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Key information about the event: A Quiet Coup - 06/14



  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Antasil wrote: »
    It may be a ds9 and augment theme event, but this is still timelines. The game where all the series and movies of Star Trek come together. So there has been a TNG character, sort of an augment, and now two from Voyager. Just wait and see how it plays out, that's my opinion...

  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    Week one
    Pointing Sisko (DS9)
    Roga Danar (TNG, thought he’d be an Augment, but isn’t)
    Young Khan (Augment)

    Week two
    Riots Dax (DS9)
    Malik (Augment)
    Arik Soong (ENT)

    Week three
    8472 (VOY)
    Drone 7 (VOY)
    Sarina Douglas (DS9, presumably Augment)

    Week four
    New Janeway and Burnham. ;)

    Mega legendary Riots Bashir (DS9, Augment)
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    Antasil wrote: »
    It may be a ds9 and augment theme event, but this is still timelines. The game where all the series and movies of Star Trek come together. So there has been a TNG character, sort of an augment, and now two from Voyager. Just wait and see how it plays out, that's my opinion...


    I'm not crazy about this event's crew at all, but what we voted for was the theme, not each character in the event.
  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think that mistake was mixing DS9 with anything.

    DS9 should be it's own mega-event. We wanted new Odo, Sisko, Kira, Dax, O'Brien plus Admiral Ross etc.
  • Captain LostCaptain Lost ✭✭✭✭
    Welp, looks like I'm going to be threshold and out next week (probably even Bashir and out, considering Seven is likely to be the threshold crew). Needless to say, I'm extremely disappointed in this turn; this mega event was going so well until now!

    We DID vote on this mega event, after all. I could almost see them justifying TNG characters intruding in, considering DS9 and TNG were neck and neck in the voting... but Voyager is just adding insult to injury.
  • I was expecting some random non augment cards but it would have been nice to see more Dominion/Cardassian/ Jeffery Combs cards.
  • Matt_DeckerMatt_Decker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    So . . . two of the featured crew from this mega event were also featured crew for the Borg mega event: Arik Soong and Drone 7 of 9. Huh.
    Fleet: Starship Trista
    Captain Level: 95
    VIP Level: 12
    Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
    Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
  • S31S31 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Well either way it's Bashir and out for me. At least I will save chronos.
  • Secret JourneySecret Journey ✭✭✭✭
    We also got the new Bashir...
    DB = Climbing up an endless wall...
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    S31 wrote: »
    arjuna wrote: »
    S31 wrote: »
    S31 wrote: »
    Why Stupid Discovery events weren't screwed with crew from another show? You could put Seven of Nine and Species 8472 there...

    You mean like Captain Janeway (https://stt.wiki/wiki/Streak_of_Stardust), Marla McGivers (https://stt.wiki/wiki/First_Impressions), Orion Slaver (https://stt.wiki/wiki/Orion_Belt), or Blood Oath Dax (https://stt.wiki/wiki/A_Logical_Reaction)?

    Literally EVERY SINGLE EVENT in the first Discovery mega had a character that wasn't from Discovery.

    Was any Discovery mega-event without anyone from Discovery? Because there aren't a single DS9 crew in this event!

    Sarina is DS9 so not sure what you are talking about. She is also Augment so DB got a twofer . I can also see that the Borg could be viewed as the ultimate augments and the best way to deal with the Borg is 8472. So yeah, I'm OK with this

    We voted for DS9 and Augments. Sarina is an Augment who is just technically from DS9.

    There are like 50 characters from DS9 with more appearance than her. It's like putting a TNG mega event with only Mark Twain from TNG.

    It does seem an odd choice to have an event where two out of three characters don't fit the theme and the one that fits both only appeared in a couple of episodes.

    I think Barclay appeared in more episodes of Voyager
  • Nero84Nero84 ✭✭✭
    I have been looking forward to Species 8472 for awhile. While it doesn't fit with either Augment or DS9 it is one of those characters people have been looking forward too. Honestly I was expecting Species 8472 in a separate event because it probably would have been popular.
  • Species 8472! nqn6t5jxos0w.jpg
  • What are the odds Drone Seven of Nine is Threshold, meaning the vast majority of players will miss out on a new FF 4* even though she was a monthly reward and used in a previous event...... Please DB change back to new 4* as threshold reward in events.
  • Secret JourneySecret Journey ✭✭✭✭
    ...bow plus arrow equals Archer!
    DB = Climbing up an endless wall...
  • ChubbChubb ✭✭
    edited June 2018
    It's an error right? You posted the wrong event at the wrong date?
  • SsjgSsjg ✭✭
    Well, this is just stupid.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    I suppose you could argue that the Borg are augments in a way. However, unless the three cards in the final week are versions of Kira, Odo and O'Brien we are going to have a DS9 event which is missing at least one of the main station crew.

    I went into this mega-event not just expecting that all the main cast wouldn't make it into an event, but actively hoping they wouldn't. It's not that I didn't want more of them--they're my faves and I'll gladly add as many to my crew as I can! It's just that one of the things that made DS9 special was the depth of its guest cast, and I'd hoped some of those characters would be highlighted. Just offhand, some still on my wish list who have no existing variants:

    Admiral Ross
    Joseph Sisko (perhaps make him Desert Joseph Sisko from "Shadows and Symbols"?)
    Lenara Kahn ("Rejoined")
    Logicians Solok ("Take Me Out to the Holosuite")
    The Albino ("Blood Oath")

    When I voted for DS9, I figured the recurring 5* would be someone from DS9, likely a DS9 Augment, and that we'd probably get 4-5 other new DS9 crew out of the whole affair. Maybe another two existing crew would turn up, with the remaining balance being non-DS9 Augments. Through the first three weeks, we've gotten:

    5* Enemy Lines Sisko
    5* Bell Riots Jadzia Dax
    4* Sarina Douglas

    We're still on pace to get 4-5 new DS9 crew by the end of the mega-event. Honestly, I have so little enthusiasm for the Augments that it doesn't make much difference to me whether the non-DS9 crew slots are taken by another Augment or someone as unrelated as Species 8472 or Drone Seven of Nine. I almost feel bad for those who voted for the Augments, except 1) I have no idea what their wish list could have included that they thought they could fill out an entire mega-event and 2) their votes kept my Dominion pick from winning, so whatever.

    I voted Enterprise and Augments. Enterprise, because I felt like they were massively underrepresented in the game. (I still mostly feel that way but we've had some added since then, which helps.)

    And Augments because, well, I wasn't sure what to vote for, no real preference, and I find augments interesting in at least an abstract way.

    Lol so if that mega event configuration happens, maybe we'll get a new Kira or Torres for kicks and giggles.

    I think DB needs to stop doing combined theme megas if they are going to go screwball on some of the characters. Just do a DS9 one with some ones that don't quite fit the model and then an Augment one same case. You're going to disappoint more than satisfy doing the combined together based on game chat, facebook and here.
  • It's our fault - if we had voted DS9 & Dominion, we would have gotten a more DS9-centric event. Because Augments won, it gave them more latitude to dip into the other series and make it fit. But honestly - 8472 & Borg 7 of 9? Even if the story angle they take makes sense, it still does not feel like it fits. Honestly, Augment Riker would have been a better fit for the re-run character at this point. Yeah I know, Borg vs. 8472 . . . but though she is enhanced, she is not an Augment.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Surely there had to be a better time and use for Species 8472 and Drone Seven than during the middle of a Deep Space Nine/Augments themed mega-event.

    A major Voyager antagonist doesn't need to be getting tacked on like some afterthought into someone else's event.

    Maybe what we are missing is clarification from db on how they design these mega events. Maybe they are designing it to be only 70% fitting the theme or there are other criteria we are not aware of. It is weird how they missed the theme with vulcan/romulan event month and now this ds9 augment. The borg event month was full of borg and the klingon event month was full of klingons. Maybe the problem is that db is doing event months ecery other month so need to fit in these extra non event month people in. If they had a species 8472 and seven event the week after the ds9 augment event month ended everyone would have been so ecstatic. I like species 8472 and seven and will definitely get them but it just feels weird when they dont fit the theme neither did Roga or Soong.
    Let’s fly!
  • arjunaarjuna ✭✭✭
    Surely there had to be a better time and use for Species 8472 and Drone Seven than during the middle of a Deep Space Nine/Augments themed mega-event.

    A major Voyager antagonist doesn't need to be getting tacked on like some afterthought into someone else's event.

    Maybe what we are missing is clarification from db on how they design these mega events. Maybe they are designing it to be only 70% fitting the theme or there are other criteria we are not aware of. It is weird how they missed the theme with vulcan/romulan event month and now this ds9 augment. The borg event month was full of borg and the klingon event month was full of klingons. Maybe the problem is that db is doing event months ecery other month so need to fit in these extra non event month people in. If they had a species 8472 and seven event the week after the ds9 augment event month ended everyone would have been so ecstatic. I like species 8472 and seven and will definitely get them but it just feels weird when they dont fit the theme neither did Roga or Soong.

    Borg Mega- Arik Soong - not Borg
    Klingon Mega -Alidar Jarok - Not a klingon

    I think the only event that has only characters that fit the mega 100% is the mirror mega and DB still got torched because some of them weren't "canon" in the minds of some fans.
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