Key information about the event: Heavy Lies The Crown - 12/07
Event Name: Heavy Lies the Crown
Event Type: Galaxy Event
Event Crew: Mirror Reed 5* (New), Mirror Jadzia Dax 4* (New) and Mirror Empress Sato 4* (Existing)
Event Dates: Thursday 12/07 until Monday 12/11
Event Phase Change: Saturday, 12/09
Mega Event recurrent featured crew: Mirror Jean-Luc Picard 5* (New)
Bonus crew:
• high bonus: event crew
• small bonus: variants of Reed, variants of Dax, variants of Sato, Zhian'tara Odo and all Mirror crew. Picard variants will NOT provide a bonus
Mirror Jean-Luc Picard
FE 1/5 level 100
CMD 652 (243-753)
SEC 534 (198-439)
SCI 315 (21-88)
Mirror Reed
FE 1/5 level 100
CMD 555 (151-362)
SEC 863 (256-560)
Mirror Jadzia Dax
FE 1/4 level 100
ENG 272 (118-269)
SEC 714 (137-274)
SCI 194 (67-167)
Event Type: Galaxy Event
Event Crew: Mirror Reed 5* (New), Mirror Jadzia Dax 4* (New) and Mirror Empress Sato 4* (Existing)
Event Dates: Thursday 12/07 until Monday 12/11
Event Phase Change: Saturday, 12/09
Mega Event recurrent featured crew: Mirror Jean-Luc Picard 5* (New)
Bonus crew:
• high bonus: event crew
• small bonus: variants of Reed, variants of Dax, variants of Sato, Zhian'tara Odo and all Mirror crew. Picard variants will NOT provide a bonus
Mirror Jean-Luc Picard
FE 1/5 level 100
CMD 652 (243-753)
SEC 534 (198-439)
SCI 315 (21-88)
Mirror Reed
FE 1/5 level 100
CMD 555 (151-362)
SEC 863 (256-560)
Mirror Jadzia Dax
FE 1/4 level 100
ENG 272 (118-269)
SEC 714 (137-274)
SCI 194 (67-167)
I would love a little SCI in that Picard but I'll settle for a higher than 1100 base diplomacy at 4/5 please!
I am curious about Mirror Jean-Luc Picard, @Shan; as noted in another thread, he looks a whole lot like the one in the recent IDW comic book. Is this happenstance, or an example of some licensee synergy?
The four mega event characters are such a mixed bag. The Borg Queen was a home run, but T'Kuvma had such a brief run on Discovery and Kortar had almost no screen presence in Trek. Picard in some ways is more famous than any of them, but as a non-canon character won't do much for players like me. Personally, I'm disappointed (though again, I don't want to take anything away from the players who have wanted this for so long).
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This is very good!
Especially a fake Picard is more than disappointing.
They werent Mirror Universe Episodes at TNG .
Btw doing pre TOS ship's (archer's boat and discovery ships) stronger than enterprise D, voyager and defiant is weird too .
Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire
Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
It isn't exactly fake. That Picard is from a currently being published IDW comic called Mirror Broken.
Now non-canon might be more appropriate term, but DB didn't just invent the character.
All things I detest.
This is probably the least interested I've been in anything to do with the game all year.... I don't think I'll be spending my Christmas on this thanks. Very disappointed.
I wonder if, throughout the entire event, all Mirror crew and all Picard variants will be included as event crew.
I know I've been critical of how bad the mega-events have been in the past, but for me, this is a new low.
Fanfic Picard?
At least I won't need to buy any packs this month. Thanks for giving me a reason to save money during the holidays!
WOAH Thank you! Main crew as mega-event legendary!
I like canon most of the time but it's really hard for me not to be stoked about that.
Hoping for 3 skills, DIP primary. Imbalance of CMD/SEC 4/5s
*Edit: No thank you for the decline of artwork. No pack for me; will play for Picard.
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Just Lorca and Ripper