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Crew Retrieval Introduction Discussion



  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    Kadavar wrote: »
    I think the bottleneck is getting the rarity constellation and getting a legendary from it.

    If you have the right Polestars, it is theoretically possible to narrow your pool down to Legendary only. Even a single specific Legendary with the right four {or less} Polestars. Theoretically.

    EDIT: Three Polestars to lock-in Gangster Spock.....

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • NoNameNamerNoNameNamer ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    Kadavar wrote: »
    I think the bottleneck is getting the rarity constellation and getting a legendary from it.

    If you have the right Polestars, it is theoretically possible to narrow your pool down to Legendary only. Even a single specific Legendary with the right four {or less} Polestars. Theoretically.

    EDIT: Three Polestars to lock-in Gangster Spock.....

    Save the Costumed polestar, wait for the common Starfleet and Civilian polestars and then snipe Gangster Spock. He also has a bunch of other easy combos that guarantee him. I'd suggest saving Telepath and Jury Rigger for harder to snipe crew.
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Kadavar wrote: »
    I think the bottleneck is getting the rarity constellation and getting a legendary from it.

    If you have the right Polestars, it is theoretically possible to narrow your pool down to Legendary only. Even a single specific Legendary with the right four {or less} Polestars. Theoretically.

    EDIT: Three Polestars to lock-in Gangster Spock.....

    Save the Costumed polestar, wait for the common Starfleet and Civilian polestars and then snipe Gangster Spock. He also has a bunch of other easy combos that guarantee him. I'd suggest saving Telepath and Jury Rigger for harder to snipe crew.

    Was just an example I randomly hit on, clicking what I had. I didn't pull him from the combo.

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sixsmith wrote: »
    I just paid 4900 dilithium to get 5* Klingon Janeway and was given 2* L'Rell instead. To say I'm enraged is an understatement

    Ouch! That much Dilithium and couldn't get it narrowed to exclude 2⭐s? That is bad!

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Sixsmith wrote: »
    I just paid 4900 dilithium to get 5* Klingon Janeway and was given 2* L'Rell instead. To say I'm enraged is an understatement

    Ouch! That much Dilithium and couldn't get it narrowed to exclude 2⭐s? That is bad!

    I did narrow it, I selected purely Klingon Janeway, entered her by name, chose only her traits
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sixsmith wrote: »
    Sixsmith wrote: »
    I just paid 4900 dilithium to get 5* Klingon Janeway and was given 2* L'Rell instead. To say I'm enraged is an understatement

    Ouch! That much Dilithium and couldn't get it narrowed to exclude 2⭐s? That is bad!

    I did narrow it, I selected purely Klingon Janeway, entered her by name, chose only her traits

    ...did you pay attention to the tutorial?
  • ChaosChildChaosChild ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sixsmith wrote: »
    Sixsmith wrote: »
    I just paid 4900 dilithium to get 5* Klingon Janeway and was given 2* L'Rell instead. To say I'm enraged is an understatement

    Ouch! That much Dilithium and couldn't get it narrowed to exclude 2⭐s? That is bad!

    I did narrow it, I selected purely Klingon Janeway, entered her by name, chose only her traits

    There are a few options that will guarantee Klingon Janeway. Human+Survivalist+Duelist or Veteran+Survivalist+Duelist both work. But you have to narrow the pool down to a single option, and there are plenty of combos based on Janeway's traits that don't do that. Which polestars did you use?
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    ChaosChild wrote: »
    Sixsmith wrote: »
    Sixsmith wrote: »
    I just paid 4900 dilithium to get 5* Klingon Janeway and was given 2* L'Rell instead. To say I'm enraged is an understatement

    Ouch! That much Dilithium and couldn't get it narrowed to exclude 2⭐s? That is bad!

    I did narrow it, I selected purely Klingon Janeway, entered her by name, chose only her traits

    There are a few options that will guarantee Klingon Janeway. Human+Survivalist+Duelist or Veteran+Survivalist+Duelist both work. But you have to narrow the pool down to a single option, and there are plenty of combos based on Janeway's traits that don't do that. Which polestars did you use?

    Good question!!!!!
    Sixsmith wrote: »
    Sixsmith wrote: »
    I just paid 4900 dilithium to get 5* Klingon Janeway and was given 2* L'Rell instead. To say I'm enraged is an understatement

    Ouch! That much Dilithium and couldn't get it narrowed to exclude 2⭐s? That is bad!

    I did narrow it, I selected purely Klingon Janeway, entered her by name, chose only her traits

    Selecting her name in the Cryo list on the left does not affect the pool. That is narrowed down only by the combo of Polestars on the bottom right.....

    Which Polestars did you use?

    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • I, for one, can’t wait to get the Allasomorph polestar.
  • Chuck S DarwinChuck S Darwin ✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    [redundant post deleted]
  • For statistic lovers like me:


    So it is actually not as bad as it sounds...

    I was hoping someone would work this out. Thank you!
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was going to immortalize Keiko, anyway, so I got really lucky with my combinations.

    Great pull. I am trying to finish another campaign legendary, Talas. Gonna see if I can do it without using the legendary polestar though.

    Let’s fly!
  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I got a few possible combinations down to 4 or 5 good possibilities without the 5*, but the guaranteed Keiko before two weeks where she gets bonus was too good to pass up.
  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think a targeted gold crew for 5m credits every two and a half weeks qualifies as a useful benefit. Should they be available every week? Then players wouldn't be able to get to 5m credits and complain about WRG being money grubbing cash grabbers for offering to sell credits.

    Well, the Achievement should not expire before people can get the third one done.

    Many players got it done yesterday. There are other paths to completion than only two legendary retrievals.

    I wish I had done the math, because now I'm going to be stuck waiting around for enough quantum to accumulate to waste on an uncommon polestar. No one's fault but mine, though.

    I actually think I might just let that one go, since the skill constellations seem to be pretty common.
  • Automaton_2000Automaton_2000 ✭✭✭✭✭
    robownage wrote: »
    I think a targeted gold crew for 5m credits every two and a half weeks qualifies as a useful benefit. Should they be available every week? Then players wouldn't be able to get to 5m credits and complain about WRG being money grubbing cash grabbers for offering to sell credits.

    Well, the Achievement should not expire before people can get the third one done.

    Many players got it done yesterday. There are other paths to completion than only two legendary retrievals.

    I wish I had done the math, because now I'm going to be stuck waiting around for enough quantum to accumulate to waste on an uncommon polestar. No one's fault but mine, though.

    I actually think I might just let that one go, since the skill constellations seem to be pretty common.

    I did the 2* craft for 300Q yesterday mostly to give me time to collect a few more polestars and plan my gold pull, but really missing out on one achievement constellation isn't the end of the world.

    Including the average number of scans, we should have 28+ constellations (and enough ISM to open them) by Feb 25th plus whatever's leftover from the tutorial. Skipping that last achievement and just crafting gold after gold right from the start is a distinct possibility.
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2021
    Dragen wrote: »
    Dropping this in here re: scan behavior

    Ad scans are 30 minutes apart from my testing this morning. It's a combination of normal scan behavior (must scan to trigger an ad-scan) and dabo behavior (each ad-scan is free, but escalates the cost of the next scan).

    If you scan 3 times (30+ minutes apart) and ad-warp each one, it will cost 400 ISM and save you 800 ISM daily.

    Below is the cost for consecutive scans (resets daily) and bold would be the ones that you ad-warp


    At first glance, that would mean that it is more economical to add-scan after the even numbered scans, depending on the number of scans you want to do. Since then 5 scans would cost 300 ISM, or 60 ISM per scan. Whereas ad-scanning after the odd numbered scans would cost 400 ISM for 6 scans or 67 ISM per scan.


    So it depends how many scans you want to do that day. If you warp them all, you're looking at either 400 ISM for 6 scans (66.6 ISM/scan) or 1200 ISM for 8 (150 ISM/scan).


    Ad-warping starting on the second scan costs 300 ISM for 5 scans (60 ISM/scan) or 800 ISM for 7 scans (114 ISM/scan).


    So warping starting with the second scan is more ISM efficient, but if you're not opening constellations there comes a point where it's better to get the extra scans in if you have more ISM than you're spending. 1050 ISM daily + more from campaigns (Ben said event rewards too, but not sure)...it will probably be better to go for the [800 ISM for 7 scans (114 ISM/scan)] sweet spot and save the leftover for opening constellations.

    Great catch! Another layer of strategy into how we're going to juggle the currency.

    credit @Henning1105

    Is it just me, but I'm not getting any AD warp possibilities anymore ... I did do 2 yesterday ... was plñanning to do the 6-scan strategy today and from now on.

    I should note that I did get a constellation at 11% possibility this morning, but I don't think that should affect the chance of an ad scan popping up ...

    Also, I don't do ad-anything normally. Once in a blue moon the Dabo if I like the 5*, but nothing else.
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