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Key information about the event: Imperial Decree - 12/14



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    Shame i dont have many trips, vics, or datas
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    Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    Nicole K wrote: »
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Nicole K wrote: »
    Grant77 wrote: »
    This is basically fan fiction making it's way into DB "canon", where does the line stop? What else is coming our way? At what point does this become ridiculous? Can't wait for Mirror Wesley :D:wink:

    We passed that point when they made a non-Star Trek character the event 5*.

    That's a bit unfair. It's not like anyone is playing this game for its storyline anyway. I don't even read it most of the time. But a comic series is not "fan fiction". It's at minimum licensed content so it was approved by the content owners.

    This is a game. In case you haven't noticed, the very premise the game is built around isn't "canon trek". It doesn't hurt anything to mix it up and not have every card represent something that happened in a show. I just don't get what the problem is here. I really believe some of you just enjoy being turds in the punchbowl every week.

    Please get over yourselves and quit acting so entitled. You don't speak for the fanbase or everyone playing the game. So please stop speaking as if you do.

    Someone who doesn't agree with you is entitled? Learn the definitions of words before you use them. I think that a Star Trek game should be limited to Star Trek characters, especially the ones that are somewhat forced on to people as requirements to succeed in the mega event. It's a perfectly reasonable thought. If you want characters that aren't Star Trek then so be it. I'm not going to criticize you for liking a comic book that some guy made with characters resembling those in real Star Trek. It's just not for me.

    Deciding that you are the arbiter of what counts as real or not real star trek strikes as the very definition of entitled. While I quoted you, my comments could be applied in general to those who keep saying that this isn't what "we" (that's speaking for the playing community) wanted. I don't remember voting for any of you to be our spokesperson, so all I am saying is speak for yourself. I am very satisfied with the content of this event and honestly don't care where the card source material came from. We're talking about a fictional show. The whole thing is pretend and imaginary.

    You can't just create random emotions and statements and then assign them to me in order to make your argument work.

    When a statement starts with 'I think' , it means that it is my opinion. I'm not trying to speak for anyone else.

    I like Star Trek characters in my game, but I'm ok with non-Star Trek characters for those who like that sort of thing. I just think it's crossing the line when characters like Mirror Picard and Assimilated La Forge are kind of forced onto the player base due to their huge stats and/or multiple stars. I'd prefer that they were not essential to success in the game. Many of us don't want that and it ruins the game experience considerably.
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    (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    The TNG Mirror comics were not some fan made product. They are official star trek products approved by the owners of Star Trek. The comics are officially part of trekverse until or unless some other official Star Trek product comes out later nullifying or changing it.
    Let’s fly!
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    The TNG Mirror comics were not some fan made product. They are official star trek products approved by the owners of Star Trek. The comics are officially part of trekverse until or unless some other official Star Trek product comes out later nullifying or changing it.

    That's the key point. The books and comics are a helpless mess of self-contradiction.

    Let's pick the mirror version of Picard as an example (I'm leaning on Memory Beta here because I was a 11 or 12 when I decided the Star Trek EU was too goofy to be worth my time):

    - In Dark Mirror, he was captain of the Stargazer and then Enterprise-D and did various nasty things; this history was later wiped out when DS9 made it clear the Terran Empire wasn't really much of a force in this time period.
    - In Spectre, he works as an agent for the KCA.
    - In Worst of Both Worlds, he's an archaeologist, partnered with Vash, and eventually joins the Terran Rebellion.
    - In Mirror Images, he's a mutinous lieutenant on the Starbreaker, eventually killing his captain and establishing the ship as an independent vessel separate from the dying Terran Empire.
    - In Q & A, he's the captain of the Enterprise-E, with Lore his first officer and O'Brien his chief engineer.
    - And finally, in Mirror Broken, he's once again the captain of the Stargazer, but this time as part of the dying Terran Empire.

    Now all of these are technically fair game for DB. We could have the current Mirror Picard, plus a Mirror Enterprise-E Picard, plus a Mirror Terran Rebellion Picard, plus a Mirror KCA Agent Picard, plus a Mirror Enterprise-D Picard, with all of them considered different variants from minor alterations to the mirror universe. We could have a whole Mirror event featuring nothing but Mirror Picards!

    And it's not like Star Trek proper isn't occasionally goofy, too, or doesn't have its own issues with continuity. But at least with characters drawn from Star Trek proper, there's a cutoff point. Things can only get so dumb.

    This is why I would strongly prefer that DB stick to on-screen canon. Star Trek has done a miserable job of policing its ubiquitous spinoffs and it would be nice not to be drawn into that morass. Every time Muscles Picard or Airlock Martok or Modified Borg Data pops up in the game, it's a tip of the cap to that bottomless mess of stupidity and self-contradiction that is the Star Trek EU.

    And for the love of all that's good and holy, don't butcher this art. I'm not wild about something like Muscles Picard - but he is is relatively inoffensive and can slide under the radar without shattering my personal suspension of disbelief. Something like Airlock Martok pulls me out of the game every time I see his ugly face.

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    So will Mirror Sulu finally show up in this mega-event?
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    Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Vice Admiral Nairne, That's too long to quote, but you're spot on. The canon whiners had a fit when I said every series practically has a different mirror universe, but you just proved that in all practicality, it's true. The DS9 universe is the most consistent with itself, but does not stay consistent with the other series.
    The only continuity you can expect from Star Trek is with the name of the character being played by the same actor. Unless of course that actor is playing another character . . .
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    PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    So will Mirror Sulu finally show up in this mega-event?

    I'd love it but I'm not sure we'll see much Sulu content with the current state of affairs with Takei.
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    PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Vice Admiral Nairne, That's too long to quote, but you're spot on. The canon whiners had a fit when I said every series practically has a different mirror universe, but you just proved that in all practicality, it's true. The DS9 universe is the most consistent with itself, but does not stay consistent with the other series.
    The only continuity you can expect from Star Trek is with the name of the character being played by the same actor. Unless of course that actor is playing another character . . .

    How is the DS9 not consistent with the TOS? It simply had an event in the future, Spock inspired by Kirk in Mirror Mirror to make a peaceful Empire and got eaten alive by the KCA.

    Enterprise is a weird one, as the Defiant inexplicably travels not only between universes but back in time as well, but actually (and oddly for Enterprise as it was a continuity mess in many other ways) not contradictory with the Mirror Mirror in any way that I can find.

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    Another legendary Data.
    Grant77 wrote: »
    I just think it's crossing the line when characters like Mirror Picard and Assimilated La Forge are kind of forced onto the player base due to their huge stats and/or multiple stars. I'd prefer that they were not essential to success in the game. Many of us don't want that and it ruins the game experience considerably.

    They are not essential to success in the game. I don't have Assimilated La Forge. My Picard is at level 1. My success is unaffected.

    There is no endgame here and success in events is weekly. So not having a certain crew cannot effect you more than one week at most and its doubtful it will even do that. Not having this crew may effect you ability to get more fake crew. So why do you care? As for future events there are 5-10 other Picards in the game that will give the same bonus in future events.

    This is complaining just for the sake of complaining. Skipping this crew will have zero effect on your long term "success" in this game.

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    Pallidyne wrote: »
    How is the DS9 not consistent with the TOS? It simply had an event in the future, Spock inspired by Kirk in Mirror Mirror to make a peaceful Empire and got eaten alive by the KCA.

    Enterprise is a weird one, as the Defiant inexplicably travels not only between universes but back in time as well, but actually (and oddly for Enterprise as it was a continuity mess in many other ways) not contradictory with the Mirror Mirror in any way that I can find.

    I grew tired of those too-cute-by-half instances of tying together of disparate plot points and characters ages ago, but I confess I really dug that idea that the U.S.S. Defiant lost in "The Tholian Web" ended up in the Mirror Universe. It wasn't a remotely obvious idea, and it was used to great effect. I think it helped that we stayed with the Mirror crew exclusively for those two episodes, so it never had to be dealt with in any way by "our" Archer and crew.

    My only question is why their technology didn't progress in all the time before "Mirror, Mirror", given that they had the Defiant to reverse engineer for a century. Unless, that is, there is something amazingly technological about that yellow paint on the I.S.S. Enterprise's hull.
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    Looking forward to mirror Vic, being disappointed that there will be another non canon character and fearing that more will follow.

    The only thing that could make this mega event even worse would be a Mirror Janeway...

    Yea if they pulled a stunt like Mirror Janeway I'd probably call it quits on spending.

    You just know that there will be a Mirror Janeway 😊. Can’t have a mega-event without her.
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    (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I like that DB is pulling from many different Trek sources. I didnt even know there were Mirror Universe TNG comics until the release of this event. Now I am going to buy the comic and check it out. The more different trek sources DB draws on the more people STT will attract and the better the long term viability of the game.
    Let’s fly!
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    I want Mirror Janeway to be the final 5* offered in this mega event.
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    Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    Another legendary Data.
    Grant77 wrote: »
    I just think it's crossing the line when characters like Mirror Picard and Assimilated La Forge are kind of forced onto the player base due to their huge stats and/or multiple stars. I'd prefer that they were not essential to success in the game. Many of us don't want that and it ruins the game experience considerably.

    They are not essential to success in the game. I don't have Assimilated La Forge. My Picard is at level 1. My success is unaffected.

    There is no endgame here and success in events is weekly. So not having a certain crew cannot effect you more than one week at most and its doubtful it will even do that. Not having this crew may effect you ability to get more fake crew. So why do you care? As for future events there are 5-10 other Picards in the game that will give the same bonus in future events.

    This is complaining just for the sake of complaining. Skipping this crew will have zero effect on your long term "success" in this game.

    Maybe you are loaded with immortal 5*s and it doesn't matter to you, but you don't speak for the F2P/monthly card base. The top engineering character in the game means a lot to me in the gauntlet. Another 4/5 character also means a ton to me in every aspect of the game.
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    The TNG Mirror comics were not some fan made product. They are official star trek products approved by the owners of Star Trek. The comics are officially part of trekverse until or unless some other official Star Trek product comes out later nullifying or changing it.

    That's the key point. The books and comics are a helpless mess of self-contradiction.

    Let's pick the mirror version of Picard as an example (I'm leaning on Memory Beta here because I was a 11 or 12 when I decided the Star Trek EU was too goofy to be worth my time):

    - In Dark Mirror, he was captain of the Stargazer and then Enterprise-D and did various nasty things; this history was later wiped out when DS9 made it clear the Terran Empire wasn't really much of a force in this time period.
    - In Spectre, he works as an agent for the KCA.
    - In Worst of Both Worlds, he's an archaeologist, partnered with Vash, and eventually joins the Terran Rebellion.
    - In Mirror Images, he's a mutinous lieutenant on the Starbreaker, eventually killing his captain and establishing the ship as an independent vessel separate from the dying Terran Empire.
    - In Q & A, he's the captain of the Enterprise-E, with Lore his first officer and O'Brien his chief engineer.
    - And finally, in Mirror Broken, he's once again the captain of the Stargazer, but this time as part of the dying Terran Empire.

    Now all of these are technically fair game for DB. We could have the current Mirror Picard, plus a Mirror Enterprise-E Picard, plus a Mirror Terran Rebellion Picard, plus a Mirror KCA Agent Picard, plus a Mirror Enterprise-D Picard, with all of them considered different variants from minor alterations to the mirror universe. We could have a whole Mirror event featuring nothing but Mirror Picards!

    And it's not like Star Trek proper isn't occasionally goofy, too, or doesn't have its own issues with continuity. But at least with characters drawn from Star Trek proper, there's a cutoff point. Things can only get so dumb.

    This is why I would strongly prefer that DB stick to on-screen canon. Star Trek has done a miserable job of policing its ubiquitous spinoffs and it would be nice not to be drawn into that morass. Every time Muscles Picard or Airlock Martok or Modified Borg Data pops up in the game, it's a tip of the cap to that bottomless mess of stupidity and self-contradiction that is the Star Trek EU.

    And for the love of all that's good and holy, don't butcher this art. I'm not wild about something like Muscles Picard - but he is is relatively inoffensive and can slide under the radar without shattering my personal suspension of disbelief. Something like Airlock Martok pulls me out of the game every time I see his ugly face.

    and 5 people know or care about any of this. I like star trek but i don't consider it some form of high art. It's entertainment and I enjoy it for what it is. It's not like holy scripture or anything. This make believe, pretend, fictional, not real, imaginary stuff. Why not just enjoy it for what it is instead of taking so seriously. I'm impressed you've read every single thing about star trek ever, but lighten up. you're just taking it way too seriously.
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    Grant77 wrote: »
    Nicole K wrote: »
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Nicole K wrote: »
    Grant77 wrote: »
    This is basically fan fiction making it's way into DB "canon", where does the line stop? What else is coming our way? At what point does this become ridiculous? Can't wait for Mirror Wesley :D:wink:

    We passed that point when they made a non-Star Trek character the event 5*.

    That's a bit unfair. It's not like anyone is playing this game for its storyline anyway. I don't even read it most of the time. But a comic series is not "fan fiction". It's at minimum licensed content so it was approved by the content owners.

    This is a game. In case you haven't noticed, the very premise the game is built around isn't "canon trek". It doesn't hurt anything to mix it up and not have every card represent something that happened in a show. I just don't get what the problem is here. I really believe some of you just enjoy being turds in the punchbowl every week.

    Please get over yourselves and quit acting so entitled. You don't speak for the fanbase or everyone playing the game. So please stop speaking as if you do.

    Someone who doesn't agree with you is entitled? Learn the definitions of words before you use them. I think that a Star Trek game should be limited to Star Trek characters, especially the ones that are somewhat forced on to people as requirements to succeed in the mega event. It's a perfectly reasonable thought. If you want characters that aren't Star Trek then so be it. I'm not going to criticize you for liking a comic book that some guy made with characters resembling those in real Star Trek. It's just not for me.

    Deciding that you are the arbiter of what counts as real or not real star trek strikes as the very definition of entitled. While I quoted you, my comments could be applied in general to those who keep saying that this isn't what "we" (that's speaking for the playing community) wanted. I don't remember voting for any of you to be our spokesperson, so all I am saying is speak for yourself. I am very satisfied with the content of this event and honestly don't care where the card source material came from. We're talking about a fictional show. The whole thing is pretend and imaginary.

    You can't just create random emotions and statements and then assign them to me in order to make your argument work.

    When a statement starts with 'I think' , it means that it is my opinion. I'm not trying to speak for anyone else.

    I like Star Trek characters in my game, but I'm ok with non-Star Trek characters for those who like that sort of thing. I just think it's crossing the line when characters like Mirror Picard and Assimilated La Forge are kind of forced onto the player base due to their huge stats and/or multiple stars. I'd prefer that they were not essential to success in the game. Many of us don't want that and it ruins the game experience considerably.

    What game experience are you getting ripped out of? The 5 lines of text at the start of the event and at the phase change? I see absolutely nothing immersing in this game. We're crafting items and collecting cards and that's mostly it.
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    Pallidyne wrote: »
    So will Mirror Sulu finally show up in this mega-event?

    I'd love it but I'm not sure we'll see much Sulu content with the current state of affairs with Takei.

    One shaky uncorroborated accusation about something that happened over 30 years ago? This ain't Weinstein/Lauer/Spacey country here.

    Though I must admit those John Lasseter accusations hurt. Man I loved that guy like he was the reincarnation of Jim Henson.
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    al103al103 ✭✭✭
    We could have a whole Mirror event featuring nothing but Mirror Picards!
    That would've been awesome actually. And proper event for game expicitely dealing with multiple timelines and not just Main/Mirror.
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    Magisse wrote: »
    [BL] Q wrote: »

    I'm hoping Mirror Data's artwork is better than this 😳
    So in the comic, was he Borg-assimilated? Or just built that way?

    In the comics he started fooling around with Borg tech and would sometimes adapt it to various parts of his body whenever he wanted. This included having various eye pieces and arms he could take on and off as he wished. He was one of Picard’s most trusted officers on the Stargazer. Most of the pics of him are compilation images or he’s moving or covered by other people or too small so the best I could find is not really the best, but better than that other one floating about, which is not actually from the comics.

    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
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    SiblinSiblin ✭✭✭
    [BL] Q wrote: »

    I'm hoping Mirror Data's artwork is better than this 😳

    Can't work out if that's Brent Spiner or a young Christopher Walken.

    Where did this pic come from out of idle interest?

    “For 5 years I hid this hunky Borg implant...”
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    Nicole K wrote: »
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Nicole K wrote: »
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Nicole K wrote: »
    Grant77 wrote: »
    This is basically fan fiction making it's way into DB "canon", where does the line stop? What else is coming our way? At what point does this become ridiculous? Can't wait for Mirror Wesley :D:wink:

    We passed that point when they made a non-Star Trek character the event 5*.

    That's a bit unfair. It's not like anyone is playing this game for its storyline anyway. I don't even read it most of the time. But a comic series is not "fan fiction". It's at minimum licensed content so it was approved by the content owners.

    This is a game. In case you haven't noticed, the very premise the game is built around isn't "canon trek". It doesn't hurt anything to mix it up and not have every card represent something that happened in a show. I just don't get what the problem is here. I really believe some of you just enjoy being turds in the punchbowl every week.

    Please get over yourselves and quit acting so entitled. You don't speak for the fanbase or everyone playing the game. So please stop speaking as if you do.

    Someone who doesn't agree with you is entitled? Learn the definitions of words before you use them. I think that a Star Trek game should be limited to Star Trek characters, especially the ones that are somewhat forced on to people as requirements to succeed in the mega event. It's a perfectly reasonable thought. If you want characters that aren't Star Trek then so be it. I'm not going to criticize you for liking a comic book that some guy made with characters resembling those in real Star Trek. It's just not for me.

    Deciding that you are the arbiter of what counts as real or not real star trek strikes as the very definition of entitled. While I quoted you, my comments could be applied in general to those who keep saying that this isn't what "we" (that's speaking for the playing community) wanted. I don't remember voting for any of you to be our spokesperson, so all I am saying is speak for yourself. I am very satisfied with the content of this event and honestly don't care where the card source material came from. We're talking about a fictional show. The whole thing is pretend and imaginary.

    You can't just create random emotions and statements and then assign them to me in order to make your argument work.

    When a statement starts with 'I think' , it means that it is my opinion. I'm not trying to speak for anyone else.

    I like Star Trek characters in my game, but I'm ok with non-Star Trek characters for those who like that sort of thing. I just think it's crossing the line when characters like Mirror Picard and Assimilated La Forge are kind of forced onto the player base due to their huge stats and/or multiple stars. I'd prefer that they were not essential to success in the game. Many of us don't want that and it ruins the game experience considerably.

    What game experience are you getting ripped out of? The 5 lines of text at the start of the event and at the phase change? I see absolutely nothing immersing in this game. We're crafting items and collecting cards and that's mostly it.

    That doesn't mean it has to be that way. While you may not care for immersion, there are others who appreciate it. I can use my own imagination in the game, but if the writing is actually good (or art, or any aspect of the game) it gives me more incentive to support the game more/longer.
    Nicole K wrote: »
    This is a game.

    It is known.
    Nicole K wrote: »
    It's not like anyone is playing this game for its storyline anyway.

    Not like anyone is a trekkie for the story lines; we just watch for explosions n' stuff. ;) So if we play a Trek game, the stories must be a non-factor too. ;)
    Nicole K wrote: »
    Please get over yourselves and quit acting so entitled. You don't speak for the fanbase or everyone playing the game. So please stop speaking as if you do.

    I understand that you don't like reading the overload of complaining every week, but endless standoffishness and borderline ad hominem is not helpful, and not everyone has a hundred dollars or so to put into the game every month like you've stated that you do. However, that doesn't render all of their concerns into meaningless complaints. Some complaints are not helpful while others are justified and could help improve the game. Putting down anyone who would like to see changes also ironically adds to the complainy vibe.

    *Please note the bolded selections from your comment.
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    al103al103 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2017
    Nicole K wrote: »
    It's not like anyone is playing this game for its storyline anyway.
    I do. Wanna throw stone at me?

    Though I'm perfectly fine with addition of another timeline in game about, well, alternative timelines.

    I'm actually all for proper story in game even if it would lead to OH HORROR!
    original characters.


    I demand excellent art for said original characters though. Because story most likely would be lacking.
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    PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nicole K wrote: »
    It's not like anyone is playing this game for its storyline anyway.

    For someone who just went off on how other people don't speak for the entire fanbase, you seem to do a pretty good job of assuming to do so yourself.

    The storyline and the connection to Trek is what drew me here in the first place and though they can be thin at times there are storylines that I have actually really enjoyed. Such as Rule 125, and the all Captains one... those showed some interesting intersections of points. DB's failure to follow through on the implications of 125 were a bit disappointing though.

    The Borg mega actually captured my attention enough that I went back and watched Unimatrix Zero and then the rest of season 7 of Voyager. (Wish Id skipped the finale)

    If there was no storyline, you'd still have some of the playerbase, but there's be a nice dent in who'd still be here.
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    Nicole K wrote: »
    Another week and another thing that you people can't stop yourselves from complaining about. Who cares if they come from the comics or not? Why is that actually an important detail worth complaining about? As long as I'm getting new cards, I really don't care if they're related to a comic I will never read and before now never knew existed. No matter what they do, you guys won't be happy unless you get to pick your specific favorites and you would probably complain about that too.

    Can't you ever just let it go and play the game? Must everything be you saying how much you hate everything, and the developers are morons, and oh, I don't like it, so I'll throw out uninformed speculation that the company is having financial problems when you have no evidence to support that. Companies adjust headcounts and realign staff for lots of reasons, and it's not usually an indication a company is in trouble.

    If you hate everything about this game so much why are you still playing it every week?

    Some people enjoy complaining. It's part of their game 😂
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    edited December 2017
    IMO, it is always a good idea to read the text rather than tapping/clicking through it the first time. Who knows, you might get surprised, or even entertained :) Not to mention that reading all the text takes less than five minutes of your real life time total for the whole event, and that shouldn't be a bother to anyone. Unless you are really scared that a letter will jump out and hit you in the face, that is... then it is totally understandable.
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    MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    IMO, it is always a good idea to read the text rather than tapping/clicking through it the first time. Who knows, you might get suprised, or even entertained :) Not to mention that reading all the text takes less than five minutes of your real life time total for the whole event, and that shouldn't be a bother to anyone. Unless you are really scared that a letter will jump out and hit you in the face, that is... then it is totally understandable.
    I like reading them. In fact it annoys me when my preferred faction doesn't win, and I don't get to see what would've been said. :(
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    Crossover events are a marketing strategy, like beer and peanuts. You've got two products licensed by Paramount: simple as that.

    I swear the forum is filled with people who harass the bartender over their evil, salty plot to sell more beverages.

    And yes, the bartender spins a wheel to see what happy hour special you get this week.
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    I'm a Trek fan but all these different versions, contractadictory or not, doesn't bother me.

    Star Trek has established often enough that there are several different dimensions / mirror / parallel / subspace / etc, that I just see them as part in whatever dimension version where the history has played out to result in these characters.

    What I'm looking for is first if it's a character I enjoy, second if it helps me with my goals ingame (complete all nodes, done give me episode 9! Collect characters, give me more crew slots!)

    For example, a tilly 5 star I don't get. That's something that doesn't make sense, it's an 2 star character max for me. Make it so. A mirror muscle Picard, no problems I buy it.

    In summary, if I think the character is fun I get it. If not I don't (I'm looking at you Tilly!).
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    For CardassiaFor Cardassia ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    How is the DS9 not consistent with the TOS? It simply had an event in the future, Spock inspired by Kirk in Mirror Mirror to make a peaceful Empire and got eaten alive by the KCA.

    Enterprise is a weird one, as the Defiant inexplicably travels not only between universes but back in time as well, but actually (and oddly for Enterprise as it was a continuity mess in many other ways) not contradictory with the Mirror Mirror in any way that I can find.

    I grew tired of those too-cute-by-half instances of tying together of disparate plot points and characters ages ago, but I confess I really dug that idea that the U.S.S. Defiant lost in "The Tholian Web" ended up in the Mirror Universe. It wasn't a remotely obvious idea, and it was used to great effect. I think it helped that we stayed with the Mirror crew exclusively for those two episodes, so it never had to be dealt with in any way by "our" Archer and crew.

    My only question is why their technology didn't progress in all the time before "Mirror, Mirror", given that they had the Defiant to reverse engineer for a century. Unless, that is, there is something amazingly technological about that yellow paint on the I.S.S. Enterprise's hull.

    Actually, I would argue that the Mirror Universe we saw in Enterprise was considerably behind technologically. If you recall, Trip and his whole team were regularly exposed to radiation because no one cared enough to develop a safe warp drive. It's entirely likely that they were pretty behind in general, and only developed technology as needed, instead of having a "typical" Starfleet approach of "science for its own sake". Plus let's face it: when you're enslaving Vulcans instead of working with them as scientists, you aren't going to progress as fast.

    I would say that them capturing the Defiant is one of the main reasons that we do see them with advanced technology by Mirror Mirror.
    “Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.” - Elim Garak

    Cardassian wishlist:
    Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
    Natima Lang
    Empok Nor Garak
    Tekeny Ghemor
    Ulani Belor
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    For CardassiaFor Cardassia ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    How is the DS9 not consistent with the TOS? It simply had an event in the future, Spock inspired by Kirk in Mirror Mirror to make a peaceful Empire and got eaten alive by the KCA.

    Enterprise is a weird one, as the Defiant inexplicably travels not only between universes but back in time as well, but actually (and oddly for Enterprise as it was a continuity mess in many other ways) not contradictory with the Mirror Mirror in any way that I can find.

    I grew tired of those too-cute-by-half instances of tying together of disparate plot points and characters ages ago, but I confess I really dug that idea that the U.S.S. Defiant lost in "The Tholian Web" ended up in the Mirror Universe. It wasn't a remotely obvious idea, and it was used to great effect. I think it helped that we stayed with the Mirror crew exclusively for those two episodes, so it never had to be dealt with in any way by "our" Archer and crew.

    My only question is why their technology didn't progress in all the time before "Mirror, Mirror", given that they had the Defiant to reverse engineer for a century. Unless, that is, there is something amazingly technological about that yellow paint on the I.S.S. Enterprise's hull.

    Actually, I would argue that the Mirror Universe we saw in Enterprise was considerably behind technologically. If you recall, Trip and his whole team were regularly exposed to radiation because no one cared enough to develop a safe warp drive. It's entirely likely that they were pretty behind in general, and only developed technology as needed, instead of having a "typical" Starfleet approach of "science for its own sake". Plus let's face it: when you're enslaving Vulcans instead of working with them as scientists, you aren't going to progress as fast.

    I would say that them capturing the Defiant is one of the main reasons that we do see them with advanced technology by Mirror Mirror.
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