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Captain eljay's Immortalized Crew



  • Tourist Reed
    He's #277. He's #277.

    Nickname: Stick 'em up Reed

    Another CDS. Ho hum. Bye bye.

    Is it just my imagination, or are some of the proficiencies getting ridiculously low lately for some 4*s and 5*s. My Bell Riots Bashir gets 9-19 on SEC. Maybe I just never paid attention before.

    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • Breen Disguise Dukat
    He's #278. He's #278.

    Great art. Not so great stats. You know where's he's going, but since he already has a refrigeration suit, do I really need to freeze him? Maybe just his head.

    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • Geordi La Forge
    He's #279. He's #279.

    He'll have to make a small change if he wants to see active duty.

    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • Command Hologram
    He's #280. He's #280.

    I don't think he's going to quite cut the mustard, but there's no rush to put him in a canister just yet. We'll see if he gets called for a little voyage duty.

    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • Weyoun Clone 4
    He's #281. He's #281.

    I've had one of him taking up crew space for quite some time so I'm happy to have him done. And I hope he likes the position he's in because he's gonna be staying like that for a long long time.

    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • Weyoun Clone 4
    He's #281. He's #281.

    I've had one of him taking up crew space for quite some time so I'm happy to have him done. And I hope he likes the position he's in because he's gonna be staying like that for a long long time.


    Hope you already 3 stared 'feed a fever', he is one of the only crew that can get the 3rd star in that mission...i got that 3rd star then froze him!
  • Martia
    She's #282. She's #282.

    I like that she's prepared and dressed herself appropriately for the coming ... ummmm ... ceremony. Yeah, that's it. Ceremony.

    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • Herbert Rossoff
    He's #283. He's #283.

    Will he stay or will he go now.

    He popped up on the radar as I was sending out my first shuttles of the day. One more CMD-DIP slot and he would have made the trip. He'll stay warm for at least a little while longer.

    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • Dominion Dukat
    He's #284. He's #284.

    Do your job, then get the hell out of here.

    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • Changeling Bashir
    He's #285. He's #285.

    I don't think he'll be hanging around after the mega-event.

    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • Changeling Bashir
    He's #285. He's #285.

    I don't think he'll be hanging around after the mega-event.


    His skill set makes Changling Bashir a frequent guest on my voyages.
  • RogaDanar wrote: »
    His skill set makes Changling Bashir a frequent guest on my voyages.

    I'll keep that in mind before I pour him into his chamber pot. Thanx.
    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • Diseased Changeling Founder
    She's #286. She's #286.

    Such a flake.

    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • Tourist Jadzia Dax
    She's #287. She's #287.

    First, I think the facial artwork is terrible. She looks like one of those action figure toys that never gets it right.

    Second, it looks like Saavik has the advantage for the advanced cadet weekend challenges. Her CMD and SCI minimum rolls are both very high while Dax's DIP is not at the same level.

    I hope she enjoyed the balmy weather on Risa (well, at least while it was balmy), cuz it's gonna be a bit colder for her next vacation.

    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • [UFP] eljay[UFP] eljay ✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    Mirror Garak
    He's #288. He's #288.

    Wow. His numbers really s*u*c*k. I know he's been around a long time. Was he ever any good for anything?

    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • sorinevsorinev ✭✭✭
    When he was new, along with Mirror K'Ehleyr, having two skills near 600 or more was indeed useful. See also: Tuvix. Not so much nowadays with power creep producing dual-800 skillers.
    [SSR] Sorin08
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Mirror Garak was once a solid diplomat for me on shuttle missions (before voyages came out, of course) alongside KDF Gowron, Mirror Uhura, Tuvix, and Ambassadors Spock and Sarek. Since then, they have all been hopelessly outclassed through the terrible and powerful magic of power creep.
  • Mirror K'Ehleyr was a powerhouse for me for quite awhile. Ambassador Sarek too (who still occasionally gets a B-Team spot on a voyage during faction events). I just forget how sadly low their numbers are now. Power creep bites, but is pretty much inevitable. What we need is a way to enhance our "elders". Maybe any crew you've had immortalized for at least a year can be leveled to 110 by building 4 very very nasty legendary items.
    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • Weyoun Clone 4
    He's #281. He's #281.

    I've had one of him taking up crew space for quite some time so I'm happy to have him done. And I hope he likes the position he's in because he's gonna be staying like that for a long long time.


    Hope you already 3 stared 'feed a fever', he is one of the only crew that can get the 3rd star in that mission...i got that 3rd star then froze him!

    Sorry I previously missed your comment. Thanx for the tip. I haven't even looked at mission 8 yet, since I'm not even done with several previous missions. On my todo list, but other things have taken precedence.
    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • Weyoun Clone 4
    He's #281. He's #281.

    I've had one of him taking up crew space for quite some time so I'm happy to have him done. And I hope he likes the position he's in because he's gonna be staying like that for a long long time.


    Hope you already 3 stared 'feed a fever', he is one of the only crew that can get the 3rd star in that mission...i got that 3rd star then froze him!

    Sorry I previously missed your comment. Thanx for the tip. I haven't even looked at mission 8 yet, since I'm not even done with several previous missions. On my todo list, but other things have taken precedence.

    Happy to help!
  • Admiral Ross
    He's #289. He's #289.

    We've been waiting a long time for Ross. Shame he'll be leaving so soon after his event.

    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • Duchamps
    He's #290. He's #290.

    Duchamps or Duchump?

    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • SvenLundgrenSvenLundgren ✭✭✭✭
    He's #290. He's #290.

    Duchamps or Duchump?


    Starfleet Commission: August 12, 2017
  • Duchamps
    He's #290. He's #290.

    Duchamps or Duchump?



    Thanx, Sven. :)
    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • First Goran'Agar
    He's #291. He's #291.

    When I got his first star, many eons ago, I looked at his numbers on the wiki, my eyes popped, and I said I must get him. Sadly that never happened until now which makes him just another CDS and not even an impressive one for me. Too bad.

    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • General Martok
    He's #292. He's #292.

    Ready for today's event, but sadly heading out to a cold pasture afterwards.

    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • Yelgrun
    He's #293. He's #293.

    Initially I thought he'd be heading straight to the frozen wasteland, but he may make it on a few voyages, especially when I'm running the B-team.

    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • Ahdar Ru'afo
    He's #294. He's #294.

    Sweet. The not so sweet is that my next best ENG is Lal at 984, sooooo something of a gap to fill.

    Rufie is my 4th IM Legendary. I mentioned last time that more were on the way from my current stock of golds, and they will come. I just haven't decided yet how to distribute citations.

    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
  • Do you remember if you kept 4* Chief O'Brien or froze/airlocked him?
  • Do you remember if you kept 4* Chief O'Brien or froze/airlocked him?

    I've had Chief O'Brien in a frosty cup for quite some time now. For me, his ENG is 707 which puts him about 17th on my list. When I first got him IM though, he was useful and stuck around for awhile.
    Fleet: The United Federation of Pragmatists

    Our mission: Active game play, without taking things too seriously. The only requirements are 1) Be Nice, and 2) Play regularly. ZERO chatting/social requirements - we’re mainly in it for the Squad, Fleet and Starbase Rewards.

    We have a few openings left for like-minded Captains!
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