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Key information about the event: Trouble in Paradise - 01/16 - Correction



  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Oh god why did DB have to remind me of that awful Short Trek?

    Yeah, I found it painfully unfunny. (Benjamin can be good, but he was doing the exact same character he always does, and I thought the writing and direction was abysmal.) But more than that, it was painfully un-Trek-like. I enjoy Disco and most of the other Short Treks, but that one was a stinker, through and through. (Adding an obligatory "in my opinion".)

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    So a character from a very recent Short Trek gets a character, and we're still without Commander Shelby?

    Maybe Shelby will be in a Picard Mega.
    Let’s fly!
  • EnderWEnderW ✭✭✭✭✭
    sooooo while that short trek was indeed terrible, i'm more interested in something else...what do we think the ingredients will be to make worf's risa underwear? :D

    Prune juice. Chilled.
    Playing Since: 2018-02-26 Level: 99 Fleet: ÷ Battleship Yamato, Squad Leader & Fleet Officer; 17hr, 20min Voyage /wo Refuel; 1546 Immortalized Crew; Highest Event Rank: 8 (God of Thunder)
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Oh god why did DB have to remind me of that awful Short Trek?

    Yeah, I found it painfully unfunny. (Benjamin can be good, but he was doing the exact same character he always does, and I thought the writing and direction was abysmal.) But more than that, it was painfully un-Trek-like. I enjoy Disco and most of the other Short Treks, but that one was a stinker, through and through. (Adding an obligatory "in my opinion".)

    Personally, I thought it was a great episode. It was hilarious, of course. But more than that, it showed a captain that wasn't great. Not every captain is a Kirk or a Picard, an Archer or a Janeway, not even a Sisko. It takes someone truly special to captain the flagship of the Federation. Lucero was not such a captain. Or if she became one later, then she had to learn a valuable lesson on her first mission.

    It may not be the Trek we grew up with, but for 12 minutes, we got to see part of Starfleet that wasn't the cream of the crop.

    Now... If they give her a series... then there is a lot of explaining to do or I'm jumping ship and joining you guys. :)
    Farewell 🖖
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    wow, that purple is probably the worst character ever

    A new 4 🌟 that was played by a gorgeous actor? In a Galaxy Event, where I can fully Fuse her? No complaints here.
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    And on to speculation...

    Worf: SEC/ENG/CMD
    SEC because Worf :D
    ENG because he sabotaged the weather
    CMD also because Worf. :)

    Lucero: SCI/SEC/CMD
    SCI because that seemed to be her thing
    SEC because that's what you need when things go horribly wrong
    CMD because she was captain, but tertiary because she wasn't great at leading
    Farewell 🖖
  • And on to speculation...

    Worf: SEC/ENG/CMD
    SEC because Worf :D
    ENG because he sabotaged the weather
    CMD also because Worf. :)

    Lucero: SCI/SEC/CMD
    SCI because that seemed to be her thing
    SEC because that's what you need when things go horribly wrong
    CMD because she was captain, but tertiary because she wasn't great at leading

    I think you're right on Worf. He currently has just five 5-star variants. Three of them are only two-skillers and four of them are SEC primary. (Governor Worf is CMD/SEC/DIP.) So ideally he'd be ENG/CMD/SEC, I guess? Unless they're trying to avoid releasing three ENG-primary bridge crew from events in a five-week span.
  • The real question in that case is how Star Fleet “Peter Principled” him into such a job

    That, we can agree on. He must have been doing something special for an Admiral somewhere ;)

    What I'm finding at the moment, on Twitter and Reddit, is that no-one seems to be able to say anything negative about Discovery or its Short Treks without someone else piping up and saying that the negativity is due to racism/sexism/homophobia/etc... Its irritating because I'm a Trekkie - I understand the concept of IDIC.

    I simply don't like Discovery because I feel the writing is substandard!

    The problem is that so much of the criticism is due to or wrapped up in racism/sexism/homophobia couched as general dislike of the series that it is very hard to parse out and have a good discussion about the pros and cons of the series. I think if you keep watching Discovery or give it another chance you will enjoy it. It is a fun show with new trek storylines, interesting new characters, and amazing special effects. I know I hated Discovery the first two episodes but kept watching and now I love it. The big problem Discovery had was that the first two episodes were setup that were a bit forced to get the show where it needed to be and that CBS only showed the first episode for free when the show doesn’t get really good until episode 3.

    I agree that Discovery gets good in episode 3. But I disagree about the -isms and -phobias. Star Trek is one of the most progressive audiences out there. We generally deserve the benefit of the doubt. If you think it's hard to parse out the -isms and -phobias, that's on you. If it's blatant, then it's there. If it's a fan who's ticked that the new show disrespected canon, then it's legit. Don't go looking for something that's not there. Give them the benefit of the doubt. Star Trek has pioneered so many of those social issues that bigots have long since tuned out. Those of us still here have good intentions. :)
    /end rant

    All that said, a guy from my fleet didn't like Discovery until his second time through. Personally, I watch each episode twice when it's released. I think it's totally fair to recommend giving Discovery a second try. :)

    Shakes hand...

    Thank you :)
  • What I have found is that whenever someone complains about something so large as an entire series with something so general as “substandard writing“ (Particulalarly with DSC/DS9) in general if you ask him define that term you start hitting on all of those things you just mentioned. For example if we agree that she did shut Edward down, and shouldn’t have expected him to be a psychopath, I no longer see what she did wrong

    I’ll define it here for you then.

    IMO, Discovery has substandard writing because:
    It relies far too much on “magic” (I.e. the spore drive)
    The main character seems to be the solution to almost every problem
    The writers have an obsession with nostalgia (the visit to Talos IV was unnecessary for example)
    The show feels a bit too “American” at times. The way people act doesn’t seem to reflect how people would act in the real world outside of American TV shows.
    The series is suffering from “small world” syndrome. Another symptom of the nostalgia binge the writers are on - Spoke, Pike, Mudd,
    The Enterprise, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Trill we’ve seen in the S3 trailers turns out to be Dax.

    What strikes me is none of this is your criticism of the character you came in here criticizing, in fact you seem to have abandoned those criticisms. So I certainly don’t feel it’s less likely that this is how you were couching phobias and-isms
  • Risa Worf? Check
    Obligatory Poor leader? Check
    Galaxy aka chron drain? All check.
    Looks like a single build and out next week.
    Account on it's final tour, soon to be retired!
  • Captain IdolCaptain Idol ✭✭✭✭✭
    Lucero! Ok I'm happy we're getting her. Brilliant short trek!
  • edited January 2020
  • What strikes me is none of this is your criticism of the character you came in here criticizing, in fact you seem to have abandoned those criticisms. So I certainly don’t feel it’s less likely that this is how you were couching phobias and-isms

    Im beginning to feel like you’re trolling me now.

    We have differing opinions about how she handled Edward. You feel that she “shut him down”. I don’t. During the meeting in her office (after he’d sent communiques back to Starfleet) she should have relieved him of duty and confined him to quarters. Instead, she lets him get away with further insubordination and puts him back on duty.

    During the Tribble take over of the ship, she appears to be reluctant to take a stronger stance against the Tribbles (I can’t remember, but I think the phasers were set to stun. Just beam them into space!).

    And finally, she stood and watched a crewman die. Albeit it was his own fault, but our other Captains would have at least tried to save him (Sisko would have stunned him and dragged His butt into the escape pod).

    In Trek, we expect our captains to be brave, intelligent, driven individuals who know how to command regardless of their gender, race, age or species. Her character seemed to be written as a foil for Edwards character.

    1.So what did you agree with because in the post where you said we can agree on that I said she shut him down but should not have confined him

    2. So you want your Starfleet captains less worried about life forms they have not established to not be sentient? Guess you’re really waiting for that section 31 series

    3. I thought you hated that the main character in discovery was perfect at everything, but now your complaint is a captain wasn’t able to save a crewmember. Ironically you use Sisko as your example who unquestionably lost the most people under his command as leader of a battlefront, and spent many episodes dealing with exactly that. by running for Edward, she risked everyone in that elevator.

    Sisko MIGHT, have vaporized him to save him the indignity of death by Tribble.

    4.she followed regulations, and the spirit of Star Fleet. At worst, she didnt assume this officer she had been assigned was a dangerous lunatic without behavior suggesting such a risk. Which in my country is the law. You’re mad, I’ll give you that, but your explanation seems Internally inconsistent. As I said, I find that is often the case

  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    sooooo while that short trek was indeed terrible, i'm more interested in something else...what do we think the ingredients will be to make worf's risa underwear? :D


    thanks as always Shan!

    Every item will require casings [and/or Bat'leths and Mek'leths]
    Even advanced builds of prune juice.
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • This Sisko1This Sisko1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Oh definitely going to get her card. Hopefully we get Benjamin in the future. Probably the best short trek.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »
    So a character from a very recent Short Trek gets a character, and we're still without Commander Shelby?

    And tourist Worf? Come on. What a snoozer!!

    Would he be more exciting if they gave him the “Grumpy” trait?

    Not at all. Ugh. Another weekend of not competing

  • Threshold and out for the umpteenth week...
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    I made an edit: the ranked Reward 5*: will be Belle Q and not Tourist Worf.
    Tourist Worf will be a new 3* however.

    My apologies!

    Belle Q...intriguing.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    Shan wrote: »
    I made an edit: the ranked Reward 5*: will be Belle Q and not Tourist Worf.
    Tourist Worf will be a new 3* however.

    My apologies!

    Since that 😻 is out of the 👛 is there also a new 2 🌟?

    Anyone know who Belle Q is? Google doesn't................

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
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