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Key information about this week’s event: Founders At War - 02/22



  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Updated the OP with the following:

    Event factions
    Romulan Star Empire, Federation

    Bonus crew:
    • high bonus: event crew and Prisoner Katrina Cornwell
    • small bonus: variants of Mudd, crew with the Andorian trait and all Discovery crew.

    List of current additional Discovery crew:
    Suus Mahna Sarek
    Prospect Michael Burnham
    Away Team Saru
    First Officer Burnham
    Graduation Michael Burnham
    Tactical Michael Burnham
    Prisoner Michael Burnham
    Dr. Hugh Culber
    Desert Philippa Georgiou
    Armed Philippa Georgiou
    Captain Lorca
    Vengeful L'Rell
    Harcourt Fenton Mudd
    Torchbearer Rejac
    Lieutenant Commander Saru
    First Officer Saru
    Reinforcements Stamets
    Cadet Sylvia Tilly
    Celebratory Ash Tyler
    Lt. Ash Tyler
    Torchbearer Voq
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Shan wrote: »
    Updated the OP with the following:

    Event factions
    Romulan Star Empire, Federation

    Bonus crew:
    • high bonus: event crew and Prisoner Katrina Cornwell
    • small bonus: variants of Mudd, crew with the Andorian trait and all Discovery crew.

    List of current additional Discovery crew:
    Suus Mahna Sarek
    Prospect Michael Burnham
    Away Team Saru
    First Officer Burnham
    Graduation Michael Burnham
    Tactical Michael Burnham
    Prisoner Michael Burnham
    Dr. Hugh Culber
    Desert Philippa Georgiou
    Armed Philippa Georgiou
    Captain Lorca
    Vengeful L'Rell
    Harcourt Fenton Mudd
    Torchbearer Rejac
    Lieutenant Commander Saru
    First Officer Saru
    Reinforcements Stamets
    Cadet Sylvia Tilly
    Celebratory Ash Tyler
    Lt. Ash Tyler
    Torchbearer Voq

    Do full galaxy events usually have event factions? What is the purpose?
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks, I kind of thought some people were being satirical about Wednesday.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Generally yes, you usually build/turn in rares for one faction or another for one to "win".
  • Grant77 wrote: »
    Shan wrote: »
    Updated the OP with the following:

    Event factions
    Romulan Star Empire, Federation

    Bonus crew:
    • high bonus: event crew and Prisoner Katrina Cornwell
    • small bonus: variants of Mudd, crew with the Andorian trait and all Discovery crew.

    List of current additional Discovery crew:
    Suus Mahna Sarek
    Prospect Michael Burnham
    Away Team Saru
    Commander Thelin
    First Officer Burnham
    Graduation Michael Burnham
    Tactical Michael Burnham
    Prisoner Michael Burnham
    Dr. Hugh Culber
    Desert Philippa Georgiou
    Armed Philippa Georgiou
    Captain Lorca
    Vengeful L'Rell
    Harcourt Fenton Mudd
    Torchbearer Rejac
    Lieutenant Commander Saru
    First Officer Saru
    Reinforcements Stamets
    Cadet Sylvia Tilly
    Celebratory Ash Tyler
    Lt. Ash Tyler
    Torchbearer Voq

    Do full galaxy events usually have event factions? What is the purpose?

    Phase 2 they do.

    Only purpose I've found is to dilute the points of anyone doing missions for multiple factions. The tasks seem to be the same with descriptions swapping out 'Vulcan' for 'Andorian'.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Grant77 wrote: »
    RennJaxo wrote: »
    So why is this event called Founders at War?

    My assumption is because it features the Vulcans and the Andorians, two of the Federation's founders.

    There are no Vulcans or Andorians in this event.

    Aenar ARE Andorians.

    As are:



    That is not correct. They are a subspecies native to the same planet.

    In the context of this discussion, they played no part in the founding of the Federation, as they were pacifists. It's not even clear if they are members of the Federation in the future.

    "Andorian" = "From the Moon Andoria".......


    So by your incredibly unintelligent logic, Porthos is Human and targs are Klingon?? lol!

    Well that would mean Porthos is an Earther techincally, lol.

    That's the problem with a race and a planet having the same name.

    Klingons are not Q'o'nosers, we don't call Picard an Earther, etc. but we call Vulcan's after their planet etc.

    (And damnit, it is Q'o'nos. Not Kronos. Kronos is Zues's Dad.)

    The quoted Troll's question is assinine and off point. More accurately, is Grant trying to say that {For examples} Asians, Hispanics, or Africans are NOT Terrans because they look different from the Terrans we most prominently see on most television shows and in most movies?!?!?


    This comment is racist and unacceptable. Please delete it now.

    I did not say anything like that and I'm troubled that you would make that leap from a conversation about fictional aliens.

    Wasn't some of that the point of the Aenars appearances on some level? Playing out real forms of racism on Andor based on fictional differences? Like the Frank Gorsham black and white vs white and black aliens?

    I don't know what that is, but it's certainly not what the conversation was about and I don't appreciate having real human racism injected into the conversation by an obvious troll that has been flagged for spamming and causing trouble on multiple occasions.

    Though I'm not sure I agree with their point, that's been the whole point of Star Trek morality plays to begin with. To show us who we are and also who we can be by using aliens to portray analogous or metaphorically similar situations that we have here on earth.

    The Frank Gorsham ep is one that comes to mind, as well as the Miners and the Cloud folks dealing with classism and labour (and frankly West Virginia and Kentucky). Devil in the Dark has its own environmentalism as well as the whole dealing with the "other".

    Whether they meant it sincerely or by trolling remains to be seen.
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    I will also remind everyone that personal attacks or any kinds are not allowed.
    Ignore if need be, report and please do not quote. Thanks.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Sometimes the choice of faction leads to something, new crew or even a free crew to participants. I think Will Scarlett was a free crew given by choice in event. But, DB did time it so the crew selected came at Christmas time. The choice was between Beowulf Kim and Will Scarlett.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Shan wrote: »
    Updated the OP with the following:

    Event factions
    Romulan Star Empire, Federation

    Bonus crew:
    • high bonus: event crew and Prisoner Katrina Cornwell
    • small bonus: variants of Mudd, crew with the Andorian trait and all Discovery crew.

    List of current additional Discovery crew:
    Suus Mahna Sarek
    Prospect Michael Burnham
    Away Team Saru
    First Officer Burnham
    Graduation Michael Burnham
    Tactical Michael Burnham
    Prisoner Michael Burnham
    Dr. Hugh Culber
    Desert Philippa Georgiou
    Armed Philippa Georgiou
    Captain Lorca
    Vengeful L'Rell
    Harcourt Fenton Mudd
    Torchbearer Rejac
    Lieutenant Commander Saru
    First Officer Saru
    Reinforcements Stamets
    Cadet Sylvia Tilly
    Celebratory Ash Tyler
    Lt. Ash Tyler
    Torchbearer Voq

    Thank you Shan. And especially thank you for continuing the practice of listing all the bonus crew specifically. It helps make sure we don't miss one in the freezer.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    UnkieB wrote: »
    Generally yes, you usually build/turn in rares for one faction or another for one to "win".

    It has however, been a very long time since the winner mattered or did anything. We might get a couple different sentences to wrap up, but that's it.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    UnkieB wrote: »
    Generally yes, you usually build/turn in rares for one faction or another for one to "win".

    It has however, been a very long time since the winner mattered or did anything. We might get a couple different sentences to wrap up, but that's it.

    You are mostly correct. However, a person who did not participate in event did not get Will Scarlett. So what we thought was a Christmas present, was a Christmas present to those that participated in event.
    In retrospect, i think most of us would have wanted the other choice in event Beowulf Kim. (Three skills)

    But Will Scarlett with his “I am not a merry man” fit more with Christmas.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    UnkieB wrote: »
    Generally yes, you usually build/turn in rares for one faction or another for one to "win".

    It has however, been a very long time since the winner mattered or did anything. We might get a couple different sentences to wrap up, but that's it.

    You are mostly correct. However, a person who did not participate in event did not get Will Scarlett. So what we thought was a Christmas present, was a Christmas present to those that participated in event.
    In retrospect, i think most of us would have wanted the other choice in event Beowulf Kim. (Three skills)

    But Will Scarlett with his “I am not a merry man” fit more with Christmas.

    I know plenty of people who got him that weren't even playing back then. Who said them giving him was related to that event at all???

  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »

    Wasn't some of that the point of the Aenars appearances on some level? Playing out real forms of racism on Andor based on fictional differences? Like the Frank Gorsham black and white vs white and black aliens?

    I don't know what that is, but it's certainly not what the conversation was about Comment moderated. ˜Shan

    I think you’re missing perhaps one of the most important parts of fiction, particularly science fiction: it affords us the ability to look at complex and controversial topics, like racism, from a more objective viewpoint.

    You claim the discussion is about something else...you are wrong - the discussion of whether or not Aenar and Andorians are the same species with minor physical differences (e.g. white tigers versus orange-brown tigers), two sub-species (e.g. Sumatran tigers versus Bengal tigers), or two separate species within a genus (e.g. tigers versus lions) is absolutely a mirror of real-life discussions of race and racism. One that, Internet Arguing aside, could be done dispassionately because they are purely fictional creations. The black/white versus white/black aliens Pallidyne references were from a landmark TOS episode about a species that completely destroyed themselves over which side of their bodies was black and which one was white, an episode that has fostered discussion about racism for nearly 50 years.

    There are real, live people right now who will be quite happy to provide “evidence” (invariably a mixture of pseudoscience, limited understanding of genetics, and wishful thinking) that people of African descent, Asian descent, Native American descent, Middle Easter descent, and European descent are completely different species...Scott’s comment looks to me like he’s disagreeing with that statement, not supporting it. Instead, you cry “racism” and try to shut down the conversation.

    Getting back to Aenar versus Andorian taxonomic classification, Shran’s comment about the Aenar being a sub-species (from United or The Aenar...I watched the whole story arc last night and forget which of those two the comment is from) should end the debate right there. Not the same exact species but definitely not two distinct species either.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    "They're a kind of subspecies, blind ice-dwellers. For most of our history, they were considered a myth, stories we told our children. But 50 years ago, they were discovered living in the Northern Wastes."

    – Thy'lek Shran, 2154 ("The Aenar")
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    The comment above by Unkie B should clear things up. They are a subspecies with distinct physiological differences that are more than skin deep, end of story.

    Thanks to Shan for removing the racist comments and getting the thread back on track.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    UnkieB wrote: »
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    UnkieB wrote: »
    Generally yes, you usually build/turn in rares for one faction or another for one to "win".

    It has however, been a very long time since the winner mattered or did anything. We might get a couple different sentences to wrap up, but that's it.

    You are mostly correct. However, a person who did not participate in event did not get Will Scarlett. So what we thought was a Christmas present, was a Christmas present to those that participated in event.
    In retrospect, i think most of us would have wanted the other choice in event Beowulf Kim. (Three skills)

    But Will Scarlett with his “I am not a merry man” fit more with Christmas.

    I know plenty of people who got him that weren't even playing back then. Who said them giving him was related to that event at all???

    Explain why a person who played all events and missed that Christmas one came on line for next event and did not receive him. He only missed one event. It was not until I saw his comment a month ago on another thread that i realized it was the event reward. And are choice was Beowulf Kim and Will Scarlett. Will Scarlett was the one that had won in th event.

    Edit: but if I am wrong than DB owes all those that received Will Scarlett and had him FF 50K -550 honor.
  • eXo | das411eXo | das411 ✭✭✭✭✭
    1 repeat character (Commando Shran) against 18 new event characters across seven consecutive events.

    I’m not sure how you’re counting, but it’s worse than this. Including next week’s event as one of the seven there are 21 event crew plus one mega event crew of which Commando Shran is the only existing character. So that would be 21 new and 1 existing.

    Of course, that doesn’t take into account the four new non event crew also added as threshold or ranked rewards, and the possibility that there are new crew added as rewards next week.


    Yup, looks like I left off one week counting.

    January 11: Infinite Contentions
    Mariahi Q
    Tourist Quark
    Graduation Michael Burnham

    January 18: We Who Are To Die
    Gladiator McCoy
    Duelist Yar
    Tsunkatse SEven

    January 25: Laws of Nature
    Protomorphosis Barclay
    Mother Horta
    Dr. Gillian Taylor

    February 1: Crashing the Party
    Dress Uniform Scotty
    Celebratory Ash Tyler
    Lieutenant Tarrah
    Prisoner Katrina Cornwell

    February 8: The Honor of Andoria
    Away Team Saru
    Commander Thelin
    Commando Shran (REPEAT)

    February 15: The Vulcan Response
    Suus Mahna Sarek
    Ambassador Shras
    Prospect Michael Murnham

    February 22: Founders at War
    Time Loop Mudd
    Commander Ellen Landry

    and today we got Ziyal, who i am thrilled to see finally in this game but man is this a strange time to get her - can't wait to have the mother of all disco airlock parties and free up some slots soon!
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »

    Wasn't some of that the point of the Aenars appearances on some level? Playing out real forms of racism on Andor based on fictional differences? Like the Frank Gorsham black and white vs white and black aliens?

    I don't know what that is, but it's certainly not what the conversation was about Comment moderated. ˜Shan

    I think you’re missing perhaps one of the most important parts of fiction, particularly science fiction: it affords us the ability to look at complex and controversial topics, like racism, from a more objective viewpoint.

    You claim the discussion is about something else...you are wrong - the discussion of whether or not Aenar and Andorians are the same species with minor physical differences (e.g. white tigers versus orange-brown tigers), two sub-species (e.g. Sumatran tigers versus Bengal tigers), or two separate species within a genus (e.g. tigers versus lions) is absolutely a mirror of real-life discussions of race and racism. One that, Internet Arguing aside, could be done dispassionately because they are purely fictional creations. The black/white versus white/black aliens Pallidyne references were from a landmark TOS episode about a species that completely destroyed themselves over which side of their bodies was black and which one was white, an episode that has fostered discussion about racism for nearly 50 years.

    There are real, live people right now who will be quite happy to provide “evidence” (invariably a mixture of pseudoscience, limited understanding of genetics, and wishful thinking) that people of African descent, Asian descent, Native American descent, Middle Easter descent, and European descent are completely different species...Scott’s comment looks to me like he’s disagreeing with that statement, not supporting it. Instead, you cry “racism” and try to shut down the conversation.

    Getting back to Aenar versus Andorian taxonomic classification, Shran’s comment about the Aenar being a sub-species (from United or The Aenar...I watched the whole story arc last night and forget which of those two the comment is from) should end the debate right there. Not the same exact species but definitely not two distinct species either.

    So having watched it again, please share, what was Shrans initial feelings towards the Aenar?
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    I like that we will have an Aenar. It's cool. Now we need Shran and Jhamel's daughter, Talla.

    Let’s fly!
  • Grant77 wrote: »
    The comment above by Unkie B should clear things up. They are a subspecies with distinct physiological differences that are more than skin deep, end of story.

    Thanks to Shan for removing the racist comments and getting the thread back on track.

    As if Shran was a geneticist. Judging from the comments on this thread, people getting race and species mixed up, etc etc it is not entirely certain that "a kind of sub-species" should be taken as gospel. Since they haven't had contact for some long period of time, and keep themselves largely separate, how likely is it that even the Andorians / Aenar know how different genetically they are? Since they can clearly easily interbreed (Talla, Thelin http://memory-beta.wikia.com/wiki/Thelin_th'Valrass) I'm not convinced at all!
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  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    So having watched it again, please share, what was Shrans initial feelings towards the Aenar?

    Even at that point, most Andorians didn’t know much about them. I would say Shran was put off by their innate pacifism (especially given his hot-headed nature) but that his lack of knowledge and lingering air of mysticism regarding the Aenar made it difficult to draw further conclusions.
    Grant77 wrote: »
    The comment above by Unkie B should clear things up. They are a subspecies with distinct physiological differences that are more than skin deep, end of story.

    Thanks to Shan for removing the racist comments and getting the thread back on track.

    As if Shran was a geneticist. Judging from the comments on this thread, people getting race and species mixed up, etc etc it is not entirely certain that "a kind of sub-species" should be taken as gospel. Since they haven't had contact for some long period of time, and keep themselves largely separate, how likely is it that even the Andorians / Aenar know how different genetically they are? Since they can clearly easily interbreed (Talla, Thelin http://memory-beta.wikia.com/wiki/Thelin_th'Valrass) I'm not convinced at all!

    I doubt anyone here is a geneticist either, yet one need not be an expert in the field to have a discussion about it. For example, my daughter just finished a unit in biology about evolution. From what we know about Andorian history and the physiological differences between Aenar and Andorians, there has been some divergent evolution (selection for things like telepathy, lighter skin tone, a modified structure of the antennae, and congenital blindness) since the time that the Aenar were physically isolated from the rest of Andoria but not enough to prevent interbreeding.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Shan wrote: »
    Updated the OP with the following:

    Event factions
    Romulan Star Empire, Federation

    Bonus crew:
    • high bonus: event crew and Prisoner Katrina Cornwell
    • small bonus: variants of Mudd, crew with the Andorian trait and all Discovery crew.

    List of current additional Discovery crew:
    Suus Mahna Sarek
    Prospect Michael Burnham
    Away Team Saru
    First Officer Burnham
    Graduation Michael Burnham
    Tactical Michael Burnham
    Prisoner Michael Burnham
    Dr. Hugh Culber
    Desert Philippa Georgiou
    Armed Philippa Georgiou
    Captain Lorca
    Vengeful L'Rell
    Harcourt Fenton Mudd
    Torchbearer Rejac
    Lieutenant Commander Saru
    First Officer Saru
    Reinforcements Stamets
    Cadet Sylvia Tilly
    Celebratory Ash Tyler
    Lt. Ash Tyler
    Torchbearer Voq

    Thank you for the list, @Shan.

    However, it’s worth noting that Commander Thelin is on the list, and while he is indeed bonus crew, as an Andorian, he is not from Discovery. And the other Andorians are not included in that list, either. (:

    Just in case anyone was wondering, since many haven’t seen DSC, and not all of us have seen TAS, either.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    I can throw a whole new twist into the Andorian and Aenar debate.
    How do we understand Shran. Isn’t it through translation. He does not speak English. Does he?
  • Do Andorians eat Babel Fish? ;)
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    I do appreciate these reposts of I guess Facebook event graphics. I seldom go elsewhere but the forums and the game.
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    Grant77 wrote: »
    The comment above by Unkie B should clear things up. They are a subspecies with distinct physiological differences that are more than skin deep, end of story.

    Thanks to Shan for removing the racist comments and getting the thread back on track.

    As if Shran was a geneticist. Judging from the comments on this thread, people getting race and species mixed up, etc etc it is not entirely certain that "a kind of sub-species" should be taken as gospel. Since they haven't had contact for some long period of time, and keep themselves largely separate, how likely is it that even the Andorians / Aenar know how different genetically they are? Since they can clearly easily interbreed (Talla, Thelin http://memory-beta.wikia.com/wiki/Thelin_th'Valrass) I'm not convinced at all!

    As I said above, Humans and Vulcans can interbreed. That means something in my field of Biology, but it doesn't hold any water in the Star Trek universe.

    To me, the incredible telepathic abilities of the Aenar mean that they are probably more of a distant relative than a recent branch off of the evolutionary tree. If the latter were the case, you would surely see some residual of telepathic ability in Andorians.

    Of course, this is a rather silly conversation, but I'm enjoying it nonetheless.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    I do appreciate these reposts of I guess Facebook event graphics. I seldom go elsewhere but the forums and the game.

    The pics are also posted to their official Twitter account:


    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
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