Do you have Vori Defender Chakotay yet? (10 Weeks)
Mirror Cartman
in The Bridge
It's about 10 weeks since he was released, have you got a copy of him yet?
This is drops from voyages, not adding stars from citations or DYC.
This is drops from voyages, not adding stars from citations or DYC.
Do you have Vori Defender Chakotay yet? (10 Weeks) 193 votes
I got a second copy on my 3rd account 3/7.
My second account got a copy a while ago do not remember when , but I know it was after my 3rd account got it first (at least by a month)
So main 1
2nd account 1
3rd account 2
I usually run 10 hrs. on my main and 2nd account, I also will usually do 3 to 4 dilemmas a day on these accounts.
My 3rd account , I am a little more active in, might explain why it leads for me in getting Chakotay. (So I would say one more dilemma a day. But it , also does not always hit 10 hrs. which means 8 hours. I would say maybe 60% 10 hours. Seems higher percentage recently .
I don’t have an Archer from gauntlet yet either and I do gauntlet pulls on a regular basis. However after a few pulls in my alt account I got one. I don’t play that one as often.
That's what I've been thinking about him. I'm kind of glad I haven't earned a copy yet. He's not worth 4 cites. I'd probably freeze him once he's FF anyway. And he will take forever to earn 5 copies given his drop rate. So he's just dead weight on a slot.
If they're going to release more exclusive crew that are hard to get, I hope they at least make the crew worth the effort.
As of now, 26 copies have dropped from 52 votes.
(31 zero copies main account, 16 one copy, 5 two copies).
I'm guessing most people who come to the forum, run voyages almost continuously.
That means a 50% chance of a drop every 10 weeks.
In a year, an average of 2.5 copies, but a 1 in 32 chance of not getting any, assuming continuous 10+ hour voyages.
I know for a fact that one member of our fleet has received 2 copies of Chakotay, so I was thrilled for them!
High Voyage stats, decent gauntlet stats, double 400% hammer.
I'd take him over almost any Honour Hall crew except for Kahless. At least I won't have to sink 4 cites into him and I'll get him eventually.
Got my first coming back on a voyage today on my main account.
Ya, they reset again, because I got them too. Not sure when they reset, but it would be nice if there was no reset in them
Come to think of it, daily gauntlet play: no new Archer yet.
RNG hates me.
Thanks for doing the math!
Unfortunately, a lot of the people voting in this poll have 2 or 3 accounts, and therefore count for 20 or 30 weeks, not 10.
A three-account player with no Vori Defenders will vote "No", but they've been running three times the voyages of a one-account player with the same. Same with a three-account player who has got a copy on their main account, who will vote "One copy".
I think this means the true rate is a little lower than it appears, but it's hard to say for certain.
All true. Plus the people with a copy are probably more likely to respond. So figure a little lower still.
I only have one account, but wish I had the time to lay multiple ones.
@Shidoni hopefully those with two or more accounts selected the second option, if they had copies on the second/third account, but not on the main account. Hopefully they only counted copies on their main account for options 3/4/5 above.
If that is the case, then the numbers I calculated above should be for a single account, as that is what I was aiming for.
I cannot account for human nature, unfortunately. I think the statistical error is probably higher than the systematic error you have pointed out. The statistical error I believe is about 16% on the current numbers, or about 11 days, that's if I am calculating it correctly, with 50% chance of a drop every 10 weeks.
Absolutely! I was mostly talking about "(Main or only account)" and how that's not the same thing as just "only", and the ambiguity of "No". (Personally, I have only one account.)
The people with multiple accounts are disproportionately likely to be on the forums, but I don't think there are actually a lot of them.
I gave up on the long ones. If I do not get him before I have to recall a natural Voyage, I just recall. Have decided it will happen when it happens.
I did five or six day+ Voyages when he was was first introduced for reference.