still has a tough road to completion but it’s getting better than it was.

    I'm at 22/25 currently, with RAF Miles O'Brien and Determined Janeway among the 22. I have Smuggler Kasidy Yates (3/4), Mirror Tucker (3/4), and Dr. David Marcus (1/4) all level 100 FE and awaiting citations, and North Star Tucker (3/5) level 100 FE as my current project, and who should be immortalized in no more than 2 weeks from now, so Spit and Bailing Wire is going to happen soon.

    Then the tricky part will be citing up random 5* crew to hit all those other Collections, like Bride of Chaotica, although this current campaign will help me complete The Big Goodbye, and North Star Tucker will also get me The Wild West, so then it will just be one-ofs for things like Sherwood Forest and the like.

    I was looking through my own vanity collections and have to agree completely about it being tricky. Even in the collections where I have everyone at least at one star (Wild West and Our Man Bashir) I just can’t fathom using that many citations to finish them, and waiting for beholds will be an exercise in patience.

    The trick I think is to mentally make these a priority. Assuming you have nothing else pressing that MUST be done, then working on those crew for vanity Collections is not hurting you. I'm basically at that point, so I've set completing Collections as my top priority, which takes 100% of the sting out of using four citations for Merry Men Crusher.
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2019
    Flemming wrote: »
    My current next achievement, Fully Equipping all of my crew. (I'm down to 10 not fully equipped in my total crew of 625 collected)

    Achievement Unlocked!

    Now how to keep my Equipment threshold under 1000
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    My current project is completing all the Collections, I'd guess I'm beyond 90% and on the homestretch (seriously, I have a ton of respect for anybody with Spit and Bailing Wire at 25/25).

    Thanks to the new 4*s over the last handful of events, finishing this collection now only requires one immortal legendary crew, which for a lot of people can be Determined Janeway. Anyone starting after the Survivalist mega still has a tough road to completion but it’s getting better than it was.

    I'm at 22/25 currently, with RAF Miles O'Brien and Determined Janeway among the 22. I have Smuggler Kasidy Yates (3/4), Mirror Tucker (3/4), and Dr. David Marcus (1/4) all level 100 FE and awaiting citations, and North Star Tucker (3/5) level 100 FE as my current project, and who should be immortalized in no more than 2 weeks from now, so Spit and Bailing Wire is going to happen soon.

    Then the tricky part will be citing up random 5* crew to hit all those other Collections, like Bride of Chaotica, although this current campaign will help me complete The Big Goodbye, and North Star Tucker will also get me The Wild West, so then it will just be one-ofs for things like Sherwood Forest and the like.

    Immortalize RAF Miles O'Brien. He is in two collections including the jury rigger collection and the holodeck enthusiast collection which gives you a Janeway. O'Brien is also event related crew this week and will give bonus.
    Let’s fly!
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