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Key information about the event: The Butchers of Beta Penthe - 05/17



  • Knight RangerKnight Ranger ✭✭✭✭
    That's awesome. I'm using "scuppered" at the next opportunity.

    I think it was originally an old naval term to do with sinking ships. As with a lot of words it morphed and moved into the general vernacular. Tis a good word :)
    Level 99. Latest Immortal (957): Chancellor Gowron - October 2023.
  • Just a shout out to one of our fleetmates! z44t4teh0xni.jpg
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    V. wrote: »
    I used 20 of the 3* time boosters with immortal bonus crew in every slot & finished at 242.

    Yes i understand about the 5/5 crowd with 97% success for all shuttles. I'm talking about the average joe dedicated. The monthly card heroes out there.

    Let me clarify further:

    I had Ardra at 4/4, thanks to Voyage drops and one event pack. I earned & leveled the 3/4 Kes during the event itself. I had no Killy.

    My immortal bonus crew referred to 4* Klingons and Terrans, plus Mirror Picard.

    I had a similar experience. I’m a monthly card player VIP 8. Ran 20 time boosts at the beginning then none after. I don’t wake up at night and only use the overnight double boost so I “miss out” on four sets of shuttles as I refuse to loose sleep over this game.

    Ardra FF going in. Didn’t get Kes until the threshold rewards and Killy after the event. 5/5 T’Kumva, Kortar and Picard from Mega events and the rest Terran and Klingon 4/4. Success rates were 89/89/91/94 unboosted. Ended up 589 so it was pretty competitive.
  • Used 12 time boosts this morning since my 4 90%+ 9h shuttles came back 1 for 4 and I had to climb back into the top 1000. Only had 4 other fails the entire 4 days otherwise. Only other time boosts used were used for quickish start, only did 4 3* during that time. Worked my way slowly from 2500 to a 920 finish over 4 days.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I only wanted top 1000, since I had 4 Killlys already. I think I dumped at least 60 of the 3* time boosts, as I fell super fast the first day when I missed a couple of hours in the afternoon (from top 50 to like 600th or something). So I thought it was going to be brutal all the way through, and at that point, didn't want to miss out on getting Sylvia FF. Ran out of boosts on Sunday, but still ended up in the top 400. So I spent a fair bit more than I needed to, but better safe than sorry.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    I only spent around 20 3* time boosts.

    I used them until I reached the 4k shuttles then switched to 3* stat boosts. I finished 569th.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Banjo1012 wrote: »

    Spoiled/ruined my chances. If you don't know the word, I've probably used a local colloquialism, lol. I'm a Brit.

    Gotcha. I’m usually up on lingo, even across the pond, but never heard that one

  • Banjo1012 wrote: »
    Banjo1012 wrote: »

    Spoiled/ruined my chances. If you don't know the word, I've probably used a local colloquialism, lol. I'm a Brit.

    Gotcha. I’m usually up on lingo, even across the pond, but never heard that one

    It's not only British English. It means to take what you need from an old ship and then give it up to the sea , but, yeah, colloquially it means to intentionally sabotage our give up anything (usually because it's hopeless or worthless).
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    V. wrote: »
    Just wanted to share my experiences with this event. I haven't tried in a faction event in at least 6 months to maybe a year. Time is limited and it's also just too competitive.

    I tried this time however. I was looking down at 200+ blue time boosts and wanted Killy.

    I spent most of the event ranked around 200. And was able to stop boosting Sunday afternoon. Overnight I'd fall 200-300 places but I could get it back the next day.

    It cost about 120 boosts and I'll finish top 600. I would say my average success rate was 3/4 at 4000 for the whole event. I have a good crew. Not all 5/5 but very solid.

    My question is - is this the standard for the reasonable player? Without commanding a top squad are we saying one must use 100+ time boosts for top 1000? Is this desirable?

    This is absurd. As someone who needs to sleep, I find the whole idea of staying up overnight for three nights running incomprehensible.

    However, it appears to be essential. Once again, while time boosting one of my shuttles during the day, and having every slot filled with immortalized bonus crew, having my overnighters at 88/92/93/94% and watching them fail miserably, I've about had enough.

    It's absurd. I log in at least once every three hours and work at getting the event crew up to speed immediately only to find they are just marginally useful instead of smashing it.

    They need to change that rewards table. I really don't get enough for the amount of effort I put in. I just don't. It's a fun little game but really. I honestly can't come up with a better word than absurd right now.

    I just barely missed the top 1000 (having whiffed on collecting one round of shuttles early Friday night) and did not need to stay up all three nights. I happened to wake up in the middle of the night last night because I was sleeeping funny on my arm but I slept normally on both Friday and Saturday while remaining highly competitive. A few more 4* time boosts or not missing a round on Friday before bed and I probably would have snuck into the top 1000 easily.

    That being said, I 1000% support swtiching from a basic ranking system to the percentage-based idea floated a while back. More differentiation between reward levels would be nice as well.
  • [S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
    @[10F] Belle'Anna - I share your sentiments about the absurdity of it all. I think the vastly different perceptions of this event among the players is due to the fact that the availability of x2 bonus crew with one specific base stat was basically essential to success. The actual event crew, it seems... not so much. You could also have a whole lot of Klingons and Terrans without actually having the ones with SEC, it seems.

    Add to that the fact that, for events in general, unless you have a really deep crew roster, you need to prep for an event by getting/improving (perhaps purchasing?) the event bonus crew. Which, incidentally, is also the reward for the event. I'm a newer player, but I also want to be competitive, and honestly... sometimes by the time I have what I need to do reasonably well in an event, I've completely lost the desire for the event reward, because it seems so small compared to what I've already accumulated in my prep.

    For Captain Nog's recent event, I got lucky and got four copies of him from event packs. And while it was marginally satisfying to finish him off, starting an event with four stars on him and then spending four whole days fully committed just for that last star... It really is an absurd structure.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    V. wrote: »
    Just wanted to share my experiences with this event. I haven't tried in a faction event in at least 6 months to maybe a year. Time is limited and it's also just too competitive.

    I tried this time however. I was looking down at 200+ blue time boosts and wanted Killy.

    I spent most of the event ranked around 200. And was able to stop boosting Sunday afternoon. Overnight I'd fall 200-300 places but I could get it back the next day.

    It cost about 120 boosts and I'll finish top 600. I would say my average success rate was 3/4 at 4000 for the whole event. I have a good crew. Not all 5/5 but very solid.

    My question is - is this the standard for the reasonable player? Without commanding a top squad are we saying one must use 100+ time boosts for top 1000? Is this desirable?

    This is absurd. As someone who needs to sleep, I find the whole idea of staying up overnight for three nights running incomprehensible.

    However, it appears to be essential. Once again, while time boosting one of my shuttles during the day, and having every slot filled with immortalized bonus crew, having my overnighters at 88/92/93/94% and watching them fail miserably, I've about had enough.

    It's absurd. I log in at least once every three hours and work at getting the event crew up to speed immediately only to find they are just marginally useful instead of smashing it.

    They need to change that rewards table. I really don't get enough for the amount of effort I put in. I just don't. It's a fun little game but really. I honestly can't come up with a better word than absurd right now.

    With the failures you describe on those percentage shuttles, I wonder if you were bit by the AND bug. Were you matching both skills or at least the one first displayed or just going with what the game suggested for best fit?
  • Hardly I considered it a Kes event with the opportunity to ff Ardra which was accomplished. Not on board with Discovery, too much they need to retcon before considering it Trek.
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Not on board with Discovery, too much they need to retcon before considering it Trek.

    You could argue the same with Enterprise - it was always going to be problem with any prequel series to a Science Fiction show that was made over 50 years previously.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hunter247 wrote: »
    Not on board with Discovery, too much they need to retcon before considering it Trek.

    You could argue the same with Enterprise - it was always going to be problem with any prequel series to a Science Fiction show that was made over 50 years previously.

    Lol, which is why I disliked a lot of Enterprise as well... it'd be nice if they dropped the whole prequel and reboot concepts and just moved forward.
  • [10F] Belle'Anna [10F] Belle'Anna ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    V. wrote: »
    Just wanted to share my experiences with this event. I haven't tried in a faction event in at least 6 months to maybe a year. Time is limited and it's also just too competitive.

    I tried this time however. I was looking down at 200+ blue time boosts and wanted Killy.

    I spent most of the event ranked around 200. And was able to stop boosting Sunday afternoon. Overnight I'd fall 200-300 places but I could get it back the next day.

    It cost about 120 boosts and I'll finish top 600. I would say my average success rate was 3/4 at 4000 for the whole event. I have a good crew. Not all 5/5 but very solid.

    My question is - is this the standard for the reasonable player? Without commanding a top squad are we saying one must use 100+ time boosts for top 1000? Is this desirable?

    This is absurd. As someone who needs to sleep, I find the whole idea of staying up overnight for three nights running incomprehensible.

    However, it appears to be essential. Once again, while time boosting one of my shuttles during the day, and having every slot filled with immortalized bonus crew, having my overnighters at 88/92/93/94% and watching them fail miserably, I've about had enough.

    It's absurd. I log in at least once every three hours and work at getting the event crew up to speed immediately only to find they are just marginally useful instead of smashing it.

    They need to change that rewards table. I really don't get enough for the amount of effort I put in. I just don't. It's a fun little game but really. I honestly can't come up with a better word than absurd right now.

    With the failures you describe on those percentage shuttles, I wonder if you were bit by the AND bug. Were you matching both skills or at least the one first displayed or just going with what the game suggested for best fit?

    Nope. I haven't been hit by the AND bug since whenever because I just assumed the first slot was more important and went with that. I had every slot filled with bonus crew and was getting much higher percentages than normal, but some ridiculous failures to go with it. I also scored my highest ever in a Faction, by quite a lot, so the rate of participation and competition very fierce.

    I'm still cranky about it to be honest. I do not seem to get much better rewards for putting double the effort in, which isn't making me feel like improving my game much. Challenge is good, but stagnation annoys the hell out of me. And I learned a long time ago putting extra hours in for just a few extra dollars isn't worth it in the end.
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