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Key information about the event: A Quiet Coup - 06/14



  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    It's our fault - if we had voted DS9 & Dominion, we would have gotten a more DS9-centric event. Because Augments won, it gave them more latitude to dip into the other series and make it fit. But honestly - 8472 & Borg 7 of 9? Even if the story angle they take makes sense, it still does not feel like it fits. Honestly, Augment Riker would have been a better fit for the re-run character at this point. Yeah I know, Borg vs. 8472 . . . but though she is enhanced, she is not an Augment.

    Or perhaps they should have designed the questionnaire as a list of possible themes that work together?
    a) DS9 & Dominion
    b) Enterprise & Augments
    c) etc etc

    To get the best answers, you need to ask the right questions.
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Some much requested cards, but still odd how 8472 got shoehorned in. Maybe their advanced biotechnology has something to contribute to the augment situation?

    At least Sarina fits both mega criteria.

    As far as Seven being featured instead of Kira or O'Brien or Odo or Quark or Garak or Morn, that is just baffling...
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    I guess the theme of augments has led to many different versions of augments. Even if not the augment faction, they are involved with the story that DB created.

    One last observation, the TOS Klingons or the ENT Klingons that have what people expect when Augment is mention, so we can actually call them Augments.
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    WaldoMag wrote: »
    One last observation, the TOS Klingons or the ENT Klingons that have what people expect when Augment is mention, so we can actually call them Augments.

    If augment implies an improvement, which to me it does, then I don't think post TOS Klingons would consider TOS era Klingons augmented. They're said to be afflicted by the augment virus. Virus gives it a negative connotation. The virus made them more like humans - not considered an improvement.
  • t<G>e  Roonist<G>e Roonis ✭✭✭✭
    arjuna wrote: »
    Surely there had to be a better time and use for Species 8472 and Drone Seven than during the middle of a Deep Space Nine/Augments themed mega-event.

    A major Voyager antagonist doesn't need to be getting tacked on like some afterthought into someone else's event.

    Maybe what we are missing is clarification from db on how they design these mega events. Maybe they are designing it to be only 70% fitting the theme or there are other criteria we are not aware of. It is weird how they missed the theme with vulcan/romulan event month and now this ds9 augment. The borg event month was full of borg and the klingon event month was full of klingons. Maybe the problem is that db is doing event months ecery other month so need to fit in these extra non event month people in. If they had a species 8472 and seven event the week after the ds9 augment event month ended everyone would have been so ecstatic. I like species 8472 and seven and will definitely get them but it just feels weird when they dont fit the theme neither did Roga or Soong.

    Borg Mega- Arik Soong - not Borg
    Klingon Mega -Alidar Jarok - Not a klingon

    I think the only event that has only characters that fit the mega 100% is the mirror mega and DB still got torched because some of them weren't "canon" in the minds of some fans.

    If you accept Mintakans as related by being "proto-Vulcans" the Vulcan/Romulan Mega event was the best as far as focus. Amanda and McCoy were the only ones who weren't at least pretending to be one of those races, and both were in the Spock centric event and made quite a bit of sense in context. Sure, main crew in disguise could be considered a misdirect, but their appearances were at least centered around those cultures in their episode contexts.

  • For CardassiaFor Cardassia ✭✭✭✭✭
    So...reading through these comments I feel like I want to clarify my initial displeasure:

    I'm okay with some crew in this mega not being strictly DS9 or Augment only. For instance, Soong thematically fits and makes sense.

    In this case, I could see maybe how the Borg might make it's way into the story, but I don't feel like that warrants having 2/3 crew for this event be Borg-related.

    I was personally looking forward to getting new DS9 and Augment crew. I was expecting some occasional outliers (I had assumed Soong and Marla at least would appear), but I was certainly not expecting the majority of crew to be off-theme.

    If the story doesn't feel too forced, I might be able to accept the concept of these crew being added.

    But I'll still be disappointed at a missed opportunity for more DS9/Augment crew.

    Also to be entirely honest, I'd be pretty hyped if we got Klingon Augment Archer :P
    “Treason, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.” - Elim Garak

    Cardassian wishlist:
    Tora Ziyal - Thanks!
    Natima Lang
    Empok Nor Garak
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    Ulani Belor
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    Maybe what we are missing is clarification from db...

    You could have just stopped after this first line. 😋
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    DS9 and Augment is very broad. Thus they seem to have decided on an Augment event focused around DS9. Some more focusing would be called for.

    That said, I will try hard for those cards. I think I depleted my chroniton stockpile too far leveling up for this week, though.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Two points:

    1. I encourage using mega events to tell interesting stories. We don't know how next week's event is going to introduce those characters into the story, but I really like the idea of the Augments turning to Species 8472 or Species 8472 manipulating the Augments for their own ends. That's a cool story, a neat twist, and exactly the kind of thing a mega-event should incorporate.

    The storyline of Timelines allows the writers to mix and mash crew and a mega event gives them a chance to serialize and tell larger stories. That's really cool and I like seeing it.

    2. I do want a little more truth in advertising. *If* you're going to shoehorn Species 8472 into a mega-event, don't do it in an event voted on and explicitly advertised as a mash-up of DS9 and the Augments. That already has a twist: Augments and Deep Space Nine!

    So, for example, if next week's odd additions were a 5* Weyoun 7 and a 4* Changeling Lovok, and it turned out that all this time the Augment attack was being manipulated by the Dominion, that would be a thematically appropriate twist to a DS9/Augment event.

    8472 is a fantastic twist on a Voyager/Augment event.

    Combining these two points: I'm disappointed to see the story go in this direction, shoehorning in a third and largely unrelated element to two elements that were already in large part unrelated. Maybe the writing will work, which would lessen my disappointment, but no matter what the effectiveness has been undercut by a basic inability on DB's part to give the people what they voted for and what was supposed to be delivered.

    I can appreciate there being reluctance to bring the Dominion into this, as that could easily be read as disregarding that the Augments won the faction vote. (I mean, everyone should have just voted for the Dominion in the first place, but we're past that.) Still, within DS9 there are plenty of other shady figures who could service the story in one way or another. Offhand:

    Altovar ("Distant Voices")
    Ambassadors E'Tyshra & Sharat ("Armageddon Game")
    Dr. Elias Giger ("In the Cards")
    Dr. Lewis Zimmerman ("Doctor Bashir, I Presume?")
    Gideon Seyetik ("Second Sight")
    Hagath ("Business as Usual")
    Pascal Fullerton ("Let He Who Is Without Sin...")
    The Albino ("Blood Oath")
  • DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    that’s what we’ve all signed up for by playing this game in he first place.


    I understand why people use the term shoehorned, but in a sense, the entire game is shoehorned. Sometimes you like the result, sometimes not.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Unpopular opinion: I wouldn’t want to see a DS9/Dominion mega event.

    Why? Because we have that already. It’s called “Seasons 2 through 7 of DS9.” The greatest strength of the premise of Timelines is that completely disparate parts of Trek can be combined in new and interesting ways. That one event (or was it an episode?) where McCoy sides with the Maquis comes to mind. Episode 8 with the Dominion vs. the Hirogen is another.

    DS9 with Augments. TOS crew vs. Cardassians. Captain Picard squaring off against the Voth under the watchful eyes of the Metrons...these are the things that make the story interesting. So, yes, it’s a little disappointing to see next week’s event contain more Delta Quadrant crew than Augments or DS9 characters but that’s what we’ve all signed up for by playing this game in he first place.

    I concur entirely with the overall point about mixing it up, which is why I'm in favor of the split-themed mega format. I voted for DS9 and the Dominion, not so much because I necessarily wanted a DS9/Dominion mega, but to increase the chances that I'd get one of my two wishes. I was aware that if it had ended up being DS9/Dominion, the only way to alleviate the tedium for fans who aren't into DS9 would be to bring in characters from outside the series and faction that I'd voted for, which in turn would have undermined the meaning of my ballot. I'd have understood and been okay with it, but I get why others would have been more put off than I would have been.

    Going forward, I would propose that maybe the voting be done in succession, where we pick the series first and then the faction, and the faction options could be amended based on which series was picked, to eliminate doubling up:

    TOS: No Augments or Terran Empire
    TNG: No Terran Empire
    DS9: No Bajoran, Cardassian, Dominion, KCA, Section 31, or Terran Empire
    VOY: No Ferengi Alliance* or Hirogen
    ENT: No Augments, Section 31, or Terran Empire
    DIS: No Terran Empire or Section 31

    There are Bajorans and Cardassians in TNG and VOY, but so few that non-TNG/non-VOY Bajorans and Cardassians could be used to populate a mega. Contrarily, there are so many Klingons, Ferengi, Maquis, and Romulans that they should be able to be paired with any series and still create a large enough pool to break up the monopoly of the mega.

    *I included the Ferengi Alliance as a VOY ban simply because the Kazon are lumped in with that faction.
  • While I do think it’s fun to mix it up (the whole premise of the game), I also think it’s a clown fiesta to have species 8472 and seven in a ds9/augments event.
    Immortalized: 465
    Tour of duty: January 2016 to present.
    Shut up Wesley.
  • Zann Calcore (ISA)Zann Calcore (ISA) ✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    I guess you have to see the Re edit of the movie to see the details we missed under the old format. bwhwcvnk518u.png

    Seven must be standing just behind Khan so you can’t see her in this shot. Lol.

    P.S. - Just one thing I’d like to further say. I love the mixups that we regularly get from Timelines; after all, that’s kind of the point of the game. However, I guess my point of being a bit irritated by DB using Voyager crew to fill spots in a DS9/Augment Mega-Event is that, if you’re not going to use DS9 and/or Augment crew and instead go wild with it all, then don’t label the Mega-Event as a “DS9/Augment “ Mega-Event.
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have to board the train with everyone else, this week's event is just whaaa?
    Thankfully it's galaxy so I get a double bonus, one I'm not interested in any of the crew so no worries about placements, I'm just Bashir and out, and two I don't have to spend too much of my chrons and components. I'm actually kinda glad.
    Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
    Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
    Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • Secret JourneySecret Journey ✭✭✭✭
    Hey, I tried celebrating but I guess this wasn’t the thread for it...
    DB = Climbing up an endless wall...
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    Since most of you already have the complaining covered, I'll focus on something more positive.

    I'm happy that 8472 is getting added. Since it's a galaxy I will be pulling one pack, finishing thresholds and bowing out. I hope Sarina is threshold since I have Drone Seven immortalized like so many others.

    I will be saving chrons but only so I can finish the thresholds quicker and focus on my own crew.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    As requested as 8472 has been since the game launched I’m a bit surprised that it’s being put into this event (seemingly randomly but we’ll see how they write it) instead of either its own special event or ending up pack only to start.
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    Having had a little time to mull over everything, I think it's the inclusion of Drone Seven of Nine that taints this one. Species 8472 falls into a gray area created by how unclear the Augment faction trait has been defined, something highlighted two weeks ago with Roga Danar leading off this mega. They aren't political Augments, and even though they're physically superior, it's because they're the "apex of biological evolution" rather than being physiological Augments, either.

    So we think, okay, hold off on that. Who else is in this event? Sarina Douglas. Alright, that makes perfect sense for a DS9/Augment mega-event. Who else? Drone Seven of Nine? What? Putting Seven and 8472 together makes some obvious sense, recalling "Scorpion" and "Scorpion, Part II" which introduced both of them. At this point, though, Sarina Douglas is the outlier, and she fits BOTH of the mega-event criteria.

    I concur with @[FF] Vice Admiral Nairne that the pool of characters in a DS9/Augment mega is large enough that it's hard to swallow two of the three Featured Crew slots in one part being filled with someone from outside that pool.
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