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Key information about the event: The Honor Of Andoria + Faction Event Change - Edited



  • Pallidyne wrote: »
    robownage wrote: »
    Or maybe people keep complaining about the server issues, and then complain about the apology, and so they finally said "to heck with it all, here's something that'll fix the problem once and for all."

    Saru was wrong - there is such a thing as a no win scenario.

    I believe Kirk said it more eloquently when he said he didn't believe in the no-win scenario in Wrath of Khan.... not that they didn't exist but he wouldn't acknowledge them.

    (Nice to know Kirk is still wiser than Saru...)

    Isn't that more or less what Saru said as well? I'd have to go back and re-watch the episode, but I thought the quote was "We will not accept a no-win scenario."

    Yes, they literally said that multiple times, because Discovery's writing is trite and painfully unsubtle.
    First Officer - Task Force April
    Squadron Leader - [TFA] Bateson’s Bulldogs
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Guest  wrote: »
    Shan wrote: »
    And the change to the number of unique faction mission is being made as an effort to reduce server lag during events. We will evaluate the effects and make changes as necessary.

    I hate to be the bearer of obvious news, but most companies, when facing a similar predicament, look for ways to scale up server resources rather than implement ways to reduce customer demand.

    I work in this field and you do both.

    We have had queries or processes which are not optimal which we have rewritten to improve performance and then scaled up hardware as customer usage increases.

    The start of these events are lag city with everybody opening dozens of shuttle missions
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Considering that faction events were among the few things in this game people widely considered to be not at all broken and in fact working just fine, I find the reasoning and motives behind the change dubious. I've been perfectly happy with the game's performance since the recent server optimization. By all outward appearances, this move seems at least partially intended to disrupt our ability to get off to a quick start at the beginning of a faction event/phase.

    Come on be serious!

    Faction events are seriously broken. The number of people who complain on every event that they are failing missions which are 95% plus is always high.

    The top 3000 slots are nearly impossible for anyone who doesn't have a fourth shuttle and a deep crew.

    I would say they are far more broken than Galaxy events
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Considering that faction events were among the few things in this game people widely considered to be not at all broken and in fact working just fine, I find the reasoning and motives behind the change dubious. I've been perfectly happy with the game's performance since the recent server optimization. By all outward appearances, this move seems at least partially intended to disrupt our ability to get off to a quick start at the beginning of a faction event/phase.

    I can't see it any other way. As I said up thread, since the upgrade, the game loads super fast and opening 30 transmissions is easy peasy lemon squeezy.

    Lucky you. It is still lag city for me. Put it this way on the last event someone had already hit the top threshold level before I had completed sending out the first shuttle on the kickstart
  • 2qknp9g2roc4.png
    Another edit
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Considering that faction events were among the few things in this game people widely considered to be not at all broken and in fact working just fine, I find the reasoning and motives behind the change dubious. I've been perfectly happy with the game's performance since the recent server optimization. By all outward appearances, this move seems at least partially intended to disrupt our ability to get off to a quick start at the beginning of a faction event/phase.

    Come on be serious!

    Faction events are seriously broken. The number of people who complain on every event that they are failing missions which are 95% plus is always high.

    The top 3000 slots are nearly impossible for anyone who doesn't have a fourth shuttle and a deep crew.

    I would say they are far more broken than Galaxy events

    A deep crew is necessary for success in any aspect of the game. Foolishly throwing away chronitons on galaxy events is the primary reason why some people can't succeed in faction events. Leveling your crew is far too important.
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2018
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Considering that faction events were among the few things in this game people widely considered to be not at all broken and in fact working just fine, I find the reasoning and motives behind the change dubious. I've been perfectly happy with the game's performance since the recent server optimization. By all outward appearances, this move seems at least partially intended to disrupt our ability to get off to a quick start at the beginning of a faction event/phase.

    Come on be serious!

    Faction events are seriously broken. The number of people who complain on every event that they are failing missions which are 95% plus is always high.

    The top 3000 slots are nearly impossible for anyone who doesn't have a fourth shuttle and a deep crew.

    I would say they are far more broken than Galaxy events

    A deep crew is necessary for success in any aspect of the game. Foolishly throwing away chronitons on galaxy events is the primary reason why some people can't succeed in faction events. Leveling your crew is far too important.

    I generally have no issues with Galaxies, I can at least get one crew fully fused. This one I have Katrina at 99 2/5 with one piece of equipment, Ash is only lvl 50 but will be ready for next weekend. Lt Commander Scott will be done when I can be bothered. All for a few thousand chrons I saved up from voyages.

    Last weeks faction I had to spend dil to get Gillian FF and she's at level 80. I ditched the Horta because I don't need another 3/4 cluttering up my crew. I didn't get anywhere near the legendary.

    I'm also leveling up a few easy greys and greens I've been neglecting, and Kurak who just got another star and is a great scientist. Mirror Phlox, and Valeris are getting work too. This is easier because I'm running augment shuttles 24/7 (for 3 of the crew) and I'm dropping supply kits to save chrons as I go.

    So yeah. Galaxies are great if you don't go for gold, factions are really difficult UNLESS you have a great depth of crew - they're useless until you do. They just fill crew slots with 3/4s some of which sit around for a really long time unless you're willing to spend honor to finish them off.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • Oh yeah, and while I can't get near the gold in factions, my first gold was won in a Galaxy - admittedly it wiped my game for a few weeks - but it is possible. I ranked 421 so it IS possible with planning. As a comparison a few weeks later I didn't even rank high enough to get Ruk (threshold) more than 2/4 in a Faction because I simply didn't have the depth of crew.

    Tilly is still my best engineer. So as far as I'm concerned, I love galaxies. Not every weekend. But the vast majority of my top crew were won in galaxy events.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • hng6sfxez6hc.jpg


    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • SiblinSiblin ✭✭✭
    Wow, this is going to go over terribly. This might be the straw that kicks me out of participating in any events and eventually the game. No kick start, no options, super low points from the shuttles in already unbalanced galaxy faction hybrids.
    This is clearly to force purchasing of boosts, and super emphasize galaxies and force purchasing of chrons in galaxies.

    DB had better have another event type ready to come out. I see this impacting a lot of people very negatively and the game as whole.

    Eh? You do realise it’s the same for everyone? People use boosts to get an advantage over others who don’t, that happened before and it will continue to happen.

    Limiting the number of kickstarts just makes it easier!
  • KTzKTz ✭✭✭
    Hope you will take in consideration augment faction please, nice to see an existing character not only new ones, hope to see existing crew as threshold. Thanx!
  • DScottHewittDScottHewitt ✭✭✭✭✭
    I hate to be the weird one in this. And it is weird that I am the weird one for discussing the EVENT ITSELF, but I do not have Shran, so either way, the Threshold is going to be new for me.

    So, that worked out nice in my case, I guess. {Other than not even having the existing Featured Crew for the Bonuses for the Shuttles.}


    "The truth is like a lion; you don't have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself."
  • Two years to come up with "fewer shuttles, in a shuttle event". To deal with lag.. which given the choice, most i believe would rather keep things as is.. and I for one (only speaking for myself) haven't seen lag in the shuttle events in over year, save for when something drastically breaks and shuts the whole thing down.

    So.. I am curious, if this is part of a multi pronged effort to.. improve performance..
    Can you tell us about the other prongs that are being enabled simultaneously to also help Combat this .. issue ?

    What about the expanded 5* rewards that have been discussed ? Is that one of the prongs being enacted ?

    What about RNG that actually correlates with the actual success fail ratio percentages displayed?

    What about eliminating 5 man shuttles, if there are less crew flying around, it's less for the servers to keep track of. 2 & 3 man shuttles only.

    How about instead of a 12 self terminate on open shuttles you reduce it to 8 hours ?
    Shouldn't that reduce server lag ?

    What about "run simulator again?" Button at the conclusion of every shuttle, win or fail and it would literally rerun the exact same shuttle, same crew same boosts applied ?
    This would cut server requirements by at least 80% over the course of an event (in my own estimates)

    This guy ☝️👍🏻
  • CopperCopper ✭✭
    edited February 2018
    R.I.P. Faction Event Kickstart :D

    Hmmm....I only just found out what this whole kickstart/quick start business is all about. Granted that I'm a relatively new player (only lvl51 having started about halfway thru 2/5 Tkuvma megaevent), but all this time people have been getting a head start on faction events?? Wow, I'm sure I'm not the only one who didn't know, and now I'm extra happy in being able to still get top 700rank in that last faction event! Next one should be even easier!
  • MagisseMagisse ✭✭✭✭✭
    Was kind of excited for getting Shran...then looked at his stats. Ugh! Normally I'd try to keep characters that get future bonuses in the later mega event chapters, but with so many Discovery characters from their last mega already giving bonuses, I don't feel overly interested in pushing hard for anyone who isn't worth keeping. Ah well.
  • Pallidyne wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    robownage wrote: »
    Or maybe people keep complaining about the server issues, and then complain about the apology, and so they finally said "to heck with it all, here's something that'll fix the problem once and for all."

    Saru was wrong - there is such a thing as a no win scenario.

    I believe Kirk said it more eloquently when he said he didn't believe in the no-win scenario in Wrath of Khan.... not that they didn't exist but he wouldn't acknowledge them.

    (Nice to know Kirk is still wiser than Saru...)

    Isn't that more or less what Saru said as well? I'd have to go back and re-watch the episode, but I thought the quote was "We will not accept a no-win scenario."

    <Shrug> It's not how it was posted, and I stopped watching several eps ago.

    I held on for a while for Doug Jones sake, but I need something less dark and more uplifting for my entertainment.

    Yeah, I'm teetering on the edge. I really like Saru, and I don't mind a lot of the other characters, but the overall tone of the show just hits me wrong. Star Trek has, for all its goofs and faults and inconsistencies, been idealistic and uplifting at its core - even DS9 and Enterprise never truly lost that. Discovery too often feels like a joyless grind through the Murderverse.
  • Shan wrote: »
    Important We are making a change to Faction Events, starting with this event there will only be 6 unique missions instead of the usual 10. This will also apply to Hybrid Events with a Faction Event. Edit: This change will not apply to Faction Events involving only 1 faction. This change is being made as an effort to reduce server lag during events. We will evaluate the effects and make changes as necessary.
    Shan wrote: »
    From the information I have received, the change will also impact Faction Events with 2 factions.

    This is a first try for this change and we will reassess as needed.

    Thanks for the clarification, though for the future it would be helpful to have clear language when changes are announced. (6 shuttle missions in total in the event? Or per faction? etc)

    So far according to these exchanges, the changes we'll have:
    1-faction events: remaining at 20 shuttle missions in total
    2-faction events: 6 shuttle missions per faction, x2 = 12 shuttle missions in total
    3-faction events: 6 shuttle missions per faction, x3 = 18 shuttle missions in total
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    Important We are making a change to Faction Events, starting with this event there will only be 6 unique missions instead of the usual 10. This will also apply to Hybrid Events with a Faction Event. Edit: This change will not apply to Faction Events involving only 1 faction. This change is being made as an effort to reduce server lag during events. We will evaluate the effects and make changes as necessary.
    Shan wrote: »
    From the information I have received, the change will also impact Faction Events with 2 factions.

    This is a first try for this change and we will reassess as needed.

    Thanks for the clarification, though for the future it would be helpful to have clear language when changes are announced. (6 shuttle missions in total in the event? Or per faction? etc)

    So far according to these exchanges, the changes we'll have:
    1-faction events: remaining at 20 shuttle missions in total
    2-faction events: 6 shuttle missions per faction, x2 = 12 shuttle missions in total
    3-faction events: 6 shuttle missions per faction, x3 = 18 shuttle missions in total

    That would be how I have read the communications and clarifications so far. However, I would bet that Shan’s caveat “from the information I have received” regarding the rare two factions events is likely a wrong guess (ie, the specific question about two faction events was never asked and never answered). In other words, I would bet we go:

    1 x 20 = 20
    2 x 10 = 20
    3 x 6 = 18

  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shan wrote: »
    Important We are making a change to Faction Events, starting with this event there will only be 6 unique missions instead of the usual 10. This will also apply to Hybrid Events with a Faction Event. Edit: This change will not apply to Faction Events involving only 1 faction. This change is being made as an effort to reduce server lag during events. We will evaluate the effects and make changes as necessary.
    Shan wrote: »
    From the information I have received, the change will also impact Faction Events with 2 factions.

    This is a first try for this change and we will reassess as needed.

    Thanks for the clarification, though for the future it would be helpful to have clear language when changes are announced. (6 shuttle missions in total in the event? Or per faction? etc)

    So far according to these exchanges, the changes we'll have:
    1-faction events: remaining at 20 shuttle missions in total
    2-faction events: 6 shuttle missions per faction, x2 = 12 shuttle missions in total
    3-faction events: 6 shuttle missions per faction, x3 = 18 shuttle missions in total

    That would be how I have read the communications and clarifications so far. However, I would bet that Shan’s caveat “from the information I have received” regarding the rare two factions events is likely a wrong guess (ie, the specific question about two faction events was never asked and never answered). In other words, I would bet we go:

    1 x 20 = 20
    2 x 10 = 20
    3 x 6 = 18

    This would make more sense

  • Shan wrote: »
    Important We are making a change to Faction Events, starting with this event there will only be 6 unique missions instead of the usual 10. This will also apply to Hybrid Events with a Faction Event. Edit: This change will not apply to Faction Events involving only 1 faction. This change is being made as an effort to reduce server lag during events. We will evaluate the effects and make changes as necessary.
    Shan wrote: »
    From the information I have received, the change will also impact Faction Events with 2 factions.

    This is a first try for this change and we will reassess as needed.

    Thanks for the clarification, though for the future it would be helpful to have clear language when changes are announced. (6 shuttle missions in total in the event? Or per faction? etc)

    So far according to these exchanges, the changes we'll have:
    1-faction events: remaining at 20 shuttle missions in total
    2-faction events: 6 shuttle missions per faction, x2 = 12 shuttle missions in total
    3-faction events: 6 shuttle missions per faction, x3 = 18 shuttle missions in total

    That would be how I have read the communications and clarifications so far. However, I would bet that Shan’s caveat “from the information I have received” regarding the rare two factions events is likely a wrong guess (ie, the specific question about two faction events was never asked and never answered). In other words, I would bet we go:

    1 x 20 = 20
    2 x 10 = 20
    3 x 6 = 18

    This would make more sense

    This would, wouldn't it, nice n simple. However... *mutters something about DB logic*
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    There is a ton of lag in the beginning of faction events. Let's see if this change helps fix the lag problem and how we do in the event before ripping on the change too much.
    Let’s fly!
  • This Sisko1This Sisko1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've been wondering if this lag they are trying to fix will help with the false fails. Atleast in relation to shown shuttle percentages.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Grant77 wrote: »
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Considering that faction events were among the few things in this game people widely considered to be not at all broken and in fact working just fine, I find the reasoning and motives behind the change dubious. I've been perfectly happy with the game's performance since the recent server optimization. By all outward appearances, this move seems at least partially intended to disrupt our ability to get off to a quick start at the beginning of a faction event/phase.

    Come on be serious!

    Faction events are seriously broken. The number of people who complain on every event that they are failing missions which are 95% plus is always high.

    The top 3000 slots are nearly impossible for anyone who doesn't have a fourth shuttle and a deep crew.

    I would say they are far more broken than Galaxy events

    A deep crew is necessary for success in any aspect of the game. Foolishly throwing away chronitons on galaxy events is the primary reason why some people can't succeed in faction events. Leveling your crew is far too important.

    A deep crew includes having 5* crew. Without a deep crew, it's much easier to rank under 1k in a galaxy event. Unless you're buying a ton of packs to gain crew, playing galaxy events is necessary to build your crew.

    Also, at this point thanks to Voyages I can play a galaxy event and then still power level my crew the rest of the time.
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭

    What are the factions in this event? If you can't share that information yet, how many factions are there? Thank you!
  • It occurs to me that the obvious threshold 2* would be Lieutenant Commander Saru, but who for the rank reward 3*? If not for being this month's Daily Reward threebie, Talos IV Spock would have been a clever choice, since this event will feature Commander Thelin. Might we get a new 3* crew member? Possibly someone from Disco?
  • Grant77Grant77 ✭✭✭✭
    It occurs to me that the obvious threshold 2* would be Lieutenant Commander Saru, but who for the rank reward 3*? If not for being this month's Daily Reward threebie, Talos IV Spock would have been a clever choice, since this event will feature Commander Thelin. Might we get a new 3* crew member? Possibly someone from Disco?

    3* Jhamel or Talas would be great.
  • Tip:

    When the fun stops, Stop!

  • Most likely 3* T'Pol
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