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Who will be your first crew retrieval goal?



  • Here's my list from the DNA sheet - looks like Changeling Martok might be a good buy? (I'd rather get Mirror Janeway...)
    Going boldly since April 2020 | My Datacore profile
  • IceCatIceCat ✭✭✭✭✭
    Here's my list from the DNA sheet - looks like Changeling Martok might be a good buy? (I'd rather get Mirror Janeway...)

    I miss being able to strategise about which crew could unlock which node. I've had the episodes finished a while now. I hope we get more so I can work on that again.

    Good luck in your search! 🖖
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think the biggest frustration of crew retrieval will be that you can only get crew in the portal and the portal rarely gets updated.
    It's easy to plan around, at least. When those portal update do occur, I imagine a lot of folks will have a collection of polestars they've earmarked for new crew.

    But portal updates are not on a schedule so hard to plan for it.
    Let’s fly!
  • Mobile Doctor
  • To have an Honor Sale
  • KanonKanon ✭✭✭✭✭
    I would have to be a 5* (4* I rather use honor, or wait)

    Probably Mirror Crusher
  • RaraRacing wrote: »
    1. Sphere-Builder Presage - she's the only one I'm missing from the Delphic Expanse collection ... all other 7 crew I actually have immortal.
    -> Polestar - Presage ... all other combos of her traits have multiple options, great I only need one, so the second I get it this is a done deal.

    2. North Star T'Pol - She'd be the perfect target for the 40th Vulcan to immortalise, because she also hits The Wild West collection (she's the only one I'm missing there, but not all 5*s are immortal yet) and is a solid card in general ... only issue, is she in the portal?
    -> Polestar - uhh ... Costumed, Vulcan, 5* still gives 5 options ... in retrospect she's probably not worth the "risk" after the first go. ... Oh, if I add Astrophysicist it might work!

    So I think a pattern is starting to emerge in crew I'll target, the only one who doesn't fit ...

    3. Stranded Quark - the only general 3-skill combo I'm missing (of the 20) for 5*s. So, just for the completionist's sake really at this moment in time, not sure I'd insta-cite him anymore but would love to have him hanging around.
    -> Polestar - Ferengi, Survivalist ... an easy one, as long as I manage to get the polestars. :)

    EDIT: Added the Polestars(?) needed.

    I do not mean to burst your bubble, but unless I am misunderstanding how this works, using unique traits (Presage) to get crew like Sphere-Builder Presage will be quite challenging/frustrating via Crew Retrieval...

    If Trait Polestars only come from Crew Constellations, then you would need that Sphere-Builder Presage Constellation first, which is about a 1-in-a-1000 chance. Then you have a 1-in-5 chance of getting that Presage Polestar and not one of her 4 other trait Polestars.

    Too bad she is not Human, Federation, or Starfleet! :wink:
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    ALeeRocks wrote: »
    RaraRacing wrote: »
    1. Sphere-Builder Presage - she's the only one I'm missing from the Delphic Expanse collection ... all other 7 crew I actually have immortal.
    -> Polestar - Presage ... all other combos of her traits have multiple options, great I only need one, so the second I get it this is a done deal.

    2. North Star T'Pol - She'd be the perfect target for the 40th Vulcan to immortalise, because she also hits The Wild West collection (she's the only one I'm missing there, but not all 5*s are immortal yet) and is a solid card in general ... only issue, is she in the portal?
    -> Polestar - uhh ... Costumed, Vulcan, 5* still gives 5 options ... in retrospect she's probably not worth the "risk" after the first go. ... Oh, if I add Astrophysicist it might work!

    So I think a pattern is starting to emerge in crew I'll target, the only one who doesn't fit ...

    3. Stranded Quark - the only general 3-skill combo I'm missing (of the 20) for 5*s. So, just for the completionist's sake really at this moment in time, not sure I'd insta-cite him anymore but would love to have him hanging around.
    -> Polestar - Ferengi, Survivalist ... an easy one, as long as I manage to get the polestars. :)

    EDIT: Added the Polestars(?) needed.

    I do not mean to burst your bubble, but unless I am misunderstanding how this works, using unique traits (Presage) to get crew like Sphere-Builder Presage will be quite challenging/frustrating via Crew Retrieval...

    If Trait Polestars only come from Crew Constellations, then you would need that Sphere-Builder Presage Constellation first, which is about a 1-in-a-1000 chance. Then you have a 1-in-5 chance of getting that Presage Polestar and not one of her 4 other trait Polestars.

    Too bad she is not Human, Federation, or Starfleet! :wink:

    No, you're not bursting my bubble ... but the post was about a goal ... we can all reach for the stars.

    I'm actually fully aware how hopeless the new system is ... I was writing a reply to Idol's post in the Ready Room and I also replied to someone in another post here on The Bridge ...

    - Sphere-Builder Presage has:
    1. Presage at 0.02%
    2. Villain(1.08%), Innovator(1.04%), Tactician(2.12%)
    3. Villain(1.08%), Innovator(1.04%), Cultural Figure(1.67%) ... etc.

    Options 2 and 3 will be even more challenging to obtain ... because, I would need one each of the three Polestars ... and the accumulated chance of obtaining those is infinitesimally small ... kinda like a 5* behold in a Premium Portal Pack ... 1.27% * 1/# of 5-stars in the portal ...

    Like I said elsewhere ... what it will come down to "can I target a specific crew with the Polestars I own? And I might be lucky to be able to add a star, but it might also mean I'm left with a new "meh" 1/5 ... just like a current 5* behold." this will happen once Quantum gets near max and I need to spend it if I want to remain economical ...

  • But portal updates are not on a schedule so hard to plan for it.
    You can't plan for when you're going to get the crew, but you can still prepare for it in advance.
    RaraRacing wrote: »
    No, you're not bursting my bubble ... but the post was about a goal ... we can all reach for the stars.

    I'm actually fully aware how hopeless the new system is ... I was writing a reply to Idol's post in the Ready Room and I also replied to someone in another post here on The Bridge ...
    Presage is on my wishlist as well, so I feel you pain. I'm curious if one of the later upgrades to the system will allow folks to pursue a particular, chosen polestar.

    I'm excited by the system, but it's sort of an improved and more controlled "behold" - it's still heavily RNG based, but with ability to manage your resources around it.

    Six degrees in Inter-species Veterinary Medicine. Treating all manner of critters, from Tribbles to Humans.

  • I’m also looking (maybe after Dark Empath Troi) to get EV Suit Worf! pretty sure he’s the only Klingon, Starfleet, Marksman and 5*, the only others with those 3 skills being two 4* Ash Tylers. (which all seem like common enough traits to get polestars for) 🖖
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    /edit: Never mind, I checked the wrong data.

    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • I’m also looking (maybe after Dark Empath Troi) to get EV Suit Worf! pretty sure he’s the only Klingon, Starfleet, Marksman and 5*, the only others with those 3 skills being two 4* Ash Tylers. (which all seem like common enough traits to get polestars for) 🖖

    I would love "Assimilate This!" Worf too - but we will both need to wait until that next Portal update...
  • Mobile Doctor


    He taunts me as well, like "you can't have cheesecake!"
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    Another food-for-thought strategy is being able to target a useful crew with the free retrieval, while preserving as many polestars as possible.

    I was surprised by how many 5* crew I have at 4/5 or 3/5 that have multiple hits with the 7 free polestars, though many of them aren't great.

    I believe I could immortalize Mirror Data via 100% target using just 2 polestars (android & saboteur), but I was hoping to use that saboteur polestar for Saboteur Garak… so many possibilities!
  • ALeeRocks wrote: »
    I’m also looking (maybe after Dark Empath Troi) to get EV Suit Worf! pretty sure he’s the only Klingon, Starfleet, Marksman and 5*, the only others with those 3 skills being two 4* Ash Tylers. (which all seem like common enough traits to get polestars for) 🖖

    I would love "Assimilate This!" Worf too - but we will both need to wait until that next Portal update...

    And wait we will!........
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • IceCat wrote: »
    Here's my list from the DNA sheet - looks like Changeling Martok might be a good buy? (I'd rather get Mirror Janeway...)

    I miss being able to strategise about which crew could unlock which node. I've had the episodes finished a while now. I hope we get more so I can work on that again.

    Good luck in your search! 🖖

    Thank you @IceCat! Fingers crossed something's in the pipeline...
    Going boldly since April 2020 | My Datacore profile
  • Gimme "clone" and "Reman" so I can bag me a Shinzon lol.
    01000010 01101001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01110011 01101000 01101001 01101110 01111001 00100000 01101101 01100101 01110100 01100001 01101100 00100000 01100001 01110011 01110011 00100001
  • NoblemanDKNoblemanDK ✭✭✭✭
    With the luck i have i will most likely get the crew i want from a pull before getting the poles required.
    But i hope to get Admiral Patrick and working towards Breen Kira once she gets in the portal
  • Blast HardcheeseBlast Hardcheese ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    Mobile Doctor

    You might want to keep buying those honor beholds. Mobile Doctor can't be worked down to a guaranteed drop, and your best shot at him takes a VERY specific setup of polestars that'll be hard to collect multiple times over until you win the coin flip, because ALL Doctors have Mobile's traits.

    Specifically: Going 5*+DIP+Hologram/Physician+Musician gives you a pool of Virtuoso Doctor and Mobile Doctor.
  • edited February 2021
    Mobile Doctor

    You might want to keep buying those honor beholds. Mobile Doctor can't be worked down to a guaranteed drop, and your best shot at him takes a VERY specific setup of polestars that'll be hard to collect multiple times over until you win the coin flip, because ALL Doctors have Mobile's traits.

    Specifically: Going 5*+DIP+Hologram/Physician+Musician gives you a pool of Virtuoso Doctor and Mobile Doctor.

    Well that's just another nail in the coffin of this new 'feature' as far as I'm concerned. Give us some gameplay please developers and stop pretending that this is a long requested feature by the players.
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    But portal updates are not on a schedule so hard to plan for it.
    You can't plan for when you're going to get the crew, but you can still prepare for it in advance.
    RaraRacing wrote: »
    No, you're not bursting my bubble ... but the post was about a goal ... we can all reach for the stars.

    I'm actually fully aware how hopeless the new system is ... I was writing a reply to Idol's post in the Ready Room and I also replied to someone in another post here on The Bridge ...
    Presage is on my wishlist as well, so I feel you pain. I'm curious if one of the later upgrades to the system will allow folks to pursue a particular, chosen polestar.

    I'm excited by the system, but it's sort of an improved and more controlled "behold" - it's still heavily RNG based, but with ability to manage your resources around it.

    I just posted in the Ready Room thread ... I saw that someone else already did the maths for most likely combos of 2-3 Polestars for 5* crew (thanks!!).

    i.e. if your Quantum is reaching max and you don't have a clear target, these crew will most likely be a decent target ... One of the more interesting crew to come out of that (for me anyway) is Seeking Spock ... someone I don't own but wouldn't mind a copy of really ... he has a number of "common" 2-Polestar combos.

    Also ... my approach will be that these are crew I won't be putting cites on for sure ... those go to the rarer (collection) crew from now on.
  • If I can, I will try to target a bunch of purples so I can free up slots (Lefler, Seamus, Rigel Vina, Em3, a couple others)
    Beyond that, I will probably try to finish collections.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    If we can even get enough ism to get constellations.
    Let’s fly!
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    If we can even get enough ism to get constellations.

    I am even more worried about the RNG with scans, just to get constellations in the first place. It could take 25 days of failures just to get to a 50% chance of getting a single constellation, let alone a useful polestar!
  • I am going to take a step back and list out my most desired polestars:

    1. Bajoran (for finishing my kira, odo and sisko variants)
    2. Physician (everybody needs medical)
    3. Trill (just 2 shy from getting all of them & a lot of them are unfinished).
    4. Costumed
    5. Prodigy
    Captain Kirk of [Battleship Musashi]
    Playing since June 14th, 2019
    Captain Level 80 / VIP 12
    Crew Quarters: 241/270
    Immortalized [436]: 5* x30, 4* x239, 3* x89, 2* x53, and 1* x27
    Most recent Immortal: Deral (4/4)
    Current Project: Waiting for sale with 680k Honor
    Completed Collections: Eugenics, Daystrom, Romulan, Ferengi, Do No Harm, Veteran, EV Suit, Rare, Uncommon and Common
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