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Adira Tal Art Change



  • DAEDAE ✭✭✭✭
    IceCat wrote: »
    Maybe they were saving it for a Christmas gift and we're like the bratty kids asking why they hid the PS5 that we clearly saw in the bottom of the wardrobe?

    Seems unlikely, but that would qualify under "can't" in my book. I'm sorry Shan is in the difficult position of explaining this, but the whole "we changed it once, but can't change it back" is pretty weak without specifics. Maybe time will make us look a little bratty, but even if the towel version is free, there's a lot of players who worked hard to get something less desirable when they would have received the advertised prize for free.

    I tried to think of an analogy, but it didn't work out. :)


    Sign in Electronics Store Window: 95" OLED 4K Ultra HD TV $99.

    Salesperson in Electronics Store: "Oops. Looks like we just sold the last one. Here's a perfectly good 30" 1024 HD TV for $399."

    I'm sorry, but that isn't even close to an accurate analogy.

    Functionally, it is exactly the same card. Traits, stats, etc. It performs exactly the same as advertised. The only thing that is different is the frame (art) the "TV" is in. The pixels, size, etc. is not affected. Nor has the price quadrupled.

    Be (justifiably) upset, but please don't exaggerate needlessly. It doesn't help anyone.

    Respectfully IceCat, as veteran players you can not honestly expect all of us to believe that this card will continue to stay the way it is. They have the original card set for future release. There is no way the stats, traits, name, skillset and description will remain the same for 2 separate cards. The art change is only the first step in a series of changes to this card. The current card content will have to be changed prior to the other being released. Not to mention the current text and entirety is not in keeping with the storyline, this current card has its own set of traits, stats, description already. Those changes have not yet been applied. The art is not the only issue in this thread. As has been pointed out numerous times already and answered below quote.
    Shan wrote: »
    There will not be a global compensation.
    I get the disappointment, I do - especially with such a short notice.

    This is however still a good card, with good stats.
    I am bringing up the feedback about flavor text, traits, and ship ability.

    I do not have an answer regarding when the other iteration will be released, or how.

    If you submit a ticket it will be looked at on a case by case basis.

  • IceCatIceCat ✭✭✭✭✭
    IceCat wrote: »
    Maybe they were saving it for a Christmas gift and we're like the bratty kids asking why they hid the PS5 that we clearly saw in the bottom of the wardrobe?

    Seems unlikely, but that would qualify under "can't" in my book. I'm sorry Shan is in the difficult position of explaining this, but the whole "we changed it once, but can't change it back" is pretty weak without specifics. Maybe time will make us look a little bratty, but even if the towel version is free, there's a lot of players who worked hard to get something less desirable when they would have received the advertised prize for free.

    I tried to think of an analogy, but it didn't work out. :)


    Sign in Electronics Store Window: 95" OLED 4K Ultra HD TV $99.

    Salesperson in Electronics Store: "Oops. Looks like we just sold the last one. Here's a perfectly good 30" 1024 HD TV for $399."

    I'm sorry, but that isn't even close to an accurate analogy.

    Functionally, it is exactly the same card. Traits, stats, etc. It performs exactly the same as advertised. The only thing that is different is the frame (art) the "TV" is in. The pixels, size, etc. is not affected. Nor has the price quadrupled.

    Be (justifiably) upset, but please don't exaggerate needlessly. It doesn't help anyone.

    Be honest when you consider the following 3 part scenario:

    1. What is your favorite, existing stt card?
    2. Can I change the art to something else that represents something entirely different about the character?
    3. Never mind, I changed it anyway.

    I never once said people shouldn't be upset about the art switch. Quite the opposite, in fact. I only said the analogy was inaccurate. How is your analogy relevant to what I specifically said?

    Please reread my original post, as I think you may have misread my intent.
  • IceCatIceCat ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    As I said above, I've been in discussions around this since this morning.

    We are deeply sorry for this situation, and it is not just me saying this - it truly echoes the sentiment of the STT team.

    When working with an intellectual property there are various contractual requirements to respect. Character art, and when it can be released, are part of those requirements.

    What happened on Monday was the worst case scenario, something no one in the studio wanted to have happen, especially before Christmas.

    As a studio when things like this happen we do a full assessment, review points of failure and how to best address them. This is something that will happen after the holidays.

    Everyone on the team is committed to Star Trek Timelines, and its players. And everyone is a human being, prone to mistakes. That will never change - we can only promise to continue to do our best to improve.

    As an additional context while we are extremely lucky to be able to work from home this does not alleviate all the professional and personal hurdles the pandemic has thrown our way.

    Next week we will have a preliminary meeting about this, with the product owner for STT, to discuss the situation and all of your feedback. After that meeting I hope to have more clarity as to how the second version of Adira will be released, but I can already confirm that it will not be via a Tuesday theme pack.

    Thank you, @Shan. I think I speak for a lot of us when I say that the update is most appreciated.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    Next week we will have a preliminary meeting about this, with the product owner for STT, to discuss the situation and all of your feedback. After that meeting I hope to have more clarity as to how the second version of Adira will be released, but I can already confirm that it will not be via a Tuesday theme pack.

    That's one disaster avoided. I hope the meeting goes well and there is a solution that makes players a little happier.

    The other disaster is going to be if people trade the card for returned resources used, and it ends up being part of a Fusion.....

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • IceCatIceCat ✭✭✭✭✭
    DAE wrote: »
    IceCat wrote: »
    Maybe they were saving it for a Christmas gift and we're like the bratty kids asking why they hid the PS5 that we clearly saw in the bottom of the wardrobe?

    Seems unlikely, but that would qualify under "can't" in my book. I'm sorry Shan is in the difficult position of explaining this, but the whole "we changed it once, but can't change it back" is pretty weak without specifics. Maybe time will make us look a little bratty, but even if the towel version is free, there's a lot of players who worked hard to get something less desirable when they would have received the advertised prize for free.

    I tried to think of an analogy, but it didn't work out. :)


    Sign in Electronics Store Window: 95" OLED 4K Ultra HD TV $99.

    Salesperson in Electronics Store: "Oops. Looks like we just sold the last one. Here's a perfectly good 30" 1024 HD TV for $399."

    I'm sorry, but that isn't even close to an accurate analogy.

    Functionally, it is exactly the same card. Traits, stats, etc. It performs exactly the same as advertised. The only thing that is different is the frame (art) the "TV" is in. The pixels, size, etc. is not affected. Nor has the price quadrupled.

    Be (justifiably) upset, but please don't exaggerate needlessly. It doesn't help anyone.

    Respectfully IceCat, as veteran players you can not honestly expect all of us to believe that this card will continue to stay the way it is. They have the original card set for future release. There is no way the stats, traits, name, skillset and description will remain the same for 2 separate cards. The art change is only the first step in a series of changes to this card. The current card content will have to be changed prior to the other being released. Not to mention the current text and entirety is not in keeping with the storyline, this current card has its own set of traits, stats, description already. Those changes have not yet been applied. The art is not the only issue in this thread. As has been pointed out numerous times already and answered below quote.
    Shan wrote: »
    There will not be a global compensation.
    I get the disappointment, I do - especially with such a short notice.

    This is however still a good card, with good stats.
    I am bringing up the feedback about flavor text, traits, and ship ability.

    I do not have an answer regarding when the other iteration will be released, or how.

    If you submit a ticket it will be looked at on a case by case basis.

    Respectfully as well, I am a veteran player myself. I am only new to posting to the forum, after silently lurking for a long time. I've been playing this for years and have seen my fair share of things that concern me as well. A lot of which I have made known to the developers directly over the years. I am far from a DBWRGTP apologist.

    My response was to the analogy that I felt was inaccurate. His analogy made it seem like the functional base of the card was different from what was advertised. This is what I was addressing.

    I am not disputing that the art, flavour text, stats and traits are inaccurate as a whole package. In fact, I previously suggested they revert the art back, as this card clearly was designed with that version of the character in mind. I also suggested they release a different version with the Earth Defense art at a later time.

    This is a major error, that should have been caught sooner. But human error comes with human work. I do not think that this was intentional malfeasance or part of some nefarious plot to scam or con anyone.

    Once again, I think we agree with each other on the basic points of this. IMO, as someone who has worked in customer service, the right thing to do would be to award the Joined Adira version, with the original art, free as a global gift. Both acknowledging and apologising for the grave mistake that was made.

    It seems that won't be happening, but I do believe that is only fair and would address a lot of the complaints being made on this thread.

    LLAP 🖖
  • Shan wrote: »
    As I said above, I've been in discussions around this since this morning.

    We are deeply sorry for this situation, and it is not just me saying this - it truly echoes the sentiment of the STT team.

    When working with an intellectual property there are various contractual requirements to respect. Character art, and when it can be released, are part of those requirements.

    What happened on Monday was the worst case scenario, something no one in the studio wanted to have happen, especially before Christmas.

    As a studio when things like this happen we do a full assessment, review points of failure and how to best address them. This is something that will happen after the holidays.

    Everyone on the team is committed to Star Trek Timelines, and its players. And everyone is a human being, prone to mistakes. That will never change - we can only promise to continue to do our best to improve.

    As an additional context while we are extremely lucky to be able to work from home this does not alleviate all the professional and personal hurdles the pandemic has thrown our way.

    Next week we will have a preliminary meeting about this, with the product owner for STT, to discuss the situation and all of your feedback. After that meeting I hope to have more clarity as to how the second version of Adira will be released, but I can already confirm that it will not be via a Tuesday theme pack.

    To this I say thank you. Additionally, if this is truly happening on a case by case basis then I truly will say I will wait however long it may take for me to EXCHANGE the Adira I believe I earned! That is really the only solution that will satisfy me. And if it means I wait weeks or months then so be it.
    Fleet - Omega Molecules
    lv 94 - 600+ immortalized w/ 572 unique - 15 collections max level - VIP14 - Missing 17 1/4 SR characters.
  • DAE wrote: »
    Shan wrote: »
    As I said above, I've been in discussions around this since this morning.

    We are deeply sorry for this situation, and it is not just me saying this - it truly echoes the sentiment of the STT team.

    When working with an intellectual property there are various contractual requirements to respect. Character art, and when it can be released, are part of those requirements.

    What happened on Monday was the worst case scenario, something no one in the studio wanted to have happen, especially before Christmas.

    As a studio when things like this happen we do a full assessment, review points of failure and how to best address them. This is something that will happen after the holidays.

    Everyone on the team is committed to Star Trek Timelines, and its players. And everyone is a human being, prone to mistakes. That will never change - we can only promise to continue to do our best to improve.

    As an additional context while we are extremely lucky to be able to work from home this does not alleviate all the professional and personal hurdles the pandemic has thrown our way.

    Next week we will have a preliminary meeting about this, with the product owner for STT, to discuss the situation and all of your feedback. After that meeting I hope to have more clarity as to how the second version of Adira will be released, but I can already confirm that it will not be via a Tuesday theme pack.

    To this I say thank you. Additionally, if this is truly happening on a case by case basis then I truly will say I will wait however long it may take for me to EXCHANGE the Adira I believe I earned! That is really the only solution that will satisfy me. And if it means I wait weeks or months then so be it.

    This is all we have asked for. To get the card we actually played for and won. But we were referred to customer service. If we could be assured that we be given the card we played for and won whenever it is released i would gladly exchange at that time. If that arrangement could me made now 75 % of the postings in this thread would stop, and numerous CS tickets in the works would be withdrawn. The vast majority are only requesting what they earned/paid for.

    Exactly! It’s all I want! To exchange the 3/5 for a 3/5! Even if I have re-equip them. Whatever... I don’t care if I have to do that... all I care about is that I get the 3/5 that I earned.
    Fleet - Omega Molecules
    lv 94 - 600+ immortalized w/ 572 unique - 15 collections max level - VIP14 - Missing 17 1/4 SR characters.
  • shadow8803 wrote: »
    Shan wrote: »
    For sure I could have handled this better, candidly I will say that I was overwhelmed by the situation.

    Interacting with you all on these forums is an important part of my job, I take it seriously.

    I also have stakeholders that I need to consult/answer to. This often means having to find a middle ground between making sure that you know that something is known/being surfaced while not getting ahead of myself regarding what is appropriate to say.

    I get why this gave a wrong impression, and I will strive to make improvements on my end in that regard.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with repeating this, so I will. You're candidness is extremely appreciated. I know I never meant for the thread to get as heated as it has become, but I'm glad it feels like we're moving forward.

    As a person with sometimes debilitating anxiety, I can certainly understand the feeling of being overwhelmed. All I can say is thank you for your support and understanding here. Your willingness to level with us is highly valued. I hope the holiday weekend treats you well, @Shan .

    I can relate with the anxiety disability. That’s yet another reason why that art and scene impacted me so much as a lesbian woman who struggled for almost 30 years with her identity and only lived authentically since late 2012.... finding this stuff in shows I care about mean so much. I was in tears over that whole scene. And when this change happened it was like a knife to the heart. I have cried over it. For all the pain and effort to stay up fighting for it. Then the switch. It hurt so much more. All I ask for what I earned and I’ll gladly wait however long it takes. That will keep me as a player.
    Fleet - Omega Molecules
    lv 94 - 600+ immortalized w/ 572 unique - 15 collections max level - VIP14 - Missing 17 1/4 SR characters.
  • 3) That WRG/TP takes responsibility and offers some sort of meaningful mea culpa that doesn't make people feel even worse after. Thinking about it, this could take many many forms, here are some ideas:

    a) An additional gold citation (these have been given out as just gifts, or less serious errors in the past).

    b) If this is too rich, maybe 4 purple citations to save us from chasing a few event packs for 4th purple crew

    c) A 50% refund of tokens and boosts to compensate people for their time/effort resources (while keeping their actual rewards) or the full refund and swap if people have No interest in this version at all.

    d) Heck, maybe just an additional copy, having an extra copy would make the investment and time a little closer to being valuable

    d) One of The above plus a commitment to swap the crew in the future should we so desire when the new version is released would be huge too!

    I'd like the c) or d)
  • Calhoun wrote: »
    If, reading between the lines, the issue is that the original character art was released earlier than was permissible under the licence, can it not simply be swapped back once it is permissible rather than putting it on a new card?

    My guess is they have a 2* or 3* "Mak'ala Adira Tal" or similarly themed card this is intended for.
    Six degrees in Inter-species Veterinary Medicine. Treating all manner of critters, from Tribbles to Humans.

  • I understand the frustration of some regarding the card and am glad to hear TP will handle it on a case by case basis. For myself, I will await the swapped artwork in another card. In a card collecting game, I want to collect this one as well as the next one. I am hopeful TP will have a clearer picture in the near future regarding what might be done with any other possible changes to the card? In the end, I hope it is made right for those who went all in on the card and really liked the artwork.
    “A committee is a cul-de-sac, down which good ideas are lured and quietly strangled.” —Mark TwainMEMBER: [BoB] Barrel of Bloodwine... We are recruiting and putting the “curv” in scurvy! Best Event Finish: #3 Honor Debt: Inconceivable...Honor Bank Account: Slowly building...
  • MiT SanoaMiT Sanoa ✭✭✭✭✭
    shadow8803 wrote: »
    I hope the holiday weekend treats you well, @Shan .
    /signed! Merry Christmas everyone!
    Wir, die Mirror Tribbles [MiT] haben freie Plätze zu vergeben. Kein Zwang und kein Stress, dafür aber Spaß, Discord und eine nette, hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft, incl. voll ausgebauter Starbase und täglich 700 ISM.
  • ChaosChildChaosChild ✭✭✭✭✭
    Calhoun wrote: »
    If, reading between the lines, the issue is that the original character art was released earlier than was permissible under the licence, can it not simply be swapped back once it is permissible rather than putting it on a new card?

    That way people have the card they played for, and the art will again properly match the traits and text.

    This would be the perfect solution, if it's at all possible. A commitment from TP to do this in future would fix most of the bad feelings this mess has caused.
  • [10F]risky Dingo[10F]risky Dingo ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2020
    A more apt analogy would be if your parents told you they'd buy you a PS5 if you get your science grade to an A. So you skrimp and scrape; you grinde and study. And, finally, you get your A! However, your parents say you can't have a PS5, but you can have the Xbox equivalent instead. And why not? It's just as good... right? The thing is, if those same parents then ask their child to get an A in math, for the newest Gameboy, that child might just say, "Na, I don't need it. I have my Xbox."


    Here's the thing, I don't need to know what happened or why. If they don't want to tell us, fine. What I do care about is if members of the community are feeling cheated. So, TP, how about some global compensation? Let me give you an example. Once upon a time there was a December(ish) mega featuring MJLP. I remember playing the event. I remember there was a last hour(ish) glitch that made it impossible to play/rank any further (and I believe the ranked 5* was mirror troi). I remember a global apology, from DB, in the form of a free 1/5* MJLP. So, TP/WRG, why can't you do that now? How about a free 1/5* courier Burnham? Would it solve everything for everyone? No. Would there be others making tickets about getting a cite/honor back? Yes. Would it also be something you could do to show your fans you messed up and you still care about messing up? Your apathy fuels my apathy.

    FWIW, that's my 2¢.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • Shan,
    New player, that spends money (that should count for something somewhere in accounting...). I'm disturbed by the CS response directing me to the fourms and basically telling me to *#$% off. While I can not say I read every response here, I scanned most of them. If it is contractual/legal time issue please clearly state right off the bat even if you can not provide the specific details. And in the near future offer players that tried to collect the original crew member a copy in some fashion after the legal thing isn't a issue.

    I enjoy this game, and all versions of Star Trek, and I do have favorite characters and favorite episodes just like every player, there is no way the team can't understand how important art work is to this game! (btw I've loved almost everything the art team has released in last 5 months).

    Management must know in the back of their minds somewhere that the success of this product hinges on the ART and it's connection to Star Trek, not crew stats and perks.

    Art is not interchangeable. (unless it's terrible then please do so;))

    I really feel for some of the players above, please make things right for everyone involved...
  • W.W. CarlisleW.W. Carlisle ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm not at my best- I was in a rollover accident about two hours ago and had to climb out of my door that was now the top. Fine- just stiff and shook up.
    My best calculations for average 1500th place in a faction event is about 500k. The intense competition for this card drove it to about 600k. Not sure how it would have been with the original art, but I might have managed a copy. I'll never know.
    When you are trying to get competitive and build your roster, you play for every card. Once I realized lots of people wanted her, I accepted I probably wouldn't get her. I surprised myself with how long I held on to a top 1500 spot. On one level I'm not really upset with what I used up. I was playing for the card, regardless of art. I am fine that I didn't get it with such stiff competition. I know I'm not at that level.
    I just don't like that people got cheated. People got something they didn't want and people didn't get what they wanted because of it.
    W.W. CarlislePlayed since January 20, 2019Captain Level- 99 (May 9, 2022)VIP 14Crew Quarters: 485/485Most recent/Lowest- Anbo-jyutsu Kyle Riker (1/5* Lvl 30) 5/29/23Immortalized x-866 5* x184, 4* x 490, 3* x91, 2* x62, and 1* x27Most recent Immortal - Tearful Janeway 4* 5/25/23Current non-event project- Improving my Science base skill. Retrieval Project- Mestral 1/5*
  • Result to send ticket is now : we come back to you next week.

    Which makes sense in the light of the latest comments from shan about a meeting.

    I will wait, bit I am also waiting with buying the campaign or any other expenditure because I need to know that TP will give me what I pay for or offer an alternative of equal or higher worth.
  • edited December 2020
    I have the perfect suggestion for a compromise. Leave them in the outfit but without the boots. Most of these compliants will be withdrawn.

    Maybe have the towel on the ground too so people can't complain that it wasn't included. Or instead of hugging a PADD have them hugging a Data plushy. You CANNOT tell me people wouldn't be losing thier collective minds for that card.
  • Captain IdolCaptain Idol ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shy Khan wrote: »
    I've come up with a solution. If when WRG Ben appears on the next episode of Timelines Talks, he appears in full Adira Tal in a Blanket cosplay, I say all is forgiven.


This discussion has been closed.