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Key information about the event: Trouble in Paradise - 01/16 - Correction



  • .•°rÅTT°•..•°rÅTT°•. ✭✭✭
    edited January 2020
    Now, you know the Great Bird himself said repeatedly that 🌟 fleet is NOT military. They are just explorers and scientists. Like when Libya attacked two Navy Jets, and the US sent Jacques Cousteau to bomb their bases......

    Yep. However subsequent writing staffs have blurred the lines on this issue.

    "Starfleet is not a military organization, its purpose is exploration" - Captain Picard in Peak Performance

    They certainly get embroiled in a lot of war though...
  • One of my biggest problems with Discovery is that it’s obvious none of the writers have been in the military, and are unwilling to hire and listen to advisors who have.

    For those of us who have been in the military, the problems are extreme, and non-ignorable. The characters routinely flout the chain of command, and military customs and courtesies. Actions that should merit court martials, confinement, or dismissal from the service are punished by stern talking-tos or worse, are completely ignored.

    And when we bring up these issues, we’re accused of being intolerant, which is true, but not in the sense that people are using it.

    The military isn’t a warm, cuddly place where people join hands and sing kumbaya. There’s rules and regulations, and you follow them, or you can get out (or be kicked out.)

    Heck, let’s get right to one of the most obvious issues: Tilly doesn’t meet height/weight requirements. I don’t say this because I’m mean and don’t like chubby people. I’m saying this because there are clear and obvious reasons that while aboard a military vessel, a military member needs to meet these requirements.

    Instead, the writers have written the cast of Discovery like they’re members of a start-up. Just no.

    Now, you know the Great Bird himself said repeatedly that 🌟 fleet is NOT military. They are just explorers and scientists. Like when Libya attacked two Navy Jets, and the US sent Jacques Cousteau to bomb their bases......

    Starfleet isn’t military, but they observe traditional military hierarchy, structure, and tradition. Many of the people responsible for TOS and TNG were military and tried to make sure the characters acted like the professionals they were supposed to be.
  • That Professionalism doesn't extend to the science officers I guess.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Have we ever seen a science ship run well and doing good? How many science ships have been lost, abandoned, destroyed, in all the treks. Seemed like every other week TNG was running into an abandoned science vessel, destroyed science vessel, or disappeared science vessel. These ships are tiny with little resources except scanners and quite vulnerable.

    This is a great point. So much precedence. Those science vessels didn't get their own series. They were just a blip in TNG. Lucero was just a blip in a Short Trek. Totally works.
    Farewell 🖖
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    One of my biggest problems with Discovery is that it’s obvious none of the writers have been in the military, and are unwilling to hire and listen to advisors who have.

    For those of us who have been in the military, the problems are extreme, and non-ignorable. The characters routinely flout the chain of command, and military customs and courtesies. Actions that should merit court martials, confinement, or dismissal from the service are punished by stern talking-tos or worse, are completely ignored.

    And when we bring up these issues, we’re accused of being intolerant, which is true, but not in the sense that people are using it.

    The military isn’t a warm, cuddly place where people join hands and sing kumbaya. There’s rules and regulations, and you follow them, or you can get out (or be kicked out.)

    Heck, let’s get right to one of the most obvious issues: Tilly doesn’t meet height/weight requirements. I don’t say this because I’m mean and don’t like chubby people. I’m saying this because there are clear and obvious reasons that while aboard a military vessel, a military member needs to meet these requirements.

    Instead, the writers have written the cast of Discovery like they’re members of a start-up. Just no.

    Now, you know the Great Bird himself said repeatedly that 🌟 fleet is NOT military. They are just explorers and scientists. Like when Libya attacked two Navy Jets, and the US sent Jacques Cousteau to bomb their bases......

    Starfleet isn’t military, but they observe traditional military hierarchy, structure, and tradition. Many of the people responsible for TOS and TNG were military and tried to make sure the characters acted like the professionals they were supposed to be.

    Yeah. Except I can't imagine a Navy SEAL or a Green Beret saying "I'm resigning to go fight a civil war in my Homeland." And then a few weeks later "Well, war is over. I'm back now."

    Yet, Worf did that very thing on TNG..........
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Have we ever seen a science ship run well and doing good? How many science ships have been lost, abandoned, destroyed, in all the treks. Seemed like every other week TNG was running into an abandoned science vessel, destroyed science vessel, or disappeared science vessel. These ships are tiny with little resources except scanners and quite vulnerable.

    This is a great point. So much precedence. Those science vessels didn't get their own series. They were just a blip in TNG. Lucero was just a blip in a Short Trek. Totally works.

    Except that now the Short Treks are being presented as parallels to a current series centered on a science vessel. Just saying. Of course that science vessel spent most of the first season deeply embroiled in the Klingon War. It's almost like just watching scientists pour colored fluids into different beakers week after week would not make engrossing TV...........
    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Legate Damar Legate Damar ✭✭✭✭✭
    What would that Riker be called?
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    What would that Riker be called?

    Scaredy Riker who pursues women but is afraid of one that pursues him.

    Let’s fly!
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    What would that Riker be called?

    Scaredy Riker who pursues women but is afraid of one that pursues him.

    In fairness, she was inappropriately young for him.
  • Top hat Riker
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    What would that Riker be called?

    Scaredy Riker who pursues women but is afraid of one that pursues him.

    In fairness, she was inappropriately young for him.

    That didn’t stop him from hitting on Data’s daughter Lal. They don’t ever give her an age that I saw and she did seem to have a job with Dr. Crusher. She did kidnap him which probably didn’t help.
    Let’s fly!
  • A new Q eh? Maybe DB forgot to put one in in the Q Mega and just remembered.

    Since this week includes Convergence Day, it would make sense for DB to have a Q tie-in.
  • So we can all assume that Captain Lucero is gonna have the highest CMD base of any 4 star ever right?
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    So we can all assume that Captain Lucero is gonna have the highest CMD base of any 4 star ever right?

    1250+ Command
    1200+ Diplomacy
    800+ Medical

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • edited January 2020
    So we can all assume that Captain Lucero is gonna have the highest CMD base of any 4 star ever right?

    1250+ Command
    1200+ Diplomacy
    800+ Medical

    Plus a +9 attack with 500% dmg deal no trigger and a 2 second initialize.
  • edited January 2020
    robownage wrote: »
    So we can all assume that Captain Lucero is gonna have the highest CMD base of any 4 star ever right?

    And here I was thinking it would be MED for her ability to quickly identify his issues and give him the therapy he so desperately needed.

    DB's reasoning:
    You are so right!!! Hey let's give her an over 1200 base cmd cause, those A plus grade command skills. 1000 med cause she handled that wacko better than Deanna Troi. And 900 eng because she was a science officer. Traits of Veteran, Jurry Rigger, Duelist, Federation, Starfleet, Astrophysicist, Physician (cause any character with MED has to have that trait), Pilot (we took forever to give it to Cadet Wesley so let's give it to her), Resourceful, and Innovative.
    Playerbase: Powercreeped, and highly inaccurate stats but she is in several collections and we can ff her so... \_(°\°)_/
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    robownage wrote: »
    So we can all assume that Captain Lucero is gonna have the highest CMD base of any 4 star ever right?

    And here I was thinking it would be MED for her ability to quickly identify his issues and give him the therapy he so desperately needed.

    Sarcasm aside, if any recipe calls for MED, here’s the complete list of Survivalists with that skill:

    5* Stranded Quark
    5* Sulan
    5* Tactical Officer Neelix
    4* Vedek Bareil Antos
    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I find it odd that when Burnham disobeyed orders everyone blamed her. But when Edward disobeys orders almost everyone is blaming his captain not him. He disobeyed orders. He caused the problem.

    Lorca, Pike, and Saru let Burnham get away with far too much, there is no doubt there. Then again, Lorca had his own plans that didn’t really coincide with Starfleet’s ideals and Saru was more familiar with Burnham than anyone on Discovery...Pike is the odd one out by not having any real excuse for why he didn’t expect more discipline on his ship.
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