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Key information about the event: Heavy Lies The Crown - 12/07



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    It’s a bit ironic that I changed my user pic before I even knew about this mega-Mirror event. For those of you that may be curious, it’s Mirror Picard from the comics. I believe others have already talked about him and shared pics. I really, REALLY hope that DB’s Picard will be based off of this version, in style, skills, and appearance and not some haphazard version constructed out of whatever passes for imagination at DB. Ok, sorry, they didn’t deserve such a stinging remark but my point still stands; after all, who can forget the abomination Martok. Anyway, I think you can just click on my little pic there to see it in a larger form, so you can do that instead of me taking up loads of space posting it here.
    Weirdly enough, I’m also Vulcan Housewife. Also, RNGesus hates me, like really, REALLY hates me.
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    Pedantry - Arguing about the canonicity of non canonical characters in the Star Trek Canon.

    Pedantry - Being sarcastic about the incorrect usage of the word canon....
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    I am excited for this mega event, not excited however for the massive amount of faction only items that will be required. Getting a Picard for free is a huge Christmas present. I actually like those comics and as someone mentioned since CBS signs off on everything then DB isn't just making stuff up. For all the purists out there complaining about non-canon characters please airlock these crew that way I do better in events. I actually prefer a non-canon version of a main crew from an expanded universe source to a canon crew that appears for 15 min in one episode never to be seen again. Sick of all the one offs that have little to no value in the game.
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    PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Am I the only one who sees it like this:

    Fake - Something DB just made up like Assimilated La Forge or Augment Picard.
    Non Canon - Something that exists in the extended universe and not just made up by DB.

    I define them this way:

    Non Canon - Something that exists in legitimate, licensed form outside onscreen TV episodes or movies. (Canon includes TAS. Deal with it.) Augment Picard invented by Disruptor Beam is just as legitimate as the Klingon Kirk invented by DC Comics [see: Star Trek, Vol. 2 #53-57]; the Captain Calhoun invented by Peter David [see: Star Trek: New Frontier books and comics]; the Cadet Data invented by Playmates Toys; or the Dukat of Borg invented by Decipher.

    Fake - Something that simply does not exist in canon or legitimate non-canon form. See: Mirror Assimilated Augment Riker, made up by some poster in a thread on the old forum as a joke commentary on the beard of Rikers that have been added to the game since launch.

    And seriously, it's been over a year since Aviator Yar and Tuskegee Mayweather debuted. Clearly, new Timelines original personae are going to continue to be made. How hard is it to grasp that licensees have to work with CBS, not some fan committee of self-appointed guardians of Star Trek purity? For that matter, why is it so hard for fans of a franchise built on diversity and trying new things and being tolerant to respect diversity, try new things, and be tolerant?

    Actually what amuses me is the fact that the term 'fanfic' is supposed to be pejorative but is used by 'fans' essentially attacking their fandom and by that matter misses the mark entirely when referring to non-canon characters here. Now don't get me wrong, there's some stuff I pretty much despise in the Trek library and DB has missed the mark on some of their non-canon characters. But I find some of them fun. And I'm trying to be big enough to let some other folks enjoy their wishes being granted as some of mine have as well that I know weren't other peoples favorites.
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    I just want the Mirror Hoshi.
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    ClanofClanof ✭✭✭
    Combs event would be awesome.
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    ClanofClanof ✭✭✭
    For the record though I also think a mirror event is awesome.
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    Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    I can't stand people who bicker and bicker about canon. Do you want to see the same stuff you've already seen over and over, or do you want to spice it up a little bit with new stories?

    To that I add, I don't hate the new Star Trek movies and Discovery because they're rewriting canon. I hate them because they were terrible. There's a DIFFERENCE between launching from what we love and creating new stories based on its Universe, and just plain crapping all over what we loved about the old stuff.

    Yes, I do. I play because I like Star Trek and the characters in it. I'm not interested in other characters and other people's stories.

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    And....Galaxy. What happened to Expedition? Or something new? Do people spend more in Galaxy? Is that it?
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    Can we get Mirror Gronk, too? I think he's handling the TNG Mirror Universe laundry.
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    anyone hear anything about episode 8???
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    PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Can we get Mirror Gronk, too? I think he's handling the TNG Mirror Universe laundry.

    He's hanging out with Mirror Mot
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    DralixDralix ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    Mirror Mot
    He's the best goatee trimmer in the Empire.

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    edited December 2017
    And....Galaxy. What happened to Expedition? Or something new? Do people spend more in Galaxy? Is that it?

    Expedition is very much like programming a new episode and setting up the servers accordingly. DB did fire a bunch of people, so it is quite possible that they don't have the resources to do something like that. I guess we will have to wait and see - not to mention that two of the events will be once again extended by a day, and will most likely be galaxy as well.

    I, myself am not looking forward to 3/4 galaxy events in a mega, but since we are guaranteed a 4/5 legendary along with 3 4/4's even with minimal effort, I am not complaining. Just do your 130k VP and then enjoy the holidays :)
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    I'm not a huge fan of Mirror Geordie but there are some decent character designs in the Mirror Broken series.

    Is that Mirror Troi underneath Picard? My goodness me...
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    AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    And....Galaxy. What happened to Expedition? Or something new? Do people spend more in Galaxy? Is that it?

    Expedition is very much like programming a new episode and setting up the servers accordingly. DB did fire a bunch of people, so it is quite possible that they don't have the resources to do something like that. I guess we will have to wait and see - not to mention that two of the events will be once again extended by a day, and will most likely be galaxy as well.

    I, myself am not looking forward to 3/4 galaxy events in a mega, but since we are guaranteed a 4/5 legendary along with 3 4/4's even with minimal effort, I am not complaining. Just do your 130k VP and then enjoy the holidays :)

    Even before firing their staff, DB basically killed expedition events. It requires more work for them than copy/paste other events and it brings in the least revenue.
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    Just waiting for DB to cross their GOT with STT in some sort of holodeck mega event. 5* Hodor
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    On a more serious note. Shan, would it be possible to get the traits of the event crew earlier? This would be great for Galaxy events.
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    NivenFres wrote: »
    Please stop releasing Fake Crew !

    Especially a fake Picard is more than disappointing.

    They werent Mirror Universe Episodes at TNG .

    Btw doing pre TOS ship's (archer's boat and discovery ships) stronger than enterprise D, voyager and defiant is weird too .

    It isn't exactly fake. That Picard is from a currently being published IDW comic called Mirror Broken.


    Now non-canon might be more appropriate term, but DB didn't just invent the character.

    DB I think I speak for everyone when I ask you not to make a Mirror Wesley in a muscle shirt like in this picture.
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    (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Clanof wrote: »
    Combs event would be awesome.

    Yes we need a Combs event and we need a pet event with Porthos, Spot and any other pet be it Picard's lionfish, The Doctor's holographic fish, a Targ, or Spock's Tehlat, Chaya. vj0pfhg9zwoa.jpg
    Let’s fly!
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    Love that the first event will be a Galaxy Event ... we all get to lvl our new Picard's ... OH NO WAIT WE F CAN'T , EVENT USES UP CRONOS....
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    Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Clanof wrote: »
    Combs event would be awesome.

    Yes we need a Combs event and we need a pet event with Porthos, Spot and any other pet be it Picard's lionfish, The Doctor's holographic fish, a Targ, or Spock's Tehlat, Chaya. vj0pfhg9zwoa.jpg

    I think you mean Sehlat but yeah... more not humanoids... especially a Tholian and a Horta.
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    (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I will be happy as long as Picard and the other crew are not 2 skill crew.
    Let’s fly!
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    Love that the first event will be a Galaxy Event ... we all get to lvl our new Picard's ... OH NO WAIT WE F CAN'T , EVENT USES UP CRONOS....

    At least it's not a faction event where the factions don't include the Terran Empire.
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    Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    Love that the first event will be a Galaxy Event ... we all get to lvl our new Picard's ... OH NO WAIT WE F CAN'T , EVENT USES UP CRONOS....

    At least it's not a faction event where the factions don't include the Terran Empire.

    I'm going to be pounding the Terran missions from the minute this event ends to when the next (presumably) faction even starts in like 11 days. 1* emblems and 0* poisoned drinks will be in high demand.
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    SiblinSiblin ✭✭✭
    I don't see why people hate galaxy events so much, it's the only way to FF The featured character for free AND get a free copy of the other one plus a 10-pull.
    I don't see why people hate galaxy events so much, it's the only way to FF The featured character for free AND get a free copy of the other one plus a 10-pull.

    Precisely - just do your 130k VP and you've gotten yourself a lot of stuff for minimal effort and chroniton expenditure. It nets you loot and you still get to play and immortalize crew as the event progresses - not to mention that you can run your voyages at full potential. On a Faction event, you want your shuttle % as high up as is gets, so you usually field your B team for voyages. The RNG is another matter...

    On the other side, I can understand people who play competitively - I know I am not one of them (albeit I do have certain standards in terms of placement), but I get you.

    Glad to see I am not the only Galaxy fan.


    I'm also in the Galaxy loving club. This last faction event i've busted a gut and ranking currently in the 3000's (in spite of fully leveling up Chapel and having 4 shuttles) because I don't have particularly high powered crew. I'll be lucky to get a couple of premium pulls.

    Galaxy events I usually do pretty well at and usually end up at least with the super-rare.
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    SiblinSiblin ✭✭✭
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Love that the first event will be a Galaxy Event ... we all get to lvl our new Picard's ... OH NO WAIT WE F CAN'T , EVENT USES UP CRONOS....

    At least it's not a faction event where the factions don't include the Terran Empire.

    I'm going to be pounding the Terran missions from the minute this event ends to when the next (presumably) faction even starts in like 11 days. 1* emblems and 0* poisoned drinks will be in high demand.

    Urgh - thats a thought. What happens if they make the recipes require items only available from factions...

    *wakes up from nightmare*

    You'll miss out on the bonus chrons from the Augment missions if you do of course - tricky thing to balance!
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    I would do 2 Terran, 1 Augments, 1 Maquis
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    Why doesn't anyone have sleeves in the mirror universe?
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    edited December 2017
    Why doesn't anyone have sleeves in the mirror universe?

    I suspect the mirror universe didn't bother researching air conditioning because they are too evil. So we got a whole civilization of people trying to stay cool, which just makes them cranky all the time.
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