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Key information about the event: Catching Fire - First Skirmish Event - 05/31 Q/A Edit



  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    My question on Skirmish: Will crew who are out on Voyages/Shuttles be eligible for use in a Skirmish fight, like they are in normal ship missions/arena?

    The video did say that ALL of your crew will be available to you even if they are busy elsewhere

  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Man, that art is solid, and I really want all the crew.

    That said, as someone with surprisingly few Siskos, zero interest in spending for the event, the feeling that this event is *not* going to go smoothly, and the feeling that competition is going to be super-fierce for a new 5* Sisko, I've already come to terms that I should just accept whatever final rank I get and move on.

    That’s exactky how I’m looking at it. I have no expectingions of rank. The only thing I won’t give up til I get is Anakin Bashir but even then I gotta see his stats before I commit to wanting to immortalize him

  • @Shan is Hippocrates Noah going to count as Sisko for the event?

    I only ask because there was a post awhile back from Black Pebble about how Anastasia, Duchamps, Falcon and others didn't count as Kira, Worf or O'Brien because they weren't actually them (referenced here: https://forum.disruptorbeam.com/discussion/comment/54525#Comment_54525).
  • For CardassiaFor Cardassia ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Shan is Hippocrates Noah going to count as Sisko for the event?

    I only ask because there was a post awhile back from Black Pebble about how Anastasia, Duchamps, Falcon and others didn't count as Kira, Worf or O'Brien because they weren't actually them (referenced here: https://forum.disruptorbeam.com/discussion/comment/54525#Comment_54525).

    I would also like to have this confirmed because that's the only Sisko I have :(

    I'm curious though, if perhaps 2* and 3* crew might have more utility in these events, given that it's about ship battles and some have decent abilities.
    “Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.” - Elim Garak

    Cardassian wishlist:
    Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
    Natima Lang
    Empok Nor Garak
    Tekeny Ghemor
    Ulani Belor
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    My question on Skirmish: Will crew who are out on Voyages/Shuttles be eligible for use in a Skirmish fight, like they are in normal ship missions/arena?

    The video did say that ALL of your crew will be available to you even if they are busy elsewhere

    I just watched it again because I thought the same. What he says is "your crew will always be fully unlocked" after commenting that the different difficulties have ship star restrictions. So he could be saying that there are no restrictions on crew by difficulty.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    My question on Skirmish: Will crew who are out on Voyages/Shuttles be eligible for use in a Skirmish fight, like they are in normal ship missions/arena?

    They will not be locked out :)

    Thanks for clarifying. You can see how people would be eager to know

  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Trying to understand how the bonuses work for the ships and crew in this type of event. Will a bonus-supported USS Defiant be better than a Borg Cube or HMS Bounty, for example? When a crew member gets a bonus, does this multiply his/her underlying equipment stats (for accurate, crit bonus, crit rating, and evasion) by a certain amount? And/or does it multiply his/her special ability (like "boosts attack by 6") by a certain amount? For example, my Mirror Sisko boosts attack by 7 -- will this be multiplied? If so, by how much? If not, I might still rather use my Assimilated Janeway which boosts attack by 10.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    So do featured crew receive extra bonuses when used in the skirmish?
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Was really looking forward to a DS9 themed Mega event. Instead we get a TOS event with Sisko and a random TNG crew. Way to give the people what they voted for :(

    What? The mega-event is DS9/Augments.

    This event features all Augment and/or DS9 crew.

    Both aspects of the event are being fairly represented.

    Because somehow 100ish event crew seems reasonable to people. This sized event crew (where there's one or two recurring characters per event along with a small "tribe" that gets bonuses throughout) is very similar to the Borg event. This is perfectly acceptable.

    For reference, aist of all DS9 crew (has the DS9 "hidden trait", doubtful this is 100% accurate to the show):
    ★ Investigator Odo
    ★★★ Constable Odo
    ★★★★★ Jazz Musician Odo
    ★★★★★ Umpire Odo
    ★★ Gaia Odo
    ★★ Dabo Girl Leeta
    ★★ Major Kira
    ★★★★★ Mirror Intendant Kira
    ★★★★★ Disguised Kira
    ★★★★ Cardassian Kira
    ★★★★ Niners Kira Nerys
    ★★★★ Anastasia Komananov
    ★★★★★ Commander Kira Nerys
    ★★★★ Defiant Commander Worf
    ★★★★★ Mirror Regent Worf
    ★★★★★ Trader Worf
    ★★★★ Kilana
    ★★★★ Profitable Ishka
    ★★★ Third Remata'Klan
    ★★★ Mora Pol
    ★★★★ Pel
    ★★★★ Dahar Master Kor
    ★★★ Tailor Garak
    ★★★★ Mirror Garak
    ★★★★★ Obsidian Order Garak
    ★★★★★ Garak, Elim Garak
    ★ Bartender Quark
    ★★★★ Klingon Quark
    ★★★★ Tourist Quark
    ★★★★★ Convergence Day Quark
    ★★★★★ Martian Quark
    ★★★ Writer Jake Sisko
    ★★★★ Bestselling Author Jake Sisko
    ★★★★★ War Correspondent Jake Sisko
    ★★★★ Maquis Eddington
    ★★ KDF Alexander
    ★★★ Morn
    ★★★★ Vic Fontaine
    ★★★★ Mirror Vic Fontaine
    ★★★★ General Martok
    ★★★★ Laas
    ★★★ Vedek Winn Adami
    ★★★★★ Rogue Kai Winn
    ★★★★★ Dahar Master Kang
    ★★★★★ Kai Opaka
    ★★ Ensign Pazlar
    ★★★★★ 1701 Sisko
    ★★★★ Mirror Sisko
    ★★★★★ Captain Sisko
    ★★ Promoted Sisko
    ★★★★ Dr. Hippocrates Noah
    ★★★★★ Benny Russell
    ★★★★ Gabriel Bell
    ★★★★★ Niners Sisko
    ★★★★★ Grilka
    ★★★★★ Grand Nagus Zek
    ★★★★★ Senator Vreenak
    ★★★★★ Inglatu
    ★★★ Captain Kasidy Yates
    ★ Botanist Keiko
    ★★★★★ Pah-wraith Keiko
    ★★★★ Thot Gor
    ★★ Glinn Damar
    ★★★★★ Revolutionary Damar
    ★★★ Mirror 'Smiley' O'Brien
    ★★★★ Chief O'Brien
    ★★★★ Undercover O'Brien
    ★★★★ Klingon O'Brien
    ★★★★★ RAF Miles O'Brien
    ★★★★★ Falcon O'Brien
    ★★★★ Prisoner O'Brien
    ★★★ Keevan
    ★★ Technician Rom
    ★★★★★ Grand Nagus Rom
    ★★★★ Niners Rom
    ★★★★★ Tora Ziyal
    ★★★★ Weyoun Clone 4
    ★★★★ Nurse Faith Garland
    ★★★★ Luther Sloan
    ★★★★ Vedek Bareil Antos
    ★★★★ First Goran'Agar
    ★★★★★ Changeling Founder
    ★★★★★ Prophet Sarah Sisko
    ★★★ Acting Nagus Brunt
    ★★★★★ Enabran Tain
    ★★★★★ Ambassador Troi
    ★★★★ Mirror Jennifer Sisko
    ★★★ Senator Cretak
    ★★★★ Resistance Shakaar
    ★ Teenager Nog
    ★★ Cadet Nog
    ★★★★★ Captain Nog
    ★ CMO Bashir
    ★★★★★ Bashir, Julian Bashir
    ★★★★★ Alternate Future Bashir
    ★★★★ Changeling Bashir
    ★★★★ RAF Julian Bashir
    ★★★ Racquetball Bashir
    ★★★★★ Mirror Bashir
    ★★★★ Alidar Jarok
    ★ Lt Jadzia Dax
    ★★★★ 1701 Jadzia Dax
    ★★★★★ Lt Commander Jadzia Dax
    ★★ Festive Jadzia Dax
    ★ Desert Ezri Dax
    ★★★ Sniper Ezri Dax
    ★★★★ Mirror Ezri Tigan
    ★★★★ Blood Oath Jadzia Dax
    ★★★★ Waitress Ezri
    ★★★★★ Klingon Bride Jadzia
    ★★★★ Princess Jadzia
    ★★★★★ Honey Bare Jadzia
    ★★★★ Mirror Jadzia Dax
    ★★★ Klingon Dukat
    ★★★★ Dominion Dukat
    ★★★★★ Pah-wraith Cult Dukat
    ★★★★ Bajoran Dukat
    ★★★ Gilora Rejal
  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    After the unwanted Discovery-Vulcan-Andorian event and failed Vulcan-Romulan event this is a relief even if Danar Rog isn't really an Augment.

  • As long as I get Admiral Patrick some time during the month and he says, "that's a stupid question" then I will be happy.

    Yes +1. I also want a Yelgrun that says "Ferengi!!..."
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Shan wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    So do featured crew receive extra bonuses when used in the skirmish?

    They do!

    I have added the following to the original post:
    Some Q/A:

    - Will crew in assigned to Voyages/Shuttles be locked out for Skirmishes: No
    - What kind of bonus do bonus crew provide: bonus crew that have a matching trait with will increase VP gain and, at the end of a battle, will enhance repair if you choose to repair, or enhance rewards if that is the option chosen.

    Important distinction for bonus crew: each battle in a Skirmish has its own traits to match, bonus crew provide a better trait match bonus. (Similarly to a Galaxy Event when building an event item)

    Edited for further clarification

    This is extremely helpful. One additional question: does the VP/reward bonus stack if you use more than one bonus crew? For example, if I use three bonus crew on the USS Defiant rather than one bonus crew and two normal crew, does this triple the VP bonus? Thank you.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • SST - 9of7SST - 9of7 ✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    So do featured crew receive extra bonuses when used in the skirmish?

    They do!

    I have added the following to the original post:
    Some Q/A:

    - Will crew in assigned to Voyages/Shuttles be locked out for Skirmishes: No
    - What kind of bonus do bonus crew provide: bonus crew will increase VP gain and, at the end of a battle, will enhance repair if you choose to repair, or enhance rewards if that is the option chosen.

    This is extremely helpful. One additional question: does the VP/reward bonus stack if you use more than one bonus crew? For example, if I use three bonus crew on the USS Defiant rather than one bonus crew and two normal crew, does this triple the VP bonus? Thank you.

    You can infer these things from the video.
    It implies expedition bonuses on VP and no stacking.
    Event crew = ×2 VP (400 VP instead of 200 VP with Mirror Kirk) So most likely bonus crew x1.5 VP.
    Using both Mirror Kirk and Troi changed nothing for the VP Bonus --> no stacking
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Shan wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    So do featured crew receive extra bonuses when used in the skirmish?

    They do!

    I have added the following to the original post:
    Some Q/A:

    - Will crew in assigned to Voyages/Shuttles be locked out for Skirmishes: No
    - What kind of bonus do bonus crew provide: bonus crew will increase VP gain and, at the end of a battle, will enhance repair if you choose to repair, or enhance rewards if that is the option chosen.

    This is extremely helpful. One additional question: does the VP/reward bonus stack if you use more than one bonus crew? For example, if I use three bonus crew on the USS Defiant rather than one bonus crew and two normal crew, does this triple the VP bonus? Thank you.

    No, they do not stack. If you use multiple bonus crew, only the highest bonus will be taken into account.

    Edited: removed the notion of trait as it is included in the concept of bonus crew, when an event includes crew with a specific trait.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Shan wrote: »
    Shan wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    So do featured crew receive extra bonuses when used in the skirmish?

    They do!

    I have added the following to the original post:
    Some Q/A:

    - Will crew in assigned to Voyages/Shuttles be locked out for Skirmishes: No
    - What kind of bonus do bonus crew provide: bonus crew will increase VP gain and, at the end of a battle, will enhance repair if you choose to repair, or enhance rewards if that is the option chosen.

    This is extremely helpful. One additional question: does the VP/reward bonus stack if you use more than one bonus crew? For example, if I use three bonus crew on the USS Defiant rather than one bonus crew and two normal crew, does this triple the VP bonus? Thank you.

    No, they do not stack. If you use multiple bonus crew, only the highest bonus will be taken into account.

    Edited: removed the notion of trait as it is included in the concept of bonus crew, when an event includes crew with a specific trait.

    Thank you for answering our questions. (:

    Is there a cap on the intel cost? As in, will it eventually stop going up each round? Or does it follow a certain formula and keep going up?

    And do we have to win all 5 on normal difficulty to advance to elite, and then win on elite to progress to epic, as is done in episodes & distress calls, or is it more like the arena, where you choose which one to enter?

    Does event small bonus crew provide a better OR equivalent bonus to using the individual round's trait bonuses?

    Like, if it's either small bonus or trait bonus, does it affect VP and all that which one we choose?

    Are you able to share what the plan is for threshold rewards? Like, will we get 3 copies of the 4* from thresholds like faction events or 4 copies like galaxies, or somehow something new altogether?
  • Awesome Officer Lockstock. Any Theatre people out there will know that Jeff McCarthy who played Roga Danar originated the AMAZING role of Officer Lockstock in Urinetown, the Musical. That show should have been called Urinetown in my pants because I laughed so hard. A lot of it due to Jeff McCarthy's work. Good to have him aboard.
  • [NDQ] Joker41NAM[NDQ] Joker41NAM ✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    My question on Skirmish: Will crew who are out on Voyages/Shuttles be eligible for use in a Skirmish fight, like they are in normal ship missions/arena?

    They will not be locked out :)

    Thanks for clarifying, @Shan .

    Now, while I'm pressing my luck, a special request:

    Given this is a Skirmish event, when you announce the new event crew's stats, could you please include their ship stats, ability changes, and any bonus abilities? (i.e., Young Khan @FF/FE gives Accuracy +590, Crit Bonus +440, Crit Rating +15, Evasion +400; +8 Attack & -2 Accuracy, init6/dur 10/cool 6)
  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    So do featured crew receive extra bonuses when used in the skirmish?

    They do!

    I have added the following to the original post:
    Some Q/A:

    - Will crew in assigned to Voyages/Shuttles be locked out for Skirmishes: No
    - What kind of bonus do bonus crew provide: bonus crew will increase VP gain and, at the end of a battle, will enhance repair if you choose to repair, or enhance rewards if that is the option chosen.

    Shan, what kind of bonus does the bonus *ship* get? Because in most cases, a 4* ship is really no match for the 5*s. So unless the bonus ships get a ton of stat boosts, I don't see how you'd be better off bringing one instead of your best ship. Some bonus VP won't make up for VP lost if you can't make it all the way though the five-battle series.
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    Magisse wrote: »

    Shan, what kind of bonus does the bonus *ship* get? Because in most cases, a 4* ship is really no match for the 5*s. So unless the bonus ships get a ton of stat boosts, I don't see how you'd be better off bringing one instead of your best ship. Some bonus VP won't make up for VP lost if you can't make it all the way though the five-battle series.

    From our blog post: Different featured ships will give hull bonuses during each event, so choose your ship wisely.

  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    My question on Skirmish: Will crew who are out on Voyages/Shuttles be eligible for use in a Skirmish fight, like they are in normal ship missions/arena?

    They will not be locked out :)

    Thanks for clarifying, @Shan .

    Now, while I'm pressing my luck, a special request:

    Given this is a Skirmish event, when you announce the new event crew's stats, could you please include their ship stats, ability changes, and any bonus abilities? (i.e., Young Khan @FF/FE gives Accuracy +590, Crit Bonus +440, Crit Rating +15, Evasion +400; +8 Attack & -2 Accuracy, init6/dur 10/cool 6)

    I understand the request but unfortunately I do not have the bandwidth for this.
    I hope that someday it will be an easier process and that it will be possible to add that information as well.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    Shan wrote: »
    My question on Skirmish: Will crew who are out on Voyages/Shuttles be eligible for use in a Skirmish fight, like they are in normal ship missions/arena?

    They will not be locked out :)

    Thanks for clarifying, @Shan .

    Now, while I'm pressing my luck, a special request:

    Given this is a Skirmish event, when you announce the new event crew's stats, could you please include their ship stats, ability changes, and any bonus abilities? (i.e., Young Khan @FF/FE gives Accuracy +590, Crit Bonus +440, Crit Rating +15, Evasion +400; +8 Attack & -2 Accuracy, init6/dur 10/cool 6)

    I understand the request but unfortunately I do not have the bandwidth for this.
    I hope that someday it will be an easier process and that it will be possible to add that information as well.

    I think your management staff needs to take this into account when looking at your workload.

  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ugh.... that Sisko is a must have
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm a little lost on how next week's event ignore anything about the mega though.
    Sisko = DS9
    Roga = Augment
    Khan = Augment
    Bashir = DS9 & Augment

    Yes, that was my point exactly.
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