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Only thing missing is a Portal Update



  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Captain's log, stardate 201105:
    It's been 233 days since we set out from Deep Space 9 to chart the gamma quadrant. I find myself wondering if the communication relay at the wormhole has been damaged. I trust that Chief O'Brien would get it working in short order, if that were the case. The crew had a pretty good visit before we departed DS9. I find myself hoping that Miles or Ezri are among the reinforcements when they arrive. Councilor Troi requested help and maybe Chief O'Brien could settle Scotty's and Geordi's disputes.

    Mr. Kim is still counting votes. I don't know why he's reminding me. I told him it was a bad idea. He's stuck at a point where some people voted late and he can't decide if they should count or not. It's almost nonsensical. I don't even know why I bother putting it in the log... Oh yeah... I love saying "I told ya so." Deeply satisfying.

    Just a heads up that these ARE being read, and they ARE getting some solid chuckles.

    Keep ‘em coming!

    Thank you. I've been including crew mentioned here and in my fleet. I'll take requests. I don't think I've don't Discovery, Picard, or Lower Decks yet. I'm trying to spread the love around. I've noticed that I've mostly used the Engineers, so I owe you some B'Elonna along with whoever you suggest. I've been avoiding captains, though. I'm afraid they would pull rank on me. :)
    Farewell 🖖
  • Captain's log, stardate 201105:
    It's been 233 days since we set out from Deep Space 9 to chart the gamma quadrant. I find myself wondering if the communication relay at the wormhole has been damaged. I trust that Chief O'Brien would get it working in short order, if that were the case. The crew had a pretty good visit before we departed DS9. I find myself hoping that Miles or Ezri are among the reinforcements when they arrive. Councilor Troi requested help and maybe Chief O'Brien could settle Scotty's and Geordi's disputes.

    Mr. Kim is still counting votes. I don't know why he's reminding me. I told him it was a bad idea. He's stuck at a point where some people voted late and he can't decide if they should count or not. It's almost nonsensical. I don't even know why I bother putting it in the log... Oh yeah... I love saying "I told ya so." Deeply satisfying.

    This one really got me laughing. Well played sir!

    Now I find myself torn. On the one hand I really want a portal update, but on the other I still want Captain's logs.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Captain's log, stardate 201105:
    It's been 233 days since we set out from Deep Space 9 to chart the gamma quadrant. I find myself wondering if the communication relay at the wormhole has been damaged. I trust that Chief O'Brien would get it working in short order, if that were the case. The crew had a pretty good visit before we departed DS9. I find myself hoping that Miles or Ezri are among the reinforcements when they arrive. Councilor Troi requested help and maybe Chief O'Brien could settle Scotty's and Geordi's disputes.

    Mr. Kim is still counting votes. I don't know why he's reminding me. I told him it was a bad idea. He's stuck at a point where some people voted late and he can't decide if they should count or not. It's almost nonsensical. I don't even know why I bother putting it in the log... Oh yeah... I love saying "I told ya so." Deeply satisfying.

    This one really got me laughing. Well played sir!

    Now I find myself torn. On the one hand I really want a portal update, but on the other I still want Captain's logs.

    I'll try to keep going for a little while after the portal updates. Maybe use my pack pulls as material for the logs. :)
    (But don't worry. I think the Rogue Harry Kim storyline will continue for a while, regardless.)
    Farewell 🖖
  • calsnowskiercalsnowskier ✭✭✭✭✭
    Captain's log, stardate 201105:
    It's been 233 days since we set out from Deep Space 9 to chart the gamma quadrant. I find myself wondering if the communication relay at the wormhole has been damaged. I trust that Chief O'Brien would get it working in short order, if that were the case. The crew had a pretty good visit before we departed DS9. I find myself hoping that Miles or Ezri are among the reinforcements when they arrive. Councilor Troi requested help and maybe Chief O'Brien could settle Scotty's and Geordi's disputes.

    Mr. Kim is still counting votes. I don't know why he's reminding me. I told him it was a bad idea. He's stuck at a point where some people voted late and he can't decide if they should count or not. It's almost nonsensical. I don't even know why I bother putting it in the log... Oh yeah... I love saying "I told ya so." Deeply satisfying.

    This one really got me laughing. Well played sir!

    Now I find myself torn. On the one hand I really want a portal update, but on the other I still want Captain's logs.

    I'll try to keep going for a little while after the portal updates. Maybe use my pack pulls as material for the logs. :)
    (But don't worry. I think the Rogue Harry Kim storyline will continue for a while, regardless.)

    My only warning would be to be VERY careful with the Kim story. It is touching on a sensitive topic. You have been perfect so far, but the tiniest of misstep could cause some bad blood...

    This is 2020, after all...
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Captain's log, stardate 201105:
    It's been 233 days since we set out from Deep Space 9 to chart the gamma quadrant. I find myself wondering if the communication relay at the wormhole has been damaged. I trust that Chief O'Brien would get it working in short order, if that were the case. The crew had a pretty good visit before we departed DS9. I find myself hoping that Miles or Ezri are among the reinforcements when they arrive. Councilor Troi requested help and maybe Chief O'Brien could settle Scotty's and Geordi's disputes.

    Mr. Kim is still counting votes. I don't know why he's reminding me. I told him it was a bad idea. He's stuck at a point where some people voted late and he can't decide if they should count or not. It's almost nonsensical. I don't even know why I bother putting it in the log... Oh yeah... I love saying "I told ya so." Deeply satisfying.

    This one really got me laughing. Well played sir!

    Now I find myself torn. On the one hand I really want a portal update, but on the other I still want Captain's logs.

    I'll try to keep going for a little while after the portal updates. Maybe use my pack pulls as material for the logs. :)
    (But don't worry. I think the Rogue Harry Kim storyline will continue for a while, regardless.)

    My only warning would be to be VERY careful with the Kim story. It is touching on a sensitive topic. You have been perfect so far, but the tiniest of misstep could cause some bad blood...

    This is 2020, after all...

    You don't have to tell me twice!
    I've been watching with interest. I'll avoid the sensitive topics or taking a side. :) This is all in good fun. People need comedy now, more than ever. I wish Lower Decks was still airing new episodes. That was some great comedy, imo.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am surprised no one has advanced any conspiracy theories (in this thread) as to why Harry Kim never gets promoted... The conspiracy against Harry must go deep, and be especially nefarious! :D Maybe there is a secret, as of yet undiscovered, Captain's Log that will shed light on this issue?


    I set it up for tomorrow's log. Harry will find something I'm the Starfleet archives while fixing the user interface. ;)
    Farewell 🖖
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Captain's log, stardate 201106:
    Still no sign of reinforcements. I sent Commander La Forge and Lieutenant Scott on separate missions to survey planets in this system. Then I made the mistake of going to Engineering. B'Elonna was pulled from a project to babysit the department and nearly put me to work for my trespass of reassigning her. Tom Paris warned me that I should wait an hour after her shift to go down there. I'll be sure to take his advice next time.

    Rogue Harry Kim appears to be done counting for the vote that he conducted. Pretty much the whole crew is mad at him. Half are mad because their option didn't win and the other half are mad because he wasted time with a vote and never fixed the replicators in the mess hall on deck 3. Then Kim came to me and asked what he should do. I told him to fix the damn replicators on deck 3 so he could at least make half the crew happy. Additionally, I told him to fix the computer interface on the data archives in the main ship library. That should keep him busy for a while.


    You told him to stop counting the votes??

    I smell more angry crew members in the coming days...

    That gives me another idea. :D
    Farewell 🖖
  • I am surprised no one has advanced any conspiracy theories (in this thread) as to why Harry Kim never gets promoted... The conspiracy against Harry must go deep, and be especially nefarious! :D Maybe there is a secret, as of yet undiscovered, Captain's Log that will shed light on this issue?


    I set it up for tomorrow's log. Harry will find something I'm the Starfleet archives while fixing the user interface. ;)

    I look forward to it!

    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
  • ShadowPresenceShadowPresence ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2020
    Bylo Band wrote: »
    Next full Galaxy event, keep the regular Community rewards as is, but set a 4th tier at 100,000,000,000 and if we hit it, the Portal gets updated.

    Whoa! Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that a thousand times more than the current highest tier??

    I'd rather just see started a no purchase Ellusive Treasures campaign until the portal is updated.
  • I'm guessing the next portal update is already pencilled in, but it'll be a bit.
    Six degrees in Inter-species Veterinary Medicine. Treating all manner of critters, from Tribbles to Humans.

  • owpmcj1a1pg5.jpg
    Right after Rogue Harry Kim showed up, sensitive areas of the ship had to be protected. Close call. He almost learned the truth....

    That timing is just amazing! Sometimes I swear the game is sentient and reads the forum. :D

    I haven't seen Rogue Kim in forever! That timing was too perfect. :D
  • Captain's log, stardate 201107:
    Rogue Harry Kim fixed the UI in the main ship library and found some files that were probably not meant for him to find. Only one other ensign in Starfleet history has served as ensign for 7 years. And even Beckett Mariner was promoted and demoted, so it wasn't consecutive years. He seems to be set on finding out why he wasn't promoted. Admiral Janeway would have my commission if he ever learned the truth. So I did the unthinkable. I asked Kim to continue counting those votes of his. Now half the crew is mad at me for even getting involved. We sure could use a distraction. Reinforcements would be very welcome to get people's minds on something else.

    And what's more? Ensign Boimler heard about this whole promotion thing and started bugging me more than normal. And it's like he has half of the junior officers afraid that if they don't get promoted tomorrow, then they'll be stuck as ensigns for seven years! If they're not careful, I'll start cutting into their buffer time to get their minds on something else.

    This whole time, I've been trying to distract the crew's attention away from the reinforcements that we haven't received. This appears to be the universe's way of telling me to be careful what I wish for. If this were the Enterprise, we would encounter some anomaly or new civilization in the next 7 days and things would go back to normal after that. But I'm not wishing for that. It would probably end badly if our current luck is any indication.

    Reinfrcements? Reinfrcements?!?!


    What am I? Chopped liver?
  • loving all of these! if you’re looking for inspiration (or not :wink:) the ending holodeck line made me think of Lt. Barclay (Broccoli :lol:) and or Professor James Moriarty :smiley:
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • @Shan Is there an idea of when a portal update might be implemented? I apologize if I missed it in this thread, and this directed question rings redundant.
    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    loving all of these! if you’re looking for inspiration (or not :wink:) the ending holodeck line made me think of Lt. Barclay (Broccoli :lol:) and or Professor James Moriarty :smiley:

    I love taking suggestions. Makes me feel like my version of improv night. :)
    I can definitely try to work in both of those. I think I have an idea how it will work. The Picard cast is the only one I haven't worked in yet. I think I can work one of them in as well. Thanks for the suggestion!
    Farewell 🖖
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Shan Is there an idea of when a portal update might be implemented? I apologize if I missed it in this thread, and this directed question rings redundant.

    Shan has said previously that tagging her is not effective. I don't recall your question being addressed in this thread. It has always been their policy to not announce portal updates, though. I don't expect that to change, but it's a possibility.
    Farewell 🖖
  • @Shan Is there an idea of when a portal update might be implemented? I apologize if I missed it in this thread, and this directed question rings redundant.

    Shan has said previously that tagging her is not effective. I don't recall your question being addressed in this thread. It has always been their policy to not announce portal updates, though. I don't expect that to change, but it's a possibility.

    Thank you for that information. I started saving packs in the hopes of a future update...
    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
  • calsnowskiercalsnowskier ✭✭✭✭✭
    Captain's Log, stardate 201108:
    I didn't make it to the holodeck yesterday, so I made some time today. I pulled up the engineering room from the Enterprise D that I had Broccoli… I'm doing it too now. I need to stop. I pulled up Mr. Barclay's holoprogram, but the engineering room wasn't the only thing from the Enterprise D that came up. Somehow, Professor Moriarty had uploaded himself to the program while Barclay was on the Enterprise. Moriarty chose today to reactivate himself as I was relaxed, just taking in the sights and sounds of the warp core. Things got messy, fast. My first move was to order the computer to re-engage the safety protocols, but Moriarty had obviously suspected I would do that. I tried the "last digit of pi" trick, but I was rebutted with "only Chuck Norris knows the last digit of pi." I was able to stall long enough though. Cristobal Rios noticed that I was in the holodeck past my allotted time. He and Dr. Jurati were able to send in the Emergency Engineering Hologram to help me end the holoprogram.

    On my way back to my quarters, I passed Rogue Harry Kim. He opened his mouth to speak, but thought better of it. Apparently my facial expression was as dour as my mood. Besides... we sent the runabouts just yesterday. What's there to say about his vote today? A day of not talking about it is kind of nice.

    Just a bit of plot consistency...

    Rios and Jurati would be part of the reinforcements, right? They are not in the portal yet, and isn’t the REAL reason behind these logs about how we need reinforcements (aka portal update)?

    And we don’t have an EEH yet, either in portal or not...

    Lazy writers, I tell ya...

  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Captain's Log, stardate 201108:
    I didn't make it to the holodeck yesterday, so I made some time today. I pulled up the engineering room from the Enterprise D that I had Broccoli… I'm doing it too now. I need to stop. I pulled up Mr. Barclay's holoprogram, but the engineering room wasn't the only thing from the Enterprise D that came up. Somehow, Professor Moriarty had uploaded himself to the program while Barclay was on the Enterprise. Moriarty chose today to reactivate himself as I was relaxed, just taking in the sights and sounds of the warp core. Things got messy, fast. My first move was to order the computer to re-engage the safety protocols, but Moriarty had obviously suspected I would do that. I tried the "last digit of pi" trick, but I was rebutted with "only Chuck Norris knows the last digit of pi." I was able to stall long enough though. Cristobal Rios noticed that I was in the holodeck past my allotted time. He and Dr. Jurati were able to send in the Emergency Engineering Hologram to help me end the holoprogram.

    On my way back to my quarters, I passed Rogue Harry Kim. He opened his mouth to speak, but thought better of it. Apparently my facial expression was as dour as my mood. Besides... we sent the runabouts just yesterday. What's there to say about his vote today? A day of not talking about it is kind of nice.

    Just a bit of plot consistency...

    Rios and Jurati would be part of the reinforcements, right? They are not in the portal yet, and isn’t the REAL reason behind these logs about how we need reinforcements (aka portal update)?

    And we don’t have an EEH yet, either in portal or not...

    Lazy writers, I tell ya...


    Hahaha! That's fair. I was trying to spread the love with all the series. I didn't want to leave anyone out. Writers just can't win, lol. Never make an event with a legendary Archer for the first 2.5 years or am Enterprise mega for the first 4 years and you get accused of hating on ENT. Try to include every series and your plot isn't consistent. :p

    Part of the problem is, aside from a few 1/4 SR's that I have, I don't know who is or isn't in the portal without looking. So... yes. I'll continue to be lazy and call it a sense of fairness to each series. And in that spirit, I owe TOS and TAS a little more attention. I've mentioned Scotty frequently, but none of the others.

    Hmm... how long should it take the runabouts to get back to the wormhole? Maybe Uhura can check on them tomorrow. :)
    Farewell 🖖
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