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Upcoming Picard Mega Event (contains SPOILERS for the show)



  • edited March 2020
    To the people who said I don't like the show for the same reason original series fans didn't like TNG...

    NO. Absolutely not! This is WAY deeper than that. Star Trek TNG carried on the same principles of a world that had become a utopia, and an optimism for the future. As did every series made in its image. Star Trek was about what we could strive to be.

    These people have followed JJ Abrams's lead and turned Star Trek into a dystopic nightmare. EVERYTHING that was once bright and positive has gone away. This is NOT STAR TREK.
    Spoiler Alert. I mean literally like, today's episode, DO NOT click this if you aren't current!
    Are you FREAKING kidding me with this terrible excuse for a show? They literally have to turn EVERYTHING into a dystopia! Now they've gone and killed Riker and Troi's first born son as well? No memory left intact on this train wreck of a piece of sh...

    Trek, from conception, was always about morality plays and a mirror to social issues and a product of the era. It was sold as "Wagon Train to the stars" and never meant to have any consistency (you can thank the likes of DC Fontana for keeping things roughly aligned.)

    It was only with TNG that we got the Utopian Rules, handed down by Roddenberry's "assistants" (aka, parasites), and promptly abandoned as soon as said "assistants" were booted off the Paramount lot after Roddenberry died, and even that was very much a product of its time.

    There are flaws to STP, but it was designed to reflect the world we live in - increasingly nationalistic and parochial - which is the very DNA of Trek.

    If you want to blame anyone for how STP has turned out, you'll need to go dig out all the politicians whose policies have caused a lot of voters to turn away from liberal economics.

    Edit: To add, the writers obviously have a negative view of the way the world is going, which is why they maybe over egg the pudding.
  • Anyone feel like they are setting up Season Three of Disco through the Picard show? We know from the teaser trailer that Starfleet/Federation are gone 900 years in the future. Maybe the discord and conflict after Starfleet failing to help the Romulan Empire in a major crisis, after inroads had been made in "Nemesis", plus the whole basically "outlawing" a whole race {artificial lifeforms} is what starts the collapse..........

    I hope not, the "rising from our mistakes" trope is played out, and it'd just be a better Andromeda.

    I'd rather the collapse came from something positive - say, a significant chunk of the Federation evolved to post-physical, and there simply wasn't enough people left to keep it altogether. People tried their best, but the fact so many citizens from so many worlds had left meant collapse was inevitable, supply lines were unable to be kept up, infrastructure designed for billions couldn't be maintained by a population now in the thousands.

    And so the cycle of civilisation begins anew, a past resurrected through the biases of the present.

    That's got plenty of scope, not just for DISCO, but also for Short Treks.
  • As for crew... Pirate Picard is a must, a genuinely fun card that.

    A couple of Sevens - Ranger Seven(SEC/SCI/ENG) and Murdering Seven(just SEC, like the single-skill McCoy we got, a shuttle powerhouse)

    A Dahj and Soji fusion set - maybe with a twist, so we have a 4* Unawakened Dahj and Unawakened Soji, both two skills, and who fuse with a 4* Dream Data to make a 5* Awakened version of each one with a third SEC skill now added.

    Bjayzel might make a good recurring legendary, or Oh, as they seem to like to use the villains in many megas.
  • edited March 2020
    RennJaxo wrote: »
    borg2004 wrote: »
    no one wants ripped eyeball icheb? lol

    Sure it is. It's called Star Trek: Picard. See? Right there in the title. Easy to miss, I suppose.

    whoever said they know how to name things anyway? freecloud sounds like a planet name to you huh lol. and commander oh? oh my lol. how about JL? not even riker or troi would dare call picard that . the orville and galaxy quest are not called star trek either but funny enough people consider them more star trek than the current so called star treks.it seems star trek has become the parody and the parody has become star trek
  • furyd wrote: »
    To the people who said I don't like the show for the same reason original series fans didn't like TNG...

    NO. Absolutely not! This is WAY deeper than that. Star Trek TNG carried on the same principles of a world that had become a utopia, and an optimism for the future. As did every series made in its image. Star Trek was about what we could strive to be.

    Trek, from conception, was always about morality plays and a mirror to social issues and a product of the era. It was sold as "Wagon Train to the stars" and never meant to have any consistency (you can thank the likes of DC Fontana for keeping things roughly aligned.)

    It was only with TNG that we got the Utopian Rules, handed down by Roddenberry's "assistants" (aka, parasites), and promptly abandoned as soon as said "assistants" were booted off the Paramount lot after Roddenberry died, and even that was very much a product of its time.

    There are flaws to STP, but it was designed to reflect the world we live in - increasingly nationalistic and parochial - which is the very DNA of Trek.

    If you want to blame anyone for how STP has turned out, you'll need to go dig out all the politicians whose policies have caused a lot of voters to turn away from liberal economics.

    Edit: To add, the writers obviously have a negative view of the way the world is going, which is why they maybe over egg the pudding.

    There is absolutely no question that there is truth to this point. Trek did address aspects about morality and the social issues in different eras. Look at James T. Kirk and Lt. Uhura's kiss on television for instance. While Roddenberry looked for optimism in interrelationships, the backlash it got during that time period. Even in TNG, the issue of the Borg - subsequently discussed in First Contact, Picard has moral issue with the Borg. So it's not like Roddenberry didn't avoid these issues or anything.

    In Picard, there is no difference, albeit one can argue that current political issues could be shoved in our faces. Nevertheless, the Federation neglected their own moral compass [which you made a good point here]. Once again, TNG mostly showed that the Federation has their flaws in morality. The best example of this is DS9 episodes "Homefront" and "Paradise Lost".

  • [10F]risky Dingo[10F]risky Dingo ✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    I'd love an Imzadis Riker and Troi card, but much prefer it be based on either their picnic in "Ménage à Troi" or wedding in Nemesis. They'd be DIP/CMD/MED, of course, but the event potential would be up there with Zhian'tara Odo.
    As far as a STP Riker/Troi 'couple' card goes, you're probably right, a MED/DIP/CMD makes sense. However, I'd argue the couple are so veteran, at this point, that any skill pairing makes sense. Further, that security setup, they have at their home, would be an 'in episode' reason to give them ENG. (Unless they beamed in a contractor to set it up. ;-D) Giving them MED/DIP/ENG makes as much sense as giving a similar combo to Quark, anyway (IMO). In fact, since DB already ####### the pooch, when it comes to ENG/MED, with Loken and Jett Reno, anything goes. (Loken was only pretending to be a physician. When Kim confronts him about it, he utterly fails at having any kind of medical knowledge. Meanwhile, Jett whips up some "medical chamber" devices and keeps her crew alive for months. Which I'm sure most means she had no medical knowledge at all. =P)
    I strongly support idea of Director Hugh (MED/ENG/CMD) as the recurring legendary. Those skills make perfect sense for him, and he's well positioned character-wise to be the center of a Borg or Romulan-oriented story.
    Agreed. Although, I think he'd be more of a shoe-in for ENG primary, DIP secondary, and MED tertiary. Yes, CMD makes sense, because of his position, but the way we interacts with others has more of a DIP feel. Some bosses are like that. ;-D
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • What would you say to Unawakened Dahj fused with Tal Shiar Assassin makes Awakened Dahj? And Unawakened Soji fused with Romulan Rubick's Cube Narek makes Awakened Soji?
    That is an interesting concept. I like it. As I've said before, I do feel like the fusion are getting out of hand. Or, maybe more specifically, they need to be chosen very carefully, rather than "throwing cards at the wall and seeing what sticks." Tuvix, for example, was quite a brilliant choice for a "surprise" fusion. I think cheesecake 7 was another. (Although I still feel like cheesecake should have the hologram trait, since the Doc's "brain" is literally what controlling 7's body.)

    Anyway, I think those are potentially good ideas for fusion. However, I would like to see at least two of the cards (one for each fusion) be a 3*. Making the fusions more accessible.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Visit us on discord to find out more:
  • The thread for discussing the show can be found here:
    The whole "this is not Star Trek" vs "yes it is" is so old and tired and it's been done so many times before. That's not the topic of this thread. It adds nothing to this thread. I'd argue that it adds nothing to any conversation (ever), but that is purely my opinion. In fact, I encourage you to start your own thread and not pollute Travis's. I'll even start it for you if you can't do it yourselves.

    On topic, @furyd , DB generally made piloting a CMD thing, so I would replace one that you suggested with CMD.

    What would you say to Unawakened Dahj fused with Tal Shiar Assassin makes Awakened Dahj? And Unawakened Soji fused with Romulan Rubick's Cube Narek makes Awakened Soji?

    Really good ideas, btw.

    it only feels tired and old if one does not care about whatever the subject matter is.anyway its just your opinion as you say.more to the point then.i want ripped eyeball icheb, double phaser rifle seven dust in the wind bejeweled or whatever her name is , knife to the neck hugh and a beheaded romulan senator as a merge character with elnors sword to be fused for extra trekkiness.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    I had no problem with Picard starting with characters that were sad and broken but they do not seem to be getting better or succeeding. They are even more broken now than they were in the beginning. It gives me the feel of Dante’s Inferno where everyone is in Hell or Purgatory. I thought the show was going to be like the Good Shepherd episode of Voyager where Janeway takes the crewmen that have fallen through the cracks on an away mission where the crew rediscover their value and purpose with Janeway’s help. Unfortunately Admiral Picard seems oblivious to the needs of his crew, he ignores Raffi’s alcoholism, Jurati’s mental distress, leaves Elnor behind, and mocks Soji’s distrust of people. Captain Picard inspired, succeeded, and fought against injustices in and out of Starfleet. I am not seeing enough of that from Admiral Picard. He just feels like some other character being performed by Patrick Stewart.
    Let’s fly!
  • In Picard, there is no difference, albeit one can argue that current political issues could be shoved in our faces. Nevertheless, the Federation neglected their own moral compass [which you made a good point here]. Once again, TNG mostly showed that the Federation has their flaws in morality. The best example of this is DS9 episodes "Homefront" and "Paradise Lost"

    A lot of subtlety has gone out of writing of late, the latest Dr Who series has suffered badly from it. There seems to be a feeling that the general public are stupid, and so rather than leave things for the viewer to deduce, it has to be screamed in your face.

    It's bad writing, and whilst I don't think the writers are bad, I think there's a view that people are voting "wrong", therefore they're thick, therefore they need things hammering home rather than accepting a plurality of opinion, and people may not be stupid, just have a differing opinion and just letting good writing tell its own tale.
  • borg2004 wrote: »
    it only feels tired and old if one does not care about whatever the subject matter is.anyway its just your opinion as you say.more to the point then.i want ripped eyeball icheb, double phaser rifle seven dust in the wind bejeweled or whatever her name is , knife to the neck hugh and a beheaded romulan senator as a merge character with elnors sword to be fused for extra trekkiness.

    It feels tired and old, because it is tired and old.

    First time I saw it was TWoK - yes that TWoK, regarded as the finest Trek movie. Every series has had it.

    Remind us all, what happened to Kirk's brother in TOS? Kirk's son in TSFS? How about MyCoy's dad in TFF? The fate of Spock's brother in the same film? Scotty's nephew in TWoK? Picard's brother and nephew in Generations? Even his marriage to Bev in All Good Things, along with him getting space dementia?

    I should start selling Trek branded rose-tinted glasses, I'd make a mint.
  • Unfortunately Admiral Picard seems oblivious to the needs of his crew, he ignores Raffi’s alcoholism, Jurati’s mental distress, leaves Elnor behind, and mocks Soji’s distrust of people. Captain Picard inspired, succeeded, and fought against injustices in and out of Starfleet. I am not seeing enough of that from Admiral Picard. He just feels like some other character being performed by Patrick Stewart.

    He's got Irumodic Syndrome, from early on it's been demonstrated this isn't the Picard from TNG, it's one who has hidden himself away from his, and Starfleet's, failings and who is mentally damaged as per his rant ending the interview.

    Prior to it being shown, Patrick Stewart stated he only returned because it had a "Logan" feeling about it - this is Picard's last ride, choosing to go out as the best version of himself he can still be, trying to right some last few wrongs, screaming into the void that he will not die quietly on a vineyard as the world goes to hell, but in any way he can - small or great - try and do some good until mind and body finally fail him.
  • [On topic, @furyd , DB generally made piloting a CMD thing, so I would replace one that you suggested with CMD.

    What would you say to Unawakened Dahj fused with Tal Shiar Assassin makes Awakened Dahj? And Unawakened Soji fused with Romulan Rubick's Cube Narek makes Awakened Soji?

    Really good ideas, btw.

    I just figured we've got enough CMD! :D

    I like the fusion ideas, better than my own.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    furyd wrote: »
    [On topic, @furyd , DB generally made piloting a CMD thing, so I would replace one that you suggested with CMD.

    What would you say to Unawakened Dahj fused with Tal Shiar Assassin makes Awakened Dahj? And Unawakened Soji fused with Romulan Rubick's Cube Narek makes Awakened Soji?

    Really good ideas, btw.

    I just figured we've got enough CMD! :D

    I like the fusion ideas, better than my own.

    There is absolutely an overabundance of CMD. My roster agrees with your original proposal. :)
    Farewell 🖖
  • PenguinJimPenguinJim ✭✭✭✭✭
    Even our beloved Riker and Troi were brought back to be subjected to the torture of losing their first born son, simply for a lazy and nonsensical tie-in to "positronic." Which, if you knew Riker, you know there would be nothing in the galaxy that could stop him from saving his son, if the technology existed. But hey, positronic. They got to use their buzzword. Yayyy.

    Agreed, either La Forge or Crusher would have the skills and experience needed to solve that lazy problem. And the show is just so horribly, horribly slow so far, three or four episodes' worth of content stretched out to seven. And the ship looks bad. And the characters are failing to resonate. The air is thick not just with ridiculous cigar smoke and vaping... vapors? But also with insipid conversation and avoidable plot holes and jarringly unbelievable interactions.

    But I'm going to keep watching. I can find things to like in there. I don't usually like Trek kids, but Kestra was a lot of fun this week. Maybe everything is headed (painfully slowly) to a great S1 conclusion. Or maybe this is the season we'll look back on in a couple of years and laugh about, as PIC finds its feet in S3 (as Discovery has the potential to do as well) and becomes fantastic, unmissable Trek.

    I sat through Spock's Brain, I endured TNG S1, my neck muscles were sore from the non-stop cringe but I made it through all four seasons of Enterprise (even singing along to the theme tune!), so I can surely give Picard a chance to find his/its feet, and take pleasure from the few highs instead of dwelling on its problems.

    Hugh did a good job, so I hope he gets an appropriately-decent Legendary card - plus a 4* Descent Part 2 Hugh is well overdue!
  • Lieutenant Rizzo.
    Pizza chef Riker.
    Season one, command track, Lt J.G. Worf
  • Travis S McClainTravis S McClain ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'd love an Imzadis Riker and Troi card, but much prefer it be based on either their picnic in "Ménage à Troi" or wedding in Nemesis. They'd be DIP/CMD/MED, of course, but the event potential would be up there with Zhian'tara Odo.
    As far as a STP Riker/Troi 'couple' card goes, you're probably right, a MED/DIP/CMD makes sense. However, I'd argue the couple are so veteran, at this point, that any skill pairing makes sense. Further, that security setup, they have at their home, would be an 'in episode' reason to give them ENG. (Unless they beamed in a contractor to set it up. ;-D) Giving them MED/DIP/ENG makes as much sense as giving a similar combo to Quark, anyway (IMO). In fact, since DB already ####### the pooch, when it comes to ENG/MED, with Loken and Jett Reno, anything goes. (Loken was only pretending to be a physician. When Kim confronts him about it, he utterly fails at having any kind of medical knowledge. Meanwhile, Jett whips up some "medical chamber" devices and keeps her crew alive for months. Which I'm sure most means she had no medical knowledge at all. =P)

    As I said, I'd much prefer Imzadis Riker and Troi be from TNG, but if they had to be from PIC, CMD goes out the window since they aren't really in command of anything except Kestra. Some combination of MED (Troi counsels Soji and Picard), SEC (Riker's home security system), and DIP ('cause everyone has it) makes sense.
    I strongly support idea of Director Hugh (MED/ENG/CMD) as the recurring legendary. Those skills make perfect sense for him, and he's well positioned character-wise to be the center of a Borg or Romulan-oriented story.
    Agreed. Although, I think he'd be more of a shoe-in for ENG primary, DIP secondary, and MED tertiary. Yes, CMD makes sense, because of his position, but the way we interacts with others has more of a DIP feel. Some bosses are like that. ;-D

    Oh, I didn't give any thought to the order of skills. I seldom do.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    furyd wrote: »
    Unfortunately Admiral Picard seems oblivious to the needs of his crew, he ignores Raffi’s alcoholism, Jurati’s mental distress, leaves Elnor behind, and mocks Soji’s distrust of people. Captain Picard inspired, succeeded, and fought against injustices in and out of Starfleet. I am not seeing enough of that from Admiral Picard. He just feels like some other character being performed by Patrick Stewart.

    He's got Irumodic Syndrome, from early on it's been demonstrated this isn't the Picard from TNG, it's one who has hidden himself away from his, and Starfleet's, failings and who is mentally damaged as per his rant ending the interview.

    Prior to it being shown, Patrick Stewart stated he only returned because it had a "Logan" feeling about it - this is Picard's last ride, choosing to go out as the best version of himself he can still be, trying to right some last few wrongs, screaming into the void that he will not die quietly on a vineyard as the world goes to hell, but in any way he can - small or great - try and do some good until mind and body finally fail him.

    My understanding of Irumodic syndrome is that it makes him more volatile in emotions and gives him some memory issues but not that it would make it so he does not care about others around him. I feel that they had him yell at a reporter in the first episode and his doctor said he had Irumodic syndrome but then after that it was just dropped. If they showed him being himself for a bit and fully lucid then slipping then they would illustrate it better and I could excuse his behavior. There is just so little of him that is classic Picard he feels less like Captain Picard losing it and more just a whole other character. Also, what a dumb move to give him Irumodic Syndrome. Patrick Stewart is already old and his voice is gravelly, why add a third thing to weaken him just because in one possible future he had it? If you have a show named Picard then give me Picard. Ok, vent over. Hope everyone is doing well in the event.
    Let’s fly!
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    If you have a show named Picard then give me Picard.

    I feel the happenings in the latest episode have been a wake up call and you will see more of what you want in the remaining episodes. On the other hand, as Furyd already said, Patrick Stewart would not have played the role again if it/Picard would have been more of the same.

    Only a fresh take on things convinced him to take up on the offer. Also people change over time. If we had a show called Apollo you would also be different as a teenager, a middle aged man and in the series age of Picard. Life and our experiences shape us, at core we will always stay the same of course, but many other things can and will change.

    I guess for me I just am not seeing enough of that Picard core and not enough of the hope and striving for something better we have seen in the other treks. I will hold off on final judgement until after the season ends but if it is just more of the same we have seen I will be disappointed. But if others like it that is good. I recognize that different people have different tastes and not everything has to appeal to me. Part of the power of trek is the differences in each show so that there is something for everyone. If this show is appealing to a group that had not been appealed to before and is expanding the fan base then it has been successful.
    Let’s fly!
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just am not seeing enough of the hope and striving for something better we have seen in the other treks. If this show is appealing to a group that had not been appealed to before and is expanding the fan base then it has been successful.

    That for sure. And that is on purpose. Otherwise Patrick would not have done it. And so since you personally would have wished for it to be more "classic" of course you are disappointed. Agree with your finish. New fans are good for the franchise and so also for this game.

  • Castell-NeathCastell-Neath ✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    I am enjoying Picard. And I'm keen to see where it will go.

    Although I do admit...it is a bit dystopian and seemingly grim for many well known characters at the monent. Hope we get a hopeful message in it soon....the Riker / Soji ep was a step towards that.
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