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Key information about the event: Catching Fire - First Skirmish Event - 05/31 Q/A Edit



  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    My only complaint is that the number of intel you get after a match Is a complete joke when epic runs cost 1200 intel. How is 30 intel going to help?

    I suggest that the intel drops after matches be the same value as credits (1500, 3000 etc). Not everything has to contain a booby prize.

    Are you competing in the event? I have not spent any dilithium. Just with the Intel rewards and Chrons that turn into Intel has let me score over a million points. The rewards are creating an endless loop. If you stop grinding for second you get passed by all the players grinding their endless supply of Intel. And increase in Intel is certainly not what this event type needs.

    Yes I am competing (around 400th) and I realized that my comment didn't make much sense after the fact. I'm glad 17 players here reminded me though :smiley:

    Your initial comment still resonated with me, in the sense that getting Intel from the bonus rewards feels like the ultimate booby prize; like it's taking up the space of what could have been something a bit more valuable. The fact that Intel is available from other sources barely mitigates the fact that drawing Intel is the poorest reward of the lot - by far.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    I gave up. It was just too painful and tedious to keep up the loop. No Sisko, let alone no poor stat one off never to be useful or event character again is worth this level or torture. the only thing that kept me going to 500k was trying to figure out the bonus reward system, which I decided essentially equates to a lottery and merely the presence of an event specific crew is all you can do to open up a small chance to hit the top row. Dabo!

    All you needed to do was allocate a spot for Bell Riots Bashir. Then you would score 6k points per run on epic. Each one of my matches lasted around 10 - 13 seconds.

    I did. And it was jokingly easy. I also did the same for bonus rewards. That's what the lousy lottery is. 3/4 battles for the the first phase Bashir got max rewards, and 3/34 battles for the second Khan did.

    The problem is the 13-26 seconds between fights turning 5 12 second battles into a 3 minute bore fest, punctuated with repetitive tedium of tapping buttons like a monkey.

    I appreciate that the event helped level characters, instead of eating all your resources and slowing down leveling like galaxies. But I just find 15 hours of mind numbing tapping to be too high of a cost for a one of 4* toon and/or a low stat 5*. I like to enjoy myself when "playing games", not feel like a cow in a cubicle struggling through an office job.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    But they only used augmented human DNA so they should be considered Klingon Augments. They weren't human.

    Would you consider tomatoes that have a fish gene part fish, or genetically modified tomatoes? Even if you used a virus to insert the genes? Who even knows what Augmented human DNA contained, fish genes maybe, would they be considered part fish?

    They definitely could be considered Klingon augments.
    Human DNA was definitely added. In the enterprise episode Klingons who were born all Klingon were augmented with human DNA.

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