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What Is On Your STT Bucket List?



  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    My current project is completing all the Collections, I'd guess I'm beyond 90% and on the homestretch (seriously, I have a ton of respect for anybody with Spit and Bailing Wire at 25/25).

    Thanks to the new 4*s over the last handful of events, finishing this collection now only requires one immortal legendary crew, which for a lot of people can be Determined Janeway. Anyone starting after the Survivalist mega still has a tough road to completion but it’s getting better than it was.

    I'm at 22/25 currently, with RAF Miles O'Brien and Determined Janeway among the 22. I have Smuggler Kasidy Yates (3/4), Mirror Tucker (3/4), and Dr. David Marcus (1/4) all level 100 FE and awaiting citations, and North Star Tucker (3/5) level 100 FE as my current project, and who should be immortalized in no more than 2 weeks from now, so Spit and Bailing Wire is going to happen soon.

    Then the tricky part will be citing up random 5* crew to hit all those other Collections, like Bride of Chaotica, although this current campaign will help me complete The Big Goodbye, and North Star Tucker will also get me The Wild West, so then it will just be one-ofs for things like Sherwood Forest and the like.

    Immortalize RAF Miles O'Brien. He is in two collections including the jury rigger collection and the holodeck enthusiast collection which gives you a Janeway. O'Brien is also event related crew this week and will give bonus.

    He is immortalized.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    My current project is completing all the Collections, I'd guess I'm beyond 90% and on the homestretch (seriously, I have a ton of respect for anybody with Spit and Bailing Wire at 25/25).

    Thanks to the new 4*s over the last handful of events, finishing this collection now only requires one immortal legendary crew, which for a lot of people can be Determined Janeway. Anyone starting after the Survivalist mega still has a tough road to completion but it’s getting better than it was.

    I'm at 22/25 currently, with RAF Miles O'Brien and Determined Janeway among the 22. I have Smuggler Kasidy Yates (3/4), Mirror Tucker (3/4), and Dr. David Marcus (1/4) all level 100 FE and awaiting citations, and North Star Tucker (3/5) level 100 FE as my current project, and who should be immortalized in no more than 2 weeks from now, so Spit and Bailing Wire is going to happen soon.

    Then the tricky part will be citing up random 5* crew to hit all those other Collections, like Bride of Chaotica, although this current campaign will help me complete The Big Goodbye, and North Star Tucker will also get me The Wild West, so then it will just be one-ofs for things like Sherwood Forest and the like.

    I was looking through my own vanity collections and have to agree completely about it being tricky. Even in the collections where I have everyone at least at one star (Wild West and Our Man Bashir) I just can’t fathom using that many citations to finish them, and waiting for beholds will be an exercise in patience.

    The trick I think is to mentally make these a priority. Assuming you have nothing else pressing that MUST be done, then working on those crew for vanity Collections is not hurting you. I'm basically at that point, so I've set completing Collections as my top priority, which takes 100% of the sting out of using four citations for Merry Men Crusher.

    I’ve got a couple voyage skill pairs to improve and, barring a surprise addition of new crew, then I suppose collections will be the next thing to work on. Fortunately for me, Merry Men Crusher would satisfy both of those requirements. :)
    ByloBand wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    My current project is completing all the Collections, I'd guess I'm beyond 90% and on the homestretch (seriously, I have a ton of respect for anybody with Spit and Bailing Wire at 25/25).

    Thanks to the new 4*s over the last handful of events, finishing this collection now only requires one immortal legendary crew, which for a lot of people can be Determined Janeway. Anyone starting after the Survivalist mega still has a tough road to completion but it’s getting better than it was.

    I'm at 22/25 currently, with RAF Miles O'Brien and Determined Janeway among the 22. I have Smuggler Kasidy Yates (3/4), Mirror Tucker (3/4), and Dr. David Marcus (1/4) all level 100 FE and awaiting citations, and North Star Tucker (3/5) level 100 FE as my current project, and who should be immortalized in no more than 2 weeks from now, so Spit and Bailing Wire is going to happen soon.

    Then the tricky part will be citing up random 5* crew to hit all those other Collections, like Bride of Chaotica, although this current campaign will help me complete The Big Goodbye, and North Star Tucker will also get me The Wild West, so then it will just be one-ofs for things like Sherwood Forest and the like.

    Immortalize RAF Miles O'Brien. He is in two collections including the jury rigger collection and the holodeck enthusiast collection which gives you a Janeway. O'Brien is also event related crew this week and will give bonus.

    Can confirm that this would be a smart move - RAF O’Brien was the second crew I immortalized with citations and he has been phenomenal since then. A routine voyager, viable shuttle ace (even with a wealth of other engineers available), and as a bonus he is supremely valuable in events...for example, he did almost all of the work for me during the Expedition part of the Pilot mega event, much more than the actual event crew.

    For this week, we’ll have to see what Torchbearer Tyler’s stats are but for right now RAF O’Brien is my #1 ENG, #1 COM, #1 COM/SEC, #1 COM/ENG, #1 COM/SCI, #3 COM/MED, #4 DIP/ENG, #5 SCI/ENG, #2 SEC/ENG, and #3 ENG/MED shuttle crew for this event. Tyler will probably steal at least three of those by 3/4*, of course, and I would be surprised if there were many SCI or MED slots given the almost total lack of those skills among Archers/Tylers/O’Briens...still, that is a phenomenal amount of flexibility for what is somewhat of an older crew.
  • This week I immortalized my last three star crew, and completed my last three star ship.

    My current focus is immortalizing a (non-mega) legendary for each skill. I've got two down, and I'm nearly done with my third.
    Six degrees in Inter-species Veterinary Medicine. Treating all manner of critters, from Tribbles to Humans.

  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Oh yeah, I forgot one; I will not rest until I have a copy of Locutus.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Oh yeah, I forgot one; I will not rest until I have a copy of Locutus.

    He was the last card I didn’t have and wanted so I blitzed gauntlet for a while to get to 20,090 rounds

  • Em CamEm Cam ✭✭✭
    Getting a Legendary from Merit pull.

    Greetings, "normal yield for Merit pull: 125 honor"
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Em Cam wrote: »
    Getting a Legendary from Merit pull.

    Greetings, "normal yield for Merit pull: 125 honor"

    It will happen. It’s not totally uncommon.

  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Em Cam wrote: »
    Getting a Legendary from Merit pull.

    Greetings, "normal yield for Merit pull: 125 honor"

    It will happen. It’s not totally uncommon.

    Sadly though it is more common to have three greys instead of one gold.
    Let’s fly!
  • As I'm making my way through a complete* Voyage, it occurs to me that I ought to retroactively put that on my STT bucket list.

    *Minus three Part 2's I don't need.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2019

    So close to 11 hrs. But do not worry, I can rebuild it, I have the technology.

    Let’s fly!
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭

    So close to 11 hrs. But do not worry, I can rebuild it, I have the technology.

    Just a little more engineering prolly would have got you there

  • Banjo1012 wrote: »
    For me it’s, as I’m sure everyone knows by now, an 11 hour voyage. Secondly it’s reaching Captain Level 99.

    I would like to see an extra room added to our starbases to add 15-25 crew cabins.
  • CB4_V'ger wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    For me it’s, as I’m sure everyone knows by now, an 11 hour voyage. Secondly it’s reaching Captain Level 99.

    I would like to see an extra room added to our starbases to add 15-25 crew cabins.

    While that's a great idea, I'm not sure how that's a personal goal for you (unless you are secretly on the DB developer team?) :D

    I have another personal "bucket list" item – to win the game! :smile:
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Captain IdolCaptain Idol ✭✭✭✭✭
    Start writing more guides and sheets until Timelines 2 comes out.
  • eXo | das411eXo | das411 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My goal of sending out an all-TMP voyage just got a bit closer today! :wink:
  • As I'm making my way through a complete* Voyage, it occurs to me that I ought to retroactively put that on my STT bucket list.

    *Minus three Part 2's I don't need.

    I completed everything except the three Part 2's I didn't need and one of the 30 Honor/2* crew level dilemmas that wasn't worth a 29th revival token. I'm counting it as close enough and marking this off my to-do list.
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2019
    ByloBand wrote: »
    Don't think I named it as an official bucket list, but last night after an hour of pouring over my roster and several botched attempts, I finally managed to complete the galaxy map! Took me forever to get those final 2 nodes on elite Mudd's Enterprise (chapter 9), I went through multiple sheets of paper trying to find a combo capable of completing it.


    Grats on that, this is really a remarkable accomplishment. I still lack some tricky nodes.

    Your map looked somewhat strange to me until I realized that you made all but one faction choices the other way around. Funny!


    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Crossed one off of my list, after almost 3 years of playing. 🖖


    Most excellent!!

  • Right now my bucket list is reduced to adding Arachnia and Surgeon Pulaski to my crew.
    I've managed to pull some of the other cards that I wanted out of begolds (including Da Vinci) but I've also generally lost interest in it.
    The fact that I keep throwing all of my dilithium at the "They came from the holodeck" packs only to get every crew in it except for Arachnia is not helping :# I will probably have an immortal Chaotica by the time I finally rage quit and he will be as useful at 5/5 as he is at 0/5 :#

    I've also reached some sort of plateau, where I know that I could still make progress in many areas of the game, but I don't really see the point of it. In voyages, I can technically reach 10 hours on most skill combinations, except for some of those including MED or ENG. But I don't really need the stuff that I get out of voyages anyway, so 8 hours or 10 hours or abandoning the voyage makes no difference most of the time. With the crew and resources I have accumulated, I can reach top 1500 in every event I want to, but mostly I don't see the point of adding another 1/5* to my crew.

    Immortalizing all 4* has become an impossible goal for me, since they are now regularly added in Tuesday packs.

    I really hope that the new bonus system that was mentioned some time ago will bring back my interest, because I'd like to keep playing until I reach lv 99, but right now it looks unlikely :(
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    It's a New Year, so time for an update of my bucket list. I hope others will update theirs as well -- this thread is a favorite of mine. It's fun to track my own progress and to see how others are playing the game.

    Some achievements from 2019:
    1. Now able to achieve 10-hour voyages at least 50% of the time, maybe more.
    2. Completed Spit & Bailing Wire (Jury Rigger) Collection.
    3. Won copies of Locutus and Armus -- both now at 4/5.
    4. Made officer in a top 5 fleet (Go Starship Trista!)
    5. Total unique immortalized crew passed 450.
    6. Total level 10 starships increased to 10.
    7. Total immortalized legendary crew increased to 29, with 20 different top-two skill sets covered:
    - CMD-DIP (Borg Queen)
    - CMD-SCI (First Officer Burnham; Timekeeper Tenavik; Captain Spock)
    - CMD-SEC (Mirror Picard, Garth of Izar)
    - DIP-CMD (Professor Sato; Zhian'tara Odo)
    - DIP-ENG (Bridge Officer Number One)
    - DIP-MED (Bartender Guinan)
    - ENG-CMD (Ru'afo; Assimilated LaForge)
    - ENG-SEC (Determined Janeway)
    - ENG-DIP (Etana Jol)
    - ENG-SCI (Caretaker)
    - SEC-CMD (High-Roller Sisko; Falcon O'Brien; Kortar)
    - SEC-DIP (Covert Operative Leland)
    - SEC-SCI (Gladiator Spock)
    - MED-CMD (Dr Pollard)
    - MED-SEC (Warship EMA)
    - MED-DIP (Prisoner Katrina Cornwell; Bell Riots Bashir)
    - MED-SCI (Q as God)
    - SCI-ENG (Leonardo da Vinci; Protomorphosis Barclay)
    - SCI-CMD (Assimilated Janeway)
    - SCI-DIP (Surak)

    Goals for 2020:

    1. Get a copy of Commodore Matt Decker and make him my in-game avatar.

    2. Finish in the Top 25 in an event.

    3. Finish "A New Challenger Approaches" Collection (Gauntlet Legendaries) - now at 2/4 (Guinan, Caretaker immortalized; Locutus and Armus both at 4/5)

    4. Immortalize a legendary version of all the captains -- (Sisko, Picard, Janeway, Burnham all done; still need Kirk and Archer)

    5. Obtain and immortalize Indulgent Seven (I have a copy of the Mobile Doctor, but still looking for a copy of Indignant Seven).

    6. Obtain and improve to Level 10 a starship with every trait. Traits still needed:

    - Maquis (none available)
    - Romulan (Valdore now at Level 8)
    - Andorian (Kumari now at Level 9)
    - Orion (Orion Interceptor now at Level 9)
    - Spore drive (Discovery now at Level 8)
    - Xindi (Xindi-Insectoid now at Level 8)
    - Reman (Scimitar now at Level 8)
    - Hologram (Proton's ship now at Level 8)
    - Vulcan (Ni'Var now at Level 9)
    - Dominion (Jem'Hadar Flagship now at Level 3)
    - Breen (Breen Command Ship now at Level 9)
    - Scout (Federation Fighter now at Level 4)
    - Fighter (Orion Interceptor now at Level 9)

    7. Immortalize a legendary of the following top-two skill sets, which I don't yet have: -

    - CMD-ENG (Plan is to cite up Braxton)
    - CMD-MED (No option available)
    - DIP-SEC (Plan is to cite up Quinn) - now at 2/5
    - DIP-SCI (Plan is to add stars to Evolved Janeway) - now at 2/5
    - ENG-MED (Hoping for the White Rabbit or a new crew with better stats to come my way)
    - SEC-MED (Plan is to cite up Tactical Officer Neelix or Merry Men Crusher)
    - SEC-ENG (Plan is to cite up Saboteur Garak or Ba'ul)
    - MED-ENG (Hoping for Imprinted Archer or a new crew with better stats to come my way)
    - SCI-MED (Plan is to cite up Seeking Spock or Amanda Rogers)
    - SCI-SEC (Plan is to cite up Away Team Saru or hope for Gary Seven to come my way)
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    Webberoni wrote: »
    I have a few, many of which have been mentioned by others...

    1. Consistent 10-hour voyages - I have had 2 voyages go past 10 hours, but am usually around 9.5 hours

    2. Top-5 finish in an event or actually win an event - I have had 2 top-15 finishes, but I was nearly a million points away from 5th place both times

    3. Immortalize all the 4* crew - I currently have 7 FE 4* crew that are not yet FF, and another 5 x 4* crew completely missing (2 are voyage-exclusive, 2 are binars, and the last is also pack-only)

    4. Finish all the collections - 11 collections are currently still open to some degree

    6 months later and the start of a new year...

    1. I've gotten to the point where it is a rare disappointment (or ENG/MED combo) that my voyage does not hit the 10 hour mark, so I am happy with my progress on this one.

    2. Top-5 finish or higher is still a goal, after a handful of top-15 finishes. Resources are not an issue, but finding the time to grind away at a galaxy event for 4-5 days is... some day!

    3. All 4* crew presently available from pulls are immortalized. I am still missing 2 voyage-exclusive crew and am now up to 12 other missing 4* crew, due to so many being added recently via Tuesday packs. I am also nearing 500 unique immortals (along with 100+ duplicate immortal 4* crew), which will be a fun accomplishment easily reached around the mid-point of this year.

    4. I still have 10 incomplete collections, but much progress has been made.

    5. My 5th bucket list item is clearing all the achievements, and I'm down to just 2: event rank (top-5) and captain level (92/99)
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Webberoni wrote: »
    Webberoni wrote: »
    I have a few, many of which have been mentioned by others...

    1. Consistent 10-hour voyages - I have had 2 voyages go past 10 hours, but am usually around 9.5 hours

    2. Top-5 finish in an event or actually win an event - I have had 2 top-15 finishes, but I was nearly a million points away from 5th place both times

    3. Immortalize all the 4* crew - I currently have 7 FE 4* crew that are not yet FF, and another 5 x 4* crew completely missing (2 are voyage-exclusive, 2 are binars, and the last is also pack-only)

    4. Finish all the collections - 11 collections are currently still open to some degree

    6 months later and the start of a new year...

    1. I've gotten to the point where it is a rare disappointment (or ENG/MED combo) that my voyage does not hit the 10 hour mark, so I am happy with my progress on this one.

    2. Top-5 finish or higher is still a goal, after a handful of top-15 finishes. Resources are not an issue, but finding the time to grind away at a galaxy event for 4-5 days is... some day!

    3. All 4* crew presently available from pulls are immortalized. I am still missing 2 voyage-exclusive crew and am now up to 12 other missing 4* crew, due to so many being added recently via Tuesday packs. I am also nearing 500 unique immortals (along with 100+ duplicate immortal 4* crew), which will be a fun accomplishment easily reached around the mid-point of this year.

    4. I still have 10 incomplete collections, but much progress has been made.

    5. My 5th bucket list item is clearing all the achievements, and I'm down to just 2: event rank (top-5) and captain level (92/99)

    That number 5 is awesome! You are definitely in elite company there!

  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭

    Immortalized all Gauntlet Crew
    Consistent 10 hour voyages
    11 Hour voyage
    1st place in galaxy
    1st place in hybrid
    Top 5 in Faction
    Spit and Bailing Wire
    Cleared all rare nodes on all missions
    Finally got Gary Seven!

    To go:

    Complete ships that Max out Missing Voyage Trait Boosts
    - The Scimitar: Reman (9/10)
    - Xindi patrolship: Xindi (9/10)
    - Jem'hadar Flagship: Dominion (7/10)
    - Valdore: Romulan (8/10)
    - Breen Command Ship: Breen (9/10)
    - Cpt Proton's Ship: Hologram (9/10)

    Complete Achievements (15/17)
    Lvl 99 Achievement - Currently lvl 97, just a matter of time
    Immortalized Crew - At 516 this will take a while since I don't like to duplicate crew

    Get Voyage Crew for each Skill pair to 48k total/24k top 2 - (10/15)
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    We all seem to have similar needs...I also would like to get to consistent 10 hour voyages, pick up a few white whale crew members (Sulan’s absence is now starting to stick out like a sore thumb, for example), completing the Jury Rigger collection, and getting a few select crew cited up would be nice as well.

    Mission mostly accomplished here: Sulan has been a welcome addition to my gauntlet roster, the Jury Rigger collection is done, and I have managed to get a ton of legendaries immortalized (including one of my top wish list targets in Torpedo Surgeon McCoy). Getting 10 hour voyages has been more of a slog, mostly because I pull the recall trigger with hundreds of AM left over and partly because I tend to boost my worst skill combos over supercharging my best skill combos. Even so, being able to hit 8:30-9:30 on every skill combo even during events is a good feeling.

    For 2020, I suppose my #1 goal is to work my way down the citation list I’ve assembled. I have a lot of good crew that will help me boost my voyage length and be more competitive in events that just need additional stars.

    #2 is to get lucky with landing certain crew either already in the game or not yet added. This isn’t even necessarily for raw power (I have most of the top twenty overall voyages and most of those are immortal), it’s just a personal preference thing. Doctor Chaotica, Stranded Quark, Joachim, Indulgent Seven, Conflicted Sisko, Nomad, Astrosciences Sulu, and Dark Empath Troi would all be great to have just for fun. And the list of potential future crew is quite long...Bricklayer McCoy, Polywater Kevin Riley, Landru, Dr. M’Benga, the gangsters, Janice Lester, Gary Mitchell, Mr. Leslie, Kyle...from TOS alone, it’s enough to fill one or two more mega events and that doesn’t even count Stranded Reno or Kamin or Maquis Thomas Riker or Prophet-Possessed Jake or Annika Hansen or Nanoprobe-Infected Phlox or Gunslinger Seven.

    Lastly, it would be nice to immortalize all of the ships in the game. It’s only a matter of time before all of the current 5* ships are finished; rather, I would really like to have the 2* Valdore (level 6/7) done as well. It’s completely silly that it’s harder to finish this than the actual Valdore, which I polished off I think about a month ago. Having one guaranteed 1*/2* schematics drop alongside the 2* crew drop in 10x basic packs would help with this problem, one that I imagine is much worse for players that don’t spend several million credits a month on basic portal pulls and are approaching their fourth anniversary in the game.
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    - Get the gauntlet rounds achievement ... still a ways off, but doable.

    - Finish the gauntlet collection ... only Locutus at 2/5 left.

    - Finish some of the vanity collections ... I'm one off for The Big Goodbye (Lily Sloane) and Our Man Bashir, Delphic Expanse and The Wild West are really close ... (Sherwood and Chaotica not so).

    - Make 10 hrs on all voyage combos ... at 9 of 15 ... unfortunately, this doesn't fit well with the above goal, as the good crew aren't who I have left in those collections (except lily and sphere-builder, who I don't own) ... a balancing act for citations.

    - Finish the Jem'Hadar Battleship ... the only non-5* ship I've not maxed, at 6/7.

    - Get McCoy and Worf from voyages. EDIT: Worf obtained on 27.01.20 from a 14 hr voyage, used 2 revival tokens.
  • Jenos IdanianJenos Idanian ✭✭✭✭✭
    • - Cheesecake Seven
    • - Colonel Worf
    • - Bartender Guinan
    • - Consistent 10 hour voyages (falling short on most combinations featuring MED & ENG) - average of 9.5 hours
    • - 20,000 Gauntlet rounds
    • - Finish Spit and Bailing Wire collection (20/25)
    • - Finish The Neutral Zone collection (9/10)
    • - Finish Resistance is Futile collection (9/10)
    • - Finish A New Challenger Approaches collection (0/4)
  • 2019 has gone well:

    - The starbase in our fleet is complete
    - I've reached 10 hours at least once on most skill combinations in voyages
    - I got some of the legendaries that I wanted and forgot about most of the others
    - I immortalized Cheesecake Seven
    - Finished the Jury Rigger collection

    Which means that for 2020 I'm basically left with these:

    - Reaching 10 hours at least once on every skill combination in voyages (including ENG-MED)
    - Adding Arachnia and Surgeon Pulaski to my crew
    - Reaching lv 99
    - Completing the A New Challenger Approaches collection (currently at 1/4)
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