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Event Ranked Rewards Change - post questions/feedback here.



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    JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    so I'm playing this event with Pug Q and Klaa whom I have at 3* from the packs I bought. I'm currently ranked at 168. I'm already squad leader and again have also achieved a little extra VP that way too.

    I achieve these results because I prioritise my crew, work hard sending out shuttles and voyages all the time, get some absolutely belting help from my fleet and I grind during skirmish.

    You got it. Many complaints that come up have nothing to do with the things DB does, but with the things we do, how we play the game, how we prepare for an event.

    For Galaxies as well. You don´t really need the featured legendary for them. It mainly depends on the Chrons you saved up and the items you prefarmed. Hence Stellar Ice even won 2 of them as VIP 0.

    Keep rocking the events and enjoy o:)

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    (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hard to say what the effects of this reward change will be until we do it and see.
    Let’s fly!
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    AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ivanstone wrote: »
    unless DB is trying to get peeps to quit, this is a bad move unless they are going to stat extending the legendary to more than just the top 1% group. that is just a fact of simple math.
    You're aware that VIP0 players have won Galaxy events right? I've seen them place highly in Skirmishes and Hybrids as well. That means they won without the needed 5*.

    Yeah I don't agree with this idea that it is unfair to VIP0, non-whales, etc. either. I'm not VIP0 (spent a bit of money in the very beginning of playing) but my spending habits have been monthly card and an occasional $10 here and there for the past year and I have no problems ranking in top 1000 for any event. The only people this would negatively affect in this way are new players and they're at a disadvantage no matter how the 5*s are given out for events.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, this change HELPS VIP0 and low spenders. People who are not buying packs never had a shot at the event 5* until after the event. Now they can use their rank in the previous event to earn a 5* event crew to use in the next event.
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    PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think the impact may just vary according to event type. I'm not going to wager on how it will play out, but

    Factions are all about having a good deep bonus crew. The 5 would give an edge, but you're not going to have that same 1/5 on every shuttle. (Unless you got more than one copy being top 25 in which case, that's way too small a set of people.) Someone with a deeper bonus crew could overtake someone who just had the 5 and no or lesser amounts of bonus crew..

    Galaxy, well the 5 would definitely give an edge on the bonus items -- means spending less chrons to get a better score.

    Skirmishes, wouldn't matter that much as all you need is one of the featured 4s.
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    Ren~Ren~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    This makes events much more complicated now and I don't like that.
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    Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ren~ wrote: »
    This makes events much more complicated now and I don't like that.

    Yes! This! If I’m going after an event, I just want to worry about THAT event

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    NivenFresNivenFres ✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2018
    My thought on this is that we already have a chance at winning a gold. if reaching 1000 for a gold is already a problem, how is shifting that problem by a week going to help? If you get the gold, level it, chances are the same pool of players will have done the same thing. Not going to affect me much, but just my two cents.

    I feel this is the part people seem to be missing. You are still getting a reward. It's just not the 5* for the event you just finished, which didn't end up helping you finish that event at all.
    "If it wasn't for autocorrect, we wouldn't have Tuvok on a Giraffe."
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    Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    Apologies if this has been asked and answered already. I did read most of the comments here and searched Shan and Riker’s recent posts.

    How are the 5* reward crew going to tie in with event packs?

    For example, Gloria is reward crew in event 1, but featured bonus in event 2. During which event(s) will she be available from packs or event pulls?
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    [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2018
    Apologies if this has been asked and answered already. I did read most of the comments here and searched Shan and Riker’s recent posts.

    How are the 5* reward crew going to tie in with event packs?

    For example, Gloria is reward crew in event 1, but featured bonus in event 2. During which event(s) will she be available from packs or event pulls?

    During her actual event, so event 2 packs and offers.
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    Nah buggrit. Gonna grab the gold every time, level and ditch after the next week if I don't like/no space. Keep them lowlifes out of the top 1000.

    On the other hand, since I don't always hit top 1000 owing to limited resources, I'll probably end up being one of the lowlifes.

    Except maybe during a mega because I tend to go all-out in them.

    Sigh. So much planning. So much confusion. So few crew slots. What is a girl going to do?
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    [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2018
    Webberoni wrote: »
    I think there are four general groups. This should exclude top 25 players as getting there requires resource burn and time the likes of which this change won’t impact one way or another.

    1. Whales. Don’t like it because it means 1000 (less whales) other will have event 5* to compete whereas only those who pulled packs and DYC, etc used to which means harder competition especially in faction events with limited crew.
    2. Often top 1000. Like it because it gives you a chance to use the 1/5 you earn. Also helps compete against whales and keep the not 1000 from taking your place.
    3. Seldom top 1000. Don’t like it as it’s now harder to beat the often top 1000 as they will have a continuous slight advantage.
    4. Never top 1000. Shouldn’t give a toss either way.

    In all cases, the “advantage” is not that serious as one additional 1/5 will seldom make or break your event. Galaxy is more about chroniton burning and mindless crafting. Skirmishes about chroniton burn and mindless button tapping ad Infinitum. Faction, seldom one character will make a huge difference with the biggest impact being on shallow bonus character pools which we won’t see for a month at least given the hologrampalooza we about to embark on. Expeditions... yeah they would be very affected by the change because an event 5* would be awesome for max vp. But we haven’t seen an expedition in donkey’s years now and they are getting rather rarer than sightings of the Loch Ness monster.

    I think the real anger is being directed at the lack of restructuring of the rewards table overall; a subject on which most of us concur regardless of our view on this change. They have already said they will revisit it but not until after the mega. This change, however, is more a tempest in a teacup IMO. But yay to free Nog... now if only I can get some crew slots 😜

    The one group you missed falls somewhere between #2 and #3, where players are capable of finishing top-1000 any given week, but pick and choose which events they participate in. Mainly, it's players that always get top-1000 in faction events, but often choose to go threshold-and-out in the monotonous events like galaxy and skirmish.

    The issue with the change is that these players are now potentially disadvantaged in faction events that follow galaxy events, if they keep going threshold-and-out. Those players miss out on the 5* crew that would help in the faction event, while 1000 other players become more competitive than they would have been under the old structure.

    For these players, they have to decide to either play events they don't really want to play, or have a tougher time in their preferred events. To a point, this change could prevent some players from playing the game the way they actually want to, which is the underlying issue. Obviously the choice is still theirs, but it feels as though they're being boxed into a corner.

    I fall in this bracket. My choices are to compete in the previous event and spend more resources on leveling a crew I don't really want, and whom I might ditch, or play at a likely disadvantage only on the weeks I want to. It requires a lot more planning and play, and also there's still an element of not being sure what the following weeks event is going to be (I haven't figured out if we're going to get the full information in advance or not).

    I'm going to wait and see, but for now I feel it's a likely disadvantage given the way I play.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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    Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Webberoni wrote: »
    I think there are four general groups. This should exclude top 25 players as getting there requires resource burn and time the likes of which this change won’t impact one way or another.

    1. Whales. Don’t like it because it means 1000 (less whales) other will have event 5* to compete whereas only those who pulled packs and DYC, etc used to which means harder competition especially in faction events with limited crew.
    2. Often top 1000. Like it because it gives you a chance to use the 1/5 you earn. Also helps compete against whales and keep the not 1000 from taking your place.
    3. Seldom top 1000. Don’t like it as it’s now harder to beat the often top 1000 as they will have a continuous slight advantage.
    4. Never top 1000. Shouldn’t give a toss either way.

    In all cases, the “advantage” is not that serious as one additional 1/5 will seldom make or break your event. Galaxy is more about chroniton burning and mindless crafting. Skirmishes about chroniton burn and mindless button tapping ad Infinitum. Faction, seldom one character will make a huge difference with the biggest impact being on shallow bonus character pools which we won’t see for a month at least given the hologrampalooza we about to embark on. Expeditions... yeah they would be very affected by the change because an event 5* would be awesome for max vp. But we haven’t seen an expedition in donkey’s years now and they are getting rather rarer than sightings of the Loch Ness monster.

    I think the real anger is being directed at the lack of restructuring of the rewards table overall; a subject on which most of us concur regardless of our view on this change. They have already said they will revisit it but not until after the mega. This change, however, is more a tempest in a teacup IMO. But yay to free Nog... now if only I can get some crew slots 😜

    The one group you missed falls somewhere between #2 and #3, where players are capable of finishing top-1000 any given week, but pick and choose which events they participate in. Mainly, it's players that always get top-1000 in faction events, but often choose to go threshold-and-out in the monotonous events like galaxy and skirmish.

    The issue with the change is that these players are now potentially disadvantaged in faction events that follow galaxy events, if they keep going threshold-and-out. Those players miss out on the 5* crew that would help in the faction event, while 1000 other players become more competitive than they would have been under the old structure.

    For these players, they have to decide to either play events they don't really want to play, or have a tougher time in their preferred events. To a point, this change could prevent some players from playing the game the way they actually want to, which is the underlying issue. Obviously the choice is still theirs, but it feels as though they're being boxed into a corner.

    This is true... I’ve thought about doing it before and did a few times but decided it wasn’t too much hassle and a resource drain to just go top 1000 in all events.
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    The more I think about it, the more I realize this'll make crew slots even more of an issue. With repeat events dropping 5* (I'm not complaining about that), but also feeling compelled to get this week's 5* to have a better chance at fighting for next week's 5*, I anticipate a lot more FE 5* being air locked going forward.

    It's already hard enough trying to keep up with leveling all my crew. :'( I typically play EVERY event at least threshold, but I think the chron burn from so many legendaries (those I want plus those I level to help achieve those I want) may drive me to start sitting out some events just to try and keep up with leveling.
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    Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    The more I think about it, the more I realize this'll make crew slots even more of an issue. With repeat events dropping 5* (I'm not complaining about that), but also feeling compelled to get this week's 5* to have a better chance at fighting for next week's 5*, I anticipate a lot more FE 5* being air locked going forward.

    It's already hard enough trying to keep up with leveling all my crew. :'( I typically play EVERY event at least threshold, but I think the chron burn from so many legendaries (those I want plus those I level to help achieve those I want) may drive me to start sitting out some events just to try and keep up with leveling.

    I have found skipping occasional events (especially Galaxy events that force you to incinerate a significant portion of your inventory) is a great way to stay caught up on leveling priorities.
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    robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    The more I think about it, the more I realize this'll make crew slots even more of an issue. With repeat events dropping 5* (I'm not complaining about that), but also feeling compelled to get this week's 5* to have a better chance at fighting for next week's 5*, I anticipate a lot more FE 5* being air locked going forward.

    It's already hard enough trying to keep up with leveling all my crew. :'( I typically play EVERY event at least threshold, but I think the chron burn from so many legendaries (those I want plus those I level to help achieve those I want) may drive me to start sitting out some events just to try and keep up with leveling.

    I have found skipping occasional events (especially Galaxy events that force you to incinerate a significant portion of your inventory) is a great way to stay caught up on leveling priorities.

    Yup, that is very much my approach as well. I'm only considering participating because I would really like Gloria.
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    I think this is a good change. I agree with many prior posters on not needing the event legendary to hit 1k once you have a decent crew. I have hit top 1000 in every skirmish and top 1k whenever I care to in faction. Galaxy I struggle with, but not because of event crew, because I am still leveling a lot cards that eat up my chrons. I do not think this has much gameplay impact outside the top 50.
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    As long as we get the states and updates on time this should not be terrible. Thank you an for the tux nog. Are there plans to update the reward thresholds so they are proportional to the number or players that week rather than the current levels, which are 3 years old.

    Something like top price stays the same, but then it's the top 0.1%, 0.25%, 0.5%, top 1%, top 2%, top 5%, top 10% etc. If we get an open statement on the current active players (all those involved in at least 1 of the last 4 events) then top 5% could be where legendaries drop off rewards.
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    PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jimmyt85 wrote: »
    As long as we get the states and updates on time this should not be terrible. Thank you an for the tux nog. Are there plans to update the reward thresholds so they are proportional to the number or players that week rather than the current levels, which are 3 years old.

    Something like top price stays the same, but then it's the top 0.1%, 0.25%, 0.5%, top 1%, top 2%, top 5%, top 10% etc. If we get an open statement on the current active players (all those involved in at least 1 of the last 4 events) then top 5% could be where legendaries drop off rewards.

    Percentage based rewards will really only benefit if the active player amounts have grown, which according to some accounts they have and others they have not.

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    Is there any chance of seeing some of the special pack characters showing up in events to give everyone a chance to get them vs the people who can afford the dilithium needed to get them.
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    Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    dchandley wrote: »
    Is there any chance of seeing some of the special pack characters showing up in events to give everyone a chance to get them vs the people who can afford the dilithium needed to get them.

    That would kind of defeat the purpose of special packs which is to give it to people who want to pay for it so they can show off their new shiny character that (virtually) no one else has.

    But don’t worry, they eventually get put into the portal (wait a year) and you can get them via random drops from free portal pulls or Voyages. I’ve got one Friar Tuck Data but still waiting for a lot of the others like Marshall Q and Gabriel Bell. Probably a couple of others too.
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    Star Trek Timelines Voyages and AM question. Assume you have enough antimatter to issue a recall. Plenty: say 1850 AM. Now say you have had your crew out for 5 hours. Is it possible to meet or run into some all powerful race of aliens that are very hostile and decide to destroy your ship? Bingo Bango, your dead and so is your crew. It doesn’t matter how quickly you reach for the recall button nor that there is ample AM, much more than required, you and your crew are dead. Or ... is the voyage aspect limited to rapid withdrawal of 30 AM units, and under the scenario described, you can always bring your crew home? Just curious. Started playing late last week so I’m new. Seems the answer is ... ‘welcome home’, but I wonder.
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    AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    30 is the max you can lose at any one point. As long as you recall with more than 32 AM you will be safe.
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    Thank you AviTrek. I thought so after a cursory look at the rules.
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    But I kept thinking of Stephen Hawking. 🙂
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    I am noticing that the more my crew members increase their skill numbers, the greater the hazards rate increases. I could go longer on a voyage with lower crew skills before. I only have a couple of data points but this does seem like a pattern. Is there a reason for this to occur? Assuming I am correct.
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