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Captain eljay's Immortalized Crew



  • Kortar
    He's #341. He's #341
    And also IM Legendary #6.

    Woo hoo! From a single premium portal pull came a begold with Kortar, EV Suit Archer and Mintaken Riker. I still have an Archer stuffed in my mail box, but at 2/5 he is unimpressive as is Riker at 1/5, so I took the big bump in stats for Kortar.

    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • She's #342. She's #342.
    And IM Legendary #7.

    Back-to-back Legendaries. Sweet. Used a citation during her first event.

    Anyone else think her back foot hints at a more sinister identity?

    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • Doc Crusher
    She's #343. She's #343.

    Nice dame. A bit frigid though.

    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • Doc Crusher
    She's #343. She's #343.

    Nice dame. A bit frigid though.

    She’s been moderately useful for med voyages in an off skill slot.
    We are recruiting for our sister fleet, Mirror Klingon Marauders! Contact me via private message if interested
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    [KM]Videm wrote: »
    Doc Crusher
    She's #343. She's #343.

    Nice dame. A bit frigid though.

    She’s been moderately useful for med voyages in an off skill slot.

    She’s also a poor man’s substitute for Nurse Garland in the Gauntlet.
  • [KM]Videm wrote: »
    She’s been moderately useful for med voyages in an off skill slot.

    She’s also a poor man’s substitute for Nurse Garland in the Gauntlet. [/quote]

    Yep on both accounts. (That med proficiency is a real honker.) But I have gauntlet covered and several crew that fit the voyage bill better. Still, even though I think someone's going to the tank, I never actually kick them in the rear until I need the space, so if they start popping up as useful, there's always a change of orders form in my desk.
    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • Prisoner Katrina Cornwell
    She's #344. She's #344.

    Yay for the occasional (um, very occasional) begold. Saved me a citation too, as she was in the top part of my list.

    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • The Good
    -Star Trek
    -Fun with spreadsheets
    -UFP: My fleet, The United Federation of Pragmatists
    -Helpful and sharing community
    -IamPicard's STT Crew Management Tool

    The Bad
    -DB's coding skills
    -DB's communication skills
    -Not having the proper information in the game itself when it's needed. (Think away missions where we're given the base instead of the base + minimum proficiency.)

    The Ugly
    -The mind-numbing repetitive grinding that has no doubt atrophied more than a few of my brain cells
    -A game that requires me to play on its schedule rather than my schedule
    - RNG! RNG! RNG!
    -The loss of IamPicard's STT Crew Management Tool

    The Meaning
    -Retirement is fast approaching
    -I have, just last night, finally finished all the missions, which I wanted to do before leaving
    -I'd like to hit the 10-hour voyage mark without an extension so I'll stick around for a bit to see if that happens. (My last 3 voyages have all been of the 9 hour 57 minute variety! No, I'm not kidding.)
    -I'll also see if there are any other loose ends to tie up that I might feel like doing.
    -But retirement is coming sooner rather than later. I will say a final farewell as I trip over the wrench someone is going to leave by the airlock door as I toss out another Wesley just for the fun of it. (It's going to happen. I had an orb experience.)

    Thank you all for your kind friendship, support and interest in my ego thread. A special shout out to Captain Ziggy who was my inspiration.

    For completeness, here are the crew I've IM'd since my last post:
    #345 Alidar Jarok
    #346 The Clown
    #347 Edith Keeler
    #348 Anastasia Komananov
    #349 Maquis Eddington
    #350 Platonian Kirk
    #351 Colonel Karr
    #352 Undercover O'Brien
    #353 Berlinghoff Rasmussen
    #354 Dr. Gillian Taylor
    #355 Dr. David Marcus
    #356 Subcommander T'Rul
    #357 Lily Sloane
    #358 Warship EMA
    #359 Delta Flyer Paris
    #360 'Dark Ages' McCoy
    #361 The Caretaker
    #362 Leonardo da Vinci
    #363 Surak
    #364 K'mtar
    #365 Gralik Durr


    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • First of two final messages.

    Final goal achieved:
    10 hour, 0 min, 3 sec unextended voyage with 26 AM left on recall. Can you say close?

    My last IM crew:
    #366 Duelist Yar
    #367 Tsunkatse Seven
    #368 Drafted McCoy
    #369 Riley Frazier

    And just for the hell of it, if anyone is actually interested, here's the entire long list of my crew on the day the music died:


    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye
    He's Dead Jim
    Th-Th-The, Th-Th-The, Th-Th... That's all, folks!

    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • edited February 2019
    Sad to see you go we started playing STT roughly at the same time and this thread was one of earliest motivators for me to immortalize stuff, we've also been very close in number of immortalized characters. The first two years always laggin behind only to catch up maybe six months ago. So LLAP mate and cya, btw i am @371 unique immortalizations atm
  • Sad to see you go we started playing STT roughly at the same time and this thread was one of earliest motivators for me to immortalize stuff, we've also been very close in number of immortalized characters. The first two years always laggin behind only to catch up maybe six months ago. So LLAP mate and cya, btw i am @371 unique immortalizations atm

    Same...you will be missed. You were the inspiration to make my own immo thread (which hasnt been updated in quite a while 😁). Im at 354 at the time of writing this farewell post.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Farewell, good sir!
  • Captain eljay, are you leaving the game for good?

    I’ll be missing your immortalization on this thread.

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